"And why are you anxious? Isn't it snowing nicely?"

"Yes, there is another thing that I don't know what it is that is gnawing on a few roots. If the snow continues for another few months, Midgard will have to return to the Ice Age."

Loki also sat down, ordered a cup of hot coffee and complained.

"Isn't this great?" Sylvie showed a malicious smile

Loki was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled the same way.

"Same feeling..."

Although they both hate each other, they are themselves in another world after all.

They are very happy to let the Nine Realms suffer more. Anyway, they are destined to be the ones to take the blame for Ragnarok.

"To our common..."

The two Lokis had just raised their respective coffee cups before they touched each other when a ring of fire suddenly appeared under their feet, and they fell down before they could finish their words.

About fifteen minutes later, the two Lokis, who were still screaming, fell heavily into the London Sanctuary. Sylvie's hair simply fell down and was pulled into the shape of a broom.

"Loki Odinson, and Sylvie Odinson..."

Along with the ethereal voice, Gu Yi slowly floated over. Thinking that he had been in free fall for fifteen minutes, Loki was so angry that he immediately pulled out the dagger.

"Do you think you are some kind of great mage? You are a third-rate idiot, let me tell you..."

Before he could rush forward, Sylvie kicked him down, and then he looked at the bald woman in front of him with great vigilance and fear.

Unlike this idiot, Sylvie is very aware of the value of the number one villain in the multiverse in front of her.

"Huh... interesting, you shouldn't appear in this universe, at least at this point in time, you shouldn't appear here."

Gu Yi looked at Sylvie with great interest, and the look in his eyes made the female Loki's hair stand on end.

"I don't want to appear here either, but this seems to be a helpless necessity." Sylvie said calmly

"Don't worry, I have no intention of erasing you. Issues about you are no longer my concern."

Gu Yi waved his hand, and the surrounding space was instantly replaced by a sunny beach. Gu Yi lay down lazily, holding a glass of orange soda, looking at the two Lokis and smiling.

"Sit down, I know what you are here for. There is no need to be so nervous, I am just an old man who is about to retire."

"...We are here to find the whereabouts of Odin."

Sylvie dragged Loki to sit down and said cautiously, even though the ancient saying said so - you still have to be 180% vigilant against this notorious villain in the multiverse.

"Father of the Gods...he should have retired with me." Ancient One sighed sadly.

"Originally, I would take the first step, and then he would immediately follow. But now it seems that I am about to retire, and I don't know when he will retire..."

Gu Yi shook his head, took a sip of cold soda, and shrugged.

"Okay, I'll send you over to find him, and by the way, ask him when he will die of old age."

Gu Yi waved his hand, and a moving portal instantly swallowed Sylvie and Loki. When they reappeared, they were already on the edge of a grassy cliff.

A one-eyed old man they were very familiar with was sitting on the edge of the cliff fishing with a fishing rod. He looked leisurely like a truly retired old man.

"This place is really not suitable for fishing. There haven't been any fish for a whole day."

Odin put away the hook and threw the caught fry back. He lifted up the bucket without any fish and sighed.

Sylvie and Loki looked at Odin like this, and they couldn't say a word. I just don’t know if it’s fear or I don’t know what to say.

"Don't miss it. Fortunately, they brought back a few pheasants and hares."

Odin stroked the two snow-white hunting wolves, held the two hares in their mouths, and smiled at Loki and Sylvie.

"Come on, let's finish eating first."

As one of the many Lokis in the chaos of the multiverse, Sylvie's memory of Asgard is actually quite dull.

She has no memory of growing up in Asgard. Although Sylvie Odinson was raised in Asgard by Odin, she escaped from Asgard when she was only six years old. So she was arrested by TVA, so she didn't have much friendship with Asgard and Odin at all.

But even in the blurred memories of childhood, Odin has always been Sylvie's biggest shadow... bar none.

