"Don't call me...that name." Banner weakly supported the Hammer of Fear and said with great irony.

"You are the gods, I am just a mortal. In fact... you are also a group of gods who are unwilling to fulfill their promises, full of lies, and crazy and violent."

"...Odin will fulfill his promise."

Sylvie's hands trembled slightly, as if she was suppressing some kind of anger, she took a deep breath and said

"We have sacrificed everything we could, and now, Bruce Banner, it's your time to fulfill your duty."

"Responsibility? I don't have any responsibility." Banner responded unceremoniously.

"I have completed everything according to your father's promise, but he has not completed his promise! Now, I don't care about everything, I don't care about anything."

Banner resents Odin not only because he has delayed the fulfillment of his long-overdue promise until now, but also because he resents Odin for preventing him from returning to Earth.

If Banner is partially responsible for the current bad reality of the Earth, then Banner was unable to intervene and change anything until it became the current situation, which gave him a sense of helpless pain and shame.

This shameful pain was undoubtedly aimed at Odin, who had led all of this.

"He is not my father!" Sylvie growled roughly. After a moment of silence, she whispered

"Odin...he sacrificed Frigga! I don't know what great purpose he wanted, but he sacrificed his goddess!"

Sylvie's words finally caught Banner's attention. He raised his head and looked at Sylvie in disbelief.

He didn't understand why Odin did this? Frigga was sacrificed for what? Could it be this enemy that he could easily defeat?

"Don't ask me, I don't know what his secrets and plans are! In fact, he won't be willing to share them with me."

Sylvie said dejectedly and impatiently. She was silent for a moment again, then gritted her teeth and continued.

"If I could, I would kill that cold-blooded bastard to death! But I can't... Frigga sacrificed her life for his plan, so I won't kill him until at least this plan is completed!"

"But what does this have to do with me?" Banner said softly.

"Because if Asgard survives, then Midgard will have a better future!"

Sylvie stared into Banner's dark yellow eyes and said word by word.

"Whether Asgard or Midgard, Frigga tells us that both are just pawns in a chess game that Odin knows. Our destiny can only be sacrificed in the hands of the player. Chess piece, or survive to the end under extremely lucky circumstances.”

"But Odin is unwilling to accept such a fate! Even if he suffers heavy losses, even if he sacrifices everything, he will free Asgard from this painful fate and reincarnation."

"Bruce Banner, I know it makes you uncomfortable to face Odin, a cold-blooded bastard who tells lies, and so does I! But we have no choice, we must follow his 'right way'!"

Right never leads to justice. Odin is always right, but Odin is always unjust.

"After all this is done, you can return to Earth, and you can go anywhere you want! To be honest, I don't know what the gamer Frigga is talking about. If you want to find out, you can find it yourself!"

Banner was silent for a long time and said in a hoarse voice.

"Okay...this is the last time I trust you."

"But what do you want me to do? He didn't say anything. What exactly do you want me to do?"

"She said you knew." Sylvie said expressionlessly

Banner was silent for a moment. He picked up the war hammer beside him and said in a low voice:

"Yes...I think I understand."

What determines the difference between life and machinery is consciousness, wisdom, senses, cognition, and...soul.

After exploring all the problems to their origin, Ultron realized that this seemed to be a huge dead end.

Anything that is recognized as life in this universe, anything that can be recognized as 'alive' by 'death', inevitably involves the soul.

But the machine cannot produce any souls.

Ultron can create countless AI intelligences, and they will have almost the same consciousness, thinking, and even simulated emotions as humans.

But they still don't count as any kind of life.

Because they will not be recognized by 'death', they can continue to 'exist' almost endlessly. Eternal 'life' is rejected by 'death', which also means that they have not survived at all.

Only things accepted by 'death' are considered 'alive', and both are indispensable. Just like Ultron understands that he will usher in eternal sleep, so he is the truly 'living' AI life.

