The Chitauri were destroyed in a matter of seconds.

This fleet was enough to sweep across a star system. After the appearance of the sarcophagus battleship as huge as the world, it began to reverse course.

From front to back, from matter to void, from existence to nothingness.

Planets turned into wailing zombies that ate everything, stars turned into black holes that collapsed and devoured everything, and all existence fell into the boundless source darkness under that 'reversal' realm.

This is the infection of the 'insect swarm', which does not lie in the infection of any living thing, but in the infection of all concepts and substances that exist in the positive universe.

But the huge black stone coffin-like battleship only appeared for a moment. In the next moment, countless black and white battleships were 'dragged' into a certain place.

Only the Chitauri who had completely transformed into mind flayers were left.

Is this a war?

No, I'm afraid this isn't even an invasion. It's just a stupid idiot who used a space gem to open a door, but it attracted 'unexpected guests' from endless different dimensional coordinate systems.

On Earth, Loki, who had opened the portal with Stark Tower, felt an unspeakable sense of fear at that moment.

He did not dare to stay in front of the door, but jumped off Stark Tower without hesitation. He landed lightly on the ground, and with him came a dazzling thunder.

Coming with the roaring thunder, it was naturally his ‘brother’

"Loki, what have you done?!"

Thor grabbed his brother's collar and roared with a red neck.

"Relax Thor, I just opened a door." Loki smiled coquettishly.

He understood that he should never leave the portal now. The Chitauri army was waiting for his command, and he could only be safe if he had the Chitauri troops in hand.

But he would not stand in front of that door for even half a second.

He himself couldn't tell why, he could only classify it as a kind of intuition and instinct.

As a spellcaster, it is indeed hard to explain such a mysterious thing, but Loki just felt that he would rather be captured by Thor than get too close to that door!

"Well, it looks like our Broadway cast has recaptured his brother."

Naturally, Stark came with the usual annoying tone. Although he was frivolous, he had already locked his weapon on Loki, and judging from his bad tone, Loki's head would be blown by him at any time. Blast it away.

"What's in that door?"

Loki looked at Tony and had no intention of paying attention to this earthling. It wasn't until Thor repeated the question that he waved his hand and said

"Okay, okay, I know, I know, behind that door are... Chitauri."


Tony, who contacted everyone through the communication headset, asked in confusion.

"A group of space pirates cannot be considered a cosmic force on the surface." Thor replied, but he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although it is very troublesome... and it is probably a race that you mortals cannot be hostile to, but that is not the biggest problem."

Just not the worst stuff.

Although space pirates are not a good thing, they are better than the 'enemy' that Odin is extremely afraid of.

"Wait a minute! You mean a bunch of interstellar pirates armed with weapons and whips are going to come out on the other side of the door and sell us into slavery?!"

Nick Fury's voice instantly rose an octave. It seemed that the two words pirate and slave reminded him of the memories of his ancestors.

"The Chitauri are a problem." Thor grabbed Loki and said seriously.

"But trust me, it's definitely better than what I said."

225. Source Dark Infection

asgard golden palace

The weak Baur sat on his throne, and in front of him were his two most beloved sons-Kul and Odin.

He looked at his children, observing them with heroic yet wise eyes.

Kull is cunning but cruel, and Odin is also cruel and cunning. The only difference is that Odin will hide his cruelty.

From the king's perspective, he undoubtedly appreciates Odin more, but now, Baoer doesn't have that much time.

Odin's future is promising, but his growth requires too much time. On the contrary, Kull, who has completely mastered the fear rune, is the one closest to the position of God King.

Asgard can no longer bear the waiting and turmoil, maybe it's time to make a choice.

"Kul, listen to me. During my expedition, if I cannot come back alive, you will be the new king of Asgard."

Baoer looked at his son and said weakly and calmly

"I will shoulder my due responsibilities!" Kull said very unpleasant words with a cold face.

"Father, please don't say such things! You will not lose, you are the king of the gods!"

Odin on the side said with urgency and sadness.

Bao Er looked at the two children, and their essence was clearly evident in the conversation. Maybe they are all qualified, but Odin obviously knows better what it means to be "inconsistent"

"So what about the King of Gods? Odin, you think too highly of me, and you think too highly of Asgard."

Bao Er waved his hand tiredly, raised his left arm, and showed the wound to the two of them.

It was a mixture of black and white colors, jumping and flashing 'scars', covering almost the entire arm, and the scary thing was that the places where the scars existed were constantly flashing fragments, like a broken video recorder.

"Our enemies this time are the true apostles of darkness. Compared with them, the dark elves are nothing to mention!"

"...What could be more terrifying than the darkening of the main material universe?"

Odin gritted his teeth slightly and whispered

"Perhaps in your eyes, those dark elves living in the dark side are the so-called 'dark race'." Baoer rolled up his sleeves and said weakly

"But you are wrong. Even if they live in the shadow of the World Tree, the dark elves are and will always be positive beings in the main material universe. And the darkness served by our enemies is the negative opposite to the positive."

"They allow themselves to be parasitized by darkness. Each of their existences is the greatest taint and destruction of the positive universe. Their existence will cause the stars to fall, the stars to die, and even the eternal gods will die tragically!"

What Baoer was talking about was naturally those insect swarms.

After the Soul Reaver King returned from the abyss of nothingness, he brought the power of the insect swarm to another level.

Baoer, who had united the nine realms and thought he had 'killed' Oryx by relying on the swarm's internal response, met the demon again on the battlefield.

And the result this time was a disastrous failure.

