As a result, Gao Yuan broke his promise.

Gao Yuan originally loved Li Mengqing, but he only kissed her passionately and touched her slightly.

But not long after, Li Mengqing put her hand on him.


It's not that Gao Yuan is inhumane, it's just too slippery.

Now that such a result has been caused, what else can be done except to live up to Li Mengqing's wishes.

It's about one o'clock in the afternoon.

When the two of them walked out of the hotel, the sun was already shining brightly outside.

Because Li Mengqing was unwell and walked slowly, Gao Yuan directly carried her into the car without caring about other people's opinions.

I've been out for a day, and it's time to go home. I can't go back without spending time with my parents.

Brabus G900 was parked in the underground garage, and Li Mengqing refused to get out of the car no matter what.

She was afraid that Gao Yuan's parents would see that something was wrong with her.

Gao Yuan just introduced Lin Wanyu as his girlfriend yesterday, but as soon as Lin Wanyu left Xudu, she had such a relationship with Gao Yuan.

What would Gao Yuan's parents think?

Do you think she is a girl who doesn't love herself very much?

How can we get along with each other from now on?

"Let's go!"

"An ugly daughter-in-law must also meet her parents-in-law!"

Gao Yuan stood at the passenger door, holding the door, looking at Li Mengqing with a smile on his face.

All her thoughts were reflected in Gao Yuan's mind, and Gao Yuan naturally understood Li Mengqing's embarrassment.

"I'll stay in the car for a while and let's go out for the night."

Li Mengqing whispered to Gao Yuan with a pleading look.

"Prodigal bitch!"

"It doesn't cost anything to live outside. What kind of family would stay in a hotel every day?"

Gao Yuan smiled and scolded Li Mengqing, stretched out his hand to take her out of the car, closed the car door with his kick, and walked home.

Li Mengqing was held in Gao Yuan's arms, holding onto his clothes with both hands, feeling full of anxiety.

"I'm going to die!"

"You know how to bully me. If only I could act like a spoiled child like Wan Yu!"


Gao Yuan's face was full of pride.

The Connectedness card smells so good!

It would be even better if the system could give him a mind-reading ability. He could check whoever's thoughts he wanted to know, and it could also filter out those thoughts that he didn't have.

Arriving at the door of the house, Gao Yuan was about to open the door while holding Li Mengqing in his arms.

Li Mengqing in her arms began to struggle crazily.

At this time, she was extremely embarrassed to meet Gao Yuan's parents. If Gao Yuan was allowed to carry her through the door again, she would really have no shame in staying any longer.

Breaking free from Gao Yuan's embrace, Li Mengqing straightened her clothes and stood silently behind Gao Yuan.

The door to the house opened and the two entered.

Gao Jianmin and Huang Xiuxia, who were playing chess in the living room, looked at the door and found that there were only Gao Yuan and the girl named Li Mengqing.

Huang Xiuxia looked at the closed door and wanted to ask where Lin Wanyu had gone, when Gao Yuan spoke.

"Mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend Li Mengqing."

After saying this, Gao Yuan ignored his parents' reactions and pulled Li Mengqing into his room.

"You should rest for a while first!"

Li Mengqing sat beside Gao Yuan's bed and nodded obediently.

She couldn't do anything now. Gao Yuan had just directly revealed her identity. Although she was happy, she also knew that the rest of the situation was entirely up to Gao Yuan to control.

Only if she is handled well can she integrate into this family. If not handled well, everyone will not be in a good mood.

After Gao Yuan went out, Li Mengqing remained restless in the room. She leaned against the door and listened to the goings on in the living room. She was afraid that Gao Yuan would quarrel with her parents because of her.

living room.

After Gao Yuan came out, Gao Jianmin and Huang Xiuxia looked at him and did not ask questions immediately.

They are also waiting for Gao Yuan to give them an explanation.

Gao Yuan took a look at his parents' reactions. Compared to Gao Jianmin's seriousness, his mother behaved more normally, probably because she was already mentally prepared for this during lunch.

Gao Yuan pondered for a moment, handed a cigarette to his father, and lit one himself.

Huang Xiuxia did not blame the two for smoking at home at this time.

"I'm in Hangzhou, and Qingqing has done a lot for me."

Gao Yuan's first sentence set the stage, showing Li Mengqing's dedication to him.

"As time goes by, feelings develop, and Wan Yu also knows this."

In the second sentence, he expressed that the two people had true feelings, and that his other girlfriend Lin Wanyu also knew about this.

After that, Gao Yuan spoke in more detail.

He introduced the relationship between Lin Wanyu and Li Mengqing, and then introduced Li Mengqing's help in starting his business.

Finally, the character of Li Mengqing was highlighted, in order to resonate with my mother.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Huang Xiuxia couldn't help but look at Gao Yuan's room, and she began to feel sorry for this girl.

After Gao Yuan finished speaking, he smoked alone and quietly waited for his parents' reaction. To be precise, he waited for Gao Jianmin to get angry.

Unexpectedly, Gao Jianmin's first words were to Huang Xiuxia.

"You go to Xiaoyuan's room and chat with that girl first!"

After sending Huang Xiuxia away, Gao Jianmin stood up, patted Gao Yuan on the shoulder, and walked towards the balcony.

Open the window, and the cold wind from outside flows into the living room.

The father and son smoked cigarettes and said nothing in the cold wind.

Gao Jianmin finished one cigarette and took out another. Gao Yuan stretched out his hand to block the wind and lit it for his father.

Taking a long puff of cigarette, Gao Jianmin looked at Gao Yuan and smiled.

"You think your father is a stubborn old man and you want to criticize him?"

Seeing Gao Yuan shaking his head, Gao Jianmin continued: "You are also thirty years old and have been outside for so many years."

"If you were still the same player as before, I would definitely be angry today."

"People are alive! What they fear most is not being able to find their own place, and then all the way forward is going astray."

Seeing Gao Yuan, Gao Jianmin still didn't understand, and Gao Jianmin hated iron.

He always felt that his son was too soft-tempered and read a lot, but he had too strong a Confucian spirit.

"Throughout history, not only the princes and generals, but also the local tyrants and wealthy gentry, none of them had three wives and four concubines."

"They have a huge fortune. If they don't worry about life, they will keep spreading their branches and leaves. Why?"

At this time, Gao Yuan heard some of his father's voiceovers and said, "For the prosperity of the family."

Gao Jianmin nodded and shook his head.

"A prosperous family is just one of them."

"In ancient times, people mainly farmed, so they needed many direct blood relatives to control the servants."

"But the most important thing is that when the family is prosperous, the probability of birthing talents will be much higher."

“This is how we can maintain the family’s long-term future.”

After Gao Jianmin finished speaking, he patted Gao Yuan on the shoulder and said, "In the past, I didn't have much hope for you. I just wanted to live a peaceful life."

"Today I checked the information of Lin Group again. No matter how powerful your secret skin care product is, you have crossed the level."

"I won't care too much about women, but I hope that starting from your generation, we will consider starting a Gao family!"

After Gao Jianmin finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, but he couldn't help turning back and solemnly confessing to Gao Yuan: "But you are not allowed to imitate those people in the TV series!"

"The Gao family can still provide for idle people!"

"It doesn't require you to do well, as long as you have a foundation."

PS: Thank you Luoye Baibai for your support!

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