"Because...you are an American too!"

Nick Fury gritted his teeth slightly, realizing that there was no way he could fool Carol like he fooled other heroes, so he chose to play the emotional card.

“Don’t you want to see your country become great again?”

"The time I served in the Kree Empire is three times the time I served on Earth." Carol said coldly

"The time I spent wandering among the stars is much longer than the time I spent on the earth!"

"Yes, the earth is my hometown, and the United States is my motherland - but so what! Regardless of these identities, I am still the current leader of Xandar, and I am also responsible for the integration and future of the two civilizations! !!”

"Or, Nick, are you going to put your identity as a black man over your identity as president?!"

The answer is, of course, no doubt.

Nick Fury's silence indicated that he already knew Carol's attitude. Even as a compatriot, even as a former friend, Carol had no intention of satisfying Nick Fury's wishes.

The Xandarians can cooperate or even unite with the people on earth. These are the fundamentals for them to survive in the bad universe of the future.

But Carol will never give in to the United States in the slightest just because she is an American and because her friend is the President of the United States!

There must be no mistakes or favoritism in this cooperation. The Xandar people cannot afford another failure, and neither do the people on Earth.

"……I see."

Nick Fury exhaled softly, and he quickly adjusted his mentality. There was no anger or even any mood swings.

On his first day as an agent, he knew that he had to learn to keep his emotions deep in his heart and never show them easily.

"Actually, from my perspective, I undoubtedly hope that you can truly unite."

Carol sighed and said in a sad and helpless tone.

"What we need to cooperate with is the whole called 'Earthlings', not Americans, Russians, Chinese... We want to cooperate with Earthlings!"

"But I never expected you to truly unite... I know humans too well."

Carroll, who upheld the spirit of the Beatles in the 1980s, held such pessimistic ideas about world peace and human unity.

And the reality was no different from what she thought.

Some say a war, an invasion by an enemy other than humanity, will bring humanity together. But Carol knew that it was just a dream.

To unify all mankind, we need not only a powerful enemy, but also a death on a massive scale.

Only the sacrifice of countless lives and the integration of countless deaths can ultimately create a brand new human society.

"But I at least hope that you can avoid unnecessary internal friction and fighting when you join forces."

Carol clenched her fingers and said softly

"Just like I will calm down all disobedient voices within Xandar... Sometimes, being a tyrant is a necessary measure."

"It seems that we still have a common point of view in this regard." Nick Fury said softly.

"So, who are our enemies? Are they the Necrons you mentioned? Or those planets that devour planets?"

Carol didn't answer, she just came to Nick Fury's side, held his shoulders, and pointed to the stars in the sky.

"See those stars?"

"Every shining star, every burning point of light, every grand world..."

"They are all our enemies."

"So, you are a moon princess and you came to Earth to tell us that you moon people are planning to invade Earth?"

Peter, who took the girl and her dog back to his home, looked at the beautiful girl and muttered in a suspicious tone.

"This sounds so fantastic..."

"But this is the truth!" Crystal wolfed down a bag of potato chips. It took them too much effort to use the ability with Tetanus to transfer directly from the moon to the earth.

"If you can't take precautions as soon as possible! Maximus will definitely make you pay the price with blood!"

"But...even if you say this to me..."

Peter scratched his head and sighed in embarrassment.

"It's hard for me to help you with anything..."

Peter is a street hero through and through. Spider-Man's positioning means that it is basically impossible for him to have a relationship with a guy of Stark's level unless there are special circumstances.

In all cases, Peter's network of contacts is not even as good as that of Daredevil Lawyer Ma. At least he is more or less a lawyer, while Peter is just a high school student...

"Then tell me the location of the most capable person here!" Crystal hugged the tired and paralyzed Tetanus next to her and said resolutely.

"I will go and tell him personally what is going to happen... This is the only way to stop the war!"

"Okay, okay, I'll try my best..." Peter hesitated, remembering that he had previously received an offer as an intern at the Stark Group.

