Dou Ni looked at this guy with suspicion. Although they were partners, since they were reincarnators, they were destined to have no concept of trust.

And he has suspected this guy for a long time - how did he know about the teams in Tianqi?

"Don't look at me like that, don't forget that we are always grasshoppers on the same rope."

Old God John said clearly

"Believe me, you can only believe me. Our enemy has never been Doom or Apocalypse, not a specific enemy, but the truth behind the scenes."

"So, what we have to do is not, like we did before, do a game and then lead the BOSS to come and kill him or something, but to completely muddy the waters and let the real black hand be guided by us."

"...Okay, I believe you." Dou Ni stood up, the psychic armor instantly integrated into his body, and two sharp psychic blades extended from his hands.

"What is my mission?"

"Destroy all the guys who can take care of things!" John said with a cruel smile.

"The whole New York is in a state of riot right now. Professor X has no time to take care of us, but you'd better finish it within ten minutes."

"Five minutes is enough." Dou Ni sneered.

"Five minutes is enough for me and my team."

The next moment, he disappeared from the spot with a psychic jump. When he reappeared, he was already in front of President Kennedy who was reunited with his family.

“surprise mother f~u~c~k!!!”

Dou Ni laughed and shot Kennedy in the head, then instantly jumped to the home of the new Secretary of State amidst the screams of his wife and children.

His mission is to clear the heads of all the people in the United States who are still in charge.

This is a task that may seem difficult, but is actually not difficult.

This is also the best way for most mysterious forces to deal with modern forces.

Dou Ni still remembers an HP plot he experienced, which eventually turned into a war between the wizarding world and the secular world due to the intervention of reincarnators from both sides.

The groups of reincarnators who helped the secular world vowed to blow up the wizards with nuclear bombs. However, in less than three hours, the secular world surrendered.

Because Nose led his Death Eaters and killed all the high-ranking Muggle figures with the help of Dou Ni.

Although it is said to be so huge, in fact, as long as you kill the top group of people, more than half of a government will be paralyzed.

A paralyzed modern government is completely unable to demonstrate its cohesion and action. In other words, a modern society that has abolished this cohesion will not be any better than in ancient times.

It can be said that Dou Ni and his team members are very familiar with this matter. In five minutes, he is enough to kill all the senior officials in the United States who can take charge of affairs.

If he hadn't really searched for the coordinates, he could even deal with the people on the nuclear submarine.

But even if there is a nuclear counterattack, it actually doesn't matter.

None of the guys who can fight in this damn world are afraid of nuclear bombs.

Including Dou Ni himself.

Dou Niguang, who had strengthened his psionic energy and truly passed the Dark Templar Trial, found that the fanatic-style armor he wore was something that modern technology could not match.

Of course...including Bolivar and Stryker.

The end of this assassination lies with them.

When the vortex flashing with psionic energy jumped to Bolivar's laboratory, what was waiting for Dou Ni was the siege of several sentries.

These sentinel robots are closer to the beast-like appearance than the original ones. The biological robots emitting light ruthlessly locked all the space for Dou Ni to counterattack.

However, Dou Ni, who was well prepared, only destroyed all these robots with a long-awaited psionic storm!

The Sentinel robot sounds awesome, but it is only suitable for dealing with mutants. And it's not the type that stores the X gene in the original version, so it has basically no resistance against someone like him who plays with psionic energy.

"It seems you have no other options, Dr. Lannister."

Looking at the pale-faced Bolivar, Dou Ni smiled evilly.

"Are you from Doom too?" Bolivar asked with a pale face.

To be honest, he had never trusted these people who appeared out of nowhere. Just like Stryker, they were not trustworthy at all.

But cooperation with them was a last resort, but what happened suddenly today still caught Bolivar off guard.

It's not that I can't figure out why these guys suddenly defected. There is no detailed reason for betraying the second and fifth boys.

What Bolivar didn't understand was why they took action at this time. If they were Doum's people, there was actually no need to take such a step.

"You cannot understand our existence, just as you cannot understand our origins and our noble purpose."

Dou Ni laughed, and then cut off Bolivar's big head without mercy.

Because to be honest, he didn't even know the answers to these questions.

This reincarnation mission is full of Riddler flavor from beginning to end. Anyway, Dou Ni cannot figure out many problems.

But since you can’t figure it out, just stop thinking about it and just focus on solving the current problem...

Stryker isn't here.

Dou Ni frowned slightly. Compared to Bolivar, there was no doubt that Stryker was the source of the problem.

A villain from the X-Men series who shouldn't have appeared here, hiding secrets like Doom's.

Dou Ni plans to keep this secret to himself.

There's nothing to blame, they're always like this, aren't they? The Lord God made them struggle in the gap between life and death, and even deliberately shaped their sense of competition.

The only rule in this jungle world is to survive and be strong. Kill your opponents and harm your teammates. As long as you can become stronger, it is enough.

Dou Ni slowly raised his right hand, and the surging nether energy surged out from his palm, bending in the ancient and desolate singing voice from Dou Ni's mouth.

He is pursuing the time in this area and using psionic energy to destroy the time in this area to practice mobility.

After a while, he found his destination.

Almost without hesitation, Dou Fu followed the coordinates pointed by the nether energy and jumped away. At the same time, he also sent a gathering order to all the team members.

When he jumped through the psionic portal, what appeared in front of him was someone who didn't particularly surprise him.

"John, it is indeed you."

Dou Ni sneered and looked at the 'Miracle Worker' in front of him and Stryker who was silent beside him - when did this guy get hold of such an important prop?

