To put it bluntly - are they really the enemies of the Necron?

Do they really deserve to be called enemies by those terrifying races? Maybe... no, the fact is that they are just ants in the eyes of that terrifying race.

hope? disappointment? despair?

No, there is nothing, only the deep shock and emptiness that a mortal feels when he looks up at the stars and glimpses the majesty of the universe.

Watching Nick Fury leave, Carol let out a breath and turned to look to the side.

"What are you here for?"

She looked coldly at the smiling Sloth next to her. Carol didn't welcome this guy's arrival - in a sense, the culprit of the current situation was really hard to like.

"I can go wherever I want." Lazy said with a relaxed smile.

"Wherever there is fear, I exist. I am the Parallax Demon, the phantom of my fear."

294. Slothful Favor

Compared with the other two divisions, lazy work is actually the most free and easy.

The focus of Arrogant's work is to follow Thanos in the sub-universe and record everything that happens there, and to explain and record an important node in the time cycle of the two universes from the source.

Fury's job was to follow the fallen Dark Celestial larvae and record their fights and wars with the Necron.

And lazy work... actually, just doesn't exist.

He has transformed into a Parallax Demon, an entity of fear emotions, a creature that has essentially been upgraded to a higher dimensional existence.

He has completely broken away from the shackles of material entities. As long as the universe can be touched by the yellow light of fear, he is everywhere, and as long as there is a trace of fear left, he can continue to be reborn from concepts.

He may not be the strongest of all Mu Feng's clones - in terms of material concepts, he is not the furious opponent of the Eldrazi Titan who was born from the fusion of void source darkness and material concepts, and in terms of thinking concepts, he is no longer the strongest one. An arrogant opponent who has integrated his own essence into part of the laws of the universe through the Infinity Stones.

He is not even an opponent of Mu Feng, who is not a strong body in theory. After all, Mu Feng is the central subject and he can master everything about the split body, but there is no need to practice it.

The main body is responsible for the deployment and coordination, which is the concept of the golden mean. But even so, laziness is actually no opponent of the subject.

However, Sloth is the most stubborn of all the clones, even compared to the original body of Mu Feng.

It can be said that Sloth, who lives and fears the yellow light and transforms into a lamp beast and becomes one with it, is basically impossible to kill.

Not even the fantastic technology of the Necrons, not even the power of the Dark Celestial larvae to corrupt stars and astronomical bodies, could kill him.

As long as there is land where the light of fear shines, he will continue to be reborn.

Therefore, his job is also very simple. He will be responsible for monitoring, recording, coordinating, summarizing, and learning the war situation of all civilizations and individuals within the reach of the two universes.

Even among the Necrons, there are those who produce fearful yellow light.

And those stellar angels and corrupted astronomical bodies that were devoured by them are also within the reach of the fearful yellow light.

Therefore, under Lazy's supervision, Mu Feng mastered many of the Necron's fantastic technologies, as well as the Dark God Larva's incredible distortion and utilization of the laws of the universe.

The absorption of these two essences is also feeding back to all the parts of Mu Feng, and his power is also advancing in step with this universe that is constantly involution and becomes extremely terrifying.

At the same time, Sloth will also be responsible for a task.

That is to ensure that the main characters in this 'drama' do not exit prematurely.

Does the earth have value? Whether it is the main universe or the sub-universe, it can actually be said to be of little value after the World Tree has completed its withdrawal.

This is not a comic book universe, and the earth here is not the eternal heart, but it still has some special meaning.

Sloth wants to ensure that the two earths will not be accidentally destroyed due to being involved in a certain Necron battle, or be eaten away by the corrupted astronomical body of a certain dark god larvae...

He is now the protector of the solar system!

Of course, such a lofty position and goal are destined to remain unknown and unappreciated.

Lazy doesn't need these. He prefers to watch the waves of these people's emotions, and every rhythm of emotion will bring a lot of fun.

"Carol, do you know the name of that weapon?"

Lazy looked at Carol with a frosty face and smiled with interest.

"It is an artifact named 'Breath of the Gods' by the Necrons. It is a 'feeder' they invented through the study and use of fragments of the gods to feed the dark gods in the past."

