Mufeng had been on guard for so long and made so many preparations, but who would have thought that these wastes from the Time Crisis Management Bureau had only discovered something wrong not long ago.

The so-called sacred timeline they maintain is a joke, but the interference caused by Mu Feng to this world line has undoubtedly indirectly caused a huge timeline change problem.

But for some reason, they didn't realize something was wrong until now.

Naturally, they began sending people out in large numbers to try to 'correct' history.

Is it the result...?

As soon as Odin took action, he eliminated tens of thousands of TVA employees who tried to cause trouble for him, and the remaining attacks were even more powerful - without the first-mover advantage, TVA was nothing more than a large S.H.I.E.L.D.

But after all, they were a group of disgusting cockroaches that couldn't be defeated. Mu Feng originally planned to deal with them personally, but he didn't expect someone to get there first.

Entering the back of the Time Trial Hall, the three robots disguised as time guardians are still working there.

"Stop whoever comes!"

"This is the most sacred place in the flow of time, you should not interfere!"

"Go back, mortal, and return to your ordinary life."

Mu Feng looked at the three robots as if they were watching a monkey show - three robots that were modeled after the real time guardians.

The robots themselves are meaningless, what's interesting is the goals of the people who built them.

Mu Feng hooked his fingers, and under the invisible pressure, the three robots were instantly scrapped, and a head rolled to Mu Feng's feet, still repeating the words.

"You will regret it, time is wrong, you will..."

Mu Feng raised his foot and crushed the mechanical head, and sneered disdainfully.

"Time criminals? What qualifications do you have to call yourself a time policeman?"

The TVA organization, both in the comics and in the current universe, is a standard shit-stirring organization - one that only allows state officials to set fires and does not allow people to light lamps.

It's just that the comic version is reasonable and legal with the support of the boss, but in this universe...

Mufeng entered the depths of the hall, where he saw his target.

A black man wearing weird futuristic clothes was lying on a chair, with blood gurgling from his chest.

He was almost dead. He just raised his head and glanced at Mu Feng reluctantly, without saying anything.

"Kang the Conqueror, right? Or should I call you Kang the Manager?"

Mu Feng pulled up a chair and sat down. Looking at Kang who had taken in more air and less out, he said mockingly.

"I pretended to be the real TVA and ran such a small family, so I was very angry. Now look? I was beaten to death, right?"

" are the time criminal who disturbed the sacred time flow!"

Seemingly realizing something, Kang, who was really dying, tried to straighten up and said excitedly

"Hurry up and stop this before it's too late, otherwise... the multiverse war will start again!"

"Your sacred time stream is just a joke."

Mu Feng casually shook off Kang's hand and said calmly

"The multiverse has always existed and is infinitely branched, and your clever divine time stream is just a matter of converging on the closest time stream and then playing tricks."

Who does he think he is when he wants to unify countless dimensional universes into one? World Forger Next Door, or OAA?

The sacred time flow has never existed from the beginning. This infinitely divided and changeable universe will never be completely unified because of the 'correction' of a group of replicants.

"And why should I stop the multiverse war?" Mu Feng touched his chin and smiled happily

"Why don't you say that it would be better for me to actually play, and the game would be more interesting."

Kang's breath became weaker and weaker, and he stared at Mu Feng with difficulty, as if he could stare him to death.

"Is this the so-called multi-world branch?"

Mu Feng looked at the constantly branching chart on the screen next to Kang and curled his lips in disdain.

"It seems like you really haven't seen the multiverse..."

Marvel and DC's multiverse concept is very special - the multiverse is a multiverse, and the parallel world is a parallel world.

A multiverse can have countless parallel worlds, but the multiverse itself is unique. Just like Marvel has established countless multiverses around the main universe (number 616) and the ultimate universe (number 1610), each of them has special differences.

The movie universe, also known as the movie universe numbered Earth-199999, is a remote special universe. It is hugely separated from the main universe and the comic book world based on the Ultimate Universe - but this does not mean that they have absolutely no intersection.

