Film and Television Unlimited Adventure

Chapter 782 Bronze Divine Light Rod

Wu Qizhe spent 50,000 survival points to exchange the world of Legend of the Tang Dynasty Double Dragon into his own exclusive world again.

You can come back at any time, there is nothing to worry about.

Wu Qizhe went to another new world through the time and space gate of the subspace.

The mountains are bad and foggy.

Under the reminder of the system, Wu Qizhe already knew the world he was in, "The Legend of Ultraman Tiga: The Ancient Resurgent Giant".

Wu Qizhe couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that he would come to the world of Ultraman in his childhood memory, and he was also his favorite Ultraman Tiga.

It can be said that he has watched every one of the episodes of Tiga's true story, up to the theatrical version.

When I was young, I fantasized about being Ultraman!

Is coming to the world of Ultraman a fulfillment of my childhood dream? !

Wu Qizhe checked the clothes on his body. He was not dressed in an outstanding way. It was far worse than the splendid costumes in the Tang Dynasty, and more in line with primitive people's clothes. However, with his handsome appearance, he couldn't be far behind. .

Wu Qizhe was speechless. Could it be that the system specially put on this outfit for him because he came five thousand years ago?

What puzzled Wu Qizhe most about this theatrical version of Tiga World was whether the Tiga here was actually Tiga himself?

Thirty million years ago, there were super-ancient humans (highly developed civilizations), super-ancient giants, and super-ancient monsters (Gorzan, Merba, Zoga, Qijielahua, Gatanjae, etc.) on the earth at that time. Dark Warriors (Tiga himself, Camilla, Durham, Hitler). The reason why they are not called Ultraman is because they are not from m78, but from other places, so it is good to call them giants according to the official statement.

At that time, there was a battle between the super ancient giants and the super ancient monsters, and Zijela and Gatange had not yet appeared. At that time, a large number of ultra-ancient monsters such as Gorzan and Merba appeared. After a great battle, most of the monsters were wiped out. But the giants split into two camps and started fighting among themselves.

When the giants fought with each other, the dark warrior Di Jia and others appeared. With only the strength of four of them, they wiped out all the super ancient warriors. Maybe they were not completely wiped out, because the two people next to the statue of Ti Jia in TV The stone statue is an ultra-ancient warrior. I don't know if there are any other surviving ones.

The pity of the ultra-ancient human security team persuaded the dark Tiga to abandon the dark and turn to the light, and absorbed the power of the other three dark warriors, sealed them on Luluye Island, and began to protect the ultra-ancient humans.

From 30 million years ago to 5000 years ago of rumored movies,

This time interval formed the legend of the Tiga light giant. In the middle, zijra blossoms are produced.

Zijra is one of the culprits in the destruction of super ancient civilizations. The pollen shed can make humans lose themselves in intoxicated dreams of joy. At the same time, they spread their own clone flowers on the earth to speed up the speed of human destruction. Following the basic characteristics of plants on earth, they are active in the sun, but their activities will weaken when the sun goes down, and its essence can be extracted to keep human brain cells permanently active.

Ultra-ancient human beings are immersed in the fantasy of happiness, thinking that they no longer need Tiga's protection, because Tiga's deity belongs to light and cannot interfere with human choices, so he had to leave. His body was turned into a stone statue, hidden in the land of giants, that is, in the pyramid, while the deity left. After that, Gatanjeh relied on Qijiela to help successfully destroy the super ancient civilization.

And five thousand years before the 21st century, a new civilization emerged. Tiga appeared at the beginning of the movie, is it the deity? Not sure, either Tiga himself came back, kicked the demon god and then left, or the remaining power of the stone statue appeared, but it should not be able to defeat the demon god, otherwise there would be no resurrection of the dark demon god behind, Eminem Yi transformed into a giant of light to fight against the dark demon again.

Wu Qizhe walked slowly among the mountains and forests with a "click", and a piece of broken wood was crushed under his feet, making a crisp sound.

"Roar..." A deep roar rang in my ears, and before Wu Qizhe could move on, I saw a giant beast several meters high in the valley, which was shaped like a dinosaur in Jurassic Park, with a row of sharp teeth The glare of the cold light reflected under the moonlight, and there was an undisguised desire for food in his eyes.

Facing the giant beast, Wu Qizhe had no intention of shrinking back.

"Roar..." The giant beast seemed determined to eat the humans in front of it, and with a movement of its body, it rushed towards Wu Qizhe ferociously.

"Boom boom boom..." The hard surface shook endlessly as the giant beast continued to advance.

