
"Anything related to time travel and parallel universes is so baffling." Arrogant shrugged, but did not tell Thanos what he knew.

All he needs to know is that in this world where the conditions for time travel have become extremely loose, in a world of backflow cycles, every important participant is a 'player'

They tend to constantly try to load files to change their past and present. There are not just one or two people trying to intervene in this game, the scale may be quite large.

Who told this to be the Marvel Universe?

The huge Dragon of Ahamkara's corpse collapsed, but the black and white sphere did not disappear with it.

In the black and white sphere missing from the upper-dimensional world, a tall, god-like figure slowly emerged as if through the water.

The chitin carapace on his body is more exquisite and stronger than other insects. Behind the scarlet armor is a pair of extended wings.

He held a twisted and strange magic sword in his hand, and the dark atmosphere continued to leak out, and the black and white sphere slowly became thinner.

"Looks like the final BOSS battle is here." Arrogance whistled and smiled happily.

"Then brave man, it's time for you to show off."

Thanos raised his left arm expressionlessly, the Infinity Stones shining brightly on his glove.

302. The afterimage of Oryx

A successful trajectory, a commendable foresight, and a war that was not a success.

Three times was not a perfect tribute, being offered to the great Oryx.

Standing between the source of darkness and reality, the Soul Reaper King, who was exiled by the coalition forces in the main material world, gave his own reverberation to this not-so-successful contribution.

The biggest reason for agreeing to the gift is because Maximus, as the master of this sacrifice, has completed his mission.

He 'died', but he sacrificed his life for the insect swarm and for the greater benefit of the Evil Sword Law and was able to sublimate.

Oryx will not be stingy with such a favor and grant it to his people who strictly follow the law.

When the shining black and white sphere slowly disappeared, a wave of pure darkness swept across the entire moon.

People on the earth once again pointed to the sky, and the moon that had been with them for who knows how many years... disappeared.

As if being swallowed up by the unfathomable darkness of the universe, the bright moonlight disappeared into the endless darkness of the universe.

Within the endless darkness, there were only two rays of light.

One is a shining light composed of five infinite gems, and the other is at the center of the source of darkness, three eyes like burning evil green fireballs.

In an instant, the endless darkness seemed to be dispersed in an instant. But in fact, all the darkness is just absorbed by the figure in the center.

The scarlet armor and body were about ten meters high, and the waving wings brought him down heavily. The alien and terrifying magic sword penetrated deep into the moonland, and countless miserable dead souls were summoned under the magic sword.

Oryx slowly drew out his magic sword. He did not have any majestic and unshakable aura. The scarlet demon seemed to have blended into this space.

He doesn't seem to be strong.

At the very least, he doesn't seem to be worthy of being the God of the Swarm, nor worthy of such a powerful reputation as the Lord of Souls.

Although he is just a reverberation.

However, anyone who has heard of his reputation, anyone who has read about the disasters this terrifying demon god once brought to the universe in ancient legends, will think - is this it?

But Thanos didn't dare to underestimate his opponent.

Even if it's just a reverberation, Thanos will deal with it with 100% energy!

He raised the Infinity Gauntlet. The scarlet Reality Stone and the deep purple Power Stone shone brightly. The Soul Stone protected his mind, and the Space Stone and Time Stone were always ready to inspire!

Thanos snapped his fingers gently.

He wants to 'erase' the other party's existence! Based on the laws of reality and inspired by the source of power!

However, the erasure of the fundamental power of the law of the universe was completely unable to take effect on Oryx.

Thanos's heart sank, knowing that this was what Odin was saying, and that Oryx had robbed his insect god Akka of the powers he had gained.

Lies become truth by denying the truth, and lies become falsehood by confirming the truth.

The abilities of these two are easy to understand. Oryx can distort the reality that happens to him into something that has never happened. He can also make all attacks based on time, space and basic rules invulnerable to him through constant observation of himself. Take effect.

What is the principle of such ability?

No, it doesn't need any principles. The power that comes from the abyss, the darkness, and the terrifying essence before the birth of the universe doesn't need any principles.

Science, or the knowledge and principles based on the actual existence of matter - this concept has never been the basis for explaining all problems, especially in this universe.

Oryx's reverb slowly raised his right hand.

Countless dead souls on the moon screamed and turned into a scarlet and deadly spear. The sharp screams from the spear passed through the vacuum and medialess membrane and exploded in Thanos' soul!

Thanos' brain almost exploded instantly, but relying on the gems, he managed to stabilize his state.

No, you must not take this shot!

Thanos made the decision almost instantly, and he immediately activated the time gems and space gems that were already in pre-release state!

The surrounding time and space fell into solidification at this moment.

The unstoppable door opened from this section to the other end. Judging from the scorching light that was covered with craters and radiation patterns and was extremely close, it was Mercury.

Thanos also wanted to open the door further, but the scream from the spear made his consciousness, even protected by the soul gem, faint.

He ran away without hesitation, and Oryx also raised his hand and threw the blood-red spear.

Cutting through the sky, tearing apart space, and penetrating cause and effect, this scarlet spear disappeared like a hunting hound!

Oryx didn't even look at the remaining people. He just pulled out the magic sword, waved his wings and blended into the dark universe.

However, the magic sword he pulled out before leaving seemed to cause the entire moon to collapse!

The entire moon, like a hamburger that had its bamboo skewer removed, instantly cracked and collapsed!

Countless green rays of light emit a terrifying light on it. The moon has never shined as brightly as it does now!

"Oh, it looks like the moon is gone again."