"They will use a super-space-time training device to cover and distort the products within the range, link and drain the individuals of each of their parallel universes. Then use this part of the energy as a larger source of activation to go deep into the unfathomable sea of ​​time and space. , to extract the existence of every past moment of the product within the range as energy."

"For example, the unlucky stellar angel will have his existence in every parallel universe extracted - and then, every second of his 'existence' as a star will be burned and extracted as a subsequent energy source for the Necrons. .”

"Guess how big a total amount that is? It only takes one billionth, or even less leakage, to destroy your galaxy in an instant."

Lazy casually took the ring of the Yellow Lantern member next to him, played with it casually, and said happily

"Oh, by the way, they also used a special ancient artifact not long ago, the 'Brilliant Star Map', a 'gardening tool' that they used to record the entire galaxy and adjust the orientation."

"The only function of that thing is to display a huge galaxy star map. Every shining point is a burning star. If you kill it, the star itself will explode as a supernova in an instant."

"Guess where the sun is on the star map? Congratulations, it's right in the middle!"

The lazy index finger and thumb slowly closed, blew a gentle breath, and raised his eyebrows.

"All they need is a gentle pinch and you and everything you've worked so hard to build will turn to ash!"

"You have said so much, what's the point?"

Carol responded coldly, but it was not difficult to tell from her trembling little finger that there was still a whirlpool of emotion in her heart.

It’s okay to know how powerful your enemy is, but when you realize that you and everything you value are likely to be easily affected and destroyed by others inadvertently, you will still feel boundless despair...

"I mean - you should be hopeful!"

Sloth smiles maliciously

"Those Necrons are very terrifying, but their enemies are also terrifying! The dark celestial larvae that run around the universe, awakening celestial disasters everywhere, have so far turned 480,000 celestial bodies into tumors in the universe '."

"Those living planets are scurrying around, swallowing stars and energy, turning into more terrifying starry gods, and then crashing into the hands of the Necron troops."

"Those Necrons are very efficient, and most importantly, they are constantly expanding the number of their own race. But even so, the number of starry sky evil beings that have been awakened and shaped is also increasing..."

"If they cannot capture the coordinates of the dark god larvae, this war will actually gradually become disadvantageous for them..."

"Any war they engage in can easily crush our galaxy and civilization to death."

Carol said expressionlessly, essentially, the two races currently fighting across the universe are not their friends.

Whether it is swallowed and fused by the awakened living planet, or whether the flesh and blood are annihilated by the Necrons without emotion, the result is the same.

They are all tragic endings where even death is a luxury.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, and it is completely normal for two giants to accidentally trample an ant to death while fighting.

Isn't that also the case? The war between the Necrons and the Dark God larvae has actually made this originally lively universe extremely quiet...

Carroll doesn't even know if there are any civilizations in this galaxy other than the solar system.

Looking up at the universe, the stars are disappearing one by one. The boundless darkness is swallowing up the hope of all lives, dragging their souls into the furnace of misery and destroying them.

"You don't actually need to be so pessimistic. After all, you still have the last hope, right?"

Lazy tilted his head and smiled playfully

"As long as you have the Infinity Stones, you still have hope after all."

This is the Marvel world, and this is an extremely outrageous world. Even though the technology of the Necrons is so advanced and awesome, what does it mean to the Marvel world?

There were too many races with more terrifying settings and nonsense than them, but they were still killed by incredible explosions.

It's because the Marvel world has too many "backend controllers" that are like cheating. Even if the Necron's technology is so terrifying, they are still no match for Thanos who has collected all the Infinity Stones.

After all, no matter how strong a character you develop in a game, as far as the GM is concerned, you can be deleted with just one keystroke.

Permission dogs are so shameless.

The scary thing is not the permission dogs, but the permissions thrown around everywhere in the world.

"The Infinity Stones...they are just in the hands of another madman now." Carol said sadly

She lost the space stone. In fact, he didn't even know if this was a good thing. After all, most of the gems are now in the hands of Thanos. Only God knows whether it is good or bad for the universe to let him collect all the gems.

