After all, Ultron may still be used to considering a person's value from the perspective of efficiency.

What the iron-hearted tyrant wants to do will undoubtedly be to launch a war of unprecedented scale.

A war against another world, another dimension.

And he doesn't seem to be planning to tell anyone yet. He will only take himself and his legion to conquer and destroy, and his people will enjoy the country he has built without knowing anything.

A selfless but cruel victim!

Then the world Stark chooses to invade will be...

This question is a bit redundant. Where is the invasion? No need to think about it?

The quantum world that Pym particles allow them to reach can connect many dimensions and worlds in the universe, but the world suitable for human survival can almost be said to be a drop in the ocean.

Human beings are a fragile species, and a slight change in atmospheric content can cause people to die without burial. Among the many environments in the universe and even the world, worlds as suitable for human survival as the earth are the real minority.

So even from a probabilistic perspective, the world Stark invades must choose the Earth of the parallel world.

That would be the most appropriate, the simplest, and the one with the highest success rate.

Of course, such behavior is undoubtedly extremely absurd and even cruel, but it is precisely because of this that Ultron feels happy both physically and mentally.

He is a villain AI, but now he can watch the former hero lead his army to invade the earth. Even Shakespeare's plays are not as ironic and interesting.

"Are you ready to trample on humans in other worlds, or even kill your other self?"

Facing Ultron's question, Tony just looked at him with almost silent eyes and said lightly

"I've seen parallel worlds, and I've even seen countless different versions of me..."

"Some of their lives are happier than mine, some are worse off than mine, and some worlds... have long since been destroyed."

"If the universe parallel to ours is really as endless as the sands of the Ganges, then a destroyed world is nothing."

His love and thinking are no longer so broad, and Tony, who has become an iron-hearted tyrant, cuts off his extra love.

All his care and thoughts can only be invested in his own people

"I will provide enough Pym particles." Ultron smiled generously.

"After you leave, I will try my best to protect humans, so...Tony Stark, I wish you good luck in martial arts!"

Athens, Greece

Since the ancient myth was resurrected in the sky of the Aegean Sea, countless emerald lights have brought new hope to everything in the Aegean Sea like flashes of hope.

One after another, futuristic buildings that imitate the ancient Greek style but are more practical are rising from the ground. The members of the Green Lantern Corps fight against the endless cold and bring everything new to this forgotten and desolate land.

Religious beliefs have been reshaped here, but the three most fervent beliefs have no chance of survival here.

Whether they wanted it or not, after the Green Lantern Corps took over everything here, all the churches and temples were bulldozed, and all useless religious buildings and everything related to them were burned to the ground.

To be sure, there was a lot of pushback from fanatical believers. But their resistance was in vain, for their opponents were messengers who were performing miracles.

Between a god who only exists in storybooks and a group of divine envoys who are performing miracles, there is probably no need to say which of them can truly absorb faith.

The Green Lantern Corps originated from the gods, but despised them.

Each Green Lantern possesses god-like powers. They draw their power from the will of worship, but they never call themselves gods.

Even the Guardians of Olympus are like this.

They are the most qualified to be called gods. The powerful Green Lantern Ring was born in their hands, and their power protects this land from the ravages of the Fimbul Winter.

This is even more true for Hal, the current leader of the Green Lantern Corps.

He had seen the guardians with his own eyes, what they looked like before they turned themselves into little blue men.

There is no doubt that those are the gods from Greek mythology.

If they reveal their figure, they can easily gain countless faiths.

But they did not do this. Instead, they changed their god-like forms and faced everyone with another attitude that was more likely to be regarded as 'alien'.

What is their purpose in doing this? Why the persistent reluctance to accept faith?

Hal didn't know, but he didn't see anything bad in it.

After all, Steve Rogers, the Guardian who connects the Lanterns and the Guardians, is undoubtedly a person worthy of admiration.

Once the perfect man of God, then the perfect human God, now the link of mercy between God and man.

There is not much divinity in such a 'perfect' person, and even in Hal's eyes, he may be too much like an ordinary person.

After bringing another group of refugees to Greece, Hal was tired after a busy day and wanted to go back to rest.

The sun on the far side is sinking into a sea of ​​ice, and the sky here is only covered by a vague green light and shadow.

The great green light shrouded the cold air of this land, blocking every cold wind blowing from the far side.

But when he flew over the Temple of Paterno, he stopped. He flew over and landed on the top of the temple.

Steve is sitting here, looking at the sunset in the distance, his back is indescribably desolate and lonely.

"Are you still thinking about the United States?"

Hal sat in front of Steve, looking at the sun setting into the ice sea with him, and said softly

"That is my motherland, even until now..."

Steve said softly

"I grew up there, studied there, made friends there, died there...but now, here I am."

Steve, who was recalled by Zeus to have the memory of Captain America, became confused about everything there.

He really wants to return to the United States and continue to do his part for his motherland.

But he understands better that the United States does not need him now. There is no need for Captain America, and there is no need for the people of the motherland.

That country doesn't need a second voice. The existence of the iron-hearted tyrant is cruel enough, and Steve shouldn't be there.

"If I go back as a native of the motherland, or as Captain America, they will welcome me very much." Steve smiled self-deprecatingly.

Because no matter which one he is, he is more 'merciful' than Tony and deserves to be 'missed'.

