Farming in the Primitive Tribe

Chapter 246 What if it’s true?

"So, what you mean is that you traveled to a primitive tribe, got married and had children there, but then came back again for some reason?" Shen Yingnan said a little uncertainly.

"Well, you should also know that I have given birth to a child." Shen Xiaoxiao said lightly.

"I'll take you to the hospital for another checkup." Shen Yingnan stood up and pulled Shen Xiaoxiao out.

Shen Xiaoxiao was helpless, "Brother, I'm fine. I'm in good spirits and I know what I'm talking about." She knew it would be like this, so she didn't say anything. If she wasn't afraid that he would keep worrying, she would He really didn't want to say it, but the result was obvious. Even if he didn't believe it, he thought she was mentally ill.

"It's safer to check it out." Although everyone in the family has learned this, doctors don't treat themselves, so it is appropriate to leave it to their relatives. Maybe they were worried and ignored something, which led to this result.

If it were for other reasons, he might still believe it, but how could it be so unbelievable to travel back in time tens of thousands of years ago, get married and have children there, and then travel back in time? Now that time travel has become such a mess? Can you still wear it back and forth?

Shen Xiaoxiao grimaced, "Brother, I'm really angry if you keep doing this." He was the one who told her to say it, and he was the one who said she didn't believe it.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but tell me, will anyone believe what you said?" Shen Yingnan was also a little helpless. If it weren't for his biological sister, if it were someone else who said this, he would have thrown the person out directly. He should have kicked the person out when he spoke the first sentence, why would anyone listen to him say so much.

"But it's true. It's useless if you don't believe it." Shen Xiaoxiao said firmly, "I know it's hard to accept, but it's the truth."

"Please let me slow down."

"Well, you go to the company quickly, I will stay by myself." Shen Xiaoxiao said with a smile. For her sake, her family members have not gone out these days. Although they did not say it, she could tell that they did not trust her.

Shen Yingnan glanced at her and said, "If you need anything, just tell me."

"I know." Shen Xiaoxiao smiled.

Watching him leave, the smile on Shen Xiaoxiao's face faded. It had only been a few days and she already missed them very much, but she also knew that her family would be worried, so she didn't want them to worry.

"How's it going?" Seeing Shen Yingnan approaching, Mrs. Shen hurriedly greeted her, with an anxious expression and unconcealable worry in her eyes. Although Mr. Shen didn't speak, his expression had already said everything.

Looking at their expressions, Shen Yingnan didn't know how to speak for a moment. If he told them that his sister said that she had traveled through time, they would probably be more worried.

"Speak." Mrs. Shen was a little anxious for a moment, and her voice increased a lot.

"My sister said she traveled through time." In the end, Shen Yingnan decided to tell the truth, "And she still traveled through time to primitive society."

Everyone else was confused. Time travel?

"Are you sure that's what Xiaoxiao said?" Ruan Ruan asked doubtfully. She usually reads some novels, so she naturally knows this, but that is just the plot of a novel. Will this kind of thing happen in reality?

"Yes, she said it herself." Although he was doubted by his wife, Shen Yingnan was not annoyed. After all, he also felt that this kind of thing was not very credible. But Xiaoxiao said it so seriously that he began to doubt it. .

"Then did she say how she wore it?" Ruan Ruan asked next, and the others also looked at him.

Shen Yingnan shook his head, "She only said that she suddenly traveled there while climbing the mountain. When she came back, she completely lost consciousness and had no idea what happened. When she regained consciousness, she had returned to modern times."

Shen Yingnan told them what Shen Xiaoxiao said, and everyone else was stunned. For a moment, they didn't know whether to believe it was true or whether Xiaoxiao had a mental problem.

"We'd better take Xiaoxiao for another checkup. The uncertain lesions are hidden deeper, so they can't be seen." Mrs. Shen said after being silent for a moment. Although the family members know these things, doctors don't treat themselves. They care. It's confusing, and it's possible to get it if it's misdiagnosed.

"Yes, let's go for another check-up." Mr. Shen also said. At this moment, he also had some doubts about his medical skills. Could it be that the person was injured when he injected the needle before? That's why you talked nonsense?

Shen Junze pondered for a moment, "Let's do another check-up." The child was probably too stimulated, which is why this happened, but no matter what, their parents would not dislike the child, they would only feel sorry for her. .

"But she doesn't want to." Shen Yingnan's voice revealed helplessness.

"Then let the doctor check it out."

The family was having a heated discussion about how to get Shen Xiaoxiao to have a full body check-up, but after a long discussion they could not come up with a charter.

Ruan Ruan looked on with helplessness. He knew that they were worried about him, but he didn't know that he thought the other party had some serious illness and wanted to mobilize troops like this.

"Have you ever thought that this is true?" Ruan Ruan said calmly, "Even if it's not true, why would she have this idea? It's because she was bullied, and in order to protect herself, she subconsciously ignored that paragraph Bad memories, so I feel that I have traveled through time and have not experienced those bad things. Now we are going to ask her to have a check-up, will that irritate her?"

Although everything is normal in Xiaoxiao now, no one knows what she has experienced in these years. If what she said is true, everyone will be happy, but if not, what they did will probably irritate her. When the time comes, It may lead to other bad things.

In fact, she felt that this matter was probably true. After all, Xiaoxiao's mental state seemed to be fine. Although she was much quieter than before and she liked to be alone in a daze, there were no other problems.

If what she said is true, then all her actions are explained. According to what she said, she had a lover in that place, got married and had children, and their relationship was very good. Then she suddenly left and wanted to My husband and children are also normal.

That's why a person sits there in a daze, and they feel it's abnormal when they look at it.

"Actually, I think this may be true. Although it is a bit unbelievable, it is not impossible. It may be that time and place can happen to be able to travel, and Xiaoxiao happened to be there, so I had this strange experience." After a pause , "Do you really think Xiaoxiao has a mental problem?" Apart from being silent for a while, she had no other problems at all, but then again, after more than ten years, it is normal for changes to occur.

And she must have put a lot of effort into survival in the past ten years. Being busy and overworked will make people look older, so she doesn't think there is really something wrong with Xiaoxiao. She is more willing to believe what she said than anything else. of.

As for grandpa, they don’t believe it because caring leads to chaos. In addition, they have never heard of anyone who can travel through time, so they deny it subconsciously. But this kind of thing does not mean that you don’t believe it. After all, the world is full of wonders, and there are many things you don’t know. Doesn't mean there isn't one.

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