Although a person who is committed to family planning for the entire universe is very bad, compared to the even worse Necrons and Dark Gods... they are all bad anyway.

"You always have a chance to make a comeback. This is not unthinkable to you."

Lazy smiled and threw a red gem to Carol. She took it and was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief.

"The Reality, is it a fake?"

"Take it, it may save your life at a critical moment. Also, it will give you a chance to contact Thanos."

Lazy crossed his fingers and said mysteriously

"Your last chance to make a comeback is always in his hands. He is the only one you can rely on."

295.Crime: Trazin

The Place of Nothingness, Soram Art Museum

The former collector is now the overlord of the Nehrak dynasty, and the famous Necron who temporarily took over as the leader of the dynasty after the disappearance of his king - Trazyn the Endless.

Now undergoing a unique verdict trial.

The Tri-Holy Tribunal, composed of several dynasties that have now awakened, including the Sotec Dynasty, the Szarakan Dynasty, the Menak Dynasty, and the Mephirite Dynasty, is currently trying Trazin for the crimes he committed. .

The crime on trial was - Trazin.

The content of the trial is - Trazin.

This Trazin, who is a strange flower among the Necrons in every sense of the word, has been a guy who is hated by gods and ghosts since they can still call themselves "human".

Stealing treasures everywhere, hiding them under the pretext of protecting them, and even doing all kinds of weird and evil things.

A standard collector's madman.

Although he awakened 10,000 years earlier than planned, which paved the way for the dynasty to wake up on a large scale - this still could not stop his problem.

He stole many artifacts left over from other dynasties.

The reason for this ruling was the artifact "Breath of the Gods" he had stolen not long ago from the Mephilite dynasty, who was known as the "Star Killer".

Although this weapon effectively curbed the pollution of the physical universe by the Dark God larvae, the crime of stealing such dangerous artifacts was real.

The judges of the Mephilite dynasty advocated the immediate execution of Trazin as a warning to others.

However, judging from the current results, the situation is not so dangerous for Trazin.

With the foreshadowing of waking up 10,000 years in advance and Trazin's eloquent tongue, he finally avoided the danger of being killed on the spot.

Trazin was secretly congratulating himself. He had gone back in time forty-three times to avoid being executed on the spot.

But speaking of it, the biggest problem with this court ruling is not that he stole the artifact.

They just want to shirk responsibility, attack each other, eliminate enemies - and then compete for the position of the Three Holy Council.

Trazin looked at the judges above with cold eyes and clicked his tongue in disdain in private.

Even if they turned into the bodies of Necrons, they still seemed unable to forget the joy of fighting for power.

In other words, such things have become a kind of 'entertainment' for them to maintain their little remaining humanity after death?

As the Silent King has not yet returned, each dynasty is currently fighting independently and uniting with each other, but it has definitely not reorganized into a huge undead dynasty as expected.

This also led to their failure to solve the troubles caused by the dark god larvae in time.

The dark celestial larvae that is running around and constantly converting the astronomical body to life is a huge trouble, and each dynasty also understands the consequences of allowing him to spread the plague of life wantonly.

This ruling on Trazin was also a meeting where they tried to connect and discuss ways to resolve it.

"Fellow compatriots, I know you hate my behavior very much, but I must say that the collections I keep are in very good condition."

Seeing that the ruling above was gradually becoming unfavorable to him, Trazin immediately added

"I personally would be very happy to have these well-kept collections returned to you, and I feel that the adjudication of my matter can wait until we resolve that huge problem."

There was a ticking sound in the darkness above.

"I promise I won't steal anything from you!" Trazin said quickly.

"Before solving that trouble, we should unite together for the time being - if Szarak has not returned yet, we can't just sit back and watch the larvae of the dark god grow bigger."

Yes, although the kings of the various dynasties present here most likely feel uncomfortable with each other, they have always been very united in solving their mortal enemies.

Revenge can be avenged, but these disgusting cosmic borers must be crushed! ! !

"But we were unable to locate its whereabouts."

A female voice came from the darkness, and Trazin knew that it must be the female Pharaoh of the Menak dynasty.

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