"Children, don't talk about killing all day long!" Tony educated him with a serious expression.

This was something that worried him more and more. Since the first time the brother and sister met, they seemed to become more... unscrupulous every time they met.

Tony didn't know why, just like he didn't know where the siblings' abilities came from.

"It is a good thing to be full of murderous intent, but you must first find out who your enemy is."

Steve looked at Wanda and said slowly

"Your brother has already demonstrated his abilities, so little girl...it's your turn."

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Wanda took out the "Book of Fear" and showed a smile as if she was eager to try.

Steve made a gesture of invitation, and Wanda was naturally not polite.

She instantly opened the book of fear in her hand, and obscure and profound words flowed in her mouth!

Her essential and powerful chaotic magic that can distort the world was inspired, and with the assistance of ancient dimensional magic, it instantly turned into a great magic densely covering the entire space!

The next moment, this stable main material plane collapsed.

This space was displaced to another plane, just like the mirror plane of the mystics, but more terrifying and rougher.

The spells in the mirror space are at most just displaced to another mezzanine space, but the magic Wanda used temporarily displaced this space to another dimension!

In an instant, the entire space was distorted and burned. The silver-white tables, chairs and floors were instantly covered with blackened burn marks and old rust. The glass windows were blown to pieces by the strong wind, and all the scenery outside the window was wrapped in an eternal world. In the endless fire wind!

There was an extremely pungent and clear smell of sulfur flowing in the air, and the sky of the entire world seemed to be shrouded in an endless haze.

"I cannot ensure your safety in this space." Wanda closed the book of fear and said calmly

"Except for me and my brother, you who come to this 'hell' will probably have to survive on your own..."

From the dusky earth with the sulfurous wind blowing, countless eyes seemed to be spying on the breath of life and cast greedy glances.

Those are countless creatures from the lower planes. They have a more straightforward name in the mortal world - demons.

They are not just a group of monsters with horns or goats, they are all kinds of strange and twisted postures, and many of them are completely beyond human understanding.

They were in every corner, suddenly gathering like cockroaches in the shadows, casting greedy and coveted eyes here.

"I'm very satisfied." Steve smiled appreciatively, but he also knew that this was a test for him by Wanda.

Not only is he selecting suitable team members, Wanda is also selecting candidates who are qualified to embark on the battlefield of revenge with her.

Even if there is no sun in this hell, the people of the motherland... will never fail!

Soaring into the air, Steve fell into those demons like a missile.

Kneel down before me, devil!

"Welcome home, Quill."

When the man who made Star-Lord feel indescribably familiar smiled at him and opened his arms, he almost cried like a child.

How many people can have such a terrible childhood experience like him, without a father, his mother was seriously ill on the hospital bed, and then he was abducted by a group of aliens on the night his mother died. He grew up living in a group of people who could treat him as a dinner party at any time. Among the monsters that ate it.

Star-Lord can live to be so old and cheerful because of his cleverness and nerve!

He is always able to maintain a stable mentality before facing problems that can easily scare ordinary people to death. This may be his greatest talent, a mentality that is too good to be bad.

Therefore, facing his father who opened his arms to him after not seeing him for a long time, Star-Lord’s first reaction was——

"You bastard!!!"

Star-Lord rushed forward without hesitation and punched Ego in the face.

"Where were you while my mother and I were suffering from the judgment of others?!"

The roaring Star-Lord directly rode Ego under him and punched him in the face crazily.

"Where the hell were you when my mother was writhing in pain in the hospital bed?!"

"Where the hell were you when I was captured by aliens?!"

"Pretending to be a father at this time? You bastard!!!!"

"You don't deserve to look like this, you damn son of a bitch!"

Rocket wanted to step forward to persuade Star-Lord not to be so irritable, but was stopped by Gamora - she knew very well what it was like to have a bastard father?

Thanos may be better than Ego in this regard. At least Thanos will still care about Gamora - on the premise that she completes the tasks assigned by Thanos.