"Then let's go find Mr. Stark." Peter said

"Mr. Stark should be able to solve these problems!"

288. Earth-Moon War (2)

Although humanity has been infected by darkness and parasitized by the bugs born from humanity, Maximus has maintained a considerable degree of himself.

After all, he is different from the original Oryx. He did not fully embrace the power brought by "worms". Before he lost his ability, he was also a spiritual person. The ability of the gods' genes allowed him to restrain the insects very well. negative impact.

This means that when he regains and enhances his own abilities, he has a considerable degree of resistance to the erosion of source darkness.

In fact, at its root, the 'restraint' effect that the power of the abyss has on life is only a one-sided display.

Life and the universe are between harmful objects and normal objects, and the abyss corrodes life in the same way - what they can corrode is the 'desire' of the living body

The abyss of source darkness does not have any self-awareness. Those powers, those dripping darkness, essentially cannot have any self-consciousness.

How would you describe the dark character of the infinite universe? It was a natural disaster, the opposite of the physical universe, part of the fabric of creation.

You can't make any reasonably human metaphor for something like this.

Those terrifying things that seep out from the source darkness, those terrifying 'monsters', are ultimately the result of the 'combination' of the abyss and the creature itself. There is no order, no reason, and no way. Creation that follows the rules to speak of.

Just like the source of darkness combined with the Necrontyr to create the swarm, and combined with the Celestials to become the Dark Celestials, they combined a certain part of those lives and existences, thus giving birth to the so-called agents of the abyss.

After Maximus's research, this combination is exactly - desire.

To be precise, it is the exuberant soul and mind fluctuations of a living body that exceed the normal. Such fluctuations that exceed the normal will be captured by the abyss and begin to personify and erode its essence.

Those 'insects' who seduced the swarm of insects, gave them power, and forced them to pay tribute, were themselves.

And the 'worm' that parasitized Maximus and asked him to offer sacrifices in exchange for strength was naturally himself.

But this does not mean that there is any tenderness or room for maneuver in this system.

Ultimately, this is a worse reality.

Just like the insect swarm, the insects in the parasite swarm are the combination of their own souls and the source of darkness, and their behavior of demanding tribute and then feeding back power is actually a kind of symbiosis and competition.

The more the insect swarm feeds its own 'worms', the stronger it will become, and the more their insects will be hungry for more 'tributes'

The essence of what they ask the parasite to release themselves is to extract nutrients from themselves.

And as the appetite of the 'worm' grows bigger and bigger, there will inevitably be an increasingly contradictory conflict between the host and the worm itself.

When the insect swarm reached that point, there were only two choices before them.

Either defeat your own worm, completely eliminate the unnecessary part of human nature, embrace the darkness with an absolutely rational attitude, and become a true superior.

Either he will be completely devoured by the insects and become a completely irrational person, leaving only a simple puppet driven by instinct and desire for release.

Therefore, only when the insect swarm becomes a superior can they have their own name.

Idiots and beasts who cannot control their emotions and are devoured by them do not deserve to have names!

This is the choice before Maximus. He takes over Black Bolt's body, but the bug in his soul only becomes more powerful as he grows.

He forced Maximus forward with crazy whispers and slow erosion, but Maximus used his own abilities to temporarily block this communication.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to escape the act of releasing his desires.

Because if the 'worm' in his body starves to death, he will die as well.

But before that, he needs to plan more rationally and think more calmly. Only in this way can he achieve his goal.

——The great soul-stealing king Oryx and the god of the insect swarm will be ushered into the material universe.

That required very careful planning, because the great Oryx had already eaten his own sisters and heirs during the long seal.

He is now not only the Soul Reaper King who represents ‘domination’, he is also the Lich Queen who represents ‘strategy’, and he is also the Lord of War who represents ‘carnage’.

There is only one of the three swarm gods left, but that not only means that Oryx is powerful, but also means that if you want to summon him, you must meet these conditions.

