Thinking like this, he suddenly got punched in the face!

"What are you doing?" Thor, the fat man, looked at Loki with wide eyes. Of course, he had nothing wrong with him.

"It's nothing, I just think I should punch you." Loki said expressionlessly.

"Because you're becoming more and more like him."

Of course Loki was talking about Odin, and of course the Thor in front of him looked more and more like his father. Whether it's that appearance or...this personality.

Thor, the fat man, said nothing.

Even after learning that his mother would die in that palace in the original history, he still chose to leave there and just let Rocket protect her.

But doesn’t he know that staying here is the best way to ensure Frigga’s safety?

But he still left, because... because he wanted to ensure that the plan was foolproof, and what he wanted to ensure was the absolute safety of his people in the world.

In this comparison and contest that put family affection and responsibility on Mount Tianping, he chose the heavy side without hesitation.

In the past few years, he seemed to have been living a decadent life, but in fact he was becoming 'qualified', becoming more and more like Odin, and more and more like the calm father of the gods.

He is evading his responsibilities and his past, but without his parents, his home, and everything he can rely on, the growth of a man will be inevitable.

Odin was right...

Thor, who has left all the shackles of warmth and grown up in the cold reality and cruel flesh and blood, is the one who grows the fastest.

129. Rebellion in Asgard

"Asgard is not what it used to be."

Riding on a small moon blade-shaped flying boat, Malekith quickly flew towards the Rainbow Bridge under the protection of his stealth position. Along the way, he said contemptuously

He is certainly qualified to say this, because strictly speaking, Malekith's opponent is Odin's father Baur, not him.

Malekith has seen Asgard's experience over the years, from the era of Baul to Kull, and finally to Hela and Odin - Asgard's most prosperous moment, and then it has been on a downward spiral.

Until now, the entire Asgard is like a patient suffering from obesity, most of its weapons have been wasted in Wen Tian's martial arts.

Malekith couldn't imagine that in his time, he could sneak into Asgard without anyone noticing with just two battleships. In his time, let alone sneaking into Asgard, he would have been beaten before he even got close. No ashes left.

But he has done it now. Asgard's peace over the years has led them to ban many weapons and equipment.

So, this is really what Malekith said.

It’s really getting worse day by day.

The small moon blade flying boat quickly arrived near Odin's Golden Palace. Malekith gave the cursed warrior next to him a look, and the latter immediately jumped off the flying boat with understanding.

At the same time, the two large battleships also canceled their stealth stance and began to fire at the Asgard spacecraft guarding ahead!

The sudden attack destroyed an entire Asgardian spaceship almost in an instant, but after a successful attack, the two last warships of the dark elves faced a severe artillery fire attack.

It can be said that they will be destroyed sooner or later, but Malekith just regards them as bets on the card table.

Just send the most powerful curse warrior around you to the Golden Palace. If necessary, use the big shots there to delay yourself for longer!

Malekith quickly arrived at his destination - the Rainbow Bridge. He almost couldn't wait to jump off and half-knelt on the colorful Rainbow Bridge!

Malekith is extremely familiar with the Bifrost, and in a sense, he is even more familiar with it than the Asgardians.

Because part of the construction of the Rainbow Bridge was his contribution.

When it comes to playing with dark energy, the dark elves are the ancestors.

A large part of the theory of the establishment of the Rainbow Bridge came from the Dark Elves. The Asgardians only knew that their history books recorded that the great Asgardians prevented the Dark Elves' conspiracy to destroy the universe, but they did not know that in Before that Asgard and the Dark Elves were allies.

They only knew that the Rainbow Bridge was built by the Asgardian ancestors, but they did not know that without the technical support of the dark elves for dark energy, the Rainbow Bridge would not have been built at all.

Asgard has always been like this, winning victory, turning against others, tampering with history, and finally becoming great and upright.


Malekith sneered and put his hand on the Rainbow Bridge. In an instant, a surge of dark energy began to spread in all directions under his guidance!

The Asgardian also needs a specific 'key' to activate the Bifrost, but all he has to do is use his hands.

