Firepower is king

Chapter 47 I was offended

Trekking through the rainforest is already difficult, but carrying an injured person is even more difficult.

The focus has shifted from preventing the enemy from pursuing from behind, to how to bring John back alive. After getting some breathing time, he quickly made a makeshift stretcher so that he could carry John instead of having to take turns carrying him.

"Give me two magazines and I'll only have one full magazine left."

John was lying on the ground, Rubber and Frank were chopping wooden sticks nervously, George was on guard with a gun, but Gao Guang, who was supposed to take care of John, walked up to George and asked him for bullets.

George didn't look at the highlight. He fumbled with the magazine bag on his belt with his left hand a few times and took out a magazine, but after hesitating, he took out another one.

"Save it, and... don't rush into the enemy!"

Gao Guang took the magazine and whispered: "I don't want to die. Of course I won't rush into the crowd unless necessary."

George didn't speak anymore, but still carefully guarded the surroundings with his gun in hand.

Gao Guang squatted next to John with a pistol. At this time, John was already a little confused. He looked at Gao Guang and whispered: "Don't be so... crazy in the future. You are lucky today and did not die. But You'll die sooner or later if you do this."

"Well, no."

John's eyes were closed for a while, and then he opened them again with great effort, and whispered: "I feel like I'm about to faint, but I'm trying not to faint. I'm afraid I'll die if I faint."

"Hang on, you don't talk much usually, why are you talking so much today? Take a rest and stop talking."

"Because if I don't say it now, I might not have the chance to say it. I was shot twice. Although they were not fatal positions, no one stopped my bleeding or cleaned my wounds. Even if I didn't die from excessive blood loss, We will die from infection, not to mention there are enemies waiting for us on the way back.”

Gao Guang was a little uneasy. He looked at Rubber who was putting clothes on wooden sticks to make a stretcher and said, "You won't die."

The stretcher was finally made. Frank came over with the stretcher, but Rubber put the gun in his hand again and whispered: "Mad dog, you and the captain lift the bottle cap, I'm in front, Joey is in the back, let's go .”

The highlight didn't move. He looked at the rubber blankly and said, "Are you calling me?"

Rubber frowned and said, "I've already told everyone's position. Isn't it you and there are others?"

"But I don't call you Mad Dog!"

"From today on, you will be called a mad dog. Move quickly and don't dawdle!"

Gao Guang was furious because he would never accept the nickname Mad Dog, but John, who was lying on the ground, sighed and said: "There are too many people who call Mad Dog. This nickname is very vulgar, but it is more suitable than Kung Fu Boy. You I don’t know Kung Fu.”

"Is it time to discuss nicknames now? Mad dog, don't just stand there and help me put him on the stretcher."

Frank put the stretcher next to John and asked Gao Guang to help him put John on it.

An offended Highlight grabbed John's feet and placed him on a stretcher.

Gao Guang and Frank lifted the stretcher. He lifted whichever end of John's feet the weight of this end was much lighter. The important weight was borne by Frank.

Taking a few steps forward, Gao Guang couldn't help but said again: "I'm not called Mad Dog, you can call me by my name, even if you call me Otto or Mr. Schmidt, but don't call me Mad Dog, the name Mad Dog is It's extremely insulting in our culture."

Frank didn't look back, he just whispered: "You don't give nicknames to yourself, others give you nicknames. The word "mad dog" is indeed insulting, but when used in nicknames, it has become a way to describe someone who is very special. The synonym for crazy is a neutral word, don’t worry too much.”

"But I don't mind. I don't want the name Mad Dog. Anyone who calls me Mad Dog will turn against me!"

Rubber's footsteps slowed down a little, and he said sternly: "Shut up, mad dog! Move forward silently, and no more words are allowed!"

John grinned and smiled with difficulty. He looked at Gao Guang and whispered: "Fuck you."

Gao Guang really wanted to throw the stretcher out, but at this time, it seemed that he couldn't fall out.

They walked a long way, and Gao Guang didn't say a word along the way. They tried not to make any noise, until Gao Guang felt exhausted and couldn't lift it anymore. The wooden stick slipped from his hand and almost dropped John. go out.

Gao Guang is too thin. Although he moves very briskly, his strength is very weak and his physical strength is seriously lacking.

George saw Gao Guang's embarrassment. He stopped the team, handed the rifle to Gao Guang, and lifted the stretcher in Gao Guang's place.

So Gao Guang walked at the back holding a rifle.

