At the beginning of this seemingly beautiful story, everything goes smoothly.

They gained new bodies, eternal lifespan, powerful wisdom and rationality - even their senses can be realized through the cyberspace connecting each other's souls.

What are they dissatisfied with?

The race of the Necron entered a new era. They spread beyond their own star system and once occupied the entire river system where they were located.

Their population continued to spread, and the technology of 'biotransformation' attracted batch after batch of people to voluntarily fall into their arms, changing their bodies to become new Necrons in the form of souls and steel.

It was their golden age, their great nation spread across the galaxy but united as one. There are thousands of dynasty worlds, but they can govern themselves while being united to each other.

They all think they have a bright future!

But from that day on...

A crazed Necron crypt engineer suddenly lost control and frantically took control of a world engine that crashed into the surrounding star.

This crazy behavior directly caused the star to be detonated directly. As a result of premature collapse and decay, all matter within a light-year was sucked into the terrifying black hole.

But this is not an isolated case. It seems that at some point, a 'virus' spread among the Necrons.

This 'virus' can drive their Necrons' spirits to madness or even out of control, manifesting extreme hatred for all living things, and then ultimately leading to them becoming like real machines.

This 'virus' is almost impossible to unblock for the Necrons, and the only solution for them is to kill.

Only by killing the living, those flesh and blood lives, can these crazy undead souls get some relief in the process of dying.

"To understand the origin of all this, the Silent King led our troops to burn the entire galaxy."

Trazin said softly.

"We have invaded countless worlds, and burned enough planets to fill the galaxy with ashes. We have killed without mercy, just because killing lives can alleviate our 'symptoms'. Nothing can alleviate our madness. , because this kind of madness is the only way to ensure that I and our species can survive."

Trazin's words were understated, as if the life as big as the sand of the Ganges was as small as an ant in their eyes.

Everyone present, even an extremely cold-blooded guy like Ronan, was so stimulated by Trazin that he shivered.

"I have never seen your records in Asgard's recorded history!"

At this moment, Loki, who had been listening quietly, couldn't help but say:

Of course Loki also understands the truth that 'history is written by the victors', but no matter how much you whitewash it, there will always be some clues in the recorded history.

"That's because we didn't originate from this universe." Trazin looked at Loki, playing with the taste.

"The technology of traveling through parallel universes is not a problem for us. We even have technological products that destroy parallel worlds to obtain huge energy. We just stay in this universe, that's all."

"In order to find the reason why our race has fallen to this point, we have traveled across many worlds, and we even obtained the Infinity Stones. In the end, we got the answer we have always wanted from the talking soul stone."

Trazin let out an extremely mocking laugh.

"It turns out that our souls...have long since passed away."

No one can fool death, not even the immortals, but their fate ultimately returns to the hands of death.

Unless you are a conceptual entity that transcends everything and even transcends death, people who try to escape death by small means will often end up not looking good.

For the Necron, their 'immortality' was riddled with bugs from the start.

Their biotransformation technology is based on the information of radiation diffused when the fallen god Zagreb passed through the quantum dimension. Even if this dark technology has been improved, its essence is still very bad.

The Insect Swarm is a race of dark entities that serve the Abyss, and the Necron, forged with the indescribable technology of the Abyss, are they also dark entities in disguise?

Their existence is destined to be difficult to survive in this positive physical universe, and things like 'soul', as an important part of the physical universe, will of course be gradually consumed by the Necron bodies created with the technology of the abyss.

The Necrons did not gain eternity or die after changing their bodies, but were trapped in this steel cage, destined to watch themselves step by step toward destruction.

"This is an endgame that cannot be solved. The eternity of the Necrons is built on our immortal bodies, and it is this body that slowly consumes our souls. If we want the race to exist, we must give up one, but we Neither one can give up.”

Trazin's voice became bleak, like a miserable old man telling his terrible story.

"In the end, the Silent King, under guilt, began his self-exile, and the Necron dynasty of Noda split apart. We fought with each other among the stars, and of course, more importantly, we divided up the resources of organic life forms."

Yes, they cannot obtain true eternity by solving this problem, but they can slow down the death of their souls through other methods.

That is killing. For the lives in the universe, the killing of the entities that carry the works of the Celestial Gods and the concept of the universe will give their souls 'comfort'

In other words, this is the source of the dark technology that forged their bodies, what the dark gods and the abyss want to see.

Hiding behind the scenes, they did nothing but acquired servants who were as terrifying as a swarm of insects and crazily eating away at the life of the universe.

But they are still different from the swarm.

The Swarm acknowledges the darkness and serves the Abyss, while the Necrons hate life and even more so the dark gods.

"We have crushed those hateful gods, head and tail."

Trazin played with a small piece of metal that shone like a gem between his fingers. The sharp wail that came from it made everyone who heard it change their expressions.

"We imprisoned the fragments of the shattered gods and made them the objects of our eternal energy and curse. The destruction and torture of them allowed us, the overlords among the undead, to preserve a large part of our sanity."

Trazin put away the fragments, looked at everyone with dull faces and laughed.

"So, we were exiled, sealed, and after heavy losses we moved to a new universe, where we found those planets and buried our tombs deep into the earth's core, entering a slumber that lasted for tens of millions of years."

"And now, we have woken up, and the Silent King has ended his tens of millions of years of exile! And what you think of as 'killing' is actually just our way of self-reproduction!"

The Necrons are a race destined to have no future, but even so, they are a civilization of mechanical life forms in the true sense.

A civilization naturally has its own methods of expansion and reproduction, and the solemn agreement is considered killing by mortals, but it is just a normal reproduction process by the Necron.

"Don't you hate that Silent King?" Loki couldn't help but ask

"Hate? Why?" Trazin shrugged.

