Firepower is king

Chapter 40 Do you dislike it?

The plane took off again, this time with two more inflatable boats on board.

This time it is still reconnaissance, but it is no longer just aerial reconnaissance, but on the ground.

They were just investigating instead of fighting. If they found any traces of human activities, all they had to do was evacuate, so Gao Guang and the others did not carry more combat equipment. The five of them only had five pistols and two AKs, and that was it.

As for reconnaissance equipment, such as radar, telescopes, and thermal imaging, these equipment are all useless because the extremely dense vegetation will block everything.

People in the south, especially in the tropics, must understand what that extremely dense vegetation means.

In the rainforest, if you can see things ten meters away, you have a wide field of vision. It is normal to be unable to detect a person who is deliberately hiding even though he is separated by a bush or less than one meter away.

Therefore, tracking traces in the rainforest is a very important skill. People who are not familiar with the rainforest and rashly enter the rainforest to fight with the local indigenous people are seeking death.

Moreover, there are various deadly creatures that are ubiquitous in the rainforest but are hard to find, such as poisonous spiders, poisonous snakes, all kinds of weird poisonous insects, poison dart frogs, leeches, and overwhelming mosquitoes that carry deadly viruses.

Also, the place they are going to is an area where swamps and seasonal lakes alternate, which means they must go into the water. The underwater threats include caimans, electric eels, leeches, and giant pythons.

In short, the rainforest is really a very, very dangerous place, and if humans, the most dangerous creatures on earth, exist in such a dangerous place, it would be really scary.

But it had to go, for no other reason than there was $400 million in the rainforest waiting for Gao Guang and the others to find it.

The plane landed on the small lake we selected last time.

When the plane began to glide on the water and slowly approached the lake shore, no one spoke at this time. Everyone just looked around the small lake nervously.

George controlled the plane very well, and he stopped completely about ten meters away from the lake shore.

After turning off the engine, the cabin became quiet. Frank waved his hand gently and said, "Guys, let's take action."

There was only excitement and excitement on John's face, with no trace of last night's frustration. He opened the plane door and tried to jump onto the plane's buoy. He took the little inflatable boat handed over by Rubber and placed it on the water, unfolding it. Then an electrically driven inflating nozzle was connected to the rubber boat and started to inflate.

Soon an inflatable boat that could seat three people was fully inflated, and then a second inflatable boat. After inflating, an electric motor was installed at the rear of the inflatable boat.

The inflatable boat was prepared and the aircraft was tied with a rope. All five people got on the inflatable boat and rowed towards the shore with paddles.

The vegetation is too dense. There is no land at all around the lake, and there is no concept of a shore. The woods are either muddy or shallow water that can barely cover the feet.

The good news is that there is no grass on the ground. The bad news is that you can't paddle out. If you want to enter the rainforest, you have to walk through the mud.

After sitting on the boat and tying the rope to a big tree, Frank whispered: "Look for the water channel first. It is impossible for people to move in this terrain. If there is no water channel, just abandon the landing point and take off again to find a suitable river channel." landing.

The biggest task now is to look around for signs of human activity instead of starting a treasure hunt, so the most difficult time has not yet come.

John looked around, shook his head and said, "I know why Mr. Smith doesn't want this huge sum of money. I would rather rush into a building occupied by a hundred Syrians than wade through the muddy water in this damn place."

Rubber said with a desperate look on his face: "Shut up, you don't dare rush into a building with a hundred people, and you don't even dare with ten people."

"Think about how we will become multi-millionaires. It won't be difficult for you." Frank pointed to a short distance away and said solemnly: "Start exploring wherever there seems to be a river. Guys, this is not It’s a job that can be done in one day, so don’t rush, take your time, and don’t miss any clue.”

Rubber took out the GPS. After looking at it, he said with a sad face: "Damn it, the straight-line distance between us and the coordinate point is 2,600 meters."

The straight-line distance is 2,600 meters. God knows how long it will take to walk there, but at this point, you have to keep doing it no matter what.

Frank breathed a sigh of relief and said: "George, you stay here to look after the plane. We will search as a group of four first. If necessary, we will search separately in pairs. Turn on the intercom, turn on the GPS for everyone, and let's go."

"Wait a minute, this allocation is unreasonable!"

Several people looked at John, and then they were all a little surprised, but John said with a straight face: "If two people are in a group, then who is in a group with him? Is it me again?"

John pointed at Gao Guang, who was very surprised, but Frank frowned and said: "Then don't separate, the four of us will be together."

"But the efficiency of four people working together is too low. As long as there is a suitable route, we must search separately. A team of two is the minimum, so we have prepared two boats. Then the problem is, if he and I team up, What can he do?"

No one can deny that what John said makes sense. Frank frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "I'm in a group with Kung Fu Boy, so that's okay."