Looking at the humans who did not dodge at all, the giant beast opened its mouth wide, about to swallow the food in one gulp.

Wu Qizhe raised one hand high, and the golden Heavenly Demon Saber struck in the air.

The giant beast could only see a dazzling golden light, and then the body separated, the incision was smooth, broke in two, and fell to the ground.

Wu Qizhe came to the corpse of the giant beast that fell to the ground, and saw a long gap in its neck. He reached in and took out a long sword.

I can't tell what kind of material it is, but the faint streamer can tell that this sword is by no means ordinary.

There was the sound of fast footsteps in the distance, and in the blink of an eye he was already around Wu Qizhe. He looked back and found that it was a girl dressed as a ranger wearing a wallet and with a ponytail.

With oval-shaped cheeks, fair skin, big bright eyes, and a vigorous figure, the whole body presents a healthy beauty.

"The sword in your hand is the demon-slaying sword!" The girl saw the corpse of the fallen giant beast and the sword in Wu Qizhe's hand, and knew that she was late.

"You are?" Wu Qizhe had already recognized who the other party was, but he still had to ask more.

"Mahe Luoba, a wandering traveler." Mahoroba smiled, but his eyes still stayed on the demon-slaying sword in Wu Qizhe's hand.

"You want this sword?" Wu Qizhe looked at him with a smile.

Mahoropa nodded, disappointed and said: "But it is already yours."

"For you." Wu Qizhe threw the Demon Slaying Demon Sword to Maholoba casually.

A look of joy appeared on Mahoroba's face, looking at Wu Qizhe, he was a little afraid to say: "You really want to give it to me?"

"I will never go back on what I say." Wu Qizhe said with a smile: "Let's just make friends. This is my meeting gift for you."

Mahoraba held the Demon Slayer Sword aloft, and the prism above the hilt shone with dazzling golden light. She felt that this gift was too expensive, but out of liking for the Demon Slayer Sword, she did not refuse it.

"Thank you, I still don't know your name?" Mahoraba put down her sword and said with a smile.

"You can just call me Wu Qizhe, I'm a homeless traveler just like you." Wu Qizhe immediately raised his right hand and handed it out to the other party.

"Ah, this is..." Mahoraba said puzzled, "You just said you wanted to give it to me, but you regretted it so soon?" She who was five thousand years ago couldn't understand the etiquette of modern people at all.

Wu Qizhe said with a smile: "In my hometown, this is a kind of etiquette for friends to meet for the first time, shaking hands to show friendship."

"That's it, I was so surprised, I thought you wanted to get back the Demon Slayer Sword." Mahoraba smiled heartily, stretched out her plain white hand to hold Wu Qizhe's palm, and shook it gently. .

He simply squeezed it and then let it go. If he held it for too long, he would be playing a hooligan. However, he was surprised that Maholoba, a homeless man, didn't have any calluses on his palms.

He looked around, and soon found what he was looking for on the sandy surface not far away, the bronze divine light rod.

Wu Qizhe walked over and picked up the bronze divine light stick, and Maholoba's eyes were also attracted.

"What's in your hand?" Mahoroba approached Wu Qizhe, looking at the magic light stick in his hand and asked curiously.

"It's probably a treasure, I won't give it to you this time." Wu Qizhe glanced at Maholoba with a smile.

"Tch, I don't care about it. Compared with the things in your hand, I like the demon-slaying demon sword more." Mahoraba's finger brushed the sword, and the joy on his face remained undiminished.

Wu Qizhe observed the bronze divine light rod in his hand. It was different in color from the usual divine light rods. Most of the main body was green, with bright red patterns, and the shape was bigger than the spark prism.

Wu Qizhe used his mental power to detect it, but found that there was no response from the divine light stick. He was puzzled. Logically speaking, it should be easy to carry the so-called power of light with his own physique. How could there be no response.

In the original book, Dagu is not the only one who can transform into Ultraman Tiga. Tiga has several human bodies.

Zhenjiao Dagu saw that the monster was destroying the stone statue of the ancient giant Tiga. In order to stop the monster, he drove a fighter jet to attack the monster, but was shot down by the monster Merba's light skills, and turned into light at the last moment, and finally awakened Tiga Ultraman .

But you must know that not everyone can wake up Ultraman Tiga. In the original book, GUTS discovered a meteorite that fell from the sky, which contained a time capsule. The projection of this time capsule tells everyone that Tiga can be awakened only when Dagu becomes light.