But what about reality? If the people of the motherland go back, it will just be a new tyrant - the country that has fallen under the servitor paradise created by Ultron can only be forcibly restored by the will of the tyrant.

And what will happen if Captain America goes back? He just gave those people a false hope. In fact, what could he do?

"Before I accepted Dr. Erskine's invitation, I thought that if I really passed the transformation, I could become the power to defeat the Nazis - did I even have the fantasy of capturing Hitler alive?" Steve chuckled nostalgically.

"But then they asked me to buy bonds and perform on stage with a bunch of Star-Spangled Bunnies. Because I was the only one, and because Dr. Erskine was dead, a lone super soldier was useless to them."

"I was so unconvinced that I enlisted in the Howling Commandos and actually saved my friends - and maybe America? In the moment I fell out of the plane, I really thought my abilities had changed something. "

He closed his eyes, exhaled softly, and continued

"But now I have to admit that there are too many things in this world... that cannot be changed by brute force."

"America's problems did not happen overnight, and they are not your responsibility."

As a member of the United States and a former member of the Air Force, Hal comforted Steve.

"I would love to fight for my country, but we have a heavier responsibility now. We are doing the right thing, aren't we? What we are doing is for the greater good."

"...Is it the right thing?" Steve suddenly turned his head and said in an inexplicable tone.

"So... is it right to invade other worlds?"

200.Destiny Another Thanos

The members of the Green Lantern Corps have gone through extremely strict screening before joining the Corps. It is almost 100% certain that there must be no fake ones among the Green Lantern Corps.

They must not only have the willpower to be one in a million, but also have a noble spirit of sacrifice and be willing to selflessly dedicate themselves to order and justice in the world. Only under various conditions can they have the opportunity to be selected by the Green Lantern Ring. with possibility.

If it were in peacetime, each of these Green Lanterns with strength and selfless dedication would be a messenger to maintain world peace. Put an end to all wars and maintain all order that can be maintained!

But in Finbul Winter, the role played by the Green Lantern Corps, which maintains peace and order, is mostly just a group of 'firefighters'.

A group of firefighters who rescue survivors in disasters and terror, and try to keep as many people alive as possible from natural disasters.

They have little opportunity to fulfill the heavy responsibility of safeguarding world peace. After all, the world is more terrifying than man-made disasters, natural disasters. Of course, this role is naturally noble, but compared to the 'police' function that should have been given. , becoming a 'firefighter' seems to start to sound a bit weird.

But the problem won't go away just because you ignore it.

What Steve now faces is such a dilemma.

He knew what Stark was thinking and what Tony was about to do.

He wants to launch an invasion war against other parallel worlds.

From a rational point of view, his approach is exactly the way to allow the hundreds of millions of survivors in the United States to survive the disaster better.

But aggression is aggression, and war is war. For Steve, who devoted the first half of his life to the anti-Nazi cause, there is no doubt that this is 'evil'. You cannot transfer disaster and stress to another world just because your own people are harmed and miserable.

If such behavior cannot be said to be evil, then all wars in this world are just.

So he is now inevitably in a dilemma.

It is to safeguard the justice in the heart, let Stark's plan go bankrupt and let hundreds of millions of people fall into the quagmire of fate again. Or should we let it go and allow the invasion to happen?

He went to ask Olympus, but the answers given by the gods who turned into little blue men were ambiguous.

Whether they stop it or not, it makes no difference to them.

But Steve knew very well that if a war started, no matter they won or lost, they would definitely have nothing to gain.

The most important thing is that the number of Green Lantern Corps is insufficient.

Propping up this protective shield that protects the entire Greek region has made many Green Lanterns deeply involved, and they need a lot of manpower to maintain security in the territory and maintain everything.

In fact, now Steve has to order the Green Lanterns to reduce the number of survivors they bring back.

If he foils Stark's war plot, what's next? The hundreds of millions of missing people in the United States?

They can't afford to support those people, and Steve doesn't know whether the evil AI Ultron will do anything wrong at this time...

After hearing Steve's troubles, Hal thought for a moment and said softly

"You are a guardian. We will only obey your orders. There is nothing wrong with practicing justice. But Steve, if we cannot be a 'destroyer', then do we have the ability to be a 'guardian'? ?”

Hal left such words and immediately turned into a green light and flew out of the sky.


Steve stared at the passing green light in the sky and murmured to himself in a low voice.

The drama of invading parallel worlds has been played out countless times in Marvel.

Cliché, unsurprising, as mundane as The Flash’s family next door changing the past.

But if the initiator of the invasion of the parallel world is a superhero or Tony Stark, the core figure of the Avengers, then the situation becomes interesting.

Mu Feng would never miss this good show.

He, Ultron, and their clones had already held popcorn and stayed at the front seats waiting for the show to begin.

There is no way, the comedy effect is really great.

Tony Stark's invasion is very fun to think about.

These fun-loving people like this kind of helpless satire the most!

“Coming, coming, it’s about to start, it’s about to start!!!”

Ultron held a lot of screws and shouted excitedly

"I'm still destroying planets here...well, it's really fun!"

Fury is online

"Sometimes I just can't understand my own bad's so common."

Lazy is online while complaining

"Iron Man, who was born because he opposed war, personally led a war. This kind of fun is rare."

Mufeng went online while smiling.

"Wait, where is your other clone?" Ultron asked curiously

"Well...go and do what he should do." Mu Feng answered ambiguously.

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