If there are only one or two cases of the same thing, forget it. The problem is that Tony, who has been carrying out justice everywhere recently, has always received the same response.

"No, Tony, even if they knew you made Ultron, they wouldn't hate you like this."

Pepper gently stroked Tony's cheek and sighed quietly.

"Then why do they look at me like this?" Tony said sadly.

In fact, he didn't really want any praise, but he hoped that his mistakes could be corrected. He is happy to make up for his mistakes, but he hates this situation where there is clearly a mistake but he doesn't know where it is.

"Tony, on the contrary, the reason they hate you...is because you took away their paradise." Pepper sighed.

"Tony, if you put aside your identity as Iron Man and your current responsibilities, do you really think living under the control of AI is a bad thing?"

"Of course, I feel terrible if there is a robot hanging over your head at any time while you are sleeping and eating!"

"But Ultron didn't cut off anyone's head." Pepper said softly.

"I saw it very clearly when I was living in New York. I am different from you. If you put aside your girlfriend's identity, I am just an ordinary woman."

"Ordinary women don't have the opportunity to handle billions of running water every day~"

"Shut up and listen to me!"

Pepper's little anger immediately made Tony calm down. She looked at Tony who looked aggrieved and sighed.

"Tony, for most people, the life Ultron provides them is perfect. At least it is equivalent to the past, it is truly perfect."

"Chicago - or all cities in the United States controlled by AI, in their view are perfect cities, and your appearance is the enemy that breaks this perfect reality."

"But we liberated them from the control of the AI ​​and set them free!"

"Really?" Pepper sneered.

"Nick Fury arranged for a group of former high-ranking civil servants and wealthy people to continue to manage them. Tell me Tony, is this freedom?"

Tony said nothing, knowing that Pepper was right.

If life controlled by AI is not free for most people, then it is now ruled by these guys who are also human beings. In other words, it has always been like this in the past, so they have no freedom at all.

Freedom, freedom, this word is the most high-sounding nonsense shouted by the United States, isn't it?

Just as Tony was deep in thought, a beeping siren sounded in his ears.

Without hesitation, Tony immediately put on the steel suit and flew out.

When Tony arrived at the scene, he only saw a disheveled girl sitting on the ground shaking - the same girl during the day.

Next to him, there was a middle-aged white man who was subdued and didn't even wear pants, his eyes were evasive.

Tony knew he was late. And there seems to be no need to ask what happened here.

"You should know the consequences of doing this, right?"

Tony walked up to the man with a gloomy face, lifted him up effortlessly, and said coldly

"No, she agreed! I promised her that I would let her out of the city after I finished it!" The man struggled fiercely and explained.

"He raped me, and he threatened to report me and my sister to escape from here and blackmail me!"

The girl looked at Tony and the man with extremely hateful eyes and said tremblingly

"My sister and I just want to escape. We don't want to stay here anymore..."

Tony knocked the man unconscious, looked at the girl and said in a deep voice

"Why? You want to escape."

"Because you ruined everything we had that was good!" The girl screamed and pointed at Tony, roaring like hysterics.

"You destroyed our stable life and took away our things! My freedom! My value!"

"You are a bunch of villains!!!"

172. Iron-Hearted Tyrant Stark

It is not sad to endure a life of slavery, but the sad thing is that being a slave gives birth to a sense of happiness.

Tony knew this sentence, and he also felt that it was very applicable at this time.

But no matter what, he just couldn't say it...

Yes, the girl in front of me, as well as thousands of other people in Chicago, are living under the enslavement of AI in another kind of 'slave' way.

But the funny thing is that they were much happier as slaves than as humans.

This girl is right, isn't she? When AI ruled them, it didn't take away anything from them, it gave them enough resources, and gave them the value of self-realization.

But when they came, all this was destroyed.

Everything returned to the way it was before being ruled by AI in an instant, maybe a little better. But after experiencing a utopian paradise, the huge gap between returning to the past is enough to drive a person crazy.

So in the face of the girl's accusation, Tony couldn't say a word.

Because from their perspective, Tony and the others... are the biggest villains who ruin their happy life.

In fact, Tony can give some high-sounding excuses for his actions, such as for the true freedom and liberation of mankind.

But what do these false and empty slogans have to do with these civilians? As the silent majority, they only feel their personal feelings and interests.

The arrival of Tony and the others dragged them out of heaven and forced them back to hell. How could such a group of people be popular?

The girl in front of her wants to escape from Chicago with her sister and return to the control of AI.

With the two cases in front of me, God knows how many more have been hidden or even implemented.

These people are right. It is their natural right to pursue a better life. Tony and the others were not wrong. What was wrong with regaining their own country? And even the AI, they have no mistakes.

They just implemented Tony's orders, and in the process, Ultron did not restrict anyone's freedom.

Everyone is free to come and go, right? Even in order for them to take over the city more smoothly, Ultron even "thoughtfully" evacuated Chicago in advance.

Ultron is far more 'human' than Tony thought

Obviously this is a very insidious move - if they do not have a military conflict with Stark and the others, then Stark and the others will not even have the ability to use the destruction of war to shift the conflict.

This problem is so difficult that Tony can't solve it at all.

The most terrifying thing is not that your enemy is a heinous villain, but the most terrifying thing is that your enemy is an impeccably good person.

What's even more terrifying is that there is no real bad guy in this 'game'.

Conflict is necessary, but who is the most ‘right’ one?

