Feminist God

Chapter 321 Who said men are inferior to women

"I don't have time." Lin Qing was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head regretfully and told her about her busyness.

"Alright then." Yang Youran could only sigh helplessly.

Seeing that Lin Qing and Yang Youran had finished speaking, a large group of people surrounded them with a "crash".

The people who were called by the two big stars just now had obvious identities, but they fell in love with Lin Qing and Yang Youran immediately after seeing Lin Qing and Yang Youran. This made many people curious and guessed their identities.

"The safety cat belongs to her family."

"Huaqing Technology belongs to him."

Lin Qing and Yang Youran explained to each other.


A dozen or so students immediately gasped subconsciously, and looked at each other.

No one thought that Lin Qing and Yang Youran's origins would be so big. Fortunately, the former is from the capital, and he usually dresses like a rich man, which is more or less understandable.

But if it is said that Lin Qing is the big boss of that family, many people would not believe it. Putting everything aside, Lin Qing is a man. How can he have the courage and ability of a woman? !

That's a real behemoth.

"Aren't you curious?" Lin Qing smiled and looked at the suspicious gazes from this group of people.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Who said men are inferior to women."

Lin Qing was very embarrassed when he said this. As for why, maybe only he in this world knows.

It is difficult for everyone to understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Don't you often not see me? In fact, I was already in the company at that time." Lin Qing said.

In fact, he didn't intend to hide anything at all, but no one would believe what he said in advance. After all, this matter is indeed incredible from the perspective of ordinary people.

This time everyone finally realized the reality, but everyone felt like they were dreaming. Before they knew it, the people around them suddenly revealed their identities as the real boss! ?

The astonishment was indescribable.

A group of people walked towards the hospital, Sun Yating kept her head down as if she was in deep thought, and after a while she exclaimed loudly: "Since it is your two companies, why did you two fight to the death? ?”

Speaking of the famous two-cat battle a while ago, everyone still remembers it vividly. The two sides are really life-and-death enemies. !

Having said that, many people are afraid to look into Yang Youran's eyes, because they were threatened by Huaqing before, almost many people uninstalled all the software of Safecat immediately.

"It was a misunderstanding before, and the suspicion has been resolved." Lin Qing just finished explaining, when he felt someone tugging behind him, and it was Liang Qingshi with a complicated expression on his side eyebrows.

"You guys go first, in 503 intensive care."

Lin Qing stopped and spoke to everyone.

Coming to the side with Liang Qingshi, Lin Qing had a look of disappointment on his face. Logically speaking, whoever this person came to please him first should never be Liang Qingshi, but it just happened.

Lin Qing sighed and asked, "If you have something to say, just talk about it."

"Lin Qing, I want to ask you one thing." Liang Qingshi realized the slip of the tongue, and quickly explained: "Do you still need interns? Shen Ying and I have already found many companies, but... you can rest assured that the two of us are so dirty It’s okay to work hard.”

Lin Qing heaved a sigh of relief, and agreed. It seemed that he had misunderstood Liang Qingshi. It was just a quota for two interns. Besides, these two people were both down-to-earth and honest people.

"Great!" Liang Qingshi looked very excited.

In order to find an intern job, he and Shen Ying have been looking for two months, but those companies don't want interns, but one company does, but they are thinking about their health and want a male secretary for life.

He was so excited that he hugged Lin Qing and was about to kiss him.

Lin Qing had goosebumps all over her skin, and she really wanted to hit this bitch on the ground.

Here, Lin Qing and others have already entered the hospital.

And those who watched the excitement hadn't recovered from their senses, what happened before was really exciting.

Not only were millions of luxury cars smashed, but two big stars in the entertainment industry were also beaten up black and blue.

Later, the two big stars called the police and called the backstage boss, which was obvious to all. However, both the boss and the police came, but they seemed to be particularly afraid of the mastermind, a woman and a man.

In the end, it was not the mastermind who was arrested, but the person who called the police. This is unbelievable. This is not a further explanation. The young man and woman are two super big men!

And some people who were closer naturally heard some conversations vaguely. To their surprise, the young man and woman vaguely seemed to be some kind of big shot!

After about a minute, many people rushed to the pile of broken copper and iron, not for anything else, just to take pictures, how can there be an expensive 'Ferrari', I just don't know Does anyone else know.

"You in front stepped on my foot."

"You bastard, who the hell told you to shoot my husband!"


The scene here was chaotic for a while, and finally the security guards of the hospital were dispatched, and the people here began to gradually disperse.

On the other side, Lin Qing and others had already reached the fifth floor, and expressed condolences to Wu Lian's family members outside the intensive care unit.

However, they found that Wu Yueyue's father and daughter had been looking at him and Yang Youran in astonishment.

Lin Qing was slightly taken aback, thinking about what she had done just now, she was relieved, after all, the commotion just now was so big, it is estimated that the whole hospital knew that not only smashed cars but also beat celebrities.

"Let's go first if there's nothing else. Someone will be in charge of this matter in the next two days. Don't worry."

Before Lin Qing left, he said something, and the person in charge of this matter was naturally referring to Dong Xiaochun.

Only then did Wu Yueyue's father and daughter come to their senses. What happened in the hospital just now made them too unbelievable. These people are really Wu Lian's ordinary students?

Suddenly smashing cars and hitting celebrities again, nothing happened yet, it will be difficult for people to accept it for a while.

"Are they really my mother's students?"

The slender figure that disappeared in Wu Yueyue's corridor hesitated for a long time, always felt that these people were not her mother's students, but more like a group of second-generation rich and even second-generation officials.

Lin Qing was the last one to leave the hospital. When he came out, he found that everyone had left, but Liang Qingshi was left looking around, as if he was waiting for someone.

"Where are they?" Lin Qing came over and asked.

"Isn't it Labor Day today? I've gone to play again." Liang Qingshi said again: "Yang Youran also went home, and said that she and her mother went to her grandma's house. It seems that there is something important."

"..." Lin Qing probably already guessed something.

Because of their own affairs, Yang Yingxuan and her husband had conflicts, which later turned into domestic violence, so Yang Youran's father naturally went back to his father's house!

It seems that Yang Yingxuan's mother and daughter are going to make a break today, either take them home, or simply divorce...

Lin Qing withdrew her thoughts and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

"I just talked to Shen Ying, she will come in a while, we both want to go to practice today, do you think it's okay?" Liang Qingshi asked timidly in a low voice.

"Well, let's go, I'm going to the company too." Lin Qing said.

"Are you going too?" Liang Qingshi suddenly became excited again.

Lin Qing nodded.

"You are so kind to me." Liang Qingshi opened his hands and wanted to hug him.

Thank you for the reward from the irritable brother, as well as the recommended tickets and monthly tickets from friends.

Explosive update I will definitely, next month.

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