"Perhaps many of us do hate Szarak, but he gave our originally short lives new possibilities and a future. Countless years are a real gift, not to mention...his return is also for Solve our problems."

Having said this, Trazin suddenly looked at Frigga seriously - it was really easy to look serious with that mechanical face.

"Queen of Asgard, I think you should understand what the source of darkness and the abyss of the universe will bring to this world."

"The horrific destruction is about to sweep across. Compared with them, those demons from another universe are nothing to mention! And that future is destined to be irresistible to organic life forms."

Trazin stretched out his hand to everyone and said in a high voice

"So, join us! Get rid of your weak flesh and blood and usher in true sublimation!"

"Or, you can also shrink back. The dark ancient enemy is destined to be destroyed by us, and we will also gain true sublimation and eternity!!!"

"...I understand, Endless One."

Frigga suddenly said, the gentle God Queen looked at the Necron, but there was only endless coldness on that face.

"I understand what a hopeless race you are! Monsters, leave here and leave us forever!!!"

Of course Frigga understood what Trazin meant by ‘darkness’.

Her husband had faced the darkness. Although he was only a god seriously injured by the abyss, his madness that was approaching depravity still almost killed Odin and his ancient avengers.

But in fact, it was just an insignificant pawn in the darkness of the endless abyss.

If the situation is really as Trazin said, the boundless darkness is approaching this universe...

Yes, their hope is probably very slim.

But this is by no means a reason for them to kneel down and abandon their bodies and souls to become miserable slaves of steel and machinery! ! !

Facing an extremely bad choice doesn't mean you have to agree to another bad choice to avoid it.

"Ha, flesh and blood life has always been meaninglessly arrogant." Trazin shrugged, as if he was not surprised by this result.

"Get out of our country! Otherwise I will turn you into scrap metal, monster!!!"

Thor wields Mjolnir threateningly, clearly having endured Tarrasin for a long time

"No, no, no, don't worry, don't worry...alright."

Trazin suddenly let out a malicious and cunning scoff.

"Leave such valuable cultural relics to me for safekeeping!!!"

The next moment, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the direction of Odin's treasure house, and Trazin in front of them also jumped into a space tunnel in an instant.

"I accept these precious collections with a smile, but...the conditions I mentioned before are still valid~"

"I still support the elimination of those demons early."

230.Battle of New York: Soul-stealing Disaster

"What the hell is that?!"

When Tony looked at the black and white matter that instantly submerged the entire Stark Tower and the surrounding streets, he made a horrifying question.

"Didn't I destroy the portal?"

"Obviously, it's the side that was opened that's holding the door now."

Loki shrank his neck, feeling lucky that his keen senses allowed him to escape with his life, while saying in disbelief

"But what is would I know?"

Unfortunately, Loki just wanted to borrow a Chitauri army to help him conquer the earth.

But those black and white monsters, those weird things that make people feel instinctively creepy just by looking at them, how could he, Loki, know about them?

However, he still recognized the 'prototypes' of those black and white monsters.

Those giant Leviathans, those Chitauri remotely controlled soldiers—these are all Chitauri troops!

This number... is much more than the army that the stupid Chitauri King promised to give to him.

Taking the above factors into consideration, the answer is obvious.

On the other side of the door, the Chitauri army, which was preparing to invade the world, suffered a devastating blow from unknown forces.

Not only were all of them wiped out, but the number of their personnel was actually transformed into this strange and creepy posture.

"I need a solution!"

Captain America on the side snatched Loki from Thor's hand, raised the godly bastard high, and asked loudly

No matter how good-tempered a person is, it is impossible for him to have a good face against a guy who invaded your world and then summoned such a large number of invaders.

"Well, it seems the only way is to get on the other side of the door."

Loki shrank his neck, looked at the angry Steve's face, and said in a very small voice

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube here has been separated. As long as a certain node that opens the door is destroyed, the door will be self-defeating..."

"Okay, let's go over there!" Captain America put down Loki and said crisply

"Past? There is not only a vacuum on the other side of the door, but also a large group of such monsters!!!"

Tony mocked mercilessly while trying to shoot down a Leviathan, but the flashing black and white body was almost undamaged by his gunfire.

Tony's face became extremely ugly. He hated all technologies and things that he didn't understand.

How to deal with a thing that even his most advanced weapons can't break through?


The angry Hulk didn't care, he roared angrily and sped up and jumped up.

He fell into a group of soul flayers like a cannonball, waving his fists wildly and smashing one monster after another.

"Well done, big guy!!!"

Tony whistled happily, but the next moment - a scene that surprised them happened.

I saw those black and white monsters that were smashed by the Hulk, suddenly splitting like mitosis, and then turned into more numerous shapes!

Hulk waved his fists wildly, but the more frequently he attacked, the more monsters he created.

Gradually, Hulk was soon surrounded by these black and white soul flayers.

The monsters' attacks cannot break through the Hulk's defenses, not even the Chitauri's energy weapons. But what’s scary is the ‘pollution’ brought by these monsters

Hulk's body is strong and powerful. This is not only limited to the physical defense on the surface, but also comes from the almost eternal characteristics.

The power that created the Hulk in this universe is just gamma rays, but the source of these gamma rays comes from the Infinity Stones.

When Dr. Banner tried to replicate Dr. Erkins's results, the gamma radiation he accidentally created coincided perfectly with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, so much so that such a monster was born.

The characteristics are as stable as those of the Infinity Stones. As the Hulk with extremely high characteristics in the positive universe, even if he is touched by these soul flayers, he will not be converted so easily.

But this still has an upper limit.

As more and more soul flayers surrounded Hulk, these black and white negative creatures howled and filled his body, and countless noisy whispers polluted Hulk's spirit.

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