No one knew the whereabouts of Karma Taj and the Supreme Master. It seemed that at that moment, they suddenly disappeared from the earth.

This is not surprising. For individuals holding the Time Stone, this sudden disappearance is normal.

Those who master time will suffer the backlash of time. This is the curse of gems, but this is by no means a good sign.

The crow on Odin's shoulder chirped slightly. The father of the gods teased his crow absentmindedly and closed his eyes.

He must shoulder the responsibility of being the Lord of the Nine Realms.

The future of this world was no longer destined when the terrifying Source Darkness returned. That terrifying darkness was an existence that neither prophecy nor time could lock. They made all possibilities chaotic and disordered.

But this is by no means a good thing. Even in Ragnarok, they can leave a spark of hope, but the invasion of source darkness may only bring endless despair.

He must prevent this terrible future, even if it only delays it, even if it only slows down its arrival...

If Karma Taj is unable to fulfill its responsibility to protect Midgard now, then it is natural for Odin to perform it in its place!

The Father of the Gods has opened his eyes again!

But in those eyes, there was no hesitation and consideration at all, only coldness like ice.

He let go of his voice, echoing in the sky above Midgard.

"Humans, creatures, and everything in Midgard."

"I declare in the name of Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms and the Father of the Gods——"

"I will conduct a 'purification' of your world!"

That reverberating voice echoes in the ears of every life on this planet. The animals are restless and restless, and humans raise their heads in confusion, listening to the voice of this 'god'.

Nick Fury's face looked extremely bad, and the old people on the World Security Council were even more flustered and agitated.

They were screaming for someone to fix the problem, saying they might have a virus or some high-tech equipment was placed here.

But Nick Fury ignored these idiots, and even Alexander was unwilling to deal with them.

But whether they are SHIELD or Hydra, good guys or bad guys, their moods are destined to be impossible to be beautiful at this moment.

After Thor's arrival, they believed the Asgardians were nothing more than a group of aliens.

They don't think Asgardians are gods, or rather, their self-righteous pride and ridiculous arrogance prevent them from admitting it.

But now Odin used his voice to tell everyone.

God exists in this world and is right before their eyes.

The ruler of the earth, the manager of all things, the owner of all their lives and souls.

Father of the Gods Odin

A real god, a real master. He is not God, but he is not an alien, nor is he a guest who comes to make friends with you in a flying saucer.

As a ruler, he may not have really intervened and changed human history in the past, but from this moment on, he has declared his supreme power to the entire earth!

It begins with destruction.

The authority of the gods always unfolds in this manner, whether it is a flood or a drought. Only endless pain and death can make people remember the authority of the gods.

"Perhaps you will say that I am not qualified to handle and kill potentially millions of lives."

Odin's ruthless and cold voice echoed endlessly

"But those who know the truth will understand that I am even less qualified to let them live."

These ruthless and cold words made Thor and Loki tremble, and Tony, Captain America and other 'heroes' even widened their eyes.

anger? Or fear?

Does that mean anything? The God who exalts them to heaven will not listen to their doctrines or care about their struggles. He just makes a ruling.

"Heimdall, get us out of here!!!!"

Realizing that he could not be dragged on, Thor raised his hammer without hesitation and roared, and the God of Dawn, who had been prepared, directly used the Rainbow Bridge to drag all the Avengers heroes away from here.

This is the limit of what he can do.

The Bifrost is now no longer under his control, and the Father of the Gods has chosen to take over control of the Bifrost from the Gatekeeper and aim it at Earth.

No matter what kind of murder or sin, the Father of the Gods will personally bear it.

"I offer my deepest apologies to the innocent people who will be sacrificed and exposed to the light of purification."

"There is no sacrifice too big to accept, and no betrayal too small to accept."

The Father of the Gods dropped the last syllable with an endless cold voice. He gently turned Gangnir and activated the power of the Rainbow Bridge.

A roaring rainbow of light enveloped New York.

That dazzling brilliance is clearly visible even from the other side of the earth.

There were no terrible explosions, no scary mushroom clouds, not even any sounds that foreshadowed madness and destruction.

Some are just the rainbow light falling in an instant, and the desolation left behind after the light.

All of New York was wiped clean.

In just an instant, all that was left in New York was a deep pit and barren ground. There were no scorch marks from high temperatures or irregular traces of destruction.

Some can only be seen after being erased, an absolute desolation of nothingness.

The Avengers and the others who were teleported from the far end watched the light dissipate. Even Captain America among them fell silent.

Should angry?

But why can't I ignite any flame of anger in my heart at this moment?

All they saw was absolute power, coming from Asgard, the unquestioned authority of the All-Father.

Nick Fury, the US government and the World Security Council, all forces fell into silence.

What should they do? Should they rush over and demand that the Asgardians compensate them for their losses?

Even if they brought about this disaster, even if they solved all the problems in the most brutal and cruel way.

But they don’t even have the guts to clamor for justice.

Especially the US government, they don’t even have the guts to say a word. Even if the most prosperous city and millions of people disappeared, they would not dare to say a word.

After all, they have done the same and similar things to those third world countries.

Therefore, they deeply understand that as a strong person, as a powerful person who inflicts harm, they will not care about the voice of the weak at all.

