After Wu Qizhe became Wanyan Zang, he would naturally be able to directly control the power of Yulongbao, which is a thousand times better than taking one by force and making an example to others.

While controlling the power of Yulongbao, he also has the capital to compete with the Zong family and Mingfeng Pavilion, which is always better than fighting alone.

Of course, he also has a lot of helpers from the Yuling Mission, but compared to the free labor of Yulongbao, he naturally does not want any damage to the Yuling Mission, after all, his women are all in the Yuling Mission.

With non-relatives like Yulongbao, he naturally wouldn't have so many scruples.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes in the distance, Wu Qizhe knew he couldn't delay, so he tore off a lock of Wan Yanzang's hair, stuffed it into the wine bottle, shook it a few times, and immediately took a sip.

Soon Wu Qizhe's body began to change. Within a moment, his appearance and figure could be said to be the same as Wanyanzang in front of him, even the details of his hair were the same.

Looking at the dead Wanyanzang, Wu Qizhe condensed a ball of fiery flames in his palms. This was not the Zhiyang Zhenyuan of Jiuchongshan, but the fire element power in his body.

The fire swayed onto Wanyanzang, and it immediately started to burn, and the wind and snow all over the sky did not cause the slightest sign of extinguishing.

Soon Wanyanzang turned into a coke, Wu Qizhe poured out his energy, and the coke-like body completely turned into dust and floated in the air.

Wu Qizhe turned around and walked out of the woods. The horse Wanyanzang on the side of the road didn't show any dissatisfaction when he saw Wu Qizhe appear. It seems that as a horse, it still can't tell the difference between this Wanyanzang and that Wanyanzang .

He turned on the horse directly, pulled the rein lightly, the horse under his crotch let out a cry, then let go of the four hooves, and galloped forward.

Soon Wu Qizhe joined the soldiers of Yulongbao. The soldiers held dozens of wild beasts, large and small. Without exception, each of the beasts had an arrow stuck in it. There was no doubt that a Tibetan word was marked on the arrow. It shows that these prey were all shot by Wanyanzang.

"Okay, today's harvest is good. After returning to Yulongbao, I will have a good meal with these hunted beasts." Then he clamped his horse's belly: "Let's go back to Yulongbao." After finishing speaking, Wu Qizhe was already riding KUA took the lead and rushed to the front.

The soldiers of Yulongbao naturally followed closely behind, galloping with horseshoes, splashing snowflakes all over the sky.

Not long after, Wu Qizhe rushed to Yulongbao with a group of subordinates.

Wu Qizhe looked up and saw that Yulong Castle was indeed like a fortress, with a city wall built around it, towers dotted all over the city wall, and the city wall was surrounded by snow-capped mountains that never melted all year round. It was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Someone on the tower had seen Wanyan Zang and shouted: "The castle master is back."

"The castle master is back."

The gate of the city had been slowly opened, and two rows of soldiers were neatly lined up, apparently to welcome the return of the Castle Lord Wanyanzang.

The leader walked over directly, half knelt and clasped his fists and said, "Your subordinate Yu Ma has seen the castle master."

Wu Qizhe nodded, he had an impression of this royal horse, he was good at using poison, and his lightness kung fu was also good, but he got lunch after he didn't appear in a few episodes. He also has a favorite woman named Nangong Ling'er, and the two admire each other, but unfortunately, neither of them ends well.

The imperial horse and the enemy died together, and Nangong Ling'er was sucked dry of blood by Yang Jie of Mingfeng Pavilion, she lost too much blood and died.

"Where is Zheng'er?" Wu Qizhe asked casually.

"Second Young Master is practicing martial arts in the back mountain. The Castle Master has something to tell Second Young Master. I'll go find him right away." Yu Ma said.

Wu Qizhe waved his hand: "No need,

Don't bother him when he's practicing. " Immediately, he got off his horse, handed over the reins to his servants, and went straight into Yulongbao.

The people in Yulong Castle would come forward to greet Wu Qizhe respectfully whenever they saw Wu Qizhe. The castle was not full of soldiers and retainers of Wanyan's family, but there were also many ordinary civilians, most of whom were family members of soldiers.

Passing through the civilian area, Wu Qizhe came to a majestic mansion, which was naturally the mansion of Wan Yanzang, the master of Yulongbao.

A sharp-eyed guard had already seen Wanyan Zang, opened the door, and stood respectfully at the door to welcome Wanyan Zang back to the mansion.

Wu Qizhe walked into Wanyanzang's mansion with a big horse and a golden knife. Wherever he came into view, there were garden rockery, and the quiet garden scenery can be seen everywhere. As the owner of the castle, the mansion occupies a large area. He walked for a long time and didn't come Reach the inner courtyard.

As far as Wu Qizhe saw, there were no less than a few hundred maids and servants, and the scale was so large that it didn't need to be separated from ordinary princes.

The servant led the way, and Wu Qizhe soon came to a resplendent main hall. On the right hand side of the main hall sat a graceful beauty, and beside him were maids serving tea, water and snacks.

"Husband, you are back from hunting..."

The beauty chuckled, stood up, and walked towards Wu Qizhe.

Wu Qizhe couldn't take his eyes off the first time he saw the other party. Not only was this beautiful woman first-class in appearance, but she also had a very sexy and tall figure, which was no different from any of his own women.

This is a mature/female who looks to be in her early thirties at most, with purple hair, and a blue one-piece dress with a waist that makes her look both temperamental and capable. The most important thing is her pair of The big watery eyes seem to be able to speak, as long as you take a look, you don't want to move away, as if all the cells in your body will jump with it.

"Vox! This is definitely a vixen..."

Wu Qizhe directly defined the other party in his mind. If Lou Xiuying's sexuality still has a kind of SAO air, then the woman in front of her is definitely the best of flattery but not SAO. She doesn't need to deliberately sway her posture at all , Just standing there, an elegant charm/attitude/is already natural, making men can't help but want to get close to her, or roughly/violently... possess her!

"Husband, what are you looking at?" Mrs. Ning Rong asked with a sweet smile.

"Madam's stunning beauty dazzled me for a while." Wu Qizhe flattered me.

"Hey." Ning Rong sighed softly, and Dai Mei frowned slightly: "I haven't seen enough after so many years. She is old now, so she can afford the word "excellent beauty."

"I can afford it, I can afford it. In my eyes, Ma'am, she can't even compare to a fairy." After speaking, she took the initiative to grab Mrs. Ning Rong's slippery/like/condensed/fat/hands.

"Hehe..." Ning Rong laughed coquettishly, then fixed her eyes on Wu Qizhe: "When did my husband become so good at saying flattering things?"

Wu Qizhe was stunned for a moment. Could it be that Wanyanzang didn't say anything before, but he immediately reacted, took Mrs. Ningrong's hand, gently wrapped her waist around her, and whispered in her ear: "From now on, as long as Madam I want to hear it, I say that every day." The aroma from his nose shocked him, he closed his eyes and was intoxicated, he didn't know what kind of spice Madam Ningrong used, it smelled so good.

Madam Ningrong gently pushed Wu Qizhe away, gave her a blank look, and said angrily: "The servant girl is right next to you, you don't know how to pay attention." Her pretty face flushed slightly, but it's unknown how shy she really was.

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