The turbulent seawater poured into it along the torn crack, forming a huge vortex on the sea surface, and tens of thousands of tons of seawater poured into it!

But what's more, it's the magic that seeps through the cracks.

A huge, skinny humanoid creature slowly crawled out of the cracks on the sea floor. The huge body, which was hundreds of meters tall, stood quietly on the sea surface.

That huge body was like a headless humanoid withered bones that had been stripped of every piece of flesh and blood, standing here silently.

Countless people who witnessed this terrifying monster screamed in panic, and their spirits instantly fell into a state of frenzy as they witnessed something incomprehensible.

The thin withered bones slowly raised their hands, and the Golden Gate Bridge connecting the two sides, as well as the cities on both sides, collapsed instantly under the invisible force!

Scarlet burning fissures ripped open the city's ground.

Countless monsters that were as skinny as those withered bones, as if every trace of flesh and blood had been removed from their bodies, crawled out of the burning cracks, standing on the earth with silent terror.

Just by their presence here, the invisible intimidation they exude can make all creatures around them feel extremely frightened.

But even more terrible is the destruction they bring.

The monster, like a giant twisted sea anemone, sprayed hot magma and burned the entire city.

Countless skeletal dogs with human faces that looked like skinny bones shuttled through the invisible dimension, precisely hunting each human form.

The huge evil leader wielded a sharp bone blade, skewering one person after another on his blade like a skewer of barbecued meat, and then stepped towards the next one.

Everything here is like the deepest nightmare.

Doom watched all this quietly, his heart still calm.

In this world without dimensional protection, tearing a rift leading to other dimensions is really as simple as tearing open wrapping paper.

"Look what you've done? You've brought this city to hell!!!!"

Charles' angry voice echoed in Doom's mind, and invisible mental fluctuations spread to every corner of the city with Charles' efforts!

But the information that came back made Charles almost spit it out.

The echoes of wailing, pain, and destruction, as if the spirit of being tortured in eighteen levels of hell, were constantly feeding back to Charles's brain.

Especially those monsters that looked like crawling out of hell, each of them disturbing him like a collection of twisted spirits.


Charles couldn't help but vomited, and the painful stimulation made his spirit bear the pain as if he had been cut into pieces with a thousand knives!

"What it is?"

"That's what you will look like after death." Doom replied calmly.

"Many people believe that the existence of the noble 'death' is the biggest obstacle to resurrection, and it is the most hated existence in the hearts of many people who long to resurrect the dead."

"But without death, what kind of purgatory would the world be?"

The answer is, life is worse than death.

The five gods of the universe, their existence is equivalent to the five basic essences of the existence of the universe, but it does not mean that the universe will not exist without them.

But no matter what, the universe separated from these five essences will become a real "purgatory" for life.

The best example is the alien dimensions under the control of the demon gods in each dimension.

Those special dimensional worlds are the best examples that are not within the control of the five gods.

There is no death, no eternity, no annihilation, no Galactus, no infinity.

The realm of the demon god in every dimension is like this, where there is no death, no space, no disappearance, no matter, and no time.

But that's the real hell.

Just as Dormammu has promised every one of his followers that they will receive eternal life if they believe in him, those who integrate their lives into other dimensions will indeed receive eternity.

But it was an eternity like endless torture.

And this world is actually equivalent to a huge alien dimension. It is just a part cut off from the main world line by the Creator, so it seems 'normal'.

But ultimately, after the lives here pass away, what awaits them is just endless torture.

But they actually feel nothing.

As life, the intelligence that proves its essence ends the moment their souls leave the body - but all the parts that make up life will come to an end with this universe.

To ordinary people, this is just eternal silence. As for mutants, their souls will be detained by Zagreb instinct, and then——

The souls of mutants who have wandered into this hell dimension are the best example. Their deaths will accumulate and create these nightmare-like monsters, releasing that part of their desires through destruction in endless painful torture.

Miserable? Of course, so Doom's behavior can be regarded as 'liberating' them in a sense.

"Get out of here...quickly!!!!"

In this miserable situation, Charles did not choose to gather all his strength to attack Doom - he chose to share his spirit and cover the entire city of San Francisco.

He forcibly controlled his brain and nerves, and then issued an order to escape from here quickly at all costs!

But this brought him an unimaginable burden.

Many people believe that Professor

Mind control, the basic implementation of this condition is to replace the mind of the controlled object with your own mind. In other words, the perceptions of both parties will inevitably produce synaesthetic reactions.

With Charles mind-controlling Xiao, the moment Eric killed Xiao with a coin also made Charles feel the pain of death.

And if he mentally controls people all over the world to die - the next moment, he will have to bear the pain of everyone's death.

And the current situation of Charles is not far different.

The spirit of the entire city of San Francisco was like a huge mountain suppressing Charles' body, and what was even more terrifying were the people who were dying all the time under the chase of the monster!

Their wailing and pain before death turned into the deepest curse and clung to Charles' will.

Pain, death, whining, and endless curses entangled Charles's still immature spirit, cursing his soul like maggots on the tarsal bones!

"Charles, give up! You can't save them all!"

Eric anxiously warned his friend that if he continues like this, he will soon be overwhelmed by the pain here!

However, Charles was unwilling to give up. While wailing in pain, he tried his best to break away from the immobile people who were oppressed by the monster's spirit and let them escape from here.

The best way to deal with a Madonna is to find a group of prisoners and hostages.

Doom looked at the painful Charles silently. He obviously had such powerful power, but he walked towards his own destruction.

What a noble sentiment.

