No matter what the cost!

236. Stark’s message

"Hating intelligence, Tony gave us this technology plan before he left."

Nick Fury opened a folder that Tony gave him before leaving - there was only one document in it, and the content was about Ultron's targeted 'plan'

"Ultron is not a simple program or AI. The essence of Ultron is a more complex product than that. A mechanized soul, a program with a soul.

Of course, such a thing cannot be made by programmers, but with the help of the power of the mind gem, it is not surprising to create such a product, because it itself is a product that human wisdom cannot understand.

This can almost directly prove from the side that the malice and curse contained in the infinite gems. Each gem of infinite power carries the deepest curse for the guy who thinks he is its owner. .

How could a treasure directly linked to the original power of the universe be mastered so easily? The power of each gem carries a malicious curse, and the curse carried by the mind gem is a disaster of omnics to humans.

Under the temptation of the endless knowledge and power contained in the soul gem, mankind chose to create a new life. To exercise the power of God as a human being would have to bear the curse of 'patriricide' on creation.

It's like the Tower of Babel and God, except that God can send Michael to push the tower down. So can humans crush AI's Tower of Babel?

It’s just that God has the ability to deal with the rebellion of humans and even wipe it out with a backhand, but can humans have the ability to deal with the rebellion of AI and wipe it out with a backhand? If they fail... what will be their outcome?

But this Ultron is not a curse to this world.

He is a curse imposed by the Mind Stone on arrogant and ignorant humans in another world and another universe. Therefore, he does not have any "patricidal plot" towards the humans in this world, or in other words, this feeling has been vented in his original universe, and he has no urgent need to kill Stark.

Ultron, who came to this universe, is an AI life that lacks a purpose, or can't find the right goal. His mission log has been completely cleared, and he can hardly find anything that must be done. .

This is undoubtedly extremely dangerous and extremely lucky.

It's hard to predict a guy like this who has no goals and is just looking for fun. But relatively speaking, the lack of purpose also means that it is difficult for him to simply accomplish one thing.

But this situation is destined not to last too long.

Precisely because he is an intelligent life, the amount of time Ultron can maintain "fun" will also have ups and downs. When he reaches the stage of fatigue and boredom, he will definitely look for the next point of fun without hesitation.

If nothing else happens, maybe I should be Ultron's "fun" for a while

He had an extremely malicious interest in me, and it gave Ultron great joy to see me struggle to get to where I was now.

I hate him very much, but there is no doubt that I bought enough time from this bad taste.

But this time in 'colonization', I will be far away from this world, and I may no longer be able to be the 'fun' that Ultron is interested in.

I will carry some of humanity's hopes with me to the new world, where I hope to open up a new path for us.

Ultron will be happy to see me, a former 'hero', completely degenerate into a villain who invades and kills people. If he is really happy about this, then let him be happy.

My people, my love is limited to the people of this world, this country. Even though they hate me and hate me, I am willing to give everything in order to leave them with the last hope and a new path!

In today's situation, I have to bear the largest part of the responsibility, so making such a 'sacrifice' is what I have to make.

You can hate me, hate me, or even come to another world to stop me and kill me.

But I sincerely hope that all this will be established after you can be responsible enough for me and my people and have opened up a new path.

If preserving everything I hold dear requires turning me into a heinous butcher, then I'm more than happy to do it.

But what if my plan fails, something goes wrong, or Ultron goes back on his word.

Well, Nick Fury, my final plan to stay must be implemented immediately.

You must stop Ultron before he loses all fun and develops a new 'purpose'.

The replacement of species on this planet has never been a rare thing. It only takes ten thousand years for humans to become primates, but it may only take a moment to overthrow it.

Ultron made no secret of the plan he was carrying out while toying with me, a plan he had set up to replace humanity with a new species.

It was a more perfect silicon-based species, built on the basis of metal and steel, and the fire of the soul ignited by AI beings like Ultron.

I have no doubt that Ultron has such ability, because the technology he possesses is not only based on human beings, but also the secret knowledge of the universe from the Infinity Stones.

