Fatal Shot

Chapter 624: Beetle VS mechanical spider

After swallowing the crystal at 24k, the black hole that was originally in front of the safe disappeared, and then a new wormhole appeared next to the fully opened alloy door!

An elite steel beetle more than three meters was drilled out, six limbs propped up like a tank, and two laser beams were swept in one pair!

"Zizi, nourish!"

Two high-energy lasers were placed on the body of a mechanical spider that was rushed over, so that it was quickly warmed and reddened by the position of the hit, and even the traces of melting were looming!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

However, mechanical spider guards are not vegetarian.

This 60-level elite combat machine has terrible damage!

A mechanical spider guarding the front, has collided with the first elite steel beetle that climbed out of the wormhole. Eight of the eight high-speed alloy drill bits were drilled directly into the steel beetle. !

The elite steel beetle was originally difficult to break the armor with machine gun bullets. Under the black high-speed rotating drill bit, it was only a few seconds to be pierced!

Then, the deeper metal drill bit will directly break the internal fragile head and stomach!


However, this mechanical spider guard has not been able to recover the drill bit, but it is a brighter laser than the elite steel beetle, directly hitting its chest position!

After the bright laser, after the hit, in addition to the momentary strong burning damage, the robotic chip that guards the chest is baked for two seconds, as if it was melted into a ball by a bullet. !

The commanding steel beetle has climbed to the passageway with the fastest speed!


In the face of the five mechanical spider guards that have already arrived, and a pile of ferrous metal drills that are waving at high speed in the air, this commanding steel beetle is still using laser attack, and there is no dodge!

However, when those black drill bits were to fall, the body of the steel beetle was a khaki "shell"!

Energy shield!

Compared to ordinary steel beetles that can only act as shields, and long-range attacks with lasers, but short-lasting elite steel beetles. The biggest qualitative change of the leading steel beetle is that it has an "energy shield" and is a super-energy shield that is generally "metamorphic" with its carapace!


More than twenty mechanical drill bits hit the energy shield together, and the energy shield's defense value is only one-fifth less!


Instead, five mechanical spiders guarded, but they were sprayed with a large wave of green liquid falling from the sky!

Level-level spray beetle!

Because the venom of the command-level jet beetle has a strong negative effect, the wind has been kept by the leading-level jet beetle. Before it was used to break the door with venom, now it has found the first wave of targets.

"Destroy... eliminate..."

At the moment when the venom was given, the armor and legs of the spider mechanics and some sensitive parts quickly appeared corroded bubbles and white smoke!

Although the slowing effect of this venom of the jet beetle is completely ineffective for the machine, the highly corrosive liquid is definitely the nemesis of this small combat machine!

After being hit, a mechanical spider guard that rushed from all over the base rushed to halfway, and there was a long leg "snap" to break, or some parts fell off!

However, even if the jet beetle keeps "spitting", it is impossible for everyone to win if it is directly open.

Because the alloy door of the laboratory was opened, it was more than five meters wide, which was enough to make dozens of mechanical spider guards in one shot. In the laboratory where instruments are everywhere, the number of highly flexible mechanical spider guards reaches a certain level, and absolutely no solution!

"Fortunately, there are 24k, they can't rush over at once!"

The mouth of the phoenix could not help but say a sentence.

The reason why the phoenix said this is because at this time, five elite steel beetles have been climbed from the black hole to match the huge body of the steel beetle, and the wide space exposed by the alloy door has blocked most of the space. !

Because of the blockage of the steel beetles, the passage that was enough for a dozen or twenty mechanical spiders to become a passage that can be passed by a maximum of five or six mechanical spider guards at one time!

Moreover, even if it is killed by the mechanical spider's drill bit, the "barriers" formed by these elite steel beetles will not disappear, because as a wild monster, these steel beetles are still left in place after death. of.

At the cost of the body and life, the steel beetle gave birth to a "defense work" for everyone!

The beetle arms in the wormhole have not stopped yet!

"Puff puff……"

Twenty of the elite jet beetles that had recovered some, after rushing out quickly, spit "saliva" against the mechanical spiders who climbed over the steel beetles and tried to pass!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

A few dark red, the blade beetle with a sickle climbed out afterwards!

Subsequently, the blade beetles rushed directly to the mechanical spider guards, and then entangled with the tail and six knots and the gold of the first few mechanical spiders. Then, waving two scythes quickly guarded the mechanical spider!

"wipe out……"

The entangled mechanical spider guards the mouth with an electronic synthesizing sound, while the tip of the metal leg quickly turns around and rubs against the blade beetle on the body!


However, these drill bits stopped at a position less than one centimeter from the surface of the blade beetle in the case of back defense, as if something was drilled but could not pass!

“Group secluded shield!”


"One, two... full... more than thirty elite monsters, plus two commanding creatures. And, a new type of assassin-type fighting beetle!"

The mechanical spiders who were shooting the steel beetle with the submachine gun kept on, the green arrow did not stop observing the wind.

After confirming the number of beetles that have already appeared through the reconnaissance instrument, the green arrow has already had some calmness and feels a little jump again.

I thought it was the last to be able to summon two blame, but now I found out that it is still not all!

"In the case of summoning two commanders, I can summon dozens of elite monsters again. Even this may not be the limit... This combat power is completely above the quasi-boss pet!"

"This pet, 90% may be...boss level!"

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