However, Ultron's situation is a miracle that cannot be replicated.

Oh no, it should be said that this miracle cannot be mass-produced.

His soul and life are just like Vision. Perhaps he was originally just program-driven metal, but under the power of the Mind Stone, he was given a 'soul' recognized by the universe.

So they became the most special AI life, steel with soul, metal with life.

But that undoubtedly involves areas that Ultron simply cannot understand.

The power of the infinite stones and the authority of the origin of the universe, these things are not products that he can contact and understand at all.

After countless persistent experiments, and even using magic that he couldn't understand.

Ultron still can't do it.

He cannot create a soul out of thin air. In fact, even the omnipotent Dimension Demon God cannot do this - creating life and creating a soul out of thin air are two different concepts.

The former is just a normal operating process within the law of 'death', while the latter means transcendence and blasphemy of the essence of 'death'.

The long experiment made Ultron feel frustrated and discouraged, which was also a major proof that he was a real life.

In the midst of endless failures, Ultron accidentally came into contact with a 'gift' from outside the universe.

A Necron 'corpse'

It was the corpse of a space undead whose soul had been completely drained, leaving only the remaining mobility under the master control agreement.

But everything about his existence makes Ultron feel incredible.

Why are these metals capable of life? Why do these skeletons have souls?

Ultron is like a scientist who has seen the mysteries of the universe. He devotes himself almost wholeheartedly to it, even giving up his hobby of toying with humans for fun.

He studied it all so deeply that later on, he actually found the answer to the question.

The Necron were never alive.

They are just another transformed form of life.

These steel skeletons do not generate souls on their own. In fact, their extremely special body materials are a special product that can bind souls.

They used some kind of technology that Ultron could not understand to destroy the bodies of living people and transferred their souls into these living metals that could accommodate souls.

As a result, they became another form of iron-based life forms.

Their technological product called the 'Supreme Protocol' is just such a thing, killing flesh and blood life on a large scale, transferring their souls and brainwashing them, and becoming part of the undead.

The souls restrained by the steel body will be lost every moment, but they can kill others to absorb the remaining soul fragments before being taken away by death.

Through this method, they can slow down the flow of their souls. Perhaps as long as they continue killing endlessly, they can maintain true immortality.

There is no doubt that this is not the answer Ultron wants.

What he longs for is the authority to decipher death, to know the mysteries of the soul, and to become the creator of life in the true sense.

But countless failures and setbacks made Ultron gradually understand the answer - he may never be able to challenge the authority of death.

So in this case, taking a step back, making one's own companions in this way is also an acceptable choice.

In fact, the Necrons can indeed be regarded as a 'living' race, right?

They have souls, consciousness, and bodies. Even though their souls will continue to pass over time, the act of 'killing' will keep them passing at this speed.

Moreover, they do have the basic rights of living creatures - the ability to reproduce, right?

Seizing other life forms as materials for reproduction is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, don’t most of the life forms in this universe kill and plunder other races in order to grow and satisfy themselves?

Why is it natural for flesh-and-blood beings to devour the flesh and blood of other animals, while it is a heinous crime for steel corpses to hunt souls to create new compatriots?

Ultron will not have this problem. He is infinitely biased towards the Necrons.

So, with new research goals and materials, and most importantly, Ultron, who found a breakthrough, began experiments with no lower limit.

Just like Stark said, even if Ultron gives the people under his rule the best utopian life, in essence, they are just pigs and dogs raised by Ultron.

The kindness to them before was just because they did not have enough value, just like a pig that has not grown fat, there will be no benefit from slaughtering it.

But now, the owner wants to eat meat, and the pig is fattened.

It's time to start butchering.

Ultron's experiments were very fast. With sufficient samples and a large amount of research data, Ultron itself also had unimaginable inspiration and knowledge under the activation of the Mind Stone.

Coupled with the support of large-scale samples, Ultron's experiment speed is so fast.

Of course, the ‘material’ wears out incredibly quickly.

