Firepower is king

Chapter 3 First time on stage

Let the people who created the problem come up with solutions on their own, no, let the problem itself solve itself, and leave no room for it. The captain played this skill beautifully.

I don’t know who the captain and the others are, and I don’t know where their boundaries are, but so far, Gao Guang is still alive, which shows that these people still have a bottom line.

But Gao Guang is still very nervous now, because what the captain said makes sense, that is, only the dead cannot speak, so even if he hands in the letter of surrender, it depends on whether the captain is willing to accept it.

The captain put away his cell phone, nodded to the highlight, and said solemnly: "You passed the test."

Gao Guang was relieved, and then he let out an uncontrollable sigh.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much."

I didn’t know what to say other than thanking Gao Guang, but the captain said very seriously: “Don’t call the police, because this is Mexico, don’t stop, you don’t know which one got there first, the police or the drug dealers, do you understand?”

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately said: "I understand, I'll leave right away."

The captain glanced outside. When he watched Rubber and Joey put the bison's carcass into the car, he said to the highlight: "Good luck to you. Goodbye."

The captain did not shoot at the high light, but walked away quite simply.

Gao Guang watched the captain trot into the yard and opened the door of a car. At this time, Bottle Cap, who was leaning against the gate of the yard on guard, suddenly raised a hand and made a stop gesture.

According to normal practice, Bottle Cap should have waited for the second car to get in and leave when it passed by him, but he suddenly made a gesture to stop it, which made it difficult for Gao Guang to understand.

The captain and the others all had wireless communication systems and noise-canceling headphones. No matter what they said, they couldn't hear anything, so he couldn't tell what was going on.

The captain who had just gotten into the car opened the door and got out, and then Rubber also got out of the car. The first thing the two of them did after getting out of the car was to quickly run towards the two bodies dumped in the yard.

Captain and Rubber each dragged a body towards the dark corner of the yard.

Something must have happened, otherwise, the captain and the others would not return to deal with the kidnapper's body.

At this time, Joey also got out of the car in front. He cursed and opened the door of the back seat, opened the door, and began to pull hard on the hostage he had just delivered to the car.

The hostage grabbed the car door with both hands and refused to get out of the car, and even screamed in panic.

Joey looked thin and small, but he was very strong. After he dragged the frightened hostage out of the car, he turned to Gao Guang and said urgently: "Translate for me and tell this idiot that the drug dealer is here. We are here." I don’t want to leave him alone!”

This hostage is indeed not very smart. Of course, he is also frightened. Now he needs someone to calm him down from shouting, and Gao Guang, who can speak Spanish, is the only person.

Gao Guang ran over with a pistol in hand. He ran to Joey's side, grabbed the hostage's neck from behind, and said urgently: "Leave him to me, I will make him calm down."

"Don't let him make any noise, don't let him run around, take him into the house and find a way to shut him up."

After hastily throwing Gao Guang a difficult problem, Joey let go of the hand holding the hostage. In order to prevent the hostage from breaking free, Gao Guang could only tighten his left arm and whispered: "I will shut him up." of."

"I have to get out of here, God, help me, we can't stay here, run! Run..."

The hostage screamed even louder. He couldn't let him scream after taking over the heavy burden, so he immediately tightened his left arm and said to the hostage in Spanish: "Don't shout! Tell me what is your name?"

"My name is Arturo Larios Lopez Cordoba, let me go! I don't want to stay here..."

Gao Guang didn't want to know the hostage's name. He just wanted to distract the hostage by asking questions. But now he knew that the hostage was called Arturo, and even knew his full name, but he failed to distract Arturo.

Arturo had lost his mind and was struggling so hard that he could no longer control the high light with one hand, so he had to put the pistol into Arturo's face and said sternly: "The drug dealer is coming, stop shouting Yeah, you... shut up! Otherwise I’ll beat you to death!”

But the threat of Gao Guang failed to shut up Arturo. Instead, it made Arturo cry even more hysterically.

"I don't want to fall into their hands, let me go, let me go..."

I don’t know how much psychological trauma Sanchez has caused to poor Arturo, but shouting like this is going to cause big trouble.

Unable to delay any longer, Gao Guang could only take half a step back, then waved his arm and hit the hostage on the back of the head with the pistol grip.

There was a muffled sound, and Arturo immediately collapsed.

The suddenness with which Arturo fell down shocked Gao Guang. He had never hit anyone on the back of the head, and doing so could kill someone accidentally, so he was very worried about whether Arturo would be killed in one fell swoop. Smashed to death.

This would be troublesome if the captain and the hostages they finally rescued were killed. Gao Guang looked at Joey nervously, but Joey didn't say anything and just gave him a thumbs up.