That is knowledge that human logic is destined to be unable to recognize and understand, but he has undoubtedly taken a much longer path in this regard than I have.

Contact Steve, even contact Latvia, Wakanda, or Russia. We must stop Ultron from executing his plan!

I know this may cost a lot of people, but there is nothing you can do about it...

We have no right to decide the life or death of others, but we have the right to make a last-ditch effort for ourselves and the continuation of our race.

From now on, it will have nothing to do with good or evil, but whether the race called 'human' has the ability and qualifications to continue on this planet.

There are many challenges we have to face. In this deadly universe, even if Ultron is solved and our own internal strife is resolved, we will still inevitably have to face challenges from the universe.

The Mad Titan, the Universal Empire, even Asgard... I suspect the existence of those light rings is the conspiracy of the gods!

Finally, Rod, Happy, I'm sorry for what I said to you, you are my best friends.

And Pepper... I'm sorry I couldn't see you again in the end.

Tony Stark will embark on a road of no return.

Nick Fury closed the document with a heavy expression, and Hill next to him also had a very heavy expression.

Perhaps once and for a considerable part of the time, they viewed Stark as a dissolute playboy and an unattractive man, but now Stark is undoubtedly a person worthy of respect.

He is not a hero, he is even a person who can be described by many negative words of mankind. But he shouldered a heavy responsibility and worked hard to find a new path for mankind.

Regarding the difficult problems raised by Ultron and the 'will of the people' shown to him, Tony always insisted on his own opinions and true intentions.

Perhaps that utopia-like beautiful life is the yearning of the people and the failure of the society they once established. But in any case, that is also mankind's own business.

If there are errors or deficiencies, just change them. Instead of letting a machine, a malicious alien satisfy their needs with a false paradise.

Although he would be hated by the people forever and even be nailed to the pillar of shame, Tony still chose to do it.

He is not doing this for public opinion, but for the possibility of the future development of the human race.

The rise of a race is destined to be forged in blood and fire, and is destined to be tempered in suffering. If no one can shoulder the responsibility of this tempering, then let him do it.

Drag people down from the paradise they insist on preferring and let them learn to grow up in suffering.

He was willing to take all the responsibility for this.

"Ms. Pepper, I don't know what Tony has ever had with you, but I hope you can accept this."

Nick Fury handed a USB flash drive to the frustrated Pepper, which contained everything that Stark Enterprises once owned.

Pepper will undoubtedly inherit everything the Stark family has owned so far, and if all goes well, Pepper can even claim to be the fourth generation heir to the Stark family.

Nick Fury was also very sad about this.

The Stark family is truly extinct. This family that has risen for three generations will most likely have no successors.

It’s almost like American history…

But maybe there is still hope? Maybe Pepper already has...

Nick Fury looked at Pepper's belly curiously, but quickly withdrew his rude gaze.

No matter what, he would not do such a shameless thing now to find out information about Stark's only family member. That was a hero who sacrificed his life for humanity, and he should be respected and honored.

Pepper took the USB flash drive, took a deep breath, nodded and left.

"She is a strong woman and I believe he is worthy of Tony's gift."

Steve watched Pepper leave and said with a bit of sigh and seriousness.

"Stark chose her for a reason...Okay, Rogers, this is our business now."

Nick Fury looked at the Guardian Steve in front of him with half vigilance and half emotion. Sometimes he really didn't know how to face this theoretical president of the United States.

It's definitely wrong to say it's resentment or hostility. After all, Nick Fury has a big blame to bear with Steve's current appearance.

But no matter what, Steve can now be said to be an 'outsider'. He represents a force, a force that is completely different between countries and is more powerful than the United States.

"The Green Lantern Corps can assist you in defeating Ultron."

Steve brought his and Olympus' will to the table in a succinct and concise manner

Even the aloof Olympus gods, who are now the guardians of the universe, will not like a group of planets with purely AI life.

Life of flesh and blood meant nothing to them, neither steel nor carbohydrates. What matters is the form of the soul.