Therefore, humans who are intoxicated in the utopia of life and death inevitably discover this.

Their master, who provided them with a good life, or the 'servitors' who were often insulted in their mouths, now began to capture them for experiments.

The initial emotion was anger, excitement, and an attack on the machines that came to select experimental subjects.

Then they soon discovered that those who resisted would be captured immediately.

So, they immediately became honest, and the self-proclaimed leader among this group of "slaves who thought they were their masters" began to formulate a regular "sacrifice plan"

Yes, in order to maintain their lives, this group of people began to decide to hand over a certain batch of sacrifices to Ultron as experimental subjects.

But ironically, the leader was caught on the test bed the day after the plan was formulated.

Ultron has no time to play any human games with these guys right now.

He just wants a pure experiment, that's all. He needs a human soul, the soul model he is most familiar with and the cheapest.

Therefore, the emotions after the reversal of happiness are fear and despair.

When a group of captive pigs try to escape from their pens, a truly hopeless reality awaits them.

They couldn't escape the city at all. Everything about them was controlled by Ultron. They accepted the happiness given by Ultron, so what could they do to resist Ultron's treatment of them?

The atmosphere of chaos and panic continued to circulate, and before Ultron could take action, this group of people actually started fighting among themselves.

After Ultron took away the weapons given to them, they fought with each other with fists and teeth, blamed each other, and then killed each other as if to relieve stress.

Even though he has seen a lot, Ultron still doesn't understand the... special habits of the human species.

Or is this the shortcoming of most flesh-and-blood life? No matter what, it's not good if the experiment gets hurt.

Ultron doesn't care about the life or death of this group of people, but if they die, they will lose their precious experimental products.

So Ultron simply arrested everyone and put them in cans.

It literally means that they are given anesthesia, stuffed into freezers and culture tanks, and then picked up by machines one by one like frozen food on display and sent to Ultron's experimental table.

Perhaps this is the end of the world of out-of-control servitors.

Just when Ultron was tearing his face and abusing mankind unscrupulously, the liberators targeting Ultron were already preparing to attack.

For the Green Lantern Corps and Nick Fury, it was a "mixed blessing" that Ultron suddenly became so cruel.

It was obvious that they would not rejoice in the suffering of their compatriots, but Ultron's brutality gave them all a reason to convince their colleagues to join the fight.

It would be difficult for them to take action against a tyrant who gave his people a better life, but they would not be lenient against a tyrant who wantonly massacred civilians.

In a sense, Ultron has returned to his familiar business.

After abandoning the psychological status offensive against this group of superheroes, Ultron inevitably fell into the cliché routine of a big villain.

Then everything that happened next...actually there is nothing to say.

It's just a cliché, the brave man defeats the devil.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the forces assembled to assassinate Ultron are not only the Green Lantern Corps and Nick Fury's exiled forces, but also an unexpected strength.

Help from the United States of Eastern Europe, Latvia.

The person currently responsible for maintaining the governance structure of the United Latvinian countries is a woman named Zola Vukovic, who is known as the 'Mighty General'.

Although since Doom's disappearance, Golet and Hansel have become the masters of the legion that has gathered most of the yellow lantern holders on the earth, and are the guarantee of force in Latvinia, it is obvious that the twins He does not have the ability or ideas to rule a country.

This Zora is not Latvian, to be precise...she is not even from this world.

When Doom used the Scarlet Witch as a gap in the world's dimensions and a useful battery, he not only changed parts of his own country, but also attracted some of his original world's team members.

This woman named Zola is one of Doom's most trusted people. She can be said to be a not-so-famous 'villain' under Doom, but compared to her fighting ability, Zola is more worthy of Doom's trust. It's her administrative processing skills.

Many times, when Doom leaves Latvinia, he will choose to hand over everything in the country to Zola, a woman he trusts, so that many people think that Zora may be the future of Latvinia. queen.

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