Yan Qingqing only felt that she had been waiting in the ward for a long time before the nurse came to give her an injection. Soon she felt the pain in her body slowly disappear, and then she fell asleep.

The little assistant was worried about her job, while Ning Yue and Xu Li asked about the assistant's background.

"She, you don't know, she is also a capable person.

She turned out to be the assistant of Ruijia's second-tier star Mi Linlin.

When I was in Ruijia, Mi Linlin's manager reported that Mi Linlin's assistant was bought by an artist from another company, causing Mi Linlin to lose a chance to audition.

I asked someone to check it out, this person has no three views, as long as she is paid, she will do anything, she doesn't know what gratitude is, and she is especially good at acting, coaxing Mi Linlin so much that she almost treats her as her own sister. Clothes, food and clothing are all given by Mi Linlin, and she can sell Mi Linlin backhandedly.

I asked Mi Linlin's agent to ask her to change her assistant, but she refused to agree, saying that she regarded her as her own sister.

It just so happened that I was kicked out by Ruijia and was thrown aside.

That assistant has never been dealt with.

When you said you would send someone to Yan Qingqing's side, I immediately thought of her.

When I contacted her, she responded immediately. I was afraid that she would bite me later. The space number used to make the call also used a voice changer. To this day, she still doesn't know who hired her to cheat Yan Qingqing. "

Ning Yue has only one thought from the beginning to the end: Knowing how to use people is a very profound knowledge. A gentleman has a way of a gentleman, and a villain has a way of a villain. There are no useless people, it just depends on how you use it. Compared with Xu Li, she still has something to learn.

No wonder Xu Li more than doubled the market value of Ruijia Entertainment in just three years. The two entertainment companies also managed by Xu Li, Shengshi and Ruijia are very different.

Prosperous Age starts from scratch, Xu Li has enough room to develop, it is much easier to do things, and of course it is relatively easier to make money.

But Ruijia is different. Seven years ago, Ruijia occupied a considerable share in the domestic entertainment industry. The interpersonal relationships in the company are intricate, and it takes a lot of effort to deal with them, but Xu Li can bring Let Ruijia achieve greater glories, which is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Just like the current president of Ruijia, who is about to bring the company into the ditch, many shareholders of Ruijia have a lot of opinions on the current president, but they are only small shareholders, even if they have opinions, they can only hold back.

"Yan Qingqing's side is already in the late stage."

Xu Li on the other side of the phone suddenly laughed out loud, he understood what Ning Yue meant, she was about to withdraw the ladder after entering the room!

"Don't worry, the money spent on her is really not that much. Except for the 200,000 deposit I gave her at the beginning, she can get about 50,000 yuan a month, plus Yan Qingqing's opening for her." Salary, an average monthly income of a little more than 70,000, but her expenses are particularly large, she raised a little boy, and the money was taken away by that boy.

Okay, I understand what you mean, this month is the last time I send money to her, throw away the mobile phone card, she can't contact me, so I understand what it means. As for whether she wants to stay with Yan Qingqing or not, it has nothing to do with us. "

Hanging up the phone, Ning Yue rode her bicycle to the library. The design contest had ended after four weeks. The champion was a sophomore majoring in fashion art design. Several of her entries also sold for nearly 100,000 yuan. In addition, Ning Yue also bought nearly 50 excellent design drawings, and these drawings will be produced and put on the market one after another.

Ning Yue's career and life have been going smoothly. At the end of June, the two ridges of melons planted by the family of three were ripe. Ning's mother picked two and tasted them. They were very sweet. Ning Yue also picked a big one. I bought a dozen or so, cleaned them, put them in bags, and took them to the dormitory. "My mother planted them. The taste is not bad. Try it."

In addition to melons, there are a few watermelon seedlings planted in the yard, and the rest are green vegetables. We start to eat cabbage and spinach when they grow two inches long, then cucumbers, beans, carobs, melons and eggplants, a small piece of land. The whole family could not eat all the vegetables grown, so Master Gao pickled all the vegetables that could not be eaten to make kimchi.

Tong Jiamin hadn't ridiculed Ning Yue for a long time. There was no one in the dormitory, so it was more comfortable to get along with.

She took the initiative to take the melon to clean, then picked a not too big one, broke it in half, and handed the other half to Ma Lishan: "It smells very fragrant, it must be better than the ones bought outside."

Lin Zheng and Ning Yue split up.

Ma Lishan took a bite, "Wow, it's crispy and sweet, and the most important thing is the scent of melon. Ning Yue told our mother to save more seeds and plant this variety next year."