The sacred time stream of TVA established by Kang the Conqueror is just one of the timelines of the universe of 199999, and it is continuously divided in an orderly cycle through the node of the Avengers to achieve the so-called unity of time.

But in fact, this kind of time restraint is just an inefficient maintenance work. Do you think Gu Yi or Odin are the ones who hate this garbage TVA?

Are the self-righteous guardians of time rushing to provoke even a dimensional demon? In the eyes of these timeless, heavenly father-level powerhouses, TVA is as ridiculous as a group of primitive people in a ravine claiming to be the Lord of the World.

"I'm curious about what the multiverse war you have seen looks like... However, it seems that I have caused greater trouble."

Looking at the dying Kang, Mu Feng smiled playfully.

For Kang the Conqueror, who has little knowledge, the multiverse war he fears is most likely just the splitting war in the Earth-199999 movie universe, and it is basically impossible to be the Transcendent Gods in the comics First Firmament and Secret Wars 2015.

After all, if the game is so big, Mu Feng will run immediately without saying a word.

The monster Iorio in the hands of Kang the Conqueror is, to put it mildly, an ant on a piece of paper to the big guys who really started the multiverse in the comics.

Mu Feng actually didn't even know how much change his variable would bring to this ordinary movie universe.

Just an uncertain product like a Black Rubik's Cube is enough for many great people to do things in secret. It is indeed very dangerous - but the benefits are also large enough.

"Looking at you, you couldn't have been killed by a comic book villain, right?"

Mu Feng's joking words made Conqueror Kang's eyes widen - and then he died completely.

"Hey, it seems I was right." Mu Feng touched his chin with a playful look on his face.

Although the main universe, the ultimate universe and the movie universe are separated, they are not completely inseparable. As long as the gaps are drilled, there will be a way to connect them.

And as far as the cinematic universe is concerned, it's not much safer here.

At least Mu Feng knew from the information he received from the collector that there are several X-Men and Fantastic Four universes under the copyright of 20th Century Fox that are linked to this place...

Maybe the mastermind behind all this is Mickey Mouse?

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head, turned around and left TVA.

He had gotten the news he wanted.

Kang's lonely body lay on his seat until a long time later, a figure slowly walked over.

"I'm having so much trouble getting rid of the's all this bastard's fault."

He looked at Kang's corpse with hatred, raised his hand for a moment, and decomposed it, and no residue was left.

"Then it's time to go back to Asgard."

144. Death of Stryker

December 25, 2012, Christmas.

At 0:00 today, the then President of the United States, ‘Homeland’ Steve Rogers, gave a televised speech and joined hands with T’Challa, the restored former king of Wakanda, to announce the end of the One-Year War.

This war, which has affected the whole world, and whose coverage can almost be said to be on the scale of the Third World War, actually ended like this.

The unified external explanation is that a special combat team headed by President Steve, a native of the motherland, infiltrated into Wakanda, and with the help of the former King T'Challa and his resistance forces, they jointly beheaded Mad King Eric and terminated the omnics. The ravages of the Legion.

To be honest, this explanation is very far-fetched and can even be said to be child's play.

This is just like how it took the Germans ten months to surrender France during World War II. Not long after the war began, Hitler was suddenly assassinated by a team of assassins from the Allies, and the war ended.

So who will compensate the victims of the war?

Haha, who cares.

Other countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization issued protests and even triggered large-scale demonstrations after this anticlimactic surrender ceremony. However, all this was of no use.

The heads of the several North Atlantic Treaty countries have long been replaced by Hydra, and their marches and protests made no sound at all.

But the tricky part about this problem is that Hydra is also very dissatisfied with this anticlimactic result.

In their view, either maintaining the war with Wakanda will allow them to further devour the political power of various countries around the world, or completely defeat Wakanda and accept all the other party's technology and resources.

These two results are what Hydra's ruling faction longs to see.

The heads of Hydra, headed by the Malik family, who control Europe, are very dissatisfied, and the protest against Steve is to drum up public pressure on Steve.