We were about to reach the place where the rubber boat was parked. Rubber made a gesture to stop advancing. Then he gathered a few people together and whispered: "Go and see if our boat has been discovered by the enemy. Joey and I will go to investigate, Mad Dog." You take care of the bottle caps, Captain..."

Rubber hesitated, and finally looked at Frank seriously and said: "If you are sober enough, I hope you will go to the back to set up a cordon. Captain, are you okay now?"

Frank curled his lips and whispered: "I can."


Gao Guang returned the unheated rifle to George, and returned to John with the pistol again. He was helpless and a little angry, because he absolutely could not accept the nickname Mad Dog, but now everyone has begun to do so. called.

Eraser and George came back soon, both of them looking unhappy.

"The enemy has already laid an ambush and is waiting to ambush us, but there won't be many of them."

Rubber's words made Frank's face look ugly, and he whispered: "Have you found the enemy?"

"No, but the inflatable boat we hid must have been discovered by someone. They moved the inflatable boat to check, and then put the inflatable boat back to its original position. I guess they were lying in wait on both sides of the waterway, waiting for us to sail away. , fire at us again."

The rainforest provides cover for both warring parties. Unless there are enough people spread out to occupy the vast rainforest in this area, even the guerrillas who live here all year round will not be able to accurately find and kill people.

Frank whispered: "There are only two options, bypass here and return to the plane, or kill all nearby enemies."

Detour? Are you kidding me? It takes more than an hour to get to the plane by boat. If you're walking, you might be able to get there in two days if you're lucky.

This is not only a rainforest but also a swamp. It is impossible to carry a person and march through waist-deep swamps. Moreover, the swamps in many places are very likely to completely swallow a person easily. Why don't the guerrillas go to the swamps to ambush them? Or search because they can't do it and they know others can't either.

So the two options are actually one, find the enemies hiding nearby waiting for an ambush, kill them, and then use the inflatable boat to leave through the waterway. As long as you enter the swamp area, it will be completely safe.

Gao Guang couldn't help but said: "It's impossible to walk. John can't last that long. How did you know that our inflatable boat was discovered?"

Rubber whispered: "I placed a small branch under the rubber boat. As long as someone moves, the small branch will break or fall. I just went to check and found that the branch has moved."

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "If the enemy is really coming, then they should have been monitoring the inflatable boat. Why didn't they kill you while you were checking the inflatable boat?"

"It's very simple. The guerrillas know that we will send people to check first, and they will not fire at the people who come to check. The two inflatable boats mean that at least four people have come. The guerrillas will not choose to kill one and let go. They wanted to take away the remaining people, so their best option was to make us think we were safe and then shoot us when we left in the inflatable boat. In that case, none of us would be able to escape, and we would not even have the ability to resist."

Rubber explained it carefully, then he pointed in one direction and said: "When we came, there were swamps on both sides of the river, but here, where we landed, there is a swamp on one side and land on the other. So The enemy must be ambushing us on the land side, because because of the dense vegetation, their maximum attack distance will not exceed thirty meters."

I don’t know why Rubber wants to explain this carefully at this time. Is this a field lesson in jungle warfare?

The rubber handle was retracted and he whispered: "The number of enemies will not be too many, because no matter how many people there are, there is no need to guard the inflatable boat for ambush. Their ambush area will be larger. Now we know the approximate number of enemies, roughly If we are in an ambush position, then we only need to go around from behind, launch an attack from behind the enemy, and after completely clearing out the enemies who ambushed us, we can leave by boat, do you understand?"


Rubber nodded and whispered: "I need to let you understand our battle plan and the situation we are facing. Now, the three of us will take a detour to attack behind the enemy. You are here looking at the bottle caps and don't want anything. Do, if the enemy reinforcements arrive, or someone searches here, don't shoot, just hide somewhere quietly. Believe me, they can't find you, just like you can't find them. Remember Yet?"

Once again, he was excluded from the battle plan, but this was the proper treatment for a rookie. Gao Guang nodded and said, "I remember."

Frank took off his headphones, highlighted them, and whispered: "The tactics used will often expose the enemy's strength. For experienced people, they can do it without contact." Good judgment, remember that, and don't go crazy again."

Gao Guang took over the headphone cable. He couldn't make any sound here, but as long as Frank and the others opened fire, they couldn't remain silent.

"Be careful."

Gao Guang could only say to be careful. Rubber waved his hand and made a forward gesture. Then the three people began to walk back quietly. They wanted to make a detour and get behind the enemy before launching an attack.

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