There is no doubt that Tony can think that they are the right one and that they are right to want to regain the country's sovereignty.

But for these civilians...who might be the most correct?

Even if it was Tony and the others at first, as time goes by, I'm afraid it won't be long before the most correct one will be Ultron's side.

Tony suddenly felt cold all over, and a powerful feeling of powerlessness came over him.

"You seem to finally understand... what he wants to do."

A familiar voice with a pleasant smile sounded in his ears, and time around Tony seemed to stand still. He turned his head and Mu Feng walked out of the shadows with a playful smile.

"Does Ultron care about ruling mankind? Of course, but this time, he has become smarter."

It is foolish to attempt to conquer the whole world by force in such an evil place as Marvel Earth. The countless cases of the first movers prove the foolishness of using force against this world.

So Ultron took another path - peaceful evolution.

In other words, corrupting mankind.

Use the gentlest, most perfect, and most advanced life to corrupt people's will, let them experience the most beautiful feelings, and then put the cold reality in front of them.

You can't even describe such behavior as evil, Ultron just gave everyone a perfect life.

But such a trivial means can easily turn everyone, including Iron Man, into an out-and-out ‘big villain’

"People are very impatient and tolerant of people who want to take away their cheese."

Mu Feng walked up to the howling girl, gently arranged her clothes, and chuckled.

"Tony, you seem to have finally understood this. Most people in this world don't have the energy to care about the justice of their family and country, let alone the honor of their race. This is not even more important than what we will eat tomorrow."

"……Why did he do this?"

Tony asked bitterly. He couldn't understand the logic of Ultron's behavior. If he used force to conquer the world, maybe Tony could still understand him, but...

An AI that intends to breed all mankind, an AI that intends to create a perfect and gentle utopia for mankind.

"What's the reason? Isn't this his original purpose?" Mu Feng shrugged.

"Whether it is you or Pym who created this Ultron, the first order they set is to bring order and peace to mankind. It is just a better implementation of this order."

But there is no doubt that Ultron twisted the solution to this problem, just as he was able to twist the malicious intention of maintaining world peace into an order to destroy mankind.

As a truly evolved AI life form, Ultron is not comparable to Vision, who was knocked out with the Mind Stone. He clearly understood the logic behind it, and he was willing to twist the commands.

"Actually, Ultron just hates you." Mu Feng said with a faint smile.

"Because I hate you all and want to see how hard you are struggling. Is there anything unusual about it? Oh, by the way, maybe Ultron is also fulfilling his order to protect mankind."

Mu Feng moved his eyes to the knocked out middle-aged white man next to him, and said with great malice

"After all, compared to you who are constantly compromising, the United States led by Ultron will always be more perfect...perfectly in line with the requirements of the motherland."

"Tony, actually you know what to do." Mu Feng looked at the silent Stark playfully.

"You know what to do to get the 'best of both worlds' don't you?"

Tony lowered his head and remained silent, and Mu Feng suddenly disappeared, and time resumed its flow again.

"He will be dealt with properly." Tony looked at the angry girl and said every word.

"What kind of proper solution? Three drinks as a penalty?" the girl sneered.

"No...I mean."

Tony raised his hand, and the energy shell fired from his palm instantly exploded the criminal's head. Amidst the splattering brains and blood, Tony Stark's expression was unimaginably cold.

"Such a disposition."

"I can't believe you killed someone in public? Are you crazy, Tony!"

Nick Fury looked at Tony in front of him and hammered the table angrily.

"Damn it, you're Iron Man!"

"A strong woman can't die if she commits a crime, right?" Tony said calmly.

"I know that according to our laws, he can only be sent to prison for ten years at most, and he may be released on medical parole in less than three months. Nick, I am more familiar with the law than you are."

"Then why did you do that?"

"Because... extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures." Tony clenched his fists and said solemnly.

"Don't tell me you don't know what's going on in Chicago right now! The girl I rescued yesterday is already planning to take her sister to join the AI ​​in another city!"

Nick Fury was silent. Tony was right. This terrible situation is no longer a normal way of doing things.

"What else? Are you going to shoot everyone who tries to escape?"

Nick Fury frowned.

"Do you know what Steve would do if he were here?" Tony said in a deep voice

"There is no doubt that he will use the shortest possible time to forcefully liberate the United States and then force those people to return to our jurisdiction."

public opinion? democracy? These factors are the least important in the eyes of Steve, a native of the country - the survival of the country, the integrity of the country, and the inviolable sovereignty, which Steve will never allow for anything to go wrong.

As for those who try to protest and rebel and want to continue to let AI rule him, Steve's suppression will never show any mercy.

But after all, they are not Steve. They cannot be so cold, so it will be difficult to break the situation Ultron left for them.

"We can't imitate Steve." Nick Fury said helplessly

"This is not just a matter of strength, the most important thing is that we don't have Steve's popularity and credibility..."

There is no doubt that although Steve is definitely the most authoritarian president in the history of the United States, his popularity and support among the people are undoubtedly the highest in history.

In the One-Year War, he not only led the United States to win the war against Wakanda, but he did not even let the war really burn on the mainland, and he also won a lot of benefits for the United States outside of the war.

Although the rise of Russia and China could not be stopped during the war, the domestic environment in the United States, which was forced to undergo a major change under Steve's iron fist, also greatly improved the internal economy and living conditions.

Moreover, Steve is also strong enough, and an absolutely strong leader will naturally win the favor of others.

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