Environment will change a person, Tony understands this well.

When he was still a self-righteous playboy, it was the living environment in a cave in the Middle East that changed him and turned him into Iron Man.

And now, this doomsday-like earth has turned Iron Man into an iron-hearted tyrant.

He put on a steel-like mask for himself, unwilling to take off the silver-white mask.

His explanation for this was that if those who were forced to accept his conditions and rule looked at the face of a man who once appeared in entertainment magazines every day, it would be difficult for them to feel distance and fear.

But maybe this is just his subconscious mind, and he doesn't want the name of the iron-hearted tyrant to pollute the former Iron Man.

But no matter how much he misses the past, Tony understands that the most important thing is now.

What this world, this country needs is not a billionaire wearing expensive toys, but a powerful tyrant with a heart of stone.

His people needed it, so he became like this.

"Deal with those who resisted. Those who participated in the demonstration were punished with a hundred hours of hard work. Those who took out weapons were punished by having their resource rations reduced by one level. The leaders... were all exiled!"

In Chicago, now the temporary capital of the U.S. government-in-exile, the iron-hearted tyrant Tony Stark is calmly and ruthlessly handling the government affairs in front of him.

One about the handling of marchers.

If it were America in the past, those who took to the streets to march would not only not have been punished, but would have only been rewarded.

Resistance is a good habit, and resisting power has always been a compliment.

But for Tony and the United States at this moment, protest marches are the most stupid behavior.

In an era of severe resource scarcity, such behavior does not represent a lack of fear of power or resistance to the powerful, but a stupid internal consumption of scarce resources.

Tony couldn't stand this behavior.

Are freedom and resistance really that important? Tony undoubtedly believed that life was the first priority.

The few months he spent in a cave in the Middle East made him understand the value of freedom and the weight of life. And at the end of the Finbul Winter, he understood even more how heavy the weight of life was.

As a result, the freedom that was once worshiped became worthless. Only power can make this country survive longer.

He also no longer gives those civilians the right to choose, because they do not deserve and should not have the right to choose.

The United States once gave them the power to choose, because they had stupid freedom and leeway at that time, but not anymore.

At this time, I wish I had to break every biscuit into two meals, at this time, I don’t know when the disaster will be over -

People have no right to be stupid and question.

They give all their power just to stay alive.

Of course, Tony, who did this, was undoubtedly betrayed by everyone. Rhodes left him, so did Happy, and even Pepper.

They all distanced themselves from Tony, who became a different person.

But it doesn't matter, they will survive. Even if you don't like yourself anymore, even if you despise yourself like those people, it's okay.

If you ask him if it is worth it, he will tell you without hesitation - it is worth it!

"I never thought that you would become like this..."

Steve, who was reorganized with a green particle light, looked at Tony in front of him and said with a complicated expression.

"...I just became you."

Tony said in a low and stiff voice

"That's not the real me." Steve said with a bitter look. In fact, how could he be the real Steve Rogers now?

He did find his compassion, that part of God's perfection, but the emotion that was aroused would not go away.

Captain America Steve Rogers is destined to be a person who has passed away in the past. The only person who survives is the guardian Steve who merged with Steve of his motherland.

"But that's also the most reliable you." Tony's voice came from under the iron mask, so cold that no emotion could be heard.

"Why did you come back? I thought... you would never come back again."

He looked at Steve warily, and even locked all the weapons on him.

Not because of greed for power, Tony Stark is very clear about Steve's current identity - he is one of the only satellites in low-Earth orbit.

Tony knew everything about what happened in Greece. He knew about the newly emerged Green Lantern Corps and that their leader was Steve.

Although he doesn't know why this happened, Tony will never allow this so-called Green Lantern Corps to replace them!

In maintaining such a dictatorial political system, is Tony really just trying to allow these struggling people to survive in this apocalypse?

There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not just that.

If they just wanted to survive, wouldn't it be better if they just voted for Ultron? Tony's choice was for what was more important - autonomy.

He couldn't bear it, and he wasn't willing to bear the price of having his fate in the hands of others.

The iron-hearted tyrant has a heart as strong as steel, and he will never allow anything other than humans to control their destiny!

He doesn't fight for America, he fights for humanity! He does not expect to be recognized by the common people, he is for the race, not the individual!

"I'm not here to conquer you or replace you." Steve said softly.

"I come to you to save the people of this country and even this world."

"Can you solve this ice age?"

"No one on the planet can solve the problem of Fimbull Winter."

Following the opened portal, Strange, who succeeded the Supreme Mage, walked out, dusty and tired.

"Very good, we have another juggler."

Tony used a cold and mechanical voice to spit out poisonous tongue.

"He is Dr. Strange, the current Mage Supreme. He is professional when it comes to magic. You'd better listen to him." Steve said

"It's okay, Guardian, I won't care about the cynicism of a tough guy." Strange said calmly.

"If you want to solve this abnormal ice age, the first thing you need to understand is - what exactly is Fimbull Winter?"

"That was not a simple cold air, but the beginning of the Ragnarok established by World Tree. The cold from the ancient god Ymir and the entire Jotunheim invaded the World Tree, bringing endless ice to the nine realms. "

"This cannot be done with any explosives or fireballs!"

Strange's expression was serious, and one of his heads was larger than the other.

The troubles in Finbul Winter are much more terrifying than a trivial matter like Dormammu's invasion. This is not a simple 'invasion' event at all, but a damned fate!

"In fact, even Asgard is considering strategic contraction amid this disaster." Steve said seriously

"So, you don't have a solution?" Tony said calmly

"We have two choices - first, let the earth escape from the nine realms controlled by the World Tree." Strange raised a finger and said seriously

"But it is extremely difficult, and leaving the World Tree also means leaving the protection of Asgard, and the earth will suffer unimaginable damage..."

