The negotiation suddenly fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

Fortunately, at this time, it was the Queen of Gods who broke this embarrassing situation.

"Everyone, please listen to me." Frigga said softly, her words were like the spring breeze blowing on her face.

The messenger from the Supreme Star straightened his expression slightly. Although he looked down on most idiots in the universe, Asgardians were somewhat related to the word noble.

"I know that there have been gaps, frictions, and even hatred between us in the past. But these issues should always be discussed after solving those enemies of life."

"Everyone, I hope that we can unite as one, even if it is only this time. I only hope that we can come together to destroy the demons of the Burning Legion from invading our homeland."

"In the name of Asgard and the Queen... I implore you."

Frigga bowed deeply to everyone

"Please calm down and let's discuss the answer to this question together."

227. Figure collector

Speaking of Asgard, the first impression most people in the universe have is of the extremely powerful father of the gods.

Odin made great achievements for Asgard with his spear and war horse. The martial environment in Asgard cannot be said to be shaped by Odin, but he definitely has a large part of his 'credit'

But if we talk about the second impression, it is of course the God Queen Frigga.

Unlike Odin, Frigga's influence on people is like a spring breeze. She is undoubtedly a famous beauty in the nine realms and even the universe. Her magic is gorgeous and powerful, and her character and wisdom are unparalleled in the world.

This is evident from the fact that Odin only had her as his wife.

There are no Catholic rules in Asgard. In theory, even if the father of the gods married ten thousand wives, no one could fault him.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Odin has so many illegitimate children that he can almost be said to be the most father of gods in history.

Heimdall, the god of dawn, is his son with the dark goddess Yansasha, Vali, the god of revenge, is his son with the giantess Linda, and Braki, the god of wisdom and eloquence, is his son with the giantess Grod. Hermod was his son who he didn't know who he had fathered, and the others were Baldr, Tyr, Hodel...

He has so many heirs, and his wives can be said to be spread across the nine realms, and most of them are strong women with strong backgrounds.

But in the end, Odin's queen was Frigga.

Odin was feared by the nine realms, and Frigga was loved by the nine realms. Because of this, her death also took away Odin's soul, and even took away the spirit of Asgard.

Now, the surviving Frigga bowed her goddess's head to all the messengers who came to Asgard.

Now, even the most picky Sovereign and the most arrogant Ronan looked serious.

"Queen God, if you have any ideas, just say so."

The messenger of the Supreme Star pondered for a moment and said softly. There was no doubt that he was giving the initiative of this meeting to Frigga.

"Everyone, Asgard is now facing the crisis of Ragnarok." Frigga said softly.

"But even so we can form an elite force, led by my two children, with a total of twenty gods..."

Asgard's army has always focused on quality rather than quantity. The army of twenty gods can be said to have invested Asgard's blood!

After all, half of the twenty gods are old. In order to make them willing to fight for Asgard, Frigga picked the same number of golden apples as them, allowing them to return to their peak!

"There is not much defense left in the Golden Palace, but it is enough to maintain normal conditions."

Frigga stopped speaking after saying this, but her attitude also showed a meaning.

——Asgard has already sent its capital, so you should stop hiding it.

"We can discharge thirty-five Green Lanterns." Guardian Steve said.

"Of course I can go there myself. In addition, we will try our best to bring some 'weapons' that are convenient to carry with us."

Ronan didn't want to talk. Of course he knew what dangerous things these crazy Pitra people liked to play.

These are two teams that focus on quality, so the next thing is the people who focus on quantity.

"The Xandar Exile Fleet will do its best!" Cross said solemnly

"We will place the civilians in the garrison provided by Her Majesty Frigga, so... we will not hold anything back!"

"...The Kree people too." Ronan said dullly.

"Don't look at me. What those two old men mean is that they can't raise an army, so they will give you all the supplies you want." Valkyrie said lazily.

"If necessary, Gao Tianzun said that he is willing to provide you with a 'cosmic artifact' free of charge."

