Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 34 Doom, Doom

Seeing Jiang Ziya sighing, Shen Gongbao said: "Brother, have you encountered a monster? But... with your skills, ordinary monsters can't get close to you, right?"

"If you meet a monster, it will be much easier."

Jiang Ziya had no choice but to say vaguely: "To tell you the truth, the one who hurt me was not some monster, but it was a hundred times more fierce than monsters!"


Shen Gongbao couldn't help being stunned after hearing this, and immediately said in surprise: "In this world... there are such terrifying creatures?"

"You can tell by looking at my injuries."

Jiang Ziya nodded approvingly, then shook his head and sighed softly: "Actually, I only found out about it yesterday..."

"Hehe, I heard from senior brother that I really want to see you." Shen Gongbao pinched his mustache with both fingers, narrowed his eyes and said, "Senior brother, where is that creature now? You lead junior brother there, and junior brother will avenge you avenge."

"This... there is no need for this revenge, there is no need..."

Jiang Ziya waved his hand quickly, and said with a smile: "You don't have to bother me, that creature is very vicious, so don't hurt me too."

"Senior brother, why did you say that? You know my Shen Gongbao's ability." Shen Gongbao hurriedly said: "Could it be... that creature is stronger than me?"


Jiang Ziya was startled, at this time he had already turned around with a load of noodles all morning, and after sweating, the wound on his face flowed, and the pain suddenly became severe.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya became angry, and remembering Ma Shi's fierce appearance, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's go, this time it's all up to the younger brother to vent my anger for me!"

"let's go!"

Shen Gongbao is also high-spirited.

The two returned to the shop, Jiang Ziya left the noodles on his shoulders in the shop, and after Shen Gongbao closed the shop, the two came to Songjiazhuang by car.

Not long after, the two of them appeared at the gate of the Song Mansion.

"Isn't this... the Song Mansion where the senior brother became a sworn brother?" Shen Gongbao looked back at Jiang Ziya beside him, and asked doubtfully, "The creature is actually hiding in the Song Mansion. Why didn't I find it when I came last time?"

Jiang Ziya showed hesitation, but the wound on his face started to hurt again, which made him feel sad, and he said seriously: "Now that the matter is up to now, I won't hide it from you, junior brother..."

"Brother, it's okay to say it!"

Seeing Jiang Ziya's serious expression as before, Shen Gongbao also said seriously.

"Junior brother, I'm not afraid of being laughed at by you when I say it out. In fact, my injury...was scratched by my family last night."

Jiang Ziya opened his mouth, finally said it, shook his head and sighed: "I thought I married a good wife, but I never wanted to marry a tigress to enter the house. Doom, doom..."

As he spoke, he told what happened after he went back yesterday.

It turned out that he didn't earn a penny after returning home, and he was nagged and blamed by Mrs. Ma endlessly.

He was not good at eloquence in the first place, and it was also due to his lack of ability, so he just thought about it and passed it.

But I never thought that the more he endured, the more domineering Mrs. Ma became, from reproaches to insults, and finally to humiliation, saying that Jiang Ziya is a wimp, why did he fall in love with him blindly...

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya immediately became angry.

These words hurt a man's self-esteem too much, no one can bear this tone.

Jiang Ziya couldn't bear it, so he retaliated.

But I never thought that it would be okay if I didn't fight back, and the situation escalated as soon as I fought back, and the two gradually changed from quarreling to fighting.

But he was not Ma Shi's opponent when he moved his mouth. He did not expect to be suppressed by Ma Shi's powerful 'combat power' when he moved his hands.

Although he knows some martial arts and Taoism, he can't just use them on mortals, especially his wife who is currently married to Mingmei.

But Mrs. Ma didn't know how to do it properly. As the saying goes: when he beat the master to death with random punches, Mrs. Ma gave him a "crazy and random grab" with both hands.

In this way, he was defeated within a few rounds.

Fortunately, Song Yiren came to fight after hearing the news, and gave him flour to sell noodles today, which temporarily calmed down the two of them.

