Feminist God

Chapter 163 An Inspiring Speech

"It's a good thing."

Lin Qing sat at the head seat of the conference table, took a sip of water, and spoke comfortably.

It was impossible to see what he meant by that.

The five women and one man present all looked at Lin Qing in bewilderment. Now that the company is in crisis, the real small boss said it was a good thing.

Did he understand something wrong?

Lin Qing knew that if the oppressive atmosphere at this time was not dispelled as soon as possible, it would be easy for these people to panic the initial framework of Huaqing that they had finally established.

So he said with a smile: "This is a common thing, no company will be smooth sailing."

Lin Xue frowned and said: "But so many chat software will definitely divert our users."

"Don't we still have panda chat, don't we still have game halls and spaces that haven't been released yet? As long as we always keep users with a new sense of experience, all difficulties will be easily solved."

"There are only a dozen chat software imitating ours, even if there are a few hundred, we can still break out of the encirclement."

Lin Qing's words had a reassuring effect, and the woebegone faces of several people present gradually faded away.

But he knows that this is not enough. All of you here will be high-level after Huaqing without any accidents. Now that you encounter such difficulties and start to feel dejected, how can you do it?

Negative emotions appear in the top management, so how can the subordinates get better? !

This is not because of their lack of ability, but because of the lack of real tempering and the lack of the fearless spirit of rushing forward when encountering difficulties.

For a moment, Lin Qing acted like a well-educated elder, propping one hand on the conference table, and preaching: "A manager is just like a doctor."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's expressions became solemn, and a pilgrimage suddenly appeared in their hearts.

At this time, no one regarded Lin Qing as a delicate man, but as a man in ancient legends!

"The more doctors heal, the better the medical skills." Lin Qing smiled.

The few people present seemed to understand something.

"Managers, if you don't encounter a few difficulties, how can you know how to make the future smooth."

"There has never been a smooth sailing company in this world. Only when you encounter difficulties and have the courage to solve them can the company win."

"We made a strong debut with the panda chat, and caused a lot of trouble in the city. Why are there dangers and difficulties? It's because we are so smooth, we forgot to be prepared for danger in times of peace, we forgot what the environment of the mall is, especially I forgot to put pressure on you, which caused The progress of the game lobby is just over halfway."

"From this point of view, we have reached the time of crisis that we should encounter."

When Lin Qing said this, he also sounded the alarm for himself.

Several people couldn't help but nodded seriously, obviously they all understood this truth, but when Lin Qing said it, he had a different feeling.

Let everyone feel more frustrated and braver.

"Adversity is a good thing. Adversity teaches us how to succeed, adversity teaches us how to succeed, adversity teaches us how to develop Huaqing!" Lin Qing said.

"Although we have encountered what seems to be the biggest crisis, our core is still there, and there are still things that make the core more perfect, so this difficult crisis is beneficial to Huaqing and us! " Lin Qing said again.

Until the end of his inspiring speech, his damn good-looking eyes were still full of wisdom, just like the wisdom of a great sage.

"clap clap"

There was rhythmic and heartfelt applause in the small conference room.

In everyone's hearts, Lin Qing's image has improved a lot again.

Mu Ping, who had just joined the job for a few months, was the most horrified. Although his boss was a man, he had more things in his mind than them, and he was quite eloquent.

A few words can not only restore everyone's confidence, but it will not make people lose face.

As for Lin Xue, there are mixed feelings in her heart, and she feels as if she has no ability to protect Lin Qing anymore.

On one side, Zhao Lin'er didn't say a word, as if she was waiting for her next punishment.

It's just that Lin Qing didn't mean to blame her. On the contrary, he took the opportunity to pat her white as jade collarbone, and said seriously: "Stop making claims in the future, you can find a way to solve this rectification, and give me a set tomorrow. The complete package."

For Zhao Liner, Lin Qing also wanted to blame her, but it was more important to look after her.

As Lin Xue said for the first time, although this woman has low education, she has a quick brain, and she is the woman who has the most tacit understanding with Lin Qing, and she has a relationship with her cousin-in-law.

Lin Qing treats her completely as a partner that he can entrust with heavy responsibilities.

He needs help so much, Lin Xue can't do it, Su Yi can't do it, Lin Yu is even more useless, and among all the women, only Zhao Lin'er can do it.

And being interviewed by the Culture Department, isn't it a good thing?

How many companies have not been valued by the Department of Culture yet?

When Lin Qing said this, Zhao Liner's dim eyes lit up again, and she said excitedly: "I will definitely give you a complete plan tomorrow."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but put her white and tender arms around her.

Lin Qing's face was black, and her right hand blocked him.

Er, a different touch, completely different from Wang De's chest.

Zhao Liner's beautiful eyes widened subconsciously, and her body froze.

While she was still in a daze, there was no one in the conference room.

Lin Qing and Lin Xue came to the office.

The notebook on the desk is very heavy. Open the lid, press the power button, and the desktop appears. It is very clean, except for a small white arrow and a few small icons in the background.

This notebook is designed for work.

Lin Qing's slender fingers tapped the keyboard very quickly, and his serious look was also very intoxicating.

Fortunately, Zhao Lin'er was not here, otherwise she would have to fantasize about Lin Qing's body again.

He called up the information on the new products of Longsheng Technology, and carefully observed the introduction and screenshots.

Longsheng Technology intends to officially launch civet cat chat and polar bear chat next Monday, and the overwhelming advertisements are even more popular than the previous panda chat.

After all, Longsheng Technology is the real capital, not only from We Media, but also from many investment companies and cooperative companies.

Advertisements in this case cannot compare with those small application centers found in Panda Chat.

Looking at the content again, the two chat software are both developed based on Panda Chat. Just looking at the icons, it can be said that they are a product with a similarity of 80%, because Panda Chat is two playful pandas, and the other party has made two gaudy civet cats. and polar bears.

It's really a dog who can't change and eats shit. If you don't know innovation, you will change this and that all day long!

This kind of feeling seems to be imitating that this field should be exclusive to Huaqing, but it turned out to be a hostile company, and its own company became an original company.

Lin Qing was very upset!

About a minute later, Lin Qing already had a new understanding of the two soon-to-be-launched Xin software. It can be said that the content in it is almost the same as that of Panda Chat, and the functions are similar.

Lin Qing didn't even see Longsheng's consistent style of compulsory charging. Some of them were imitated except for magic reform.

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