Bao Er is already 19,800 years old. Without continuing to take golden apples, he has almost reached the upper limit of Asgardian lifespan.

However, this does not mean that he has become weak, for Asgardians, especially Asgardians who carry the blood of gods. Aging is not a curse, but a blessing.

The older Asgardians get, the blood of the Mother Goddess in their bodies will be further purified, becoming purer and more powerful.

Although not all old Asgardians are necessarily very old, Baoer and his descendants are the absolute exception!

But even Baoer, who had reached his peak... still couldn't face that monster.

That day, he wielded Gram's Sword of Victory and once again chose a duel with Oryx.

And the result was - his disastrous defeat.

He slew Oryx more than three hundred times, and Oryx was eternal beyond his world-warship. He also tried to destroy the warship, but Oryx used all his abilities against him.

He denied the truth of 'destruction' and made the world battleship that had reversed his throne world into an area that could not be 'destroyed'.

And more than three hundred deaths made Oryx more and more adaptable to his battle, so that in the three hundredth time, Oryx finally won.

Oryx used his tenacity and strength to defeat Baoer, practicing the evil sword law of survival of the fittest.

His magic sword scratched Bao'er's arm and almost dragged him into the opposite universe. If Emperor Weishan hadn't stepped in to give Bao Er a hand at the most critical moment, he might have been transformed into a terrible existence by the source of darkness.

He fled in panic, and Asgard's troops suffered heavy losses. Even without the intervention of the Soul Reaver King, the swarm's madness and sudden increase in power allowed them to defeat Asgard's elite.

Of course, they may have suffered heavy losses, but this time just defeating the strongest man in the nine realms was enough.

The King of Soul Reavers has built a wall of fear across the nine realms.

The Nine Realms have never been united, and they even stop fighting among themselves all the time. And under such circumstances, what reason would other worlds have to help Asgard?

From the perspective of a qualified king and politician, Baoer would also choose to sit back and watch.

But this time, he couldn't do that.

He saw the source of darkness, saw the abyss, saw the terrifying soul-stealing king and the essence of his insect swarm.

He saw the existence standing behind those swarms of insects, he saw the silent fear, the darkness that could easily swallow up the entire universe and drown everything.

For the infinite multiverse, what does the destruction of one or two universes count?

That's just a flick of the finger, and even in the unpredictable flow of time, tens of millions of universes may die in an instant, and the multiverse may be reshaped under a major event. .

But this universe is theirs, their home in this universe, their unique home.

No matter what, Baoer could not allow the darkness to swallow everything.

He has no way to defeat those monsters, even if he pulls in other worlds of the Nine Realms. Perhaps, they should contact help from outside the Nine Realms.

Bauer also felt that they should reach out. This is no longer a problem of one planet or an individual world.

It would be a question of whether the entire universe exists or not.

"Those are a group of cosmic plagues. They are not simple monsters or enemies. Their existence is the greatest blasphemy and infection to the positive universe."

Baoer stood up from the throne with difficulty, looked at his son who was kneeling in front of him, and said in a solemn voice.

"Kul Paulson! Odin Paulson! In the name of the Father of the Gods, I order you. If I cannot return from the battlefield, you must inherit my will and fight against the Soul Reaver King and him. The blasphemous swarm!"

"We will fight to the last moment, and Asgard will not stop until the last warrior falls! We will use our flesh and blood and soul to prop up the strongest line of defense. I want you to swear in the name of the World Tree to I promise!"

Kull hesitated for a moment, but Odin swore in the name of the World Tree without hesitation.

He will fight until the end of his life, and before he falls, he will ensure that Asgard will never give up because of death and injury.

They will fight the swarm to the last man, until every one of them is gone.

Kuhl glanced at Odin with relief, then looked at Kull with disappointment, and said softly

"Then, stand down."

"Let me be quiet in these last moments..."

In the war between gods, there is no room for mortal intervention.

In other words, this is how it should be. It’s just that in this weird universe, fights between great beings often involve a large number of ‘superheroes’ watching.

Some of them are important, some are just make-up, but it's outrageous that even a street hero like Spider-Man can watch in a fight on a cosmic scale.

The Chitauri invasion did not go as expected.

Loki, who was imprisoned, breathed a long sigh of relief. He could never forget the indescribable and huge feeling of fear when he faced that door.

"Okay, the fugitive is captured, we should think about how to turn this thing off."

Tony looked worried at the huge blue portal above his head.

Even if nothing comes through on the other side of the door, carrying such a big thing can cause huge chaos in New York.

"You just need to push the Cosmic Cube out."

After his eyes focused on him, Loki shrank his neck and said somewhat sarcastically.

"Okay, then just leave it to me."

Tony confidently took Loki's scepter and flew up, while Dr. Eric on the side seemed to be stunned, howling and pounced on him.

"Sorry doctor, it would be better for you to get some sleep."

Tony knocked Eric unconscious casually, picked up the scepter, adjusted the angle, and stabbed the blue Rubik's Cube hard.

Along with the gamma energy flow released by the instant burst, the blue cosmic cube fell straight out!

"You just said... you can close the portal by pushing out the Rubik's Cube, right?"

Tony looked at the still shining portal above his head and said in a strange tone

"According to common sense, it is absolutely correct!"

After all eyes were focused again, Loki raised his hand decisively and said loudly, and then after a moment's hesitation, his face turned pale and said

"If the Cosmic Cube that maintains the portal is moved out of the node and the door is not closed, then there is only one explanation..."

"The door is open on this side, but on the other side, someone is holding the door and not letting him close it."

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