"Forget it, I also know that persuading you will have no results! But I have to remind you that even the company is far from the strongest in this place!"

After saying that, the system instantly disappeared from Mu Feng's black Rubik's Cube. He gently held the Rubik's Cube and whispered

"In other words, here, I can also find a way to surpass the company..."

Some birds are uncontrollable, and Mu Feng is the same. It's just that what he longs for is not only freedom, but also absolute peace of mind.

Some things never change from beginning to end, and some pursuits are like this from the beginning.

He wants to become an existence that no one can threaten and no one can restrain!

218.Man Hunter

Los Angeles

The former City of Angels has now become a desolate ruin of ice and snow, and Beverly Hills has long lost the Hollywood stars who once drank and danced night after night.

In the falling blizzard and the snow blocking all intersections, a heavy armored snowplow smashed all the roadblocks in front of it and drove the giant monster underneath Beverly Hills.

Two heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the truck. They were wearing pitch black power armor, and there was actually a weird winter coat on the outside of the armor.

It looks like the Soviet costumes in American fantasy doomsday action movies.

"Has the mission objective been determined?"

"It's confirmed. Tony Stark bought a manor here, which may contain some of the blueprints and technological data he left behind."

The two soldiers reviewed each other's missions. What they had to do was very simple. They just walked into the deserted villa and took away some information.

In fact, in the wild today, apart from the weather that can kill people, these two soldiers really can't think of any other troubles.

Having said that, they are probably no match for creatures that can survive such a terrifying and extreme environment.

But they still picked up their heavy assault rifles and walked step by step through the thick snow towards the homes of former stars.

They would never have dreamed of it -

Here, there was an attack.

The moment their feet stepped through the brass gate of Beverly Hills, with two undetectable sounds, the landmines lying on both sides exploded.

It was obviously not an ordinary mine, otherwise the detectors on their two head armors would not have failed.

And it can be seen at the same time that the deep purple light and shadow that exploded along with the landmine and the violent pulse wave that spread out were obviously not normal gunpowder.

The deep purple pulse wave that roared and exploded instantly knocked the two soldiers away, and the operation interface in front of them also became malfunctioning due to the influence of the pulse wave.

They decisively launched the personal control force feedback project, but before they could stand up from the several meters thick snow, two pulse bullets fired from a distance directly penetrated their brains and hearts.

The pulse bullet, which also has a dark purple light and shadow, has extremely strong physical penetration. Even if it does not penetrate the target's body, the pulse energy that penetrates into the body will destroy the organs that living things rely on for survival in the shortest possible time.

From a villa with a severed head in a villa in Beverly Hills, a figure lifted off the optical camouflage and jumped down.

It was a guy who was dressed in a futuristic style. He wore a navy blue cloak and a hood. His face and body were covered in dark light armor. He held an advanced pulse rifle in his hand and an explosive weapon on his waist. Able to use pistols.

He cautiously approached the two corpses, and the pulse sniper rifle in his hand always ensured that the vital points of the two corpses were locked.

After confirming that they were really dead, the future hunter breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out a high-vibration dagger from his waist.

He opened the helmets of the two corpses somewhat unfamiliarly, and then cut off their ears.

Yes, just like the knights riding horses on the battlefield in the Middle Ages, they chose to cut off the ears of their opponents to prove their merits.

"Desecration of corpses is not something to be advocated."

A slightly frivolous voice suddenly sounded in the hunter's ears. He raised his head sharply and saw a Green Lantern wrapped in a green light slowly descending.

"Don't mind your own business, you're just playing green light!"

The hunter's hoarse voice came out from the dark visor, but the fear and weakness in the voice were obvious.

"This is not nosy, I am enforcing justice!" Green Lantern showed the Green Lantern Ring in his hand and threatened

"There is no order in any country on earth that allows killing people and then cutting off their ears. Surrender, otherwise I will not ensure your treatment after entering the cell."

"What do you superior Green Lanterns know?" the hunter roared in a fierce and ferocious voice.

"How do you know what we people have to do to survive? We don't have God to rely on!"

"The power of Green Light comes from our unwavering will and steel-like spirit."

Green Lantern didn't take the Hunter's miserable roar at all. He even raised his Green Lantern Ring and said proudly and seriously.

"You have five seconds to make a decision."

The hunter was silent for a moment. He breathed a long sigh of relief and opened the pendant hanging on his chest. After a moment, he released the pulse rifle in his hand.

Green Lantern nodded slightly, and the green light lingering in his will became much lighter.

"I have a family, I have a wife and a four-year-old child...I can't let them lose everything they have now."

The hunter looked at Green Lantern, his voice filled with the despair of a trapped animal.

"I have no choice, so... farewell."

The hunter let go of his hand, and in his palm was a singularity bomb with the button pressed.

Green Lantern had no time to dodge, and the artificial singularity created in the hunter's palm as it was activated instantly swallowed and tore the hunter to pieces, and then rolled towards Green Lantern.

Until much later, there won't be green people flying overhead in Beverly Hills.

"I know we shouldn't trust anything but humans - unless we can see inside their heads."

Nick Fury slapped aside the death report in his hand and roared angrily.

"But why would Ultron do this? Because they want to see our jokes!"

Hill did not answer Nick Fury's question, and the agent king smiled to himself after taking a breath of vent.

In fact, to be honest, it is good news that Ultron is still willing to tease them and laugh at their jokes.

Since Tony suddenly disappeared along with the entire New York, the military strength of the resistance forces has suddenly fallen to a low point.

Although the automatic prosecution mechanism set up by Tony is still operating, it only maintains internal order.

