Feminist God

Chapter 251 Kill him!

This night is destined to be an uneventful night.

At 20 o'clock in the evening, all Huaqing affiliates except the live broadcast department began to recommend Zhan Breaking Qiong.

About a few dozen minutes later, under the overwhelming resource recommendations and activities, users had exceeded the critical point, and many people were linking to the cover of Zhan Breaking the Sky in a certain reading.

After reading it for a long time, countless netizens gradually became fascinated by it.

Because Yun Yun, the protagonist of Battle Through the Sky, seems to be the most authentic portrayal of her own life.

As a result, some groups became lively, all centered around Zhan Breaking the Sky.

"Lord of the dog pack, don't bully the poor girl!"

"Didn't you say that the empress Lin Tian was plagiarized?"

"I can't tell if Huaqing is really plagiarizing and will promote it so vigorously."

"By the way, Huaqing must have lost everything this time. I just gave away the coins after watching it for a while. I am afraid that I will give away tens of millions of dollars to users this night!"

"I just have nine reading coins left in my wallet. I have all the memberships for next month. I'm so happy to have earned one dollar!"


It is inevitable to fight against the fire in the sky.

Under the promotion of Huaqing, those plagiarism voices also began to decline.

Under the absolute leadership of traffic, social networking will become a circle. When users enter this circle, they will inevitably see promotion.

It is inevitable to read Zhan Breaking the Sky.

That night, the reading department of Longsheng Technology had turned into a mess.

Zhan Breaking Qiong, which Huaqing vigorously promoted, revealed a dangerous signal.

The lower-level employees still share the same hatred, but the reading director urgently convened a department meeting with a complicated look on his face. Others didn't know the current situation, but they knew it.

"Breaking Through the Sky" written by its website Empress Lintian was plagiarized and was bribed by other people's managers.

These senior executives are worried about whether things have been exposed.

Even the senior executives of Longsheng Reading were exhausted, not to mention the Internet Platinum Goddess Empress Lintian.

She got a call and froze. Then he hurriedly got up from the little male author, turned on the computer and asked the lawyer.

If this was revealed, she would lose her reputation.

At the same time, Lin Qing and Zhao Lin'er were unaware of all this.

I got off the car and walked into a hot pot restaurant.

After Zhao Lin'er ordered the food, she took off her coat.

The white sweater underneath wraps her figure to the extreme. Coupled with her delicate and pretty face, she can only be summed up as flawless.

Lin Qing's heart palpitated and she swallowed quietly.

All this was seen in Zhao Lin'er's eyes. She smiled secretly and said, "Tonight is destined to not be peaceful."

The ears of the people around him stood up. After hearing this, their thoughts immediately started to wander.

Not calm?

Of course it was not peaceful. A woman and a man went out to have hot pot at night. What if they got angry? Of course they went to a hotel. Can this night be peaceful? !

Some women glanced at Lin Qing secretly, and jealousy arose spontaneously in their hearts, thinking that men nowadays are really bad.

"You can date a beautiful man after a hot pot meal. Why can't I meet such a good thing?"

"So angry."

"I used to treat you to spicy hot pot, but now I treat you to hot pot."


Although there were very few sounds around, all of them fell into Lin Qing's ears word for word.

Looking up at Zhao Lin'er who almost laughed out loud, Lin Qing sighed. He was obviously talking about the company, but when he said it from his mouth, it completely changed.

At this time, the waiter brought the hot pot and side dishes.

Lin Qing was stewing some vegetables while looking at Zhao Lin'er, "You have a lot on your mind. Do you think I can't hear it?"

"." Zhao Lin'er opposite had a wry smile on her face.

If any other man had heard those words just now, he would have lowered his head shyly, but looking at Lin Qing, he didn't care at all.

"Don't make fancy things all day long." Lin Qing raised her eyes while picking up the vegetables.

Zhao Lin'er nodded and had no choice but to change the subject and asked: "What on earth do you think about giving reading coins for reading books?"

She saw Lin Qing's intention, but she was frightened by Lin Qing's thoughts.

Because this little man is so terrible, his thoughts are more vicious than women's.

"Did you see it?" Lin Qing asked.

Zhao Lin'er nodded, opened her mouth and said: "Reading books and giving reading coins to attract users seems to be a profit for the users, but we will never lose."

"First, it can achieve the effect of promotion, and second, it can allow users to consume."

Lin Qing nodded, "That's very good."

As long as you read a book, you will be given a reading coin. It seems that the company is compensating, but a reading coin can only be consumed under the company, and a reading coin cannot be spent. You still have to top up money if you want to spend it...

The scary thing is that the same consumption can also give users the mentality of making money!

The two chatted while eating.

After a while, Zhao Liner was sweating profusely after eating.

Her fair forehead was covered with sweat, and her seductive red lips made people confused.

Lin Qing swallowed.

At this moment, Zhao Lin'er would definitely kill all the women in his memory instantly.

"are you full?"

Zhao Lin'er combed her shiny black hair and raised her eyes. Seeing that Lin Qing was no longer eating, she also put down her chopsticks.

Lin Qing nodded.

"I'll go check out."

Zhao Lin'er immediately stood up and walked to the counter to pay. Lin Qing had no intention of stopping her.

On the one hand, the relationship between the two is confusing, and on the other hand, if a man settles the bill, the woman will be embarrassed and despised.

Lin Qing deeply understands this. In the cinema, Liang Qingyu wanted to find a crack to get in.

The bill was settled quickly, and Zhao Lin'er and Lin Qing left the hot pot restaurant with an ambiguous look.

On the way, Zhao Lin'er asked her side while driving, "Where are you going?"

"Go to your brother's house."

Zhao Lin'er nodded and stopped talking.

The neon lights on the road were flashing, and Zhao Lin'er drove her car across the road at a slow speed.

Suddenly when passing the corner, there was a man standing on the side of the road not far ahead, waving.

"There is a man waving in front of me. Is something wrong?" Zhao Lin'er asked.

Lin Qing squinted her eyes. The man in front of him was wearing very revealing clothes. From the street lights, it could be seen that the makeup on his face seemed to be quite bright.

Suddenly a word appeared in Lin Qing's mind - bus man!

These people refer to some coquettish men who often hang out at night. When they see a luxury car, they will stop him and strike up a conversation with various names, and then ask women to take him home. As for the following, there are programs that women like to have in-depth exchanges of feelings. .

Although the car Zhao Lin'er is driving now is not a top-notch luxury car, it costs more than 1 million, which meets the needs of these men.

"How about we stop and ask? He should be quite helpless as a man at night."

Originally, Lin Qing said to go directly without stopping, but after hearing Zhao Lin'er's words.

Lin Qing changed his mind instantly and said directly: "Step on the accelerator and kill him!"

Update No. 1, tentatively scheduled for chapter 14.

come on!

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