John pointed at the highlight again and said: "He has never experienced entering the jungle, and he has no combat experience. Captain, we are not treasure hunting this time, or dragging things out of the mud. We are conducting reconnaissance. What do you think he can do?" ?You can let a rookie work as a coolie, but you can't let a rookie who doesn't know anything work with me to do reconnaissance."

Frank looked at the highlight, then at George, and frowned: "But only Joey can fly a plane, and Kung Fu Boy can't fly a plane."

John said calmly: "So we should let Kung Fu Boy stay and guard the plane. Guys, it's not that I don't trust you. Even if Joey can fly a plane, he can't fly a plane to pick us up in the rainforest and leave. We are not rookies anymore." , at this time, wouldn’t it be better to ensure that no one escapes alone?”

Rubber's face darkened and he said, "Bottle Cap, what you said is going too far."

Joey waved his hand and said: "No, what he said makes sense. I should indeed act with you. I will work with Rubber. After all, we work together better. How about Captain and Bottle Cap working together?"

Frank hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's arrange it like this. The four of us will act together. If it is necessary to act separately, we will form groups like this."

After speaking, Frank looked at Gao Guang and said with a serious face: "You stay and watch the plane, don't stay in the plane, try not to get into the water, pay attention to prevent mosquito bites, replenish water in time if you sweat too much, every hour Re-spray insect repellent, pay close attention to the movements around you, hide yourself as much as possible, and never stay away from the plane. Use the walkie-talkie to contact us every ten minutes. If you find that the communication distance is exceeded, continue to call until contact is restored. If you find any abnormality, notify us immediately. If If you find someone approaching, shoot him immediately and notify us immediately!"

Frank had actually told Gao Guang several times about this, but he couldn't help but repeat it again. Finally, he grabbed Gao Guang's collar and said sternly: "This plane is the only way for us to leave. Even if you die! You still have to protect this plane, understand!"

"I understand! I will never leave this plane!"

The captain breathed a sigh of relief. He let go of his high-gloss clothes and whispered: "Don't make mistakes. If you have any problems, call us immediately. Even if you were just bitten by an insect, I don't want to see your body when you come back. Be careful." some."

Although a bit verbose, the captain is actually a good person. He may not have much business ability as John said, but he is really a qualified boss.

Gao Guang got off the boat by himself. He stood on a clump of tree roots above the water and whispered to the four people who were about to leave: "Everyone, be careful and pay attention to safety."

John looked back at Gao Guang, smiled disdainfully, and said coldly: "Hey, rookie, take care of yourself!"

Frank was really the captain now, and he whispered, "Let's go!"

The electric motor started, and the inflatable boat made no sound, but drove out along the lake at a moderate speed, turned into a river less than two meters wide, and then quickly disappeared.

The underlying vegetation under the canopy is not too dense, and the line of sight is pretty good, but it cannot exceed thirty meters. From now on, Highlights will have to rely more on hearing to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

But it is unlikely that anyone will come to this place.

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief. He was in a complicated mood now, mainly because he was worried about John.

Although John's every word was sarcastic and even accused Gao Guang of being a rookie, everyone understood that everything he said and did was to protect Gao Guang, the rookie.

In the end, John even said heart-wrenching words that hurt morale and friendship, and Gao Guang felt that he said it to protect himself.

Gao Guang understood John's intention to protect him, but he didn't understand why John was so kind to him. After all, they had only known each other for half a month.

It's impossible not to be moved, and it's impossible not to care, but Gao Guang also knows that he is indeed a rookie, and he really can't take on the task of investigating the surrounding environment, so he is worried about John, but he can't help him much.

It still needs to grow quickly.

Gao Guang sighed secretly, and then when he saw that the time had reached ten minutes, he picked up the walkie-talkie, pressed the transmit button, and whispered: "Kung Fu Boy is calling, everything is normal, over."

"Captain received it, everything is normal, completed."

Ten minutes later, Gao Guang pressed the intercom again and whispered: "Kung Fu Boy is calling, everything is normal, it's over."

"Captain received it, everything is normal, completed."

This conversation was repeated twelve times, that is, after two hours, the conversation became a three-way communication between the captain and the rubber and the highlight, because they acted separately.

Three hours later, when Gao Guang was about to take the initiative to call again, he suddenly heard the captain's call.

"I'm the captain, we've landed, the land is dry, over."

Gao Guang waited for a moment, waiting for Eraser to reply to Frank's notification, and then whispered on the intercom: "Kung Fu Boy received it, everything is normal, over."

Another ten minutes passed, and when Gao Guang was about to take the initiative to report again, Frank's urgent shout suddenly sounded in his earphones.

"Encountered the enemy! Encountered the enemy! The bottle cap was shot! I have started to return, requesting support! Meet me, over!"

Frank's urgent shouting was accompanied by not dense but very clear gunshots on the intercom.

And John never made any sound from beginning to end, although he also had a walkie-talkie on him.

I can’t say it’s too short this time, right? It’s the third update today, so I can confidently ask for monthly tickets and everything.

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