The sun was shining and the weather was particularly good.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoshan was also in a particularly good mood.

I took my little wife to the shopping mall and bought some clothes, a watch, a few pairs of small leather shoes and some candies. Although You Fengxia said that she should save money and not buy it, she still accepted the gift under Zhang Xiaoshan's strong request.

It could be seen that You Fengxia was very happy, probably because no one had ever spent money for her like this before, and she gradually let go of the timidity and shyness in her heart, and recognized her husband whom she had just known for a few hours, and slowly He approached Zhang Xiaoshan.

After coming out of the shopping mall, Zhang Xiaoshan took her little hand, but she just blushed and didn't refuse.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for dinner, Zhang Xiaoshan said softly, "What do you want for dinner? We are newly married today, let's go to the next restaurant to celebrate."

You Fengxia was a little happy, she had never eaten in a restaurant before, but thinking that her man had already spent a lot of money, she said it nonsense.

"It's expensive to eat out. I also learned some northern cooking skills when I was a nanny. I'll cook for you, okay?"

Zhang Xiaoshan rubbed her little head, and said with a smile: "From now on, I will eat your cooking every day, but today is different, we are married, we must celebrate, or I will decide, let's eat roast duck."

"En." You Fengxia swallowed.

When they arrived at the roast duck restaurant, the two ordered a roast duck and four pieces of duck, and a bottle of white wine. Zhang Xiaoshan asked her whether to drink soda or not.

"How about I drink some wine too, I can drink a little." You Fengxia said happily.

After a while, the food and drink were ready. At first it was Zhang Xiaoshan who was the one talking, but as they got to know each other gradually, You Fengxia let go, and the two talked and laughed while eating and chatting.

Walking out of the hotel, Zhang Xiaoshan felt a little dizzy, and took You Fengxia's little hand.

"Wife, how can you drink a little? There is nothing wrong with a catty of white wine. Let's walk back. I can't take you with me by bike."

After getting acquainted with each other gradually, You Fengxia also let go, and said with a smile.

"Where is this? I don't know how much I need to drink to get drunk. Hehe. No one asked me to drink before. They all stole some from my dad."

Having said this, You Fengxia suddenly fell silent, and her eyes began to water.

Zhang Xiaoshan knew that she remembered those relatives who passed away, so he hugged her gently.

Said softly: "In the future, I will be with you, and I will treat you well. In the future, I will go with you to pay respects to your relatives. Believe me."

You Fengxia felt very warm and safe, thinking of her relatives leaving her one by one, fleeing the famine all the way, and meeting people who were mean to her on the road.

Now she has support, a husband who loves her, and hugs Zhang Xiaoshan, crying in his arms, venting, and being moved...


You Fengxia took Zhang Xiaoshan's arm into the middle courtyard of the courtyard, and the neighbors who were having a banquet in the courtyard stared wide-eyed.

Zhang Xiaoshan was a little dazed all of a sudden, thinking that he forgot to have a banquet tonight, what is this called, he got married, and his old and dead wife held a banquet.

He hurriedly said to his neighbors: "I have something to do today, I'm late, I'll go home first, and I'll come to pay my respects to Da Mama later."

After speaking, he and You Fengxia went to the backyard.

I don't know what happened to Silly Zhu, he blocked the way of Zhang Xiaoshan and the two, pointed at You Fengxia and said sharply: "Who is she?"

Zhang Xiaoshan repelled him forcefully, and Shazhu flew into Jia's house.

"Who else wants to ask me a question? This is my wife. Whoever dares to point at her in the future, be careful like a fool." Zhang Xiaoshan looked at the neighbors in the yard.

Everyone was completely silent, they were all stunned by that kick, and Yi Zhonghai also opened his mouth wide and did not make a sound.

Zhang Xiaoshan continued walking towards the backyard pushing his bicycle, and You Fengxia followed him closely.

Boom, He Yushui fainted on the ground...

