Film and Television Unlimited Adventure

Chapter 1343 Gong Yao Ji Sun Shangxiang

But who would have thought that things can happen unexpectedly, and people can have misfortunes and misfortunes. As the wife of Sun Jian, a prince of one side, she naturally lived a pampered life, but bad things happened to them.

When Sun Jian went on an expedition to Jiangdong, Changsha was captured by Liu Biao. Fortunately, Liu Biao did not do anything excessive to them. He entertained them with delicious food and drinks, but he refused to let them leave. It was like he had them under house arrest in some way.

Although they had no worries about food and clothing, the life of losing their freedom was not easy. Even with the pistachio Sun Shangxiang accompanying them, they still felt uneasy in their hearts.

He was afraid that one day Liu Biao would find them and settle accounts with their sisters and their poor daughter.

But I didn't expect that within a few days of Liu Biao's glory, the entire Jingzhou had already changed its owner. The owner of Jingzhou was suddenly replaced by the most powerful man in the Han Dynasty, General Wu Qizhe.

Just when they were worried about whether General Wu Qizhe would do something wrong to them, everything was as usual, they had no worries about food and clothing, but they always felt that something was missing.

Time passed so quickly that they even extinguished the possibility of returning to Sun Jian.

During this time, they couldn't help but think that Sun Jian's previous boss was not good. He married their sisters by force, not of their own free will.

But in this era, who cares whether you do it voluntarily or not? Everything is dictated by the parents and the matchmaker. When Sun Jian wanted to forcefully marry his sisters, his parents did not dare to say a word.

Fortunately, Sun Jian's official career was prosperous later on, and perhaps many Jiangdong women envied their sisters.

But the changes in facts are so twists and turns. Mrs. Wuchenghou, who was in glory not long ago, has become a prisoner in the blink of an eye.

Not long ago, someone was coming to pick them up and take them to Lujiang, which finally made them feel like they could see the moonlight after the clouds cleared.

"Wu has met the general." The Wu sisters said hello to Wu Qizhe who was sitting at the head. In their opinion, whether they can return to Huainan depends on the wishes of the general Wu Qizhe.

How should I put it, the Wu sisters looked at Wu Qizhe above them. In addition to sighing at each other's youth, they also had to say that the other party had a good face. When Wu Qizhe above him glanced at him, they felt unconsciously. After a while, my body became weak, my face turned red and my heart beat.

The two sisters looked at each other and saw the seductive blush on the other's face. Why was this? It couldn't be that it had been too long since they had seen a man. Suddenly they saw such an outstanding and handsome young man as Wu Qizhe, and their hearts were filled with excitement. Bar.

She hurriedly suppressed the absurd thoughts in her heart, how could she have such thoughts, especially the elderly Mrs. Wu, who knew that her eldest son Sun Ce was behind her!

Wu Qizhe smiled and said nothing. As the sisters bowed down, their graceful and exquisite figures were naturally revealed.

As for the unhealthy thoughts in their hearts, they were naturally caused by Wu Qizhe. With the magical power of the Mind Stone, it couldn't be easier to stir up the hearts of the Wu sisters and their wives!

I don't know what kind of inner activities happened to the two mothers at that moment. Behind the Wu sisters was a slim and elegant girl who was curiously looking at Wu Qizhe who was standing above her.

Is he General Wu Qizhe? Although his father can be regarded as a prince, he is nothing compared to the power and majesty of the other party.

He doesn't look scary at all. Compared with his elder brother Sun Ce and his friend Zhou Yu, he is more handsome and handsome, and he doesn't look weak. You must know that the other party has a recognized identity, that is, the most powerful general in the world. name.

Listen to this name, it is even more majestic than father Sun Jian's Jiangdong Tigers. Although the eldest brother Sun Ce's name is Little Overlord, it is also considered majestic.

But the water content is too much, it is simply his self-styled one.

The name of the second brother Sun Quan is even more incomparable. He has blue eyes, which sounds like he has little gold content, and he is not impressive at all.

While Sun Shangxiang was observing Wu Qizhe, Wu Qizhe's eyes also shifted from the two Wu sisters to the girl Sun Shangxiang.

At this time, Sun Shangxiang was about sixteen years old. He had fresh and clean short hair and looked extremely youthful. Slender eyebrows, clear eyes, a straight bridge of nose, voluptuous cherry lips and fair and smooth forehead are all perfectly concentrated on a pure and refined face, and her black and smooth hair is covered with a plain white handkerchief. Tie it at the back of the head to highlight the girl's beauty and charm.

She was wearing a tight-fitting red combat uniform that perfectly outlined her graceful and seductive curves. The clothes were very thin. The towering peaks and snow-white camisole are vaguely visible. The most eye-catching thing is the slender waist that can be easily grasped. Wrapped in a tight-fitting combat uniform, it twists like a willow supporting the wind. It is paired with the pair of slender and beautiful girls wearing red stockings under the knee-length skirt. Tui, crystal white and touching, what a dignified, elegant and full of youthful vitality!

The moment he saw Sun Shangxiang, Wu Qizhe was already thinking a lot. How could such a beautiful girl be left to that bad old man Liu Bei?

Although Liu Bei is not old now and is roughly the same age as Sun Jian, even so, an old man can be someone's father. How can you have the nerve to marry such a young and invincible girl as your beloved wife? , Liu Bei is such an old man!

Liu Bei, who was far away in Yuzhou, didn't know that he was taking the blame for no reason, but he always felt a chill behind him.

Wu Qizhe made no secret of his admiration for Sun Shangxiang. The girl in front of him was not only outstandingly beautiful, but also a rare and strange woman in history.

After the Battle of Chibi, Sun Quan's sister was married to Liu Bei. Mrs. Sun was smart and strong, just like her brothers from the same clan. She was surrounded by more than a hundred maids, all of whom were guarding her with swords. Even people like Liu Bei feel scared every time they enter the inner room.

For this reason, Fazheng persuaded Liu Bei to keep a distance from Mrs. Sun. When Liu Bei lived in Gong'an County, Jingzhou City, the hardship and embarrassment reached the extreme. He was afraid of Cao Cao's power in the north and Sun Quan's threat in the east. Mrs. Sun beside him was like an enemy country in his boudoir, and was regarded as Liu Bei's scourge.

At that time, Mrs. Sun relied on her being Sun Quan's sister to be unruly and domineering. Therefore, most of the officers and soldiers she brought from Wu State did not abide by the law. Because Zhao Yun was solemn, Liu Bei ordered him to manage internal affairs. Later, Liu Bei built a city in Jiling, west of Gong'an City in Jingzhou City, called "Jiling City" or "Mrs. Sun's City", allowing Mrs. Sun to live with her maids and guards. There is also a saying that this city was built because Mrs. Sun was jealous of Liu Bei, so she built the city herself instead of living with Liu Bei.

In the 16th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei entered Shu. Sun Quan sent a large ship to welcome his sister back to Wu. Mrs. Sun planned to take Liu Chan away with her. Fortunately, Zhuge Liang promptly dispatched Yamen Generals Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei to intercept him on the river, and Liu Chan was recaptured. From then on, she never returned and there was no news from her. Three years later, after Liu Bei settled in Yizhou, he officially married Wu Yi's sister as his wife. His deeds after that are unknown.

Faced with such a rebellious and unruly old man like Liu Bei, the proud daughter of heaven, he obviously couldn't handle it, but Wu Qizhe would never have such worries, because there was no woman he couldn't handle, even in The same goes for Sun Shangxiang, the concubine who left a great name in history.

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