"There is nothing certain or not. Doesn't the fact that you can find this place mean that you are also convinced of Stryker's value?"

John said with an indifferent expression, the same is true. For reincarnations like them, there is no etiquette and shame - betraying the covenant is as simple as eating and drinking!

"Give it to me, or we can share the secret behind it." Dou Ni said calmly.

"Yes, the secret of being separated from the Lord God." John showed a playful smile

"Many of you reincarnators have obtained these secrets, about the nature of the Lord God's space, and about the 'existence' hidden behind the scenes that can help you reincarnations escape from your tragic fate."

"...You reincarnations?" Dou Ni frowned slightly. He caught something wrong in John's words.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I called you wrong. I should have called you - unlucky temporary workers." John sneered disdainfully and maliciously.

"Do you really think you are being asked to do something by letting you into this world?"

"Recognize your identity, cannon fodder!"

Dou Ni instantly felt his whole body tremble and stiffen. He broke into a cold sweat and suddenly remembered the legend that was only circulated among high-level reincarnators.

Behind the main god, there is a group of people who control everything.

And they are just a group of cheap temporary workers and cannon fodder. The meaning of their existence is just as a cheap fast-moving consumer goods...

"You guys have contributed a lot to allowing us to intervene in this world from that difficult bastard, but you are no longer needed now, so - disappear."

'John' said casually, and the next moment Dou Ni felt that all the reinforcements in his body were deprived of him, followed by a suffocating sense of nothingness.

‘Tonggang team captain Dou Ni, obliterate! ’

‘Members of the Tongshan Iron and Steel Team...are all wiped out! ’

John, who did not hesitate to activate administrator privileges and clear out these temporary workers, twisted his neck, looked at Stryker next to him and smiled with narrowed eyes.

"I think you will be happy to cooperate with us...Mr. Stryker?"

"We can send you back to your world, but only if we don't forget our cooperation."

Stryker nodded lightly. In fact, he had no choice, right?

"Very good." John nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

"But first, let's wait for... another traveler."

Crazy rainstorms washed over the entire New York City, and rainwater everywhere invaded every corner of the city.

The passers-by walking outside cursed and got soaked by the sudden heavy rain, while the people hiding inside looked at the falling rain outside the window.

It seemed like just an ordinary rainstorm.

Until the first pedestrian fell to the ground.

It was a tall black man. He knelt down while wailing in pain. His flesh began to squirm, and dark hair began to grow on his body.

His size began to expand and he began to transform into a huge black gorilla! ! !

In an instant, his size exceeded five meters. After the painful torture, he howled in terror, destroying everything around him almost out of control.

The same thing happens to almost everyone who gets caught in the rain.

Either their bodies had mutated, or they suddenly began to erupt with terrifying mutant abilities.

A crazy air wave swept through a street, and an explosion of scorching steam took away all the lives in a restaurant!

Such a scene is very familiar to Charles and Eric.

This is how it is when their abilities are awakened, uncontrollable, or in other words, their power is completely dominated by emotions and instincts.

But they always have strong control over their abilities, but these people... they are defenseless.

The X gene is both a gift and a curse.

When the Celestial Team buried the X gene, they only used it to conduct a set of simple experiments, so they did not set any controllable variables on the X gene.

This also leads to the fact that most of the abilities mutated by the X gene are uncontrollable.

From the unpredictable Omega level, to the powerful and controllable alpha level, to the powerful but uncontrollable beta level, to the weak but controllable delta level, to the flawed and uncontrollable Epsilon level, the already powerful and almost completely uncontrollable gamma level.

But it is a pity that in most cases, mutants awaken at the latter three levels.

And the cruelest thing is that most people are unable to control his mutant abilities. At least for a considerable period of time after their initial awakening, they are unable to adapt to the changes brought about by their abilities.

You have been an ordinary person for decades, and then suddenly you have an extra hand. The changes that will be brought about cannot be achieved by simple practice.

The gorgeous mutants you see are just a few strong and lucky ones selected by the survivor bias, and most of the mutants who awaken for the first time are equivalent to an uncontrollable bomb. After the first 'use' , often destroying themselves and everything around them.

For example, right now, at this moment.

The entire Big Apple City has a population of 8.5 million, and among these people, 60% have been screened out who have not been exposed to the awakening liquid for the first time, and the remaining 40% are all humanoid bombs. !

If the awakening is successful, they will explode. If the awakening fails, they will become a more terrifying bomb.

A full 3.6 million people began to awaken their X genes at this moment, and the chaos that followed far exceeded any battlefield.

"They...they are all awakening their abilities!"

Charles, who swept the entire Big Apple City with powerful spiritual tentacles, turned pale. The thing he most expected to see was presented in the worst possible way.

More than three million mutants are rising at this moment, either turning into crazy and out-of-control products, or going berserk and destroying everything around them as much as possible.

There was no flames of war in New York City, but there were sounds of destruction and explosions one after another. There are also cries of death and burning flames.

Every corner of this city has lost its safety, and everything is heading towards a wild dance of extinction amid extreme chaos and karma!

204. The mantis stalks the cicada


Charles turned his spirit into tentacles and swept across the entire Big Apple City, forcibly connecting the brains of millions of people, roaring and issuing orders. .

Without a mental amplifier, such an operation would be a huge burden for him. Even after training, he could only maintain it as much as possible.

With the briefest of orders, Charles forcibly controlled everyone's spirits.

But this rough order obviously cannot restrain such a large range of mutant awakeners.

Charles's face turned extremely pale instantly. He opened his eyes and his body went limp. Eric on the side immediately caught Charles who fell. He frowned at his best friend who was bleeding from all his orifices.

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