Star-Lord punched Ego for more than thirty times in a row. When he stopped panting, Ego, who was almost beaten into a pig's head, looked at him calmly and said lightly.

"Can you calm down now? Quill."

His injuries healed almost instantly, as if nothing had happened. After all, it was just an illusion, and any attack was meaningless.

"You traveled thousands of miles to come here, didn't you just come to quarrel with me?"

"Yes! I'm just here to do business with you!"

Star-Lord fiercely smashed the cosmic spirit ball into Ego's face and said in an evil voice

"The collector offered 4.5 billion to buy this thing, you can get more!!!"

"Give me and my friends the money and we'll never see each other again, old bastard!"

"Is this a son asking for pocket money from his father?" Yi Ge smiled and blinked.

"Shut the hell up! I'm just asking for my fair share of compensation!"

"Then, as you wish."

Yi Ge stood up and patted his clothes gently, and then Rocket and their personal terminals started to ring. As soon as they took it out, each of their eyes widened.

4.5 billion has arrived, and it’s...everyone!

This amount of money is enough to buy a large colonial planet and become the emperor on it. However, Egg can change it at will, and everyone is still given an excess.

How rich is this old man? ! Even the heads of several empires cannot be so generous!

"Money is just a symbol to me." Egg met their eyes and smiled.

"I have quite a friendship with The Collector. Although he is a little older than me, we still have a friendship for a long time. There are not so many people who live long in this universe, so everyone will always have some friendship. .”

"So your family prints money?" Rocket complained

"MD, what kind of alien prince is Peter! How can ordinary colonial empires have such capabilities?"

"Then, everyone can leave my planet." Egg said calmly with his fingers crossed.

"If Quill wants to stay, tell me something, and you can leave my planet after you get paid. If you are still not satisfied, I can give you a battleship as a transportation."

"What do you mean?" Gamora frowned. This Egoda gave her a very bad feeling from the beginning.

What should I say? That indifferent look, especially when looking at Quill, immediately reminded her of Thanos.

It's the kind of look that says, although I love you, you are still an insignificant ant.

I can cry and care about you while locking you up with the tiger without hesitation.

"This is for your own good." Egg sighed.

"Son of the Titans, you traveled thousands of miles to deliver the Power Stone to me, but what's the point of asking for it? Soon your father will come here to ask for this stone, and I will also hand it over. give him."

"You must never give the gems to Thanos, you have no idea what he is going to do with them!!!"

Gamora immediately roared excitedly, going up to snatch the cosmic spirit ball!

But with just a look from Egg, Gamora froze in place, unable to move.

"I know, I know everything." Egg said calmly

"Thanos needs to gather the six gems to complete his plan and wipe out half of all life in the universe. Girl, this is no secret to us."

Thanos is not a living being with a long history. Even though he is old enough as a Titan compared to humans, he is still too young for the Celestials, or even for a new born Celestial like Ego.

For those of them who know the gems and are not interested in them, Thanos's plan is really nothing.

Because it is impossible for the infinite stones to erase their existence.

The gathering of six infinity stones can indeed give the holder the highest authority in the universe, but the Celestials are born to exist half a dimension higher than the universe. They are very close to the observer, and their death is also dynamic.

The erasure of infinite gems has no effect on them. Even if the Celestials are not absolutely unique in diversity, they are not cheap enough to be compared with ordinary life.

This erasure of the concept of this dimension means nothing to them, because they cannot be the chosen half anyway.

"Since you don't want to leave, just stay and have a good chat."

Egg snapped his fingers, and the gathered vines formed a chair behind everyone. The armrests of the chair wrapped around everyone and sat down. Egg sat down first and looked at the angry Quill and said softly.

"Anger won't do anything, Quill, you have to think calmly and with your brain."

"You're still young Quill, but that doesn't mean you have more opportunities to make mistakes than others."