After entering the room, You Fengxia exhaled and patted her small chest.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I will protect you from now on." Looking at her cute appearance, Zhang Xiaoshan's heartstrings seemed to be plucked.

"This yard is a bit complicated. I'll tell you about it when I come back later, so you won't suffer."

Although You Fengxia is smart, she doesn't know much about this meeting, and Zhang Xiaoshan is also afraid that she will be tricked.

"Well. I'll wait for you at home, come back quickly."

You Fengxia agreed, looking at everything at home, she was a little eager to try, as happy as a bunny, this will be her home from now on.

It's been a long time, and she almost forgot the meaning of the word 'home'. With a home, there is everything.

Zhang Xiaoshan came to the middle courtyard, bowed in front of the portrait of the aunt, came to Yi Zhonghai, looked coldly at the well-dressed beast, handed over his platinum, turned and left.

The first mother died of a heart attack because of anger. A few years later in the original drama, it is likely that she had a sudden heart attack when she discovered what Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were doing.

She is also considered a rare good person in this yard. Although he didn't have much contact with her, Zhang Xiaoshan knew that she was kind-hearted, and many people had received her favors. This kind of favor was not the kind of hypocritical favor of Yi Zhonghai.

He secretly felt ruthless, why should good people suffer? God can't punish these villains, so let's do it ourselves.

Back home, You Fengxia was making the bed, she turned her head and smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm back, I love it here, it's my home."

"Yes, this will be your home from now on." Zhang Xiaoshan hugged her gently from behind, whispering in her ear.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoshan has no lust, only a touch of affection.

This is a poor girl. I don't know what went through later to become the sinister and cunning Miss You in the later stage of the original drama.

He didn't like her becoming like that.

Feel his breath, itchy, numb. You Fengxia blushed, her body stiffened and became soft again.

"Will you wait? The house hasn't been cleaned up yet."

The voice was so small that Zhang Xiaoshan almost didn't hear it clearly. With a wry smile, I said in my heart, "Am I that anxious?"

Zhang Xiaoshan let go of her, wanting to help.

"This is my business. I want to tidy up my house. Xiaosan, sit down and drink some tea. I'll make it for you to sober up." You Fengxia pushed Zhang Xiaoshan to the side of the bed and sat down.

She hummed a cheerful ditty softly, busy like a bee, doing housework in the After a while, the house was tidied up, and she went out again and brought in footwashing water to wash Zhang Xiaoshan's stinky The socks were taken off, and soft little hands washed his feet.

Zhang Xiaoshan almost burst into tears, where can I find such a good wife? Hardworking, beautiful, smart, and gentle. Even if he had it in his previous life, it wasn't something he, a dick, could get.

Yu Li, Qin Jingru, Lou Xiaoe, three aunts, why don't you learn from You Fengxia? Zhang Xiaoshan's memory is full of images of him washing the feet of three little girls.

Listen to her lilting little tune.

"Xiaoxia, use your native dialect to tell me about you. I want to hear it." Zhang Xiaoshan suddenly found it very interesting.

"~~~~~..." A series of words came out of You Fengxia's small mouth.

Zhang Xiaoshan didn't understand it. He felt that he had sung Hokkien songs before, so he should have listened to it. It was too embarrassing.

How can the face of the head of the family be lost? Zhang Xiaoshan pretended to understand, nodding his head from time to time and saying yes, um.

He didn't notice the little teasing in You Fengxia's eyes, and after a while, You Fengxia couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

"Hehe, Xiaosan, can you understand what I said? I said Xiaosan is a little pig with stinky feet. Did you agree happily?"

Zhang Xiaoshan's face was as red as an apple, it was too embarrassing, he became angry from embarrassment, he hugged You Fengxia, wrapping around her itchy flesh.

Silver bell-like laughter filled the entire hut.

He stopped, looked at her big talking eyes, Zhang Xiaoshan lowered his head, and kissed her small mouth.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide, then closed again, hugging the man of her life. From green to proficient, he responded enthusiastically.

The cabin lights went out...

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