This is enough to explain the specialness of Dagu's bloodline. The projections in the time capsule know that only Dagu can awaken Tiga.

Then the second person who can become Ultraman Tiga is Dagu's son, Makoto Tsubasa.

True Kakuba is the biological son of Dagu and Lina, and in the biography of Ultraman Tiga "The Resurgent Yuangu Giant", that is, the world he is in now, traveled through time and space, and returned to the ancient earth.

When monsters ravaged the village, Tsubasa discovered the ancient Ultraman Tiga transformation tool "Shenguang Rod". Because he knew that his father had fought as Ultraman Tiga, he thought that he should be able to transform into Ultraman Tiga with his father's genetic genes, and finally succeeded in transforming into Ultraman Tiga.

Although Wing was able to successfully transform into Tiga Ultraman, his combat power was not half that of Dagu's Tiga Ultraman, and he was defeated when the last monster Deguf appeared.

And the real successor of the will of light chosen by Ultraman Tiga, Amyi who lived in the village of Tiga 30 million years ago.

Amui is the successor of the will of light chosen by Ultraman Tiga after he turned into a stone statue. It can also be said to be the ancestor of Dagu. The reason why Dagu was able to transform into Ultraman Tiga is because of Amuyi's blood.

After the true horned wing was defeated by the monster, Amui awakened his memory, knowing that he was the successor of Tiga's will, and then took out the magic light stick and transformed into Tiga Ultraman.

Moreover, the Ultraman Tiga that Amu Yi turned into is particularly powerful, a monster that cannot be defeated by a real horned wing, and Amu Yi can defeat him without consuming energy throughout the process. From the beginning to the end, the timer on the chest of Ultraman Tiga has never turned red, and it has completely inherited the strength of Ultraman Tiga.

Ultraman Tiga has many different human bodies, but they should all be of the same racial bloodline. Generally speaking, the first-generation blood of Amui is the strongest, and then the power of each generation weakens. But because Ultraman Tiga is the incarnation of light and can absorb the light of others to increase his strength, Tiga will always be strong.

Based on the analysis of this situation, even if Wu Qizhe got the bronze magic light stick, he still couldn't transform into Ultraman Tiga.

"Wu Qizhe, what are you thinking, why are you in a daze?" Mahoroba waved in front of Wu Qizhe.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about this treasure in my hand." Wu Qizhe looked at Maholoba in front of him, and another thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Maholoba can also be regarded as the ancestor of Dagu. If she uses the magic light stick, can she also transform into Ultraman Tiga?

But if this is the case, Wu Qizhe has another bad thought, Amuyi is married to Mahoraba, and the offspring born will be the ancestors of Dagu, otherwise it will not be possible to prove that both of them are ancestors of Dagu .

Wu Qizhe stopped thinking about this brain-burning question. Anyway, he had already appeared, and it was impossible for Mahoraba and Amui to have any contact.

"Mahe Luoba, if you have nothing to do, why don't we go together?" Wu Qizhe suggested sincerely.

"Okay." With a bright smile on her face, Mahoroba agreed without hesitation. She still has a good impression of Wu Qizhe. Although this is a primitive society, it doesn't affect her vision. The man in front of her is very pleasing to the eye. First, and he generously gave her the Demon Slaying Demon Sword, which made her feel even more fond of it.

The two of them were on their way together, and naturally they had to communicate on the way. With Wu Qizhe's almost full-level flirting skills, he naturally made Mahoraba laugh happily from time to time.

Maholoba, a beauty living in a primitive society, is full of positive energy, has a strong sense of justice, and doesn't have too much scheming. If others treat her well, she will naturally treat them well.

Wu Qizhe left for a short while, and shared the royal food brought from the Tang Dynasty with Maholoba.

Looking at the satisfied smile on his face, and the hearty way of eating without any scruples about his image, he knew how satisfied Maholoba was with the food Wu Qizhe brought.

Maholoba will also take the initiative to chat with Wu Qizhe about the interesting things that happened during her time as a wandering traveler. Wu Qizhe sometimes laughs, sometimes panders, and sometimes praises, which naturally wins more favors from the other party.

In the middle of the night, Maholoba didn't take special precautions. After lighting the bonfire, she lay down not far from Wu Qizhe, as if she wasn't worried that the other party would turn into a wolf.

But to be honest, Wu Qizhe didn't have this plan tonight. He had more important things to do. He took out the bronze magic light stick in his hand, and used his mental power to sense it again. Without a doubt, there was still no response.

Wu Qizhe didn't intend to give up, he had already thought of another way.

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