Arrogance touched his chin and gently hooked his hand. Stark and his party, who had done nothing under this devastating disaster, were caught by him.

"Even in a different place, you are still so annoying."

Arrogance looked at Tony Stark's face, smacked his lips, and sighed.

"Forget it, considering the variables you may bring about by solving the problem here, you should go back to your hometown."

Just when Arrogance was about to open a door and throw Tony in, he made an extremely rapid sound.

"Who the hell are you? What on earth do you want to do to the earth?!"

"Good question! But the answer is meaningless." An arrogant grin

"No matter what we want to do or what we will do, it actually has nothing to do with you. Because you can't do anything, it doesn't matter whether you know or not."

A huge roaring flame explosion that spanned less than half of the sun was ignited in the endless vacuum.

The scorching laser made every corner of the earth clearly visible, including, of course, Tony Stark.

"Ah, it seems that Mercury is gone. I sincerely hope that they will not harm other planets in the solar system."

Arrogance smacked his lips, looked at the dull Tony and smiled.

"Do you know the difference between you now? I am very curious about what kind of surprises you will bring to me like you in another universe."

He threw Tony and his Odin friends into the door, grabbed a piece of moon dust, and sneered as he looked at the scattered moon.

"Can't you wait to get to the finale?"

"what is that?"

Above the Angus Stargazing Restaurant in New York, a couple curiously pointed at the lights flashing across the sky and asked curiously

They saw the fiery red light splitting like a blade in the dark sky, so dazzling in the night.

But soon, this curiosity turned into a scream.

Countless moon rocks passed through the atmosphere, and with unparalleled kinetic energy, they fell and scattered across the entire American land like the moon fired a shotgun at the earth!

Countless moonstones were smashed and distributed in every corner of the American land. The moonstones wrapped in light green light were obviously no longer ordinary stones. The special energy attached to them allowed them to pass through almost unscathed in terms of quality. Past the atmosphere.

boom! ! ! ! !

A meteorite hit Angus's outdoor restaurant, and the roaring explosion destroyed the entire restaurant and even the building!

"Janice! Answer me, Janice!!!"

Under the rubble in the aftermath of the explosion, the man desperately shouted for his fiancée's life.

Miraculously, he did not suffer any damage, and he could even stand up easily amidst the ruins.

He looked around, and there were only crushed bodies under the countless broken building blocks. He searched hard and anxiously, and finally found the familiar arm.

She even had the ring on her finger that he had given her not long ago.

Endless pain penetrated his mind at this moment, and the man let out a heart-wrenching cry.

Until...a flash of green light came into view.

His eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the brilliance, and even his sadness was forgotten.

It was a moonstone shining with green light. It fell from the sky. He was the culprit who created this tragedy and killed many people.

But men just can't help themselves...wanting to possess it.

This crazy longing hit the man's heart instantly, and the huge shock and grief a few moments ago were forgotten in his mind in the blink of an eye.

He trembled and slowly stretched out his fingers towards the moonstone that exuded green light.

A vague whisper floated slowly from nowhere, lingering in his soul like an invisible thread.

It was transmitted along the moonstone, a trace of slow darkness...

He held the moon stone tightly, and the voice that sounded like a devil's whisper became clearer!

But along with it comes the power to be activated.

"Baby, my baby..."

A creepy smile appeared on the man's face, as numbing as Gollum after getting the Lord of the Rings.

Along with his blood-curdling laughter, the surrounding building fragments were split apart under the pull of an invisible force, and the broken buildings began to reorganize themselves.

This is the power given to him by the Moon Stone, and it is also his own power.

Contaminated by the source darkness of the upper-dimensional world, the essence of these moonstones has become a token of brief communication with the abyss.

They activated the latent Celestial genes in humans, just like the Terrigen Mists awakened the abilities of the Inhumans.

But compared to the Inhumans, this is more dangerous and more... irreparable.

Tonight, all of America is wailing under countless falling moonstones.

The stone, like stars falling from the sky, crossed the dark night and drove countless gifts into the earth.

303.Crush the God

In the boundless void, a god's painful cry echoed throughout the universe, and dark corruption grew from his body.

That ancient and sacred existence, which was like stars, was transforming into an extremely terrifying and dark creature at an extremely fast speed.

The planet that maintains the outer shell of his existence is being corrupted by darkness at an extremely fast rate, and the souls that make up its essential existence are also being pulled into the unreachable shadowless darkness.

But the united Necron did not give this group of gods a chance to transform into the dark gods.

This group of gods who were awakened at an abnormal time and were extremely hungry were summoned by the Menak Dynasty's planet destruction plan.

They first dragged this god into a dying star, accelerating the death process of the star, allowing this group of gods to experience a supernova explosion, the gravitational collapse of a white dwarf star, and the distortion of a black hole in just five seconds. Engineering Strike.

From the material point of view, from the point of soul point of view, from the point of existence to achieve the greatest annihilation of these cosmic gods.

Then, the Mephilite dynasty activated their artifact, Breath of the Gods.

Compared to Trazin's reckless approach of involving several galaxies, the Mephilite dynasty undoubtedly used this power to the extreme.

They used the Breath of the Gods to wrap the three planets around the star that the Celestial God Group was devoured. They controlled the range of the Breath of the Gods to the lowest point by accelerating the extraction around the planets, and then accelerated the extraction of the power of the Celestial God Group.

They quickly drained the young, incomplete, and embryonic Cosmic God Group completely.

Immediately afterwards, they skillfully broke the Celestial God Group into pieces, and distributed the countless wailing god fragments to every dynasty participating in the war, as materials to fill energy and create more super weapons.

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