Egg's tone was always so gentle, just like an adult facing a naughty child.

"Sometimes one wrong choice is enough to make you regret it for the rest of your life. Impulse is the devil, Quill, you have to learn to overcome him."

He looked at Gamora and his party and said calmly

"Look, the fact is that you sold the power gem to me, and I paid you. The moment we received the money, everything was settled between us. As for the ownership of this power gem, it is not your problem. ”

"If I knew you were going to hand this thing over to a lunatic who was going to let us all play a coin-guessing game of life and death, I would never sell it to you even if I stuffed it into someone else's PY!"

Rocket's eyes widened and he roared like a barrage of cannons.

It’s true that he loves money as much as his life, but that doesn’t mean he really values ​​money above everything else. Not to mention whether he would be involved in this one-half coin guessing game, even if he was the only one, he couldn't do it!

"You were driven by greed, but in the end you awakened your so-called conscience?" Egg crossed his fingers and looked down at them like a god from above.

"Sure enough, short-lived species like you are really ridiculously small..."

"What qualifications do you think you have to negotiate terms with me? I don't even need to use a little thought to turn you into the most basic particles in the universe. The gods talk to ants, but the ants put forward terms with the gods?"

Having said this, he looked at Star-Lord, his eyes softening slightly.

"Quil, the conditions are still the same. I will let them go, and you will stay here to inherit my position. You don't have to worry about Thanos. The blood connection between us is enough to make all these problems no longer a problem."

"Get out!!!" Star-Lord roared angrily.

Looking at Star-Lord like this, Igo sighed quietly and said softly

"You have been too deeply influenced by your mother. Maybe I should bring you back earlier..."

"You don't love my mother at all!!!" Star-Lord roared with red eyes.

"No, I deeply love my water lily." Egg's expression softened a bit, and he even hummed softly.

"She can sing every song that is played on the radio. The universe is so huge that I have returned to Earth three times in a row to see her. I know that when I go back for the fourth time, I will not leave again. And the meaning of my existence is It no longer exists, so..."

"I did what I should do." Egg said softly.

"But it still breaks my heart that she got brain cancer."

103. Void God

Star-Lord's existence is a miracle in the universe, and Ego's love is an impossible miracle.

Measuring the emotions of a cosmic god like Ego using the illusions produced by mortal senses and hormone secretions in the brain is in itself an act like a peasant discussing an emperor plowing the land with a golden hoe.

Egg himself, who has a higher level of life, will not have such simple emotions. Although he will not lack such simple emotions, he will certainly not be controlled by them.

Be it anger, hatred, love, or hatred, these emotions can only be controlled by creatures like humans who cannot perfectly control the secretion of brain hormones.

And Egg...he doesn't even have those things.

He should not and could not be fettered by these emotions at all, but he still became a slave to these emotions.

Because he was unwilling to leave the woman he loved on Earth because of love, he killed him ruthlessly because of his duty, and he spared Star-Lord time and time again because of his anger and pity.

Compared with the cosmic god, Igo is more like an ordinary mortal with special abilities.

The gods of the universe will not have any emotional fluctuations at all when they judge tens of millions of worlds. Life is just a moment of fireworks to the universe. It takes tens of millions of years for the light of destruction of stars with trillions of lives to reach the eyes of humans. And this kind of destruction is happening all the time in the universe.

Human beings are insignificant compared to their country, even more insignificant compared to their planet, and even more insignificant compared to their solar system, galaxy, and galaxy cluster.

In this universe, hundreds of billions of stars are extinguished or rekindled every second, and black holes that swallow everything are produced all the time. Even with the most crazy conjectures of mankind, the end of the universe cannot be seen at all.

The Celestial God Group can see that the Celestial God Group even knows where the end of the universe is, and some have even reached the end of the universe.

All of this is too small.

Therefore, Egg is also such a miracle, an outrageous and shameful miracle.

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