After Song Yiren left, Mrs. Ma still sneered and said that not only was he incompetent, but he couldn't even beat her as a girl. In the end, they got angry and slept in separate rooms.

"Junior brother, listen, listen to what she is saying, did she say that about her man? Does this sound like what a woman said?"

The more Jiang Ziya spoke, the more excited he became. After he finished speaking, he let out a long sigh: "I... I really did it to myself. I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage when my elder brother forced me to arrange it. Now I regret it!"

"Uh, so that creature...is Mrs. Sister-in-law..."

Hearing Jiang Ziya whining beside him, Shen Gongbao touched his nose in embarrassment and didn't dare to speak without authorization.

It's hard for an upright official to break up housework!

Couples fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed!

This is even a famous saying, if he said something bad about Mrs. Ma here, and the husband and wife reconciled later, wouldn't it break the friendship between the brothers and sisters?

He cared about Jiang Ziya just now, and forgot to ask clearly in a hurry, and now he has a faint regret when he comes here.

"Sister-in-law, she's just a tigress, a shrew..." Jiang Ziya became more and more excited as he spoke, pointing to the scar on his face and said, "Look, look at the one who scratched my face, alas, this is my Jiang Ziya's. Doom, doom!"

Shen Gongbao glanced at the scar on Jiang Ziya's face, there was no fluctuation on his face, but he wanted to laugh a little in his heart.

"Senior brother, I'm sorry, but my brother can't help you with your wife's affairs."

Shen Gongbao kept his face sullen and refused to let himself laugh, but decided to stay out of the matter and not get involved in it, lest the two ends be wrong.

"Think about it, this couple lives between men and women, which family doesn't have any quarrels, just wait until you and your sister-in-law calm down afterward, senior brother, take your leave."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

"No... Junior brother, you don't know, that woman is really not gentle and virtuous at all..."

Jiang Ziya became anxious when he heard this, and hurried forward to hug Shen Gongbao's arm, saying: "You are a shrew, since you have come with me, you...you must find a way to help senior brother."

"Help you? Brother, I didn't say, how can I intervene between your husband and wife?"

Shen Gongbao was really helpless, it was really not easy to intervene in this matter, but he wanted to go, but Jiang Ziya held his arm with both hands and couldn't go.

"Junior brother, I know that you are eloquent, eloquent, and unparalleled in wisdom..."

Jiang Ziya suddenly thought of this, hugged Shen Gongbao's arm and begged, "Junior brother, please help me this time, I can't beat that tigress, I can't even talk about it, I really have nothing to do with her, I'm afraid Scared!"

After speaking, he let go of his hands, squatted on the ground and sighed.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao also couldn't bear it. After all, the brothers and sisters were in the same school, and the friendship and friendship they had cultivated together in Kunlun Mountain for forty years were almost the same if they weren't brothers.

"Just wait for me to think about it..."

Shen Gongbao pinched the beard at the corner of his mouth with one hand, squinted his eyes and pondered.

Jiang Ziya looked expectantly at Shen Gongbao.

Not for a while.

Suddenly the corner of Shen Gongbao's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile: "Yes, senior brother, I have three strategies to help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details!" Jiang Ziya was overjoyed.

Shen Gongbao said: "The first strategy is to kill that shrew with a spell. Doing this once and for all will clean your ears completely and solve the problem completely. This is the best strategy, how about it?"

"Kill it?"

Jiang Ziya was stunned, then immediately shook his head: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, she's a little bit more vicious, but she's not guilty of death. We can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. What's the second plan?"

Shen Gongbao smiled slightly, knowing Jiang Ziya already knew that he would say that.

In fact, he was just talking, and he didn't really want to kill people. His main purpose was to test Jiang Ziya's attitude.

"This is the simplest strategy. It will get you rid of that sister-in-law without killing anyone and without any effort."

"Oh?" Jiang Ziya hurriedly said, "Say it quickly."


Shen Gongbao laughed and said, "As long as senior brother writes a letter of divorce, from now on you will be separated. Writing a letter of divorce must not take much effort from senior brother, right?"

Jiang Ziya's face froze when he heard the words, then he frowned and lowered his head to think.

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