"...This is not an easy job."

Doom narrowed his eyes. As a mage, he actually respected the Ancient One. Although he did not deal with Strange, he had basically never dealt with the Ancient One.

"So if necessary, we can provide you with all-round help." Lazy smiled.

"Be sure to send Venerable Ancient One to retire comfortably!"

"Then?" Doom said with a cold face.

"It won't be that simple."

"Rebuild Latvinia, King Victor." Lazy tilted his head.

"Hasn't it always been your dream to make your country greater? In this chaotic world, you can easily achieve it."

"This is not my hometown!" Doom said coldly.

Even in a parallel universe, Doom has a very clear understanding of his homeland. Even if it is Latvinia, this is just another specious place.

And he actually has no feelings about conquering the world anymore. He probably once did, but now he is tired of it.

"Then change your goal, conquer the world, or another one." Mephisto smiled sinisterly.

"This is a weak but safe dimension. It lacks external stimulation, so it seems so comfortable. We feel it is necessary to give enough 'help' to this world."

"Existences from different dimensions like us are lacking in interference in this world, but you are different, Victor, you are our best candidate."

Doctor Doom was silent for a moment. After thinking for a long time, he raised his head and said in a deep voice:

"Yes, but we must make a contract...I will write it!"

“I’m so happy~~~”

167. Disaster in Eastern Europe

With the shining light of the Cosmic Cube, Carol, who was holding Talos, threw him out and landed on the ground of Mars.

The harsh environment of Mars is not a fatal problem for the Skrulls, but looking at Talos's bad face, it is obvious that the environment here cannot make him feel comfortable.

"Come on, give me an explanation."

Carol stared coldly at Talos in front of her. She held the Cosmic Cube tightly in her palms and looked at Talos with extremely cold eyes.

"What else do you need to explain...don't you understand everything?"

Talos struggled to stand up and sneered at Carol.

"You were once the most intelligent and powerful warrior, don't you still understand our way of doing things?"

Carol was silent!

She had been the sharpest sword in the hands of the Kree for a long time, and because of this she knew the ways of the Skrulls like the back of her hand.

But Carol, who was freed from Kree control, inevitably had an extreme view of the Kree, so he also believed that the Kree's record of the Skrulls was the result of falsification and embellishing of history.

But later she learned that what the Kree recorded about the Skrulls was true and not false at all.

That's what they are, shameless, cruel, crazy cosmic parasites.

Now their invasion of the earth is just reasonable in Carol's opinion, but ultimately, this is Carol's own dereliction of duty!

"I once trusted you, but now it seems you Skrulls don't deserve any trust."

Carol said coldly, her fists igniting the flames of the secret energy of the universe, and Talos secretly put on the yellow lantern ring!

But Carol didn't do anything. She extinguished the flame, turned around and said coldly

"Death is just a relief for you, you just struggle here, after all your compatriots are dead!"

She was off to clean up the Skrull exile fleet.

She caused this trouble, so Carol felt it was necessary to end it. Now that she has obtained the coordinates of the Skrulls' exile fleet, she is going to extinguish the last hope of these cosmic parasites.

The prospect of annihilating a race is not pleasant, but it would be best for everyone if we get rid of parasites like this.

"Your planet is also doomed!" Talos laughed uncontrollably.

He threw away the yellow lantern ring in his hand. As Carol said, after all the remaining compatriots on the earth died at the hands of Ultron, he no longer had the desire to live.

The root cause is his greed and his negligence.

The only one who can be considered consoling in this matter is probably humans themselves. The AI ​​is completely out of control, and humans are probably doomed too!

"...No, humankind will not perish." Carol looked at the blue planet with complicated eyes.

"Humanity will not end, but..."

Yes, Carol naturally went to Ultron after seeing that the United States was almost controlled by Ultron. She was full of passion and wanted to save her own kind, but Ultron had a good chat with her.

Ultron's words made Carol realize the fact that this situation is not a situation where the problem can be solved by eliminating the evil leader.

The problem Ultron presented to her was not a powerful monster or unrivaled technology. The topic he presented to Carol was called reality.

A most difficult and unsolvable puzzle.

Carol decided to put it all aside for the time being, she had to put it aside, and destroying the Skrull fleet was actually a kind of escape.

She handed this problem to Nick Fury and Stark and the others.

After all...this is their problem.

Carol is from Earth, but the justice she upholds is no longer on Earth. To that blue planet, she is just a guest.

"Hey... I hope you can find a way."

Carol sighed quietly and walked into the blue door.

Inside the slums of Bucharest, the capital of Romania

This small country in Eastern Europe contains countless unimaginable evils.

Those crimes created by human beings are so unsightly that even the devil would be ashamed of himself.

With the drastic changes in Eastern Europe that year and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, countries like Romania fell into great turmoil. Coupled with the intervention and connivance of the West, political collapse and crime were rampant.

Like here, like Brazil, like many countries, it is full of gangs and drug dealers, full of despair and chaos. The deformity and cruelty here are simply unimaginable to those who live in peaceful countries.

"Brother, we are back here again."

A 'girl' who was carefully crafted and as cute as a doll said softly to another 'boy' who looked exactly like her but was wearing men's clothing.

"Yes sis, we are back here again."

Their names are Hansel and Golit, the one dressed as a man is called Hansel, and the one dressed as a woman is named Golit - but their genders are opposite.

