Farming in the Primitive Tribe

Chapter 103 What exactly did they experience?

"Thank you, thank you..." The wandering savages kept thanking them, and some even had tears in their eyes. Others couldn't bear to see them like this, but they didn't say much and boiled some hot water for them. Drink to warm yourself up.

They devoured the food with a look of satisfaction on their faces. A burst of laughter came from far and near. They looked around and saw the familiar figure, and tears instantly filled their eyes. Some people were unsure and said, " Is it the boss?"

"And Ashu, it's really them."

All the wandering savages were not calm anymore. They stood up and ran towards them. Xiao Yan and the others looked at so many unkempt wandering savages rushing towards them. Their hearts instantly became heavy. All they thought about were bad things. Others Likewise, they couldn't help but quicken their pace, staring defensively at the people running towards them.

However, when they got closer, they were all shocked. These people looked at them as if they were looking at long-lost relatives. No, not at them, but at Lin Yun and the others.

Xiao Yan looked at Lin Yun doubtfully, "Do you know him?"

Lin Yun was also confused and shook his head. He didn't know them, but they looked familiar. He couldn't remember where he had seen them before, but they obviously knew him.

"Boss, don't you recognize us?"

Lin Yun's expression froze, "Two Tigers?" He looked at them carefully and saw that the good guys were all acquaintances, weren't they? How did they end up like this? All of them had unkempt hair and unkempt beards, and even lost a lot of weight. They looked even more pitiful than when they first left. People who didn't know better thought they had suffered some kind of inhuman treatment.

Although they were homeless before, they didn't end up like this.

What on earth did they go through?

"Boss, we finally found you." Erhu said miserably, and so did the others. The others cried to Lin Yun, telling them about their experiences after leaving, saying that they had been robbed of food by other wandering savages, and even He wounded them and said that they returned to the place where they had been but could not find him.

It simply makes the speaker sad and the listener in tears.

Xiao Yan quietly led the others away, leaving them room to get along.

"Do they really know each other?" Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Yun and the others.

"Well, I guess I suffered a lot after leaving." Xiao Yan said lightly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that not only did he suffer a lot, but he obviously suffered a big fall. Otherwise, how could he be in such a miserable state? Those who don't know would think he had escaped from somewhere.

That they knew them proved that they were not lying, but now the question is, do so many people want to keep them? If the food was left behind, it would definitely require a lot of food, but the food saved by the tribe may not be enough to eat. By then, even the people of the tribe may not have enough to eat, and they may have to spend the winter hungry.

However, this problem is left to the witch doctor.

"We hunted a bear, and the witch doctor and I are going to make you some animal skin clothes to wear."

Shen Xiaoxiao also saw the bear they brought back. It had several bloody holes on its body, probably from being pricked by something in the trap.

"No, let the witch doctor share it with the rest of the tribe. Two females gave birth to cubs in the past two days. They need this more than me." And she doesn't lack animal skins to wear, so she should give them to others who need them more. People.

However, the tribe is in short supply of animal skins, and they need them more.

"I've already cooked the food, let's eat some first."


"Try to see if it suits the taste. Use bean sprouts from soybeans." Ashu and the others sent a bunch of soybeans. Using a little to sprout will not affect her ability to save seeds. If she had only picked them herself, she would not have been able to do so. Such luxury must be saved for planting.


Shen Xiaoxiao's eyebrows slightly arched and she said, "Then you eat more, and I'll give you more."

"You eat too." Xiao Yan put a chopstick into the bowl and gave it to her.

But the atmosphere on the other side was not as relaxed as they were. As she said, the witch doctor was very worried now. She never thought that the people who were following Lin Yun before would actually find this place and recognize Lin Yun and the others. .

It's not that she doesn't want them to recognize each other, but in this situation, should she keep them or drive them away? If you stay, where will you get so much food? Maybe in the end, the tribe members will suffer from hunger as well.

Drive them away? But they had helped them before, and they also let Lin Yun join the tribe. If they drove their former brothers out without mercy, even if they didn't say anything, they would definitely feel uncomfortable in their hearts. It would be uncomfortable for her or It’s about the whole tribe having opinions.

Doing so will definitely result in more gain than loss.

The witch doctor was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

The witch doctor had no choice but to go to Shen Xiaoxiao for some ideas, so when she heard what the witch doctor said, she felt a little helpless in her heart. She originally thought it was the witch doctor's problem, but she didn't expect that after going round and round, she found her. she.

"Why don't we ask their opinions? They may not want to join the tribe?" Shen Xiaoxiao suggested. Even so, she felt that they definitely didn't want to leave. They asked to come to explain that they were at the end of their rope, and now they found someone. Without Lin Yun, they should not be willing to leave.

In addition, in winter, there is less food to eat. They will definitely be full and hungry after leaving, and there is a high probability that they will not be full. Although they may not be able to fill their bellies if they stay here, they can at least have a hot bite. Yes, a bowl of hot soup in this weather is a fatal temptation for people who are hungry and cold.

The witch doctor thought for a while and realized that what she said made sense. Maybe they really just wanted some food to fill their stomachs.

After Lin Yun learned about what they had experienced, he also asked about this matter, "What did you plan to do?"

Erhu hurriedly said, "Boss, we want to be with you." After leaving, they realized how happy they were to have the boss here before. They only need to follow up with the boss, and there is no need to worry about where they will live today or what they will eat tomorrow. Just keep up with the boss.

Although they were wandering in the past, compared to wandering with their boss, without their boss they were like weeds on the roadside that anyone could step on. Even if they wandered no matter how much they did in the past, they would not feel panic if they had their boss.

But now that the boss and the others have joined the White Tiger Tribe, will he still leave with them? If they had not left but followed them to pick those beans, would they have joined the White Tiger tribe now?

But it's too late to say anything now.

"Boss, can we follow you?" Others also asked, but they all knew that this was impossible, and they and the boss would eventually become two different people.

Soon Erhu said again, "Boss, we are just joking. We will leave later and you can live a good life in the tribe." They knew that the White Tiger tribe had the worst attitude towards wandering savages, and they did not know what the boss had done to save himself. Let the White Tiger tribe accept them, but they cannot destroy the boss's hard-won life.

As for them, they can just go on wandering. They have always been like this anyway, right?

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