But the people of the motherland obviously do not have the time to pay attention to this issue.

He has more important things to do.

I will naturally come back when I clean up this bunch of garbage, but not now.

Steve forcefully dismissed Stryker from his position and forcibly handed over many military orders to the Stark Group. The scale of Stark Group, which has received large orders, can be said to have gone further.

Tony Stark also agreed to Steve developing an AI system to monitor and manage the entire United States.

With the support of Wakanda's picometer-level chip technology provided by T'Challa, the development of this technology was extremely smooth.

You must know that in the original work, Stark only relied on part of the technology of the Mind Stone to create Ultron, an AI that perfectly passed the Turing test. With further technical support, his development speed will naturally be faster.

The world has fallen into a rare "peace" during this period.

Of course, this peace is relative.

At the same time, the space spirit channel technology launched by China announced that the wormhole door it had opened successfully connected to a habitable planet in the Alpha Centauri constellation, and was preparing to jointly develop an interstellar colonization project with the Russian Federation.

In short, the rabbit doesn't plan to play with the bald eagles that are killing people all day long on the earth, and plans to go to the alien planet first.

The problems caused by green light rings and yellow light rings are also silently expanding around the world.

After the first few times when yellow lantern ring holders made big news and were violently suppressed, most of those ring holders learned their lesson.

They began to try to hide themselves. This behavior would certainly slow down the growth of their power, but it would also make them more difficult to deal with.

Steve had to spend fifteen hours a day on high-intensity flight patrols across the country, relying on his super hearing to forcibly maintain 'law and order' in various parts of the country.

This behavior made Steve's aura of divinity even greater.

If the former 'God on Earth' only expressed his divinity on the battlefield, then Steve is now doing what Superman has done.

Use absolute strength to practice absolute justice.

Because of this, even if Hydra tried to use public opinion to attack Steve, Steve's reputation remained intact under such a powerful practice of justice.

But things didn't seem to be going in a good direction.

"This is the seventh consecutive day of snow. Is the cold air this year so strong?"

Mufeng stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the fine snow falling in the sky, and said casually as if chatting.

"You promised to make me president!"

Stryker, with red eyes, looked at Mu Fengdao with a hoarse voice. He looked very haggard and bad. It was obvious that he had been having a very bad time.

"Correction, it's not a promise, it's my hope that you will become president."

Mu Feng turned back to look at Stryker, who looked like a lost dog, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Are you blaming me for not giving you the best support, General Stryker? But I gave you the entire gene library of Weapon X, and also told you how to awaken mutant genes."

"But... the answer sheet you gave me seems very ugly."

Mu Feng was quite interested in the mutant genes inserted into the human body by the Celestial God Group, but he was only interested. He left the research job to Stryker and asked him to gather his scientists to study this knowledge.

The result... wasn't pretty.

The mutants obtained from Stryker did not have a single Alpha level. At most, there were two Gamma levels. Most of them were Delta level and Epsilon type.

It is true that in the vast mutant gene pool, most mutants are in the latter two levels, and those like Professor and Magneto are only a minority after all, but after Mu Feng threw him a copy of the human genetic map and Dr. Genos Regarding the information on stimulating the development of human genes, the answer he gave was still so ugly.

Is it really pure incompetence?

No, Stryker has gathered top talents including Baron Strucker and Dr. Maya under his command. However, even so, what he developed is still a group of inferior products that cannot be put on the table.

"Tell me Stryker, are you really incompetent? Or are you unwilling to create powerful mutants?"

Mu Feng looked into Stryker's eyes and asked gently

"You actually just want to have everything under control. You would rather have weapons that can be controlled than a truly powerful mutant. You are just afraid of being turned over."

Mu Feng straightened up and looked at Stryker indifferently.

"What qualifications do you have to compete with Steve?"

In fact, from the perspective of a general and politician, what Stryker did was not wrong. A controllable but relatively weak weapon is undoubtedly more suitable than a powerful weapon that is difficult to control.

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