"Thank you two elders of the universe for me." Frigga smiled reservedly.

Finally, it was the turn of the most important messenger of the Supreme Star to speak.

The proud Sovereign was very satisfied with his final position. He cleared his throat and said loudly

"The noble Supreme Star will not shed any drop of blood for others!"

Good guy, the moment you open your mouth, you will be chatting to death.

But fortunately, everyone here also understood what a Sovereign was like, and even the most aggressive Ronan tolerated it.

"But." The messenger of the Supreme Star said in a very high-pitched voice.

"Our Supreme Star can provide a way to directly enter the Burning Legion's base camp - that is, through the Burning Legion's stargate technology analyzed by our great High Priest Ayesha, link and directly enter the throne world located above the planet Hala!"

The Supreme Star does not have any colonies in the universe, but their power is entirely based on their miraculous genetic technology and extremely powerful scientific analysis technology.

They have not been attacked by the Legion from the beginning to the present because their home planet, the High Star, was blocked by High Priest Ayesha, the leader of the Sovereign Genetic Engineering Collection, using powerful space technology.

Naturally, the Sovereigns would not turn a blind eye to the demons that invaded them. After continuously cracking the technology of evil energy and forcibly summoning and dissecting a large number of high-level demons, they quickly understood the secrets of the Burning Legion. Structure and presence.

In short, there is almost no chance of being 'eradicated' by these demonic legions from another world.

After the Lord of the Burning Legion and the three demon giants used powerful fel spells to bind the terrifying Well of Fel to the Twisting Nether of this world, the demons would only return to the Twisting Nether after death, and then above Hala. Fight your way out of the well of evil energy!

Then, the only way to crack the Burning Legion is to destroy the Well of Evil Energy on Hala Star.

Although they can't eliminate all the demons in the universe, this method can eliminate the Burning Legion's biggest reliance. Although the successor will not die after the demon dies, it will be very difficult for them to enter the main material world again.

"So, how should we turn off the well of evil energy?" Ronan frowned.

"There is no specific sample, so we cannot analyze the answer." The messenger of the Supreme Star answered honestly

"But maybe we can try to collapse through space distortion weapons..."

"It's no use, you can't close that door."

The mechanical voice with an old meaning sounded in everyone's ears, but the 'person' who made the voice stood silently behind them.

It was an old and skeletal Necron. It was still the metal skeleton body with a hard-to-discern appearance difference, but it was wrapped in a luxurious golden-green metal cloak and held a scepter with a faint green light in its hand. .

"Careful, mother!!!"

Thor shouted violently and stood in front of Frigga with Thor's hammer, looking at the monster in front of him angrily and warily.

"Oh, please take your weapons away, Asgardian."

The voice of this Necron is quite emotional - although it can still be heard as a mechanical sound, it is strangely full of emotion.

"I'm here to help you, my dear... flesh-lipped friends."

"We will not believe the words of a mechanical monster that is burning, killing and looting in the universe!" Cross said coldly

Ronan also meant the same thing. Everyone present at the meeting looked at the sudden appearance of the Necron with very bad expressions.

"Burning, killing, looting...hey, I would never do such a thing."

The Necron sighed softly. He looked at these people who were full of hostility towards him, bowed gracefully and calmly, and introduced himself in an extremely gentle voice.

"Let me introduce myself first."

"My name is Trazin, the curator of the Solamnus Art Gallery, the administrator of the Prism Museum, and the overlord of the Necron."

"Of course, I prefer you to call me by my full name - Endless Trazyn."

The reputation of the Necrons in the universe is not good, or in other words, it is particularly bad.

Thanks to the bad memories left by the murderous bee swarms in the past for various civilizations in the universe, coupled with the reality of the large number of undead beings that have awakened and massacred indiscriminately.

How could anyone have a favorable opinion of such a race?

So almost everyone here was 100% malicious towards Trazin - only the Valkyrie, who represented the Elder of the Universe, frowned slightly.