Tong Jiamin also nodded in agreement: "If this is chilled in the refrigerator for a while, the taste will definitely be sweet."

Lin Zheng: "That's already pretty good, what more bicycle do I need?"

Ning Yue chatted with the three of them while eating: "The final exam will be in a few days, and then it will be the senior year. I feel that time flies too fast."

Lin Zheng wailed suddenly, and didn't even eat the melon in his hand, "Three years in college, I haven't even had a pure love, sister, I'm really at a loss!"

Tong Jiamin: "Anyway, you are not the only one who suffers the loss. Isn't there Ning Yue as your company?"

Ning Yue quickly waved her hands: "Don't compare yourself with me, I don't plan to fall in love, you talk about yours."

"You are so wise. Talk about love. If you don't talk about it, you won't have troubles. If you don't talk about it, you won't have troubles. Anyway, I regret it after talking about it." Tong Jiamin and Ke Ziheng have been a little unhappy recently, and they have already yelled Wanted to part company with the other side several times.

"I didn't see you kicking Ke Ziheng directly. Are you planning to keep it for the New Year?" Ma Lishan said bluntly.

In her opinion, if you want to talk about feelings, then talk about it, as long as you don't have other purposes, no matter what the result is, it's worth trying.

For example, Ke Ziheng's approach to Tong Jiamin obviously has bad intentions. It would be strange if the two of them could make it to the end!

Talking about this Tong Jiamin also felt a little weak, "I can't compare with you, your senior Zhou has a good job, a good personality, and is obedient to you, you must be 100% satisfied with him.

But I, after talking for so long, always feel that it is boring to continue like this, and I feel unwilling to break up.

Forget it, let it be, maybe one day, without looking for a reason, the two of us will break up naturally. "

That's right, some people just walk away.


In July, Yan Qingqing finally got a kidney source. After paying a large sum of money to get the kidney that was 40% compatible with her, she underwent a kidney replacement operation in mid-July.

The university started in September, and she finally remembered that she was still a student of Beijing Film Academy and wanted to finish her studies, but before she could go to school, she received a call from the school to dismiss her.

After three years of study, she didn't stay in school for a total of two months, and she got such a fatal disease, so what if she could go back to school? A careless body may have problems, and then regret that there is no place to cry.

After all, the Yan family was down and out, and they couldn't spend so much money to support another idler. The little assistant was decisive, and when he saw that the Yan family lived in such a big house, he simply left.

Mrs. Yan was afraid that something would happen to her only daughter if she went to school, so she directly asked Yan Qingqing to drop out of school.

The mother and daughter were locked in that small house all day long, and Mrs. Yan had to take care of her daughter and serve the old man every day. She had gray hair in just half a year.

However, this is not the most uncomfortable thing. The most uncomfortable thing is that Yan Qingqing developed acute rejection six months after the operation, had fever, high blood pressure, and weight gain. She went to the hospital for a test, and the levels of blood creatinine and urea nitrogen increased, and the endogenous creatinine The rate decreased, the urine protein and red and white blood cells increased, and the kidneys also swelled, and he was admitted to the ward immediately.

Listening to the doctor's explanation, Mrs. Yan and Yan Haotian knew that Qingqing's life was over.

Because in the future, as long as she lives for one day, she will have to take anti-rejection drugs. She will not be able to do heavy work, and she will not be free to eat anything. Let alone acting, she will not be able to watch TV for a while, because she must ensure adequate sleep.

In her senior year, Ning Yue was sent to graduate school by her tutor.

In the second year of research, she independently developed a metal material with a light specific gravity and stronger than many alloys. Once the experiment was over, the country even confiscated all the data tape materials. After that, she received an invitation from the School of Aerospace Engineering She went to do a Ph. D., but she refused.

For her, she is a student of Tsinghua University and has always been.

Seeing her refusal, the headmaster heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. You must know that in the past two years, she has spent most of her time in the laboratory, and she has donated a large sum of money to the laboratory every year. It is really rare to find a big boss who has real materials and is dedicated to research.

The principal of Tsinghua University is also unwilling to make wedding clothes for other schools.

Among the four girls in the same bed, Lin Zheng also chose to go to graduate school, because she made up her mind to have a pure love in school. As long as she can't find a boyfriend, she will stay in school. The decision also led to the fact that she later taught at the school.

After graduating, Ma Lishan also joined Zhixing, and the young couple struggled for another two years before getting married. At that time, Ma Lishan was already two months pregnant. It wasn't that Zhou Xianyu didn't want to marry someone earlier, it was because Ma Lishan's careerism was too strong. Procrastinating and refusing to get married.