That haze and silence, like the poisonous dragon lurking in the shadows, Odin has always been Sylvie's lingering nightmare. The King of Gods had no choice but to adopt him because of prophecies and various factors. It was obvious that no matter what happened to him later, the King of Gods at that time could not be said to be a 'kind' father.

She imagined many images of Odin based on her memory, but there was no doubt that none of them looked like the one in front of her...

He turned over the rabbit meat stuck on the wooden stick, sprinkled spices on it, and concentrated on cooking the rabbit meat.

It was as if he was concentrating on the important matter of conquering the Nine Realms.

The air is not generally quiet, it can be said that it is almost frozen. Only the occasional crackling sound of flames scorching the branches made the environment here become even more embarrassing.

"...Mother wants to ask you when you can return to Asgard."

Perhaps because he finally couldn't hold back the awkward silence, Loki spoke first.

"Go back? Why go back?"

Odin handed the roasted rabbit meat to the two children in front of him, and while slowly plucking the feathers of the pheasant, he said slowly

"When I came to Midgard, I never thought I would one day go back."

"Why?!" Loki's eyes widened.

"Loki, what does Ragnarok look like to you?"

Odin did not answer Loki's words, just looked at him and asked softly

He stripped off the feathers of the pheasant on his hands, skillfully handled the internal organs and carcass, and then threw them to the two hunting wolves next to him.

He acted like an ordinary old European hunter. No one would think that this ordinary old man in front of him could be the father of the gods.

"A damn established prophecy." Loki curled his lips.

"I don't know where it comes from, but such an established prophecy is destined to be inevitable."

"Yes, you are right." Odin turned over the coals and said calmly.

"The prophecies from the three goddesses of destiny are destined to be inevitable. The beginning of Ragnarok is inevitable, but the end is a foregone conclusion."

"In other words, we cannot decide the arrival of Ragnarok, but we can decide how Ragnarok will end."

"Then why are you hiding here and not going back?" Sylvie asked abruptly

"Because my return will only lead the outcome of Ragnarok to a worse situation." Odin said lightly.

"I am ready to leave, because my death will prevent many problems from being detonated in advance. If I return to Asgard, Loki, the enemies we face will not be what you can imagine. .”

The prophecy of destruction is destined to come, but the difficulty of the result is elastic with their strength.

If even the Father of the Gods would feel that huge monsters are involved in this twilight, then Loki and Thor have no hope.

"I don't understand what kind of opponents Asgard has." Loki said in confusion.

He blasted Muspelheim to pieces, and Jotunheim is now empty. Hela was exiled to the end of the universe by another Thor, and even the Dark Elves have been beaten to extinction.

Their ancient opponents have all gone to destruction one after another. Among the nine realms, what other force can threaten Asgard?

"Too much, Loki, too much."

Odin sighed faintly, who said that the enemies in Ragnarok would definitely be from the prophecies? That's just one of the pictures of the future.

Just like in the future he originally chose, there is no Thanos in any prophecy who appears and destroys half of Asgard's hope.

There are not many forces in this universe that can rival Asgard, but there are not many that can destroy it.

The strong men Odin fought against when he was young were not limited to the Nine Realms. He had spied on and even faced countless ancient existences in the deep sea of ​​the universe.

Some of them slept in eternity, while others are still active even now.

Odin didn't want to return to Asgard. He didn't want them to provoke unimaginable enemies because of him.

"Go tell Frigga and I'll wait for her to come to me after all the work is done."

Odin said like an irresponsible child

"I need her to help me take care of the house and leave the work to others. I have been busy working for Asgard my whole life. It's time to rest!"

"...I know." Loki stood up and exhaled deeply.

He did not make any disguise in front of Odin. Odin's words made him feel the crisis, but also made him see the opportunity.

Perhaps...he has not completely lost his qualifications to compete for that throne.

"By the way, Master Ancient One asked me when you will retire with her."