Trazin knew what would happen to him. In fact, it would be natural for him to be killed by everyone here by setting fire to him. He was even prepared for the possibility of being beaten into briquettes as soon as he showed his head.

However, he didn't think it mattered.

Anyway, what stays here is not his true body in the first place.

"The that your Lord Trazin? You are the first Necron I have ever seen who can communicate. Do you really have the sanity to communicate with us?"

"Of course, my dear Queen." Trazin said politely.

"Our race is not an ignorant beast. We have a long history and civilization, not inferior to Asgard. Of course we can communicate and even trade."

Frigga stopped Thor who was about to smash Trazin with a hammer. He looked at this weird Necron, pondered for a moment, and said softly.

"No matter what, races similar to yours have brought indelible disasters to all creatures in the universe. Tell us why you came, Iron Dead! This will determine whether you can leave here."

"Ah, what a generous majesty."

Trazin made an exaggerated ninety-degree bow to Frigga. It was obviously a mechanical skull face, but it could give people a "hippie smile" feeling.

"Well, I'm just here to make a deal with you."

"Not every Necron is a war maniac and a lunatic who has lost his mind and only knows how to burn, kill and loot. I am a collector. In fact, Di Fan and I are still old friends."

Everyone's eyes turned to Valkyrie, and Valkyrie shrugged and said meaninglessly.

"I'm with Gao Tianzun. I don't know anything about his brother."

"Your Excellency Difan and I both have the same beautiful and noble interest." Trazin said in a deep voice.

"That is - collecting precious cultural relics."

"I like to record the fleeting history in a moment and then preserve it forever, filling my prism museum with unique copies that cannot be copied and becoming a part of my eternal art. I prefer to preserve those cultural relics full of historical charm. , as proof that this civilization and this story once existed.”

"Yes, I came to you just for the 'collection' in your hands. I hope to have them. What do you think?"

"Then what can you give?" Ronan narrowed his eyes and said coldly

After all, it was Asgard's treasure that was sold, so he didn't care!

"You are a group of cold-blooded... no, monsters without blood. Let us believe that you can, but you have to prove yourself, you have to prove that you are telling the truth!"

Strictly speaking, Ronan and the Necron did not have any blood feud. Just like Cross, they led the exile fleet of their own race to wander around and had little chance of having any war with the Necron.

"I can provide something that closes that twisted space."

Trazin looked at the messenger of the Supreme Star and smiled lowly.

"If you follow the Sovereign's method, not only will you not be able to close the door, you will also have the honor of becoming the poor finished product of those demonic corruption experiments."

"The Sovereigns, a race that claims to have an ancient history and powerful technology, can you tell us all, are you really sure that you can close that door?"

The Sovereign snorted coldly, but unexpectedly did not have an attack. Instead, he gave in and remained silent.

"Then you can turn it off?" Cross frowned.

"Of course!" Trazin snapped his fingers, and in front of everyone, a miniature and illusory image of the Milky Way unfolded in front of them.

"We have sealed countless cracks and passages in the universe to keep those false phantoms out of the universe! For this order, we are real experts!"

No one took Trazin’s words, because no one here knew the ‘glorious history’ that Trazin spoke of

In fact, all the representatives of civilization here, except for one Asgard, are all forces that have only emerged in the past three thousand years.

Even the Saka Star and Difan Groups were suddenly established only after the two cosmic elders had a brain twitch in the past thousand years.

"Where did you Necron...come from?"

Frigga pondered for a moment, looked at Trazin and said softly

This is the only Necron they have encountered who can communicate. Although he seems to be very good at telling lies, he has no qualifications to be picky now.

"Ah, do you want to hear a history lesson about our race?" Trazin changed his hand to hold the scepter. He lightly snapped his fingers, and countless mechanical beetles formed a throne behind him.

He just sat down and told ancient stories in a long voice.

"long long ago……"

"The story of our Necron begins with the Silent King."

228.The Story of the Silent King

The passage of years that cannot be calculated, the flow of time that is difficult to judge conventionally.

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