The Gods of the Swarm can gain strength from their actions, because they are the worms themselves, they are connected to the abyss, and anything that can prove the law of their evil sword will make them more powerful.

Just like a strategy in war, whether it succeeds or fails, whether it is an enemy or a friend, he will strengthen the scheming Lich Queen Savathun.

And any killing in the war will become the source of strength for the lord of war, Xiwu Alaska.

Any foresight and planning during the war, as well as the implementation and completion of goals, will eventually become the source of Oryx's growth.

And now that he has devoured two swarm gods and completed the three-in-one Oryx, he can gain powerful power from three actions at the same time!

But at the same time, if you want to summon him, you will inevitably need to complete these three conditions.

A huge enough massacre, a sufficiently successful strategy, and the completion of the plan.

After completing all this, Oryx will be able to cast his shadow from the upper dimension world, and Maximus will also fulfill his insect's greatest wish——

Destroy this world.

He will become the leader of the insect swarm in one fell swoop, a being free from controlling desire and reason, and a direct agent of the abyss.

Therefore, now he needs reason and these things that are considered unnecessary...

In the center of Attilan's huge square, members of the formerly aloof Genetic Parliament were tied to iron pillars. There were piles of fuel underneath. With just a fire, they would soon turn into a pile of barbecue.

They struggled hard in fear, but their power had been taken away by the Terrigen Mist. They were now no different from the people on earth.

“My people!!!!”

Maximus stepped onto the high platform, overlooking all the Inhumans below, and his loud voice resounded throughout the square.

Although he took Black Bolt's body, he still chose to face his people with his own face.

This is not because of pride or anything, but because Maximus is an extremely smart man - he always understands what his fundamentals are.

In fact, Attilan's social system can be said to be a disguised caste system. Social classes are divided by ability, and those with higher ability (high caste) are never allowed to intermarry with those with low ability (low caste) and those with no ability (untouchables). .

And unlike those Asans who drink Ganges water, the caste system of the Inhumans has real factual basis. Intermarriage between people with powerful abilities will indeed increase the probability of giving birth to people with stronger abilities.

Therefore, in Attilan, the descendants of power users with strong bloodlines will become more powerful and perfect, while weak and deformed power users can only become more deformed and miserable due to the tragic mating of similar species.

And until they are reduced to incompetence and become untouchables who can be bullied by anyone in the city of Attilan, they may die alone.

Maximus's base has always been these people, these incompetent people, those with weak abilities!

Because not only was he born noble, he also suffered the same fate as these people - it can be said that he is the only royal family who fell to the status of untouchable, a high caste who can experience the life of a lower caste.

Many of his past actions may be seen as cruel and crazy, but he is a bit similar to the president of Sichuan University - they have always grasped their basic base.

They are Maximus's best helpers in controlling the entire Attilan!

"These priests and so-called elders who trample on us wantonly, they deceive us with lies, and they use their so-called blood to overpower us!!!"

Maximus pointed at the elders of the Gene Council who were tied to the stake, and said in a loud voice

"He told us that only people with noble blood can gain power through the Terrigen Mist. He told us that all this is destined!"

"But this is a lie, the biggest lie of all!"

"Our power comes from technology, our abilities are not innate! We can make up for those shortcomings, we can repair those shortcomings!!!"

"No one is born a pariah, we are all compatriots!"

Maximus's words set off an uproar throughout the square and even within Attilan.

Countless untouchables and people with low abilities who were arbitrarily oppressed were cheering and roaring like crazy. They were shouting that they would burn these elders of the Gene Council who deceived them, and they were shouting that they would regain their power!

The biggest difference between this group of Inhumans and Ah San is this. The tamed Ah San did not dare to resist, but the Inhumans did not.

But do they really want fairness?

Maximus looked at these carnival crowds, his eyes were always calm and cold, because he could see through the thoughts of these compatriots.

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