Everyone has work to do. Bottle Cap is watching the incoming cars at the door of the yard, Captain and Rubber are hiding the bodies in the yard, and Joey is sweeping the floor with a broom, trying to cover up the blood stains on the sandy ground.

At this moment, Bo Gai raised his voice and said, "It's five hundred meters away! It must be coming towards us, so go faster!"

Gao Guang dragged Arturo, who had fainted, back into the house. After throwing Arturo on the floor in the lounge, he ran outside.

His passport, mobile phone, and his bag were all still thrown on the round table. Gao Guang had to put these things away while there was still a chance.

When Gao Guang hurriedly stuffed his passport and mobile phone into the small bag, and then put the small bag on his body, Gao Guang first picked up his backpack, but after seeing the body on the ground, he immediately dropped his backpack.

There was nothing important in the backpack, but there was an MP7 submachine gun next to the body.

Gao Guang first put the pistol into his trouser pocket, and then picked up the submachine gun from the ground. At this time, the captain also rushed into the door.

The captain looked at the submachine gun that Gao Guang picked up. He wanted to say something, but Gao Guang immediately lowered his voice and said: "I won't shoot randomly. I am... I know how to do it."

Gao Guang wanted to say that he was a military fan, but he realized that his identity as a military fan was not convincing, so he immediately changed his mind.

Nothing can be more direct than actual action. Gao Guang pressed the magazine latch, pulled out the magazine, and looked at the quick viewing hole of the magazine.

There were still about twenty rounds left in the thirty-round magazine. After confirming the number of bullets, Gao Guang reinserted the magazine, neatly pulled out the stored gun butt, pulled down the folded front grip, and did After getting ready to shoot the MP7 over the shoulder, he turned the safety to the off position, and then put his finger on the trigger guard.

This series of actions were specially made for the captain to see. Gao Guang hopes to convey the message that he will use this gun, so that the captain does not need to worry about him doing bad things.

The movements cannot be said to be very skillful, but there are no mistakes or hesitations. At least they still look familiar to MP7.

In any close combat, if a person who doesn't know how to use a gun picks up a gun, it will only create a greater threat to his companions.

On the other hand, given the situation the captain and the others are currently facing, if they can get a reliable reinforcement of firepower, then he will definitely not refuse.

The captain nodded. He dragged the bodyguard's body and threw it into the lounge. When he came out, he didn't look at the highlight again. Instead, he closed the door and hid behind the door with the rifle in both hands.

The captain's actions showed that Highlights had permission to use the gun, and that the Captain showed him his back.

After getting the gun and getting permission from the captain to use it, there were not many bullets in the magazine. Gao Guang quickly walked to the bodyguard's body and reached out to touch two guns. He took out another thirty-round gun from the bodyguard's waist. of full magazine.

There was only one spare magazine, but it was enough. As Gao Guang was inserting the spare magazine into his belt, he heard the captain suddenly whisper: "We are about to engage the enemy. Don't be behind me. Find a suitable shooting position and wait for me." Shoot before you shoot.”

If the captain was talking to his companions, he didn't need to make it so obvious, so Gao Guang said in surprise: "Are you talking to me?"

"Is there anyone else here? Shut up and find your shooting position!"

Gao Guang was refreshed because the captain informed him of the situation and explained the conditions for firing, which was to treat him as a temporary companion, not an enemy who needed to be guarded against, or a useless burden.

Gao Guang is ready to shoot at the drug dealer. No matter what the result is, he will never sit still and wait to be killed.

The captain suddenly whispered again: "Trouble, the enemy did not enter directly, they stopped outside. If we need to break out, you follow me on the left and cover my left wing. You are absolutely not allowed to shoot behind me. Understand?"

At this moment, the cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

The captain suddenly looked back, and Gao Guang also looked around. Then he found that the phone ringing came from the lounge, and a call came from a mobile phone placed on the TV.

The captain immediately said urgently: "It's Sanchez's mobile phone. Someone is calling Sanchez. The enemy is well prepared and ready to engage the enemy... Translator, go get the phone."

The first sentence was to inform his teammates, and the second sentence was to Gao Guang. Gao Guang immediately rushed to the TV and got the mobile phone.

The phone was still ringing. Gao Guang glanced at the caller ID on the screen and immediately said to the captain: "The name is Carlos, an acquaintance of Sanchez!"

By this time the phone had been ringing for more than twenty seconds, but the captain was hesitant. He couldn't decide what to do.

The people who arrived by car did not enter Sanchez's yard directly, but parked outside and made a phone call first. This shows that those people were on guard. If the call was not answered, they knew something must have happened here.

