Fatal Shot

Chapter 710: Surprise watermelon rind

"Catch up!"

"Don't let him escape!"

"Revenge for the big brother!"

On the wolves and the Golden Jubilee, the chaos of the scene was alleviated because the wind fell to change the target.

Even because of the three shots of the wind and the exposure of the gunshots, these people finally found his position, and the face was angry and set fire!

However, their attack was defeated, and the other party jumped directly from the top of the building.

Most of their fire attack attacks were blocked by the building.

However, as long as the location of the other party is found, it is enough.

In a group of teams with a goodly equipped scout player, after exposing the position, do you want to escape?


"What exactly is going on?"

Behind the ruins of the building, the people behind him have temporarily abandoned the attack, and they have the opportunity to breathe.

Looking at the bodies of the three light armored soldiers who were shot and killed by the sniper bullets on the ground, all face each other, and the bullet marks were brows.

"You have an automatic access communication!"

Just then, the watermelon skin communicator suddenly rang.

Automatic access, which means you don't need to agree that the communicator will automatically turn on!

In general, many players won't open this one, and will even turn off the communicator prompts even in combat situations.

Because of this sudden communication, it may seriously affect the battle and even expose the position.

However, the watermelon rind is the first to hear the system prompt.

As I thought about it, my face suddenly excited, and I waited for the communicator to ask tentatively immediately!

"Wind brother?"

"Wind brother?"

I am a few people in the world.

At this time, after hearing the certain answer in the communicator, the face of the watermelon rind was excited.

"Oh, good!"

The communication time is very short, just hangs in less than ten seconds, but the face of the watermelon rind is a happy color.

"Watermelon, what happened?"

I am looking at him in the world and the steel fortress, as well as the female doctor's glass, with speculation on his face.

"Is it..."

"It's a big brother! They are doing a mission in this ruin. They saw us, and it was just his shot!"

Watermelon skin nodded to three companions.

"No, it's so smart!"

"It's a wind brother, no wonder!"

"It turned out to be the wind brother..."

I am delighted in the face of three people in the world.

The bullet marks also have three eyes, the ionic flames, and it is also reflected in the watermelon rind who said, all of them were first surprised, and then they all showed such a look.

The reason for the surprise, mainly because the situation is too much is somewhat unexpected.

Even in this desert of death, I met the wind!

And suddenly it is because...

"In addition to Feng Ge, I really can't think of any sniper who can have such a gunshot!"

The tone of the sky is very admired and affirmed.

All of a sudden, even though the three light armor warriors were solved, but the state was extremely extreme, the eight people who still had no bottom in their hearts.

The face is full of the joy of life, even the bullet marks are relieved!

"Right, what did the wind brother just say?"

I asked the world of watermelon skinballs.

"He let us recover for a while, cooperate with him to attack and leave this group of people here!"

The watermelon rind lifted a sniper rifle, with a look of excitement and trust, and a happy color to prepare for revenge.


"Hey, how can I not find it?"

"It is clear that he must be hiding there!"

In the enemy camp, several scout players face, but this time it is very ugly.

"No, I can't find his trace!"

"Either the sniper has super anti-reconnaissance skills or equipment, or there are scouts hiding nearby!"

It has been clearly discovered that the location of the other party is not far away. Even if there is a blockage of the building, it is impossible to display it completely in the reconnaissance instrument.

However, even if the effect of reconnaissance is strengthened, they still have not found the position of the sniper!

This made a group of scouts who were very determined to be able to catch this sniper who had killed nearly ten of them, and each face turned white.

If it is in the daytime, or even in the night but on other maps, it is actually fine.

Because you can use night vision or telescope to directly detect your vision, it is useless for the other party to have anti-reconnaissance skills.

But the map of the Death Desert is full of interfering substances, and the tools of night vision are also seriously affected by this ubiquitous red light.

I want to find out the position of the other person directly through vision. When the other person hides and does not shoot, there is almost no possibility!

"Light armor, hurry, be sure to find him!"

Fortunately, they have another backhand.

The last three light armor fighters, who are starting the "charge" skills, are all carrying weapons, and ran around the road to the position where the wind finally disappeared!

Three light armored fighters, can't they limit a sniper?

If you know how the three previous deaths were too fast, and the light armor who didn't have time to pass the message back to them died, these people would never have this idea!

However, they obviously do not know.

But it doesn't matter, because right away, these people are suddenly aware of their faces!


A gunshot, a sniper bullet shot from a dark, inconspicuous position in the middle of a building, swept over a distance of more than a hundred meters in tenths of a second.


One of the three light armor fighters who are in the charge, the body directly becomes a bow, and the white light that suddenly stops on the body without any suspense!

"My day..."


When the latter person judges the general position of the opponent from the gunshots, it slightly delays the bee and then attacks in the past, but it is directly lost!


Instead, one second later, in the light armor of the remaining two charge, another one fell to the ground!


In this case, the last light armored soldier will never dare to rush.

While screaming, I hurried to a building in the middle of the road, panting!

After this update, it must also be mentioned that the warrior's "charge" skills have been greatly adjusted.

Now, this skill is the same as the gunner's firearms, without the "cooling time."

Yes, the warrior can now use the "charge" at will, so that he can quickly approach the target.

This change has made the warrior player absolutely more damaging to the remote occupation of the gunner and the controller.

You should know that the basic speed of the expert charge can reach 300%, which means that for most light armored fighters, the distance of 100 meters only takes about three seconds!

Fortunately, there is no limit at all, just as the firearms are still subject to heat.

After opening the "charge", it will continue to consume a lot of physical strength, and the higher the speed of the "charge" is, the faster the physical strength will fall. Once the physical strength is lower than 50%, the charge skill can no longer be used.

Therefore, even if it is a soldier whose physical strength is extremely fast, it is impossible to continue to use the "charge" continuously! .


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