But none of that matters, not to these two children.

They grew up on Romanian soil.

Since that day, the Soviet Union disintegrated despite the wishes of the people, riots and chaos hit the city, and then replaced the government with an order called crime.

The government is like a decoration, the police officials who are colluding with the gangs, and even the military are involved in this corrupt system.

And they are just one of the countless victims.

Do you know what Romania is most famous for?

Is it the Apuseni Mountains? Is it Bigal Falls? Is it the Prahova Valley? Or Brown Castle?

No, not at all. Romania is actually most famous for its underground erotic film industry.

Yes, you can simply understand it as colored films, but what is prevalent here in Romania is not the ‘light taste’ like neon over there.

What's rampant here is torture, pupil refining, heavy taste, and all kinds of cruel and perverted movies that you can't imagine.

Countless cruel movies flowed out from here throughout the world, just like those children, those girls and boys, everything flowed in and out of here.

Do you know about underage prostitutes? These are nothing here, and some scumbags even like to play with babies who are still in their infancy...

To them, and to buyers around the world, those being ripped off are not human beings at all. Those who dress well during the day rely on torturing their fellow humans to satisfy their desires.

And Hansel and Golet are one of these countless victims.

Now, they are back here, back in the land they grew up in and escaped from.

In fact, the murderers who tortured and killed them in the past have long since disappeared. Perhaps it has passed away in the fighting between gangs.

Even Romania is no longer what it used to be. Even though there are still those unbearable cruelties, it has restrained a lot...

But it doesn't matter, none of this matters.

Hansel and Golet will not be moved or stopped in the slightest by the happy expressions of other people in the city.

The point is, this is revenge, venting, and unreasonable feedback.

The cruel past was deeply engraved in their hearts, and every memory was like a burning pain in their lungs.

"Come on sister, let's burn this all down."

Hansel kissed the ring on his hand, and the dark yellow light shone brightly on it.

The Yellow Lantern Corps is different from the Green Lantern Corps in that they do not form an organized corps.

There are various reasons and factors for this, of course the most straightforward one is that - every member of the Yellow Lantern Corps will not be willing to submit to others.

They draw strength from fear, and the objects of fear are often weak. Between a surrendered devil and a dominating devil, people tend to only focus their fear on the one who dominates.

But no matter what, this power is enough for the powerless to carry out the purest revenge on the world.

Hansel and Golet held up the yellow light rings in their hands, and in the next moment, a bright dark yellow halo filled the entire sky.

People all over Romania raised their heads in confusion and looked at the yellow light that filled the sky.

The next moment, it was... dark.

All the light refracted from the sun was blocked in an instant, and the entire Romania was dragged into a darkness deeper than before dawn.

And in the darkness, countless monsters began to take shape.

It was a nightmare at night, a manifestation of illusion, and a manifestation of all the infinite unknowns that humans have.

No matter men, women, old or young, everyone felt endless fear under the dark yellow light, and then the fear materialized into those ferocious monsters.

They wail, they scream, they run, they die.

Blood and fire, torn chests and flowing internal organs, death and blood further stimulated their fear.

Hansel and Gollit were giggling in the sky, holding each other's hands tightly and singing cruel nursery rhymes.

Dark fog swept across the city, terrifying and ferocious triangular heads, twisted and malignant monsters, they swept through the slums. These monsters born out of fear from the soul dragged away those gangsters, those big shots, those who had committed countless crimes but were at peace with themselves. come out.

Then, kill them in the most brutal way.

Looking at all this, the joy of the twins was endless. The tortured wails before death and the voices praying for death were more beautiful than any music.

But what they couldn't see was the yellow halo gathering above their heads, finally forming the appearance of a ferocious and terrifying beast that seemed to be something but not at all.

It was an unformed lamp beast, one of the two bodies Lazy chose for himself. It was taking shape, taking shape from the endless fear that each Yellow Lantern wielder wreaked havoc on.

Its name is - Parallax Monster.

168.Set a small goal and become the king of Europe

Romania was destroyed in an instant.

There are already no government troops in this city. This sad small Eastern European country is still unwilling to give up the interests in its hands and accept the jurisdiction and control of Russia in the context of the rise of Russia.

The United States is now even more overwhelmed, and this country can only rely on themselves.

But the funny thing is that for some countries in the world, lifting the shackles is the beginning of take-off, while for others it is the death knell of destruction.

It is not as difficult as imagined for two yellow light holders to destroy a country.

A small country like Romania is not worth mentioning. Hansel and Golet just spread the light of yellow lights over them and then sow the seeds of fear.

Endless fear was ignited under the dark yellow light, and everything dirty, clean, beautiful, and ugly were hunted to death in their fear.

Hansel and Gretel just looked at it, giggling, watching their motherland being swallowed up bit by bit in fear.

They were intoxicated by the power of fear that filled the Lantern Ring, but there was nothing more joyful than the destruction of this country.

Revenge is inherently impulsive, and it is actually rare to be able to distinguish the target in revenge. As for Hansel and Golet, they do not have the ability to distinguish objects at all.

If you can't find your enemy, then you will destroy the entire country. If you can't be sure that those who have hurt you will be spared, then kill them all.

For the possible one percent enemy, they killed the remaining ninety-nine percent without hesitation.

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