Even because of the stupid cries of the weak, they may even add a handful of dust to their graves.

Even Thor and Loki fell silent.

In the hundreds of years they have been 'active', they have never seen Odin actually take action.

The so-called 'wars' they experienced were just insignificant rebellions within the Nine Realms.

They have never witnessed the terrifying and cruel war between the nine realms, let alone the battle in heaven that burned the galaxy and destroyed the stars in ancient times.

They were frightened, and not just because of the power of the Bifrost, but also because of Odin's... ruthlessness.

For the first time, they truly felt where their father's fame came from.

Even though he always talks about peace and concession, Odin's nature is still that ruthless god, the father of the gods that no one can question.

Thor was a little helpless and frightened, and he was indeed mentally prepared - but he thought Odin only intended to wipe out the island of Manhattan.

But he chose to wipe out the entire New York, using the center of the infection as several times the size of the far point to ensure that no source of darkness would stay.

Thor could understand Odin's caution, but such atrocities... he found it difficult to accept.

"...You definitely don't want to see me again."

Thor prepared his words for a long time, but in the end he could only turn into this deep voice.

"But Asgard owes you a lot. The darkness that threatens the world is coming. If you need it...just call me."

He raised Mjolnir. Perhaps out of guilt, he didn't want to stay here and left with the light of the Rainbow Bridge.

"...In their eyes, we are really just insects crawling in the dust."

Tony looked at the disappearing New York City, clenched his fists, and said in a very low voice

They must have their own power!

at all costs!

234. Got three gems

"So, the third gem has been obtained."

Thanos crushed the blue Rubik's Cube in his palm, picked up the shining gem in his palm, and placed it in the center of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Space, time, mind, he has already gathered half of his goal.

Although two of them are not from this world, it is enough as long as they are effective.

When the six infinity stones are gathered together, it is the moment when he drives these fears and darkness out of the world!

"Yuan Dark cannot swallow these gems."

Thanos looked at the shining light in confusion and whispered

This was undoubtedly a point that gave the Mad Titan a huge boost in confidence.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube that fell into the wave of source darkness was not infected by the huge amount of source darkness matter wrapped around it. On the contrary, the cosmic energy he radiates is constantly purifying these substances.

This shows that even the terrifying darkness cannot eat the treasure of the universe.

Then with this power, he will be able to truly drive darkness out of this world!

"The origin of the Infinity Stones is strange enough. He may not be able to compare with the darkness, but he will not be easily infected either."

Arrogance chuckled from the side

The origin of the Infinity Stones in Universe 199999 is a mystery. Although Strange said that the Infinity Stones are remnants of the Big Bang, their credibility is still doubtful.

But the most certain thing is that the infinite gems here are not the incarnation of the goddess of revenge, nor the corpse fragments of some high-ranking being.

But there is no doubt that they have the ability to directly operate the authority related to the positive universe.

It is a dangerous test for Thanos to collect all the gems, but if you want to balance the power of both sides, the risk is worth it. Thanos's greatest strength lies in his destiny. He is the only person in the entire universe who is qualified to collect all the Infinity Stones. Only after he fulfills this destiny can Stark obtain a destiny of similar confrontation.

Mu Feng had countless opportunities to collect all the infinite gems by himself, but he chose to give up all of them because he really did not dare to gamble on his destiny.

Anyway, Mu Feng will definitely take all safety measures before the madman Thanos gets this authority. His body has actually returned to parallel universe No. 0013.

It cannot be said to be absolutely safe, but at least it can avoid most threats.

"But my Order has been reduced to ashes."

Thanos put down his hand and sighed sadly.

His Dark Order once followed him in his expeditions to the north and south, destroying an unknown half of all life among the stars, and made great contributions to him.

But unfortunately, his entire dark cult and his 'sons of Thanos' have become dust in the universe.

Because they can't keep up with their own rhythm, because from this moment on, his opponent is no longer the body that needs to be destroyed in the material universe, but the terrifying and profound source darkness, the emptiness that is opposite to the concept of matter and existence.

"Are you really going to feel sad for them?" Arrogance sneered.

"Of course, they are all people who fight for me. They may not understand my grand ideals, but they are indeed useful tools."

Thanos nodded. His sadness was limited to this. He was just sad about the disappearance of his useful tool.

"So...where's Gamora?"

mentioned arrogantly and playfully

"What are you going to do with her?"

Although they are both sons of Thanos, Gamora is undoubtedly special in Thanos' heart - although she doesn't quite understand the reason for this specialness, she is indeed the most important person in Thanos' heart.

Although he still chose to sacrifice Gamora in exchange for the Soul Stone, it was a huge improvement to be able to make this hard-hearted Mad Titan hesitate. How could a hard-hearted and paranoid madman also have feelings? This indeed proves Gamora's unique position in his heart.

Thanos had a slightly hesitant expression on his face. He was silent for a moment and said calmly.

"Let's collect the other gems first."

He already has three gems. Now as long as he gets the power gem of Xandar and the hidden reality gem, everything will be completed.

As for the soul gem...

It's there, on Vormir, and Thanos can even open a portal there now if he wants.

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