Did Tong Jiamin fail to make it to the end with Ke Ziheng? She obeyed her family's request and married a rich second generation with similar family background. It is impossible to leave, just to live with it.

Ning Yue and Li Zhengmin made a lot of money in the Nancheng project they cooperated with. Ning Yue deliberately reserved two suites, one with Ning's father's name and the other with Ning's mother's name, so that the two of them had a special relationship. Ning's father and Ning's mother's happiness was written all over their faces in the house that belonged to them.

As she got older, Ning's father was really worried about her daughter's marriage, and kept urging Ning's mother to persuade Ning Yue to quickly find a boyfriend, and it was almost time to get married.

Every time Ning Yue just smiled and said nothing, and when she asked anxiously, Ning Yue said: "I plan to dedicate my life to scientific research. Finding a partner is not in my consideration at all, but I will try my best to find a partner." Let you and my mother live happily."

So, Ning's father and Ning's mother, who were unsuccessful in persuasion, were quickly packed by Ning Yue and brought on the plane to travel abroad.

If you persuade him once, you will be sent abroad, and once you persuade him, you will be forced to travel. Later, Dad Ning stopped persuading him.

When Dr. Ning Yue graduated, she heard some news about the Yan family. Yan Shao was injured in prison, and his health has not been very good since he was released from prison. The fat daughter of the family is married, and her life is poor. Fortunately, his wife is willing to spend money for him, and the lives of the Yan family can be guaranteed.

As for Yan Qingqing, she would always lose control of her emotions because of the news about Gong Yuze and Ning Yue, so that her condition would deteriorate. She couldn't stand the pain day after day, so she jumped directly from the upstairs of the hospital. fell to his death.

Mrs. Yan, who already had gray hair, was crying heartbroken, and was scolded by Yan Shao: "Why are you crying? Die early and die soon!

Ever since she was picked up, the family has suffered a lot, the whole family has lost its star, if it weren't for her, maybe the Yan family wouldn't be where it is.

At the beginning, I told you to keep Ning Yue, but you insisted on not listening. It doesn't matter if you don't stay, don't make enemies with her~ In the end, you just made the couple of the Ning family unemployed..."

Mrs. Yan's crying stopped abruptly, "Yan Shao, are you speaking human words? She is our biological daughter, she is dead, and you will blame her!"

Yan Shao couldn't be bothered to talk to her, so he shook his sleeves and left.

In the end, Yan Shao didn't even show his face about Yan Qingqing's funeral.

After Yan Qingqing's death, the battle between Gong's brothers finally came to an end. Because Gong Yuze's younger brother married a wife who could help him succeed, he sent Gong Yuze overseas to explore the market. Unfortunately, his halo seemed like Ever since they got together with Wen Xiaorong, they disappeared, and their overseas development was not smooth, and Ning Yue hadn't heard from them for many years.

In this life, Ning's father and Ning's mother lived until they were over eighty years old before passing away one after another. After the two left, Ning Yue heard the prompt from 009: [The host has perfectly completed the task, and rewarded the host with a Chaos Orb. Please hurry up Bind it. 】

A white bead suddenly appeared in Ning Yue's hand. The bead had complicated patterns, which looked profound and mysterious. She couldn't help being attracted by it just by looking at it, but she felt dizzy for a moment. Quickly withdrew his gaze.

[How to bind this? Recognize the Lord by dripping blood like in fantasy novels? 】

009: [No, I'll tell you a piece of oral art. You practice it and bind the Chaos Orb with your soul so that it can always follow you. If you just recognize the master with a drop of blood, it might not belong to you if you change your body. 】

Ning Yue silently memorized the dictation read by 009, and then practiced it. After some time, she felt that a bridge had been built between herself and the Chaos Orb. The bridge glowed with dazzling white light, and the light became more and more intense. Sheng, followed by a flash of white light, and the Chaos Orb in Ning Yue's hand disappeared. At the same time, a misty space appeared in her brain, about the size of more than ten square meters. The small spring is bubbling out of the spring.

[This Chaos Orb is actually a small space? 】It's still the one with a spiritual spring!

009: [It is really small now, as for what it will become in the future, it depends on the ability of the host. 】

Ning Yue was overjoyed. She didn't expect that the reward given by the system would be a space, a space that can grow, and springs to take away. This is really a treasure!

After more than ten years in this world, Ning Yue felt that she was going to leave this world. She bought some things that might be used in the next world and put them in the Chaos Orb, and then wrote a will to donate all the property to the country. , used for border defense construction and technology research and development, and she left this world within a few days after finishing all of this.

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