Fantasy world

Chapter 147

Lingzi's sudden behavior shocked everyone in the room. A relative woke up first, came up to support Lingzi, and even touched her head deliberately. Lingzi smiled and pulled away from her relative:"Little aunt! I'm not sick!""Then what are you yelling about, you damn girl? To break off the engagement, do you know how much gift you have to give back? Where do you get the money at home?""You don't have to worry about money. Brother Hao Bin promised to lend it to me first. I will pay it back to him when I make money later."

As soon as Lingzi finished speaking, everyone immediately stared at me. Lingzi's little aunt came up to me again:"Your name is Hao Bin? Did you promise to lend Lingzi money?""Yes! I can lend it to her. It doesn't matter if she doesn't pay it back.""You - how much money do you have? How much do you plan to lend her?"I have more than three hundred yuan, and I will give it to her tomorrow. She said it is enough, but if it is not enough, I will think of something else.""Lingzi's little aunt stared at me repeatedly, looking up and down, which made me feel ashamed.

She looked at it for a long time and felt it was incredible. Then she looked at me and asked coldly:"Who are you? So rich? Really generous? Have you taken a fancy to our Lingzi? You plan to help her break off the engagement, are you trying to gain leverage?"No no no!" no! I - I am an educated youth in the team, I - I have a partner"

"What? Do you have a partner? So who is your target?"

"My partner - my partner is Huang Huimin!"

"Huang Huimin? Is she the niece of the native emperor of your brigade?"


"Then you still treat our Lingzi like this? It doesn’t feel good to look at it"

"no no! I just feel that she is pitiful and I can only help her if I can."

Lingzi saw that I was embarrassed by her little aunt, so she immediately stepped forward and pulled her little aunt away:"Little aunt! Brother Hao Bin is kind enough to help me, why are you so cruel to him? You still say you love me the most all day long, are you just trying to coax me?"

"OK OK! You damn girl! It's true that stupid people are blessed, and they can also be helped by noble people. Since an outsider is helping you like this, and your aunt is also helping you, just break off the engagement. That family also bullied us too much. They just bullied us into not being able to pay the bride price and forced us to ask for money every day. It was even more hateful and vicious than Huang Shiren!"This is my good aunt!""Lingzi hugged her little aunt and acted coquettishly.

Then Lingzi's mother walked up to me and said:"Binbin! Are you really willing to help us Lingzi like this? I’m afraid our family won’t be able to pay back this money in a short time!""no no! No need to pay it back! Anyway, this money was given to me by my family, so it is of no use here. Lingzi and I, as well as Mihe and Mifu—we are all good friends. If everyone is in trouble, just help each other, that’s okay!""Thanks! Then I will kowtow to you for Lingzi!"Lingzi's mother burst into tears with gratitude and really planned to kowtow to me. I was so frightened that I quickly supported her:"Auntie! Don't--you're too polite! There are still classes in my school! I go first!"Stay and eat before leaving!""No!" I am leaving!"As I said this, I ran away from Lingzi's house in a panic.

I finally did something meaningful and satisfying to myself, and I couldn't help but express a joy and excitement in my heart.

During this period, I tutored Huang Huimin almost day and night, and I almost didn’t leave school for a long time. She studied very hard, and I taught quite attentively. It’s just that these monotonous and boring days made me almost change. I have to be isolated from the world. Yesterday when I went home, my parents and Michelle almost forgave me. Today I helped Lingzi again. This happy mood is naturally uncontrollable and beyond words.

Leave After arriving at Lingzi's house, I hummed a little tune all the way to school.

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