The nine worlds on the branches of the world are not solidified with the World Tree. If necessary, Kama Taj also has a way to separate the earth from the World Tree.

But as Strange said, the damage is too great, and it will also directly break away from the military deterrence alliance established by Asgard, leaving the earth completely exposed to the flames of war in the universe.

"And the second option is to escape from this world temporarily."

186. Ticket to the Ark

People and land are saved, and people and land are saved. If you lose your savings and people, you will lose both your people and your land.

This simple truth is not difficult to understand, and it can even be said that most people in the world can recognize such a simple and easy-to-understand truth.

But the reason why the truth is a great truth is that everyone acknowledges it in words, but it is extremely difficult to implement it. I know it is right, but I always do it with luck.

Everyone knows the truth, but how many can actually do it?

The disasters facing the earth can no longer be solved by conventional methods. The ice age created by the Finbul Winter is more terrifying than any cold period since the birth of the earth.

But Finbulwinter is just weather after all, it's just the beginning of Ragnarok, so just wait and it will pass on its own.

If no new participants join the Twilight of the Gods, the winter of Finbul will only need to pass by slowly. The cold winter will eventually pass, and the new spring will inevitably come.

Although most of the life on this planet died in the extreme cold, it became a dead planet in the terrible mass extinction of species.

But the earth will eventually regain its vitality and regain new life and ecological environment.

In the long billions of years of the earth, there have been four great ice ages, the late Precambrian Ice Age, the Carboniferous Ice Age, the Permian Ice Age and the Quaternary Ice Age.

Although these ice ages will not be as terrible as the Fimbull Winter, they are still a huge reshuffle for life.

But that doesn't matter. Life will still be born again and continue to multiply. It may take a long and difficult time, but everything will start again.

But for humans, this is not the case.

The false "save the earth" that environmentalists always like to talk about should actually be said to be "save mankind." The extinction of human beings will not cause any earth-shaking changes to the planet.

The duration of the Finbul Winter and the years after that, an unknown amount of time is enough for mankind to die.

If they are still trapped in this small planet, they can only wait for the moment of death.

So, isn’t the answer left to mankind very simple?

Escape, or temporarily leave their home planet.

At this point, the Chinese have done very well. Strange knew that there were many ancient institutions there that had a similar history to Kama Taj, so he was familiar with these things.

After determining the Finbul Winter, they immediately accelerated the construction of the Star Gate Spirit Canal, and have now immigrated more than 90% of the population to the new colonial star in the Centaur constellation.

They did not abandon their homeland, they just left themselves a choice. They just need to wait for this difficult time to pass and then return to their hometown to rebuild the place.

And what they did was good--and bad--in Strange's opinion.

"We don't have the jump technology given to us by others." Tony smiled mockingly.

"Even if we build a spaceship with our technology, where can we fly to? Mars? Or somewhere farther away? How many of us can withstand the loss of this journey?"

"To be honest, I don't recommend that you take a spaceship to take refuge in space." Strange shook his head and said seriously

"Believe me, that's very dangerous."

Today's cosmic environment can be said to be extremely dangerous. The Burning Legion, which swallowed up the Kree Empire and destroyed Xandar, is now fighting and igniting wars all over the universe.

The Shi'ar Empire, which had high hopes, opened a portal in their capital because their queen was bewitched by a leader of the Burning Legion.

The Shi'ar Empire was officially destroyed a week ago.

Among the great empires in the universe, it can be said that except for the emerging Spartan Empire and the Supreme Star Alliance led by the Solinvi High Priest, no one is the opponent of the Burning Legion.

Unless those transcendent powers take action, it will be a matter of time before those demons who only know destruction will sweep across the earth!

So Strange believes that it is not a good idea to simply leave the earth.

Those demonic madmen of the Burning Legion collapsed once on earth, and they will inevitably come again.

Strange was not sure that the three major sanctuaries of the Earth's planetary defense system could block the opponent. After the Venerable left, the entire Karma Taj became unconfident.

Strange, who was thinking hard, gave a very simple answer.

"If you can't escape to other planets, then go to other universes."

Strange said so

Although it sounds incredible, for mystics like them, especially Strange who has mastered the Eye of Agamotto, traveling through the universe may not be easier than space navigation.

Anyway, TVA has been smashed to pieces, and there are no annoying and troublesome space-time police everywhere. Strange believes that it is best to transfer most of humanity to another universe now, while Karma Taj and a few people stay here to wait for changes.

"So you have thought about it for so long and made so many mental preparations, and the final result is to escape?"

Tony scoffed softly.

"But this is the best way." Strange said calmly

"Tony Stark, maybe you think you can protect your people under the Fimbul Winter. But the troubles on this planet are far more than that. You have read Norse mythology, and you know that the Fimbul Winter is just the beginning. .”

"So what's next? Are Loki's three children going to destroy Asgard, and then the whole world will be chopped up by Surtur?"

"Surtur is dead, Hela and Fenrir have been banished to the end of the universe, the python of the world is missing, and the three of them are not Loki's children."

Strange frowned.

"But the horrific experiences are far more than that, Stark. I have seen visions of the future, and all I have seen of the future is a long darkness..."

Strange's ability is indeed quite lacking. Even with the Eye of Agamotto, he cannot see the specific and accurate future.

But what he can be sure of is - there will be trouble, and lots and lots of trouble!

"It's okay if you want to stay on Earth, but there's no need to drag everyone to die with you!" Steve said seriously

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