Sylvie suddenly remembered Ancient One's instructions, imitating her tone and saying to Odin

"Almost, but this time she leaves before me." Odin waved his hand and said.

Loki stopped talking, grabbed Sylvie's hand and looked at the sky. And just when they were about to summon Heimdall to leave, Odin suddenly said something coldly.

"Tell Vodis that I will wait for him to return to Earth to help him fulfill his promise, and...Loki, I have no objection to you taking action on yourself."

Loki in Rainbow Bridge stumbled and almost fell out.

The roaring Rainbow Bridge took Loki and Sylvie away. Odin watched them leave, but a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"Aren't you going to tell them the real reality, Father?"

Loki, the god of stories, gently tore open the curtain of reality, acting as if someone reached out and tore open a page of air and walked out.

"This terrible reality may be out of all our hands."

Odin glanced at Loki, the God of Stories, and said calmly

"But when it comes to trouble, the biggest trouble is always you, the 'guests' from another world."

"I came to this world just to observe."

Loki put his frivolous hands in his pockets and leaned against the edge of the wooden house, looking at the falling snow with holly sprinkled on it, and smiled.

"So far, there have been five guests visiting this world. An insignificant mutant, an ambitious mage, an observer, a malicious AI, and... the craziest guy."

"What is his purpose?" Odin frowned slightly.

There is no doubt that he is referring to the 'Thanos' from another world, a guy who makes Odin feel the most terrifying and troublesome.

"He was also on a quest to kill half of all life in the universe, but he did it to please his goddess, his death." Loki gently twirled his fingers, watching the flying snowflakes swirling in the sky, and said softly

"But in our universe he should have accomplished this goal, and he is still collecting infinite stones, but I don't think his purpose is to please death again... I don't even know if he is our annihilator. Ba? I don’t even know his origin..."

The way Thanos pursues death makes people laugh. Although the Mad Titan is cruel and crazy, his attitude towards pursuing the goddess seems to be summed up by the phrase "licking the dog".

But no matter what, this cruel and crazy mutant Eternal is not a guy who likes to do the same thing again in another place.

By choosing to leave his own universe and come to such an isolated independent universe, Thanos must be trying to do something different.

"He wants to find something or get something with the gems." Odin frowned.

"Yes, although this is an isolated and weak universe, it is also complete enough. There are also many treasures here, such as..."

Loki lengthened his tone as if to whet his appetite, touched his chin and said

"Heart of the Universe?"

170. Humanity’s victory, the beginning of failure

The resistance forces led by Nick Fury moved very quickly.

After determining that Ultron and his brother Eye's army needed to split their efforts to deal with Russia and Wakanda, Nick Fury realized that this might be the only chance for the United States.

It is almost impossible for the United States, which has suffered such a disaster, to return to its former position as the world's number one, but in any case, they must at least ensure the integrity of their national sovereignty.

The rule of the United States must be in the hands of humans, and preferably Americans!

This has nothing to do with the issue of human rights or not. Nick Fury knows that humans under AI management will definitely live a more comfortable and happier life than those managed by humans, but he just wants to break their dreams and utopias.

But this is not for himself. Nick Fury dares to pat his chest and say that he is for the happiness and freedom of all mankind.

Ultimately, what he is fighting for is the right of autonomy—the power that human beings must have to control their own destiny.

He must seize this opportunity that AI cannot take away, regain the country as soon as possible, and let the Americans regain the power to bind the world through super weapon deterrence before foreign forces intervene.

The goal in the general direction requires rapidity and speed, so the planning and strategy in the small direction become unimportant.

Nick Fury's army - in fact, it cannot be said to be an army. The three aerospace carriers carry almost all mixed troops wearing the next-generation version of the steel suit provided by Stark, MS and biologically enhanced equipment.

Nick Fury gave them a nice name - Avengers, a name that he once wanted to make popular, but now he can only bury it deeply.

However, his army is a mixed force at best, but at worst, isn't it just a bunch of miscellaneous troops?

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