Doom would never allow himself to be put into such a miserable and pathetic situation.

At this moment, the city under Doom's feet began to tremble crazily.

He looked at Eric floating in the sky in the distance and tilted his head slightly.

Finally looks a bit like Magneto.

192. King of Magnetism

Electromagnetic force, what is it?

It is the interaction force between stationary charged bodies. A charged body can be regarded as composed of many point charges, and the interaction force between each pair of stationary point charges follows Coulomb's law. Also called Coulomb force.

It is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. It exists together with the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and gravity. It is the four basic rules that build the material foundation of the universe. It can be said that electromagnetic force is the basis for the existence of the material universe.

But when ordinary people mention electromagnetic force, what do they focus on?

There is no doubt about the discharge, the magnet, and then the force that does the work.

Although it is very hurtful to say it, this is indeed the first thought of most people - lacking a basic understanding of science, they just judge from the simplest part of speech that the so-called electromagnetic force is just electricity and magnetism. .

This is the best era for learning. Countless knowledge exists in libraries and on computers. Everything you need can often be obtained with just a few keystrokes.

But it turns out that when faced with the gift of knowledge, most people often choose to give up acquiring knowledge.

Human laziness has proven to be the biggest sin that binds mankind, even incomparable to greed and anger. This is the original sin deeply rooted in the hearts of most people. There is obviously countless knowledge in front of me, but I choose to give up learning and then feel sorry for myself.

The same goes for Eric.

It is true that he lost the environment where he could study with peace of mind since he was a child, but it does not mean that he has not had the possibility of continuing education from the time he grew up to now.

He had this time and this opportunity, but he still chose to give up.

He gave up the opportunity to learn, or his narrow racism made him disdain to learn human knowledge. He developed his abilities only from the perspective of a 'mutant', and he was unwilling to learn human knowledge. , but persistently believe that their own abilities are the path and future that mutants should take.

To put it bluntly, it means giving up thinking with your brain and choosing to master it with instinct.

This problem makes him unchanged even when he is old. When he was young, he could be locked in a prison made of pure plastic and unable to move. It would be fine if he was knocked down by a glass bullet - even when he is old. It was the same after that.

Are you kidding me? Facing a being who masters electromagnetic force, is it enough to be locked up in a plastic prison?

He is Magneto, not Iron King! His ability has never been to control iron molecules, but to control electromagnetic force!

Stupidly and rudely treating oneself as a large iron magnet, using one's power to absorb iron molecules for use is simply stupid behavior!

When Magneto put on the ring given to him by Stryker, endless knowledge poured into his mind in an instant.

That is complicated, and the knowledge of all the books on electromagnetic force in the history of mankind!

Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism

Faraday's "Laws of Electromagnetic Induction"

Oersted's "Theory of Electromagnetic Generation"

Of course there is also the "Grand Unified Theory Formula"!

Electromagnetism is everywhere and is the fundamental principle upon which matter in the universe is built. There is electromagnetic force between the universe, the earth, molecules, and atoms, and electromagnetic force exists in all natural and dynamic things!

As long as the molecules don't stop moving, the electromagnetic force will always exist. And movement will inevitably produce friction, and friction will drive the electromagnetic force to rise, driving terrifying power everywhere!

This is Eric's real crown!


Eric roared angrily, as a vast sea of ​​knowledge poured into his brain, and this countless knowledge was also forcibly transforming his use of power.

He raised his hands, but this time what he used after activating his power was not that stupid steel!

He tore apart the ubiquitous matter, extracted oxygen molecules and hydrogen atoms, and while constricting his electromagnetic stance in an instant, he created a real 'sun' in front of himself!

Doom couldn't help but look at him one more time and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This Magneto finally has some appearance.

But... it's still not enough.

Magneto, who created a real sun, could hardly control the interactive information that penetrated into his brain. The information interaction brought about by the electromagnetic force between countless molecules was burning his brain!

Even if they are mutants, their human brains are still too fragile.

Simple sympathetic neurons cannot withstand tens of millions of calculations per second. Even with the help of genes from the Celestial Group, this is still too difficult for humans.

Feeling unable to control this power, Eric chose to throw away the 'sun' in his hand while roaring.

boom! ! ! !

Under the Golden Gate Bridge, a real sun exploded in an instant. The aurora and destruction swallowed up the entire ocean.

From California on the other side to the city of San Francisco here, the surging brilliance took away all the eyes for a moment.

Then, wanton shock waves spread in all directions.

"...I still can't see your brain."

Doom complained coldly.

He really couldn't figure out why this idiot would use the electromagnetic decomposition position to create a nuclear explosion to deal with him. Not to mention whether it was effective or not... This wide-area attack method was too stupid and inefficient.

There was no tolerance for stupid Doom.

He gently stroked his fingers, and the magic thread seeped into the surrounding accelerated molecular motion. The molecular structure of the material, including the heavy atomic nuclei of the fission reaction, was directly decomposed and annihilated.

This is the awesome material decomposition ability that many people boast about.

To be honest, it's not really an awesome ability in their world.

It can be said that villains with a little bit of great skills, such as Loki, or most of the famous gods in Asgard will do this.

You can't even decompose matter and yet you dare to call yourself a strong man in this hellish place? Have your sweet dreams!

In fact, Doom is often surprised. There are so many gadgets gathered in New York that can theoretically wipe out the Americas or the Earth with just a raise of their hands, but it is outrageous that they can remain unharmed for so many years...

Doom just lightly hooked his fingers, and the weakened version of Magneto's ultimate move from the movie universe was ineffective.

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