But in the captain's opinion, there was no way to answer the call, because if the call was answered, people outside would immediately know that something was wrong.

Gao Guang decided to take a gamble and said urgently to the captain: "I want to answer the phone, don't make any sound, trust me!"

Without any time to explain, Gao Guang directly slid the answer button on his phone. Looking at Gao Guang's actions, the captain's eyes widened.

Gao Guang started a non-physical performance, and he yelled in an angry voice: "Shut him up! I want to answer the phone!"

After yelling first, Gao Guang put the phone to his ear and said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Carlos, there is something wrong here that I didn't hear just now."

The captain was wearing a mask so his expression couldn't be seen, but he looked straight at Gao Guang with eyes full of surprise. He held a gun in his right hand and made a very vulgar gesture with his left hand.

The captain was silently scolding Gao Guang, and someone on the phone said in a very angry tone: "Asshole, what's wrong with you? Why is the siren going off?"

Gao Guang said in a very surprised tone: "What? Siren? No..."

There are many kinds of sirens, and there are many ways to call the police. Gao Guang didn't know how Sanchez sounded the alarm, nor did he know what kind of alarm those outside got, so he could only speak vaguely and only half of the words. .

At this time, Gao Guang was eager to find the reason for his sudden interruption of the call. He saw the corpse at his feet. With an idea, he stepped forward and kicked the bodyguard's corpse hard on the back, making a dull sound.

The captain didn't understand Spanish. He didn't know what Gao Guang said. But just after Gao Guang kicked him out, he suddenly screamed loudly: "Ah! Ah..."

The captain cried out in great pain, as if he had been kicked.

The cooperation was perfect, and the captain made the necessary screams, but Gao Guang didn't expect the captain to make a sound at all, and was so frightened that he almost threw his phone away.

But soon, Gao Guang's horror turned into surprise, and then he nodded repeatedly to the captain, indicating that the captain's two screams were very good.

Without hesitation, Gao Guang said in a humble tone: "I'm very sorry. I'm teaching an ignorant bastard a lesson. Uh... did you receive an alert? Sorry, I don't know what happened. I'm very sorry, Carlos. Sir, I have a car coming here, are you outside?"

Gao Guang didn't expect that a few words could send the people away, but he hoped to trick people in, because ambush and forced breakout were completely different things.

The words were still vague, but the highlight performance had obviously had an effect. The man on the phone sounded much more relaxed and said, "What did you do, you bastard..."

At this moment, Gao Guang heard a weak voice saying: "Let me go, let me get out of here, you..."

Gao Guang and the captain turned their heads at the same time, their eyes filled with extreme horror because they saw the fainted Arturo trying to sit up.

Hitting someone in the back of the head with the handle of a gun can easily kill someone. Gao Guang has never done this kind of thing before, so he didn't have the strength to control it, so he didn't dare to hit Arturo harshly. As a result, Arturo fainted. He actually woke up at this time and even spoke.

The most painful thing for the captain was that he couldn't understand what Gao Guang was saying, nor what Arturo was saying, but he knew that it would be fatal if Arturo was allowed to talk nonsense at this time.

The captain didn't make any sound. He gestured and rushed towards Arturo. There was a bodyguard's body between Gao Guang and Arturo, so Gao Guang didn't think about anything and instinctively moved towards Arturo. Luo just kicked him.

Gao Guang kicked Arturo in the stomach, and poor Arturo screamed again, crying quickly in Spanish: "No..."

Gao Guang was really helpless. He kicked twice and kicked Arturo hard in the chest again.

Arturo suddenly covered his chest. He did not faint, but the heavy blow to his chest made him unable to speak. The only thing he could do now was to lie back on the ground and writhe in pain.

The captain had already arrived. He slid on his knees and rushed in front of Arturo. He held a gun in one hand and covered Arturo's mouth with the other hand, using an extremely difficult position to prevent Arturo from making any more noise.

But Arturo's voice seemed to have a good camouflage effect, and the person on the phone immediately said: "Okay, okay, I'll talk after I get in, hang up first."

The phone was hung up. The captain, who didn't understand anything, didn't know what the outcome would be. His eyes looked almost crazy.

Gao Guang said in a trembling voice: "The call has been hung up, passed."

The captain's eyes expressed so many meanings, confusion at first, but soon turned into ecstasy.

Gao Guang continued to whisper urgently: "You can talk now. They received the alarm and came to check the situation, but I successfully deceived the other party, and now they are coming in!"

He was too anxious to explain too much, but a few words were enough to explain the situation. The captain suddenly shook his head and said urgently: "Everyone, pay attention, you heard it, the enemy is about to come in, prepare to engage them!"

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