Although there is no way to remotely summon it, as long as he touches the Rainbow Bridge, he can mobilize this part of dark energy to a certain extent!

It can't destroy the planet, but it's enough to find your target!

Malekith closed his eyes, and under his control, the surging dark energy continued to send out retrieval messages to the world that the Rainbow Bridge had transmitted.

Even though it had been more than ten thousand years since Bauer's time, it was nothing to Malekith.

Whether it is the dark elves of Wartelheim or the light elves of Alfheim, they are not as strong as the Asgardians or giants, but they have the most active brains in the nine worlds.

Not every civilization can make containers or even weapons that perfectly utilize the infinite gems. The existence of ether particles is a symbol of the wisdom and transcendence of their dark elves!

"……found it!"

Malekith opened his eyes suddenly, his dark eyes filled with suppressed ecstasy.

He found traces of ether particles in a small world, and now that he is about to reach the Nine Stars, the ether particles will try to break free again!

What are you waiting for? Set off!

Malekith activated the Rainbow Bridge without hesitation, and the dark energy swept him up and flew directly to that small world, taking him to the place where the ether particles were sealed!

Just as Malekith left, Thor and Loki, disguised as two dark elf soldiers, followed in a sneaky manner.

"Want to give chase?"

Thor, the fat man, is eager to turn his storm axe. He can now connect to the Rainbow Bridge for forced teleportation at any time.

"Are you a fool?" Loki rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"The noise transmitted by the Rainbow Bridge is so loud. If I were the one with long ears and found someone following me, I would definitely not take back the ether particles! Moreover, how confident do you have to dare to be older than your father...Odin?" Playing with dark energy in front of the dark elves?"

"What should we do?"

"Ambush here and wait for him." Loki threw an illusion magic to Thor and said calmly.

"Wait until he is most relaxed and take away the ether particles."

On the other side, in the empty Golden Palace, the cursed warrior Algram fought his way into the Golden Palace.

The defense here is indeed empty enough, but the bigger reason is because of the powerful power of the cursed warriors.

The power obtained by burying the cursed stone to squeeze his soul and body is enough to match even the gods of Asgard. The power of Algram is difficult for even the current young Thor to match.

Soon, he arrived in front of Frigga's palace.

The Queen of Heaven was still sitting on her throne, calm and indifferent. Algram walked in front of Frigga. The warrior who was almost robbed of his mind by the cursed stone even bowed slightly towards the Queen of Heaven.

"Dear...Your Majesty Frigga."

"Am I going to meet my end?" Frigga looked at the cursed warrior very indifferently and said softly.

The king's wife must be a woman worthy of the king. As the queen of heaven, Frigga's noble halo is actually a god of Vanaheim who has more language talent than Odin.

Although she did not hang herself upside down and sacrifice an eyeball to the Fountain of Wisdom, Frigga, who had the karmic bloodline of the three sisters of destiny, could see the future very clearly.

Especially...her death.

She saw it all, saw her destined death, and she calmly chose to accept it - just like Odin also calmly accepted the destruction and restoration of Asgard.

But now, what does the future hold?

Frigga...can't see clearly.

The future glimpsed by her eyes has become blurry at this moment. Under the guidance of the 'intruder', the future of the world is like a calm lake where stones are thrown, changing the established destiny in the rising waves. everything.

But there is still a great possibility that she will be buried here.

Frigga didn't know, but she chose to wait and face it. Unlike her unwilling and ambitious husband, Frigga does not throw a spear at fate, but rather plays the role of waiting for her fate.

The cursed warrior did not answer, but straightened up and walked forward, preparing to send the Queen off for the last time.

Malekith's order is to disrupt the entire Asgard as much as possible, so nothing can cause more chaos in the Golden Palace than the death of the Queen of Heaven.

"Get out of here you son of a bitch!!!!"

At this moment, Rocket hiding behind Frigga suddenly jumped out. The raccoon roared at the Cursed Warrior with two enchanted M16s and pulled the trigger.

Those enchanted bullets hit the dark stone armor of the cursed warrior, causing bursts of sparks, but that was all.

The cursed warrior walked in with firm and steady steps, and with a wave of his hand, he knocked away the rockets that rushed towards him. He walked up to Frigga and grabbed her by the throat.