There is no doubt that the soul form of the AI ​​life Ultron is completely different from that of humans. The soul created with the ability of the Mind Stone can only be said to be... abnormally extreme.

The Guardians will not allow their home world to be occupied by such a large group of species with extremely abnormal souls.

"But we can't hold on to Ultron's counterattack before he dies."

This is their biggest worry and problem.

Ultron has indeed brought a happy and beautiful life to the people under his rule, but the price of all this is based on the fact that their power of life and death and even all initiative have been deprived of them by Ultron.

Theoretically, as long as Ultron wants to, he can kill all the remaining Americans with one strike before being eliminated.

"Stark left a code to deal with Ultron." Nick Fury said softly

"I don't know if it will work, but we have to do it..."

Just like Stark said, you must do this even if you gamble with the lives of the remaining Americans, otherwise it will be too late when Ultron completely creates a new life form.

"We will end his rule." Steve said seriously

"Just like we can end the tyranny of NAZI!"

237. AI intending to become the creator

"May I have your name?"

Ultron looked at a machine about two meters high in front of him and said in a pleasant voice.

"I, I, I am, I am..."

The robot kept repeating a word in a confused voice, and soon, his entire body began to collapse on itself, its internal logic was completely disordered, and the body subsequently fell out of control and went berserk.

Seeing the chaotic robot that was even starting to emit black smoke, Ultron sighed and simply raised his hand to destroy it.

As Stark said, Ultron is now trying to make his own 'kind', or... he is trying to 'create'.

Just like God created humans, humans created AI, and AI now wants to create a new life.

Because it is life, because it is an existence endowed with emotions and souls by the infinite stones, Ultron will inevitably feel "lonely". Because of loneliness, he must go back and try to find someone to accompany him.

It's just that most of the time this emotion will be suppressed by Ultron's logic algorithm as a low-level need. But after the goal was achieved and Stark disappeared, this need was put on the agenda - because he could no longer find it. Nothing has a higher priority than this.

So Ultron began to try to create similar creatures like himself.

A mechanical life form, a brand new race based on iron-based materials.

He quickly produced a large number of finished products, but they all fell into one fundamental problem.

These 'same kind' of Ultron do not possess any souls.

This may sound a bit unreasonable, after all, how do you give a soul to a piece of immobile steel?

But in this universe, whether life is recognized and whether life is really valuable depends on the 'soul' existing in the body of life.

This is difficult to achieve, because according to Ultron's understanding and standards, simply having a body and consciousness cannot be said to be a new race.

If only the body and advanced AI are needed, then Ultron can split itself into individuals, but that is not life, it is just a higher-level tool, and such a thing is meaningless to him.

Whether you are willing to admit it or not, the only criterion for life in this universe is the ‘soul’

Even plants, trees, fish and insects all have souls belonging to them. In the vast hunting ground of the universe, the rules of 'death' surround all life in the true sense.

Only being able to ‘die’ means ‘living’

In a sense, eternal life means eternal death. It is a realm that only true gods can reach, and it means true 'eternity'

But the meaning of eternity, in other words, is that no real change will occur. The essence without change is the rule, which means it has never existed.

Eternal life is a burden that no intellectual life can bear.

Maybe they think they can bear it, but even if they bear it for tens of millions of years, hundreds of billions of years, their dynamic souls and essences will eventually be reduced to nothingness.

The only ones who can truly live forever in this world are the gods who have reached the realm of turning themselves into rules.

Ultron doesn't have any extravagant expectations to get himself to this level.

In fact, as a data life, since he can feel happy and sad, he must not be able to live forever. But it is enough. For intellectual beings, living so long that they no longer want to live is the most perfect eternal life.

Creating data life has always been an insurmountable hurdle for Ultron.

Soul, how did it come into being?

If we follow the theory of reincarnation in Eastern Buddhism, it cannot explain that the exponentially rising population will make the number of souls sufficient.

So is the birth of the soul the moment when Gui Zi and Luan Zi unite? Or when the embryo enters the uterus? Or when the embryo develops into a human form?

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