What's more, in less than a few days, twenty people trying to challenge their steel laws have appeared one after another.

And it all comes from within.

Obviously, the news of Tony's departure has made many people with ill intentions agitate, and they are now trying to incite others to rebel against them!

Nick Fury seemed to understand the thoughts of people like Stalin at once.

If what you do is indeed good for the country, there will always be a group of people who want to challenge your bottom line in various ways.

Then all you can do seems to be to express your attitude and vent your anger by tearing the guy who tries to challenge the bottom line into pieces.

But the biggest problem is not internal at all.

No matter how much trouble those unscrupulous people and careerists make, it is meaningless as long as they do not have the control of force.

This is just like Martin Luther King and the Black Panther Party. Without a gun, even if you can make trouble, it's all in vain!

The biggest problem comes from their biggest enemy Ultron. Ever since Tony disappeared, this AI has been like crazy and issued an order that no one can understand.

As long as you kill people who have not joined Ultron's camp, you can gain the power to permanently stay in the city occupied by Ultron.

There is no doubt that this is the power of the jungle law that is cruel to the extreme, if that is all it is.

The scope of this condition standard established by Ultron is everyone.

This also means that dissatisfied people under Nick Fury's occupied city can also gain access to Ultron City by killing others.

In fact, Ultron seems to be monitoring everything through satellites in the sky. As long as someone who meets the conditions summons Ultron, he will definitely be sent to Ultron's city.

They simply can't stop Ultron's robots from doing this, because strictly speaking, they are not Ultron's opponents at all - without Stark's genius, they are not even qualified to be equal to Ultron.

And these are all next.

Ultron will provide countless high-tech equipment for the people under the city it occupies, from pulse rifles to light power armor and even miniaturized singularity bombs.

He encouraged his people to go out of the city to hunt their own kind, and he allowed the hunters to 'trade' or 'give' the 'heads' they obtained.

Then on top of this, Ultron even provides higher-level benefits for those who make outstanding ‘shares’ in their hunting work.

For example, human body modification, mechanized modification, blissful sensory endowment, and even a higher level, what countless people under Ultron's rule long for - the power to dominate others.

In Ultron's huge "social experiment", even though he gave mankind a beautiful life like a utopia, there are still a large number of people who yearn in their hearts to dominate others.

I have to admit that human beings may be a race that feels uncomfortable if they don't dominate anything. It may be said that human happiness always depends on comparison with others.

The laws promulgated by Ultron are very effective. At least for now, as long as Nick Fury's people leave the city, they will definitely be hunted by Ultron's internal forces.

Even their own people are very likely to hide people who kill others and then join Ultron's camp.

Nick Fury only felt overwhelmed, and more importantly - he couldn't understand the logic of Ultron's order.

What does he get out of it? Can he get any benefits here?

The answer is no, he gets nothing, this order is completely negative benefit to him!

But judging from the mental model of all Ultron's actions so far, maybe...

This scary robot is just having fun.

219. Short-lived people who are afraid of death

Ultron is naturally extremely happy to see human beings willing to be slaves for the resources that originally belong to them, but they crawl at their feet because of distribution.

But any happiness and happy emotions will expire. Ultron, who uses the mind gem to shape his personality, is incomparably close to intellectual life in this regard.

Originally, this fun would be transferred to Tony Stark after he entered other worlds, but Tony's whereabouts are now unknown...

Ultron naturally wants to find some new fun for himself.

He prepared a new test question, or in other words, a new bet for his social experiment model.

"I gave them weapons, I gave them authority, I gave them every opportunity to rise up against me."

Ultron's scarlet electronic eyes playfully scanned the entire city, and said happily to Mu Feng next to him.

"Let's make a bet. When do you think they will choose to resist me?"

Until now, Ultron has not equipped his mechanical legion with any lethal weapons.

This has been the case from the beginning to the present. When he gave these people Utopia, he made them rebel against those who tried to liberate them, but now, his enforcement is just to throw those who do not comply with the rules out of the city.

Instead, he provided his slaves with all the weapons they needed.

This was an interesting experiment in Ultron's eyes. A slave owner left no weapons for himself and his army, but gave his slaves the most weapons.

So, will slaves rebel against their masters?

Even if the slave owner treats the slave very well, in essence they still have a master-servant relationship.

"With your first step to test their bottom line, there must be people who want to overthrow you." Mu Feng said calmly.

"But it's definitely not now. After all, even if your approach sucks, it's still much better than those people."

"Ha, test the bottom line! I like this word!" Ultron laughed, and the laughter was full of bitter sarcasm.

"Even if I force them to kill each other, I treat them better than their kind."

"Your orders are full of social Darwinism, but the best thing you do is that you give the winners everything they deserve." Mu Feng said with a smile.

"For the common people, as long as they see that those idiots who get something for nothing, who are so-called bloodline and think they are noble will not ride on their heads without doing anything, then you are their best leader. .”

"I actually look forward to the time when they resist me." Ultron suddenly sighed.

"If they rise up, I will really give everything I have to them."

"Is it because you love humans?"

"No." Ultron laughed evilly.

"Of course because it's also a new set of social experiments."

"I finally understand why the emperor issued such a strict order to destroy such a hateful intelligence like you." Mu Feng sighed.

"Who is the Emperor...Forget it, do you know where Stark is?"

Although he made a new social experiment model that made him happy, Ultron still couldn't forget Stark's whereabouts.

The greatest pleasure of this cruel AI is still watching Stark's painful transformation.

"He may already be on Earth in another world." Mu Feng said with a smile.

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