Frigga closed her eyes and waited for fate's divine judgment.

Whether life or death, it is her and Odin's choice.

130. The day is dark and the night is bright

"I am your fear..."

The whispers of the fearful Hulk reverberate in the hearts of everyone in New York like a reverberating bell.

The terrifying past that is evoked by it is like a cockroach emerging from the shadow of a corner of furniture, wandering in everyone's heart.

They blame Hulk for everything that was destroyed in New York.

Just like what I said on the plane on Wednesday, most people in the world don't understand the world through themselves - they always understand the world through other people and books.

Everyone knows that the earth is round, but how many of them have seen a real planet? They all knew about gravity, but more of them followed Isaac Newton's theory like a belief.

Faith is actually everywhere, not only in idealism, but also in science that claims to be materialistic.

Because faith is everywhere, gods never die! As long as people are still unable to transcend themselves, unable to truly get rid of everything and observe everything from a third-party perspective, they will eventually be filled with faith.

Nick Fury's hands were trembling. This was due to the power of fear deep in his heart and soul, which even he could not withstand.

But he punched himself hard, using the pain to forcefully wake him up from this fear, and Agent Hill next to him brought him the worst news!

"Director, the vacuum implosion bomb has been dropped!"

Agent Hill also suppressed the fear that destroyed her spirit and will, and shouted loudly to Nick Fury. The King of Agents also widened his eyes, and blurted out a series of curse words.

"Those sons of bitches, how dare they-"

Nick Fury's words stopped abruptly, how dare you? Isn't the current situation bad enough?

At his core, Nick Fury is a man who has an almost blind worship of personal power.

The existence of Carol Danvers brought too much shock to Nick Fury, and even the scene of destroying a space fleet by himself almost became the deepest demon imprinted in his heart.

That's why he's so obsessed with building the Avengers.

It's just that it's really a ridiculous idea, to gather a group of strange people together and then serve as the final line of defense for the earth's civilization?

A civilization is doomed when it degenerates to the point where it needs to be saved by a group of freaks who are excluded from mainstream society.

Facts have also proved that under the all-out war with Wakanda, the Superboy team that Nick Fury has always envisioned is a joke.

Not to mention the number of people joining his boy team, even some of the members have become his enemies.

The reality is that your enemy will not wait for your hero to arrive before pressing the button, will not explain the ins and outs to you, and will not even waste an extra second talking nonsense to the person you want to kill.

Can Nick Fury blame Stryker for his choices?

He had failed, and it turns out that neither Thor nor anything else could have prevented the fall of New York.

Not only that, not to mention the portal, there is now another thing that is even more troublesome.

What else can we do without losing the vacuum implosion bomb? How about we sit down and have a meeting with each other to discuss it and spend a few days discussing the results?

Nick Fury, who failed, has no position to blame a person who has come up with a solution. Even if the solution is cruel and terrible-but he can solve the problem to some extent.

The intercontinental missile that cuts through the sky carries the core warhead of the vacuum implosion bomb and cuts through the sky at supersonic speed.

That deadly arrow crossed the ocean, crossed the land, and finally landed on New York City.

This super weapon created from the technology donated by Mu Feng is far more terrifying than a nuclear warhead.

Based on the yield of this vacuum implosion bomb, Manhattan Island will be compressed into an extreme gravitational node in an instant, and then the entire New York will be destroyed by the energy release caused by the chain reaction caused by the collapse of matter. Once in a while!

In terms of yield, this thing must be more powerful than a nuclear bomb, and as a gravity weapon it will definitely have a certain impact on space.

Of course, what is certain is that among the eight million people in New York City, there will not be a single survivor...

That fatal arrow flew across the sky of New York, and just as it was about to hit its target——

A golden figure suddenly burst out from the other end of the portal!

The figure seemed to be dragging a burning golden flame, like a hero from a mythical story - even her flaming helmet was Spartan-style.

She cut through the sky at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. Filled with the huge secret energy of the universe, she flew to the side of the vacuum implosion bomb, grabbed it and threw it directly to the other end of the portal!

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