Firepower is king

Chapter 57 Boss

Smith didn't say where exactly he was in Texas, or even in which city, but it didn't matter and there wouldn't be any problems.

Not everyone can meet Smith, but if they can meet Smith and visit him at home, then Smith will definitely give him the attention and treatment he deserves.

Especially for an innocent guy like highlight, Smith knows how to do it, he has too much experience.

So less than a minute after hanging up the phone, someone immediately called Gao Guang and made a detailed plan and route with him. After that, Gao Guang didn't have to worry about anything.

After an extremely difficult night, Gao Guang suffered from insomnia because he was nervous, anxious, and even a little scared.

As a young man in his twenties, Gao Guang's biggest wish before was to find a good job, but now he wants to start his own business. The decision to start a business was not made by him. , was made by many people pushing him behind him.

But Gao Guang will never let go of this opportunity. There is no special reason. He is just afraid of being poor. He is crazy about being poor. He wants to make money. He wants to make a lot of money. He wants to live in a mansion and drive a luxury car, so he must work hard, even if It doesn't matter if he was pushed to the top, but he got an opportunity that many people will never get in their lifetime.

Frank brought Gao Guang into the PMC circle, and Danny pointed out a clear and clear path for Gao Guang. Now, it depends on whether Mr. Smith is willing to give him a chance.

This beginning is indeed a bit dreamy, but Gao Guang is really afraid that he is just like Frank. After working hard for a long time with full expectations, he finds that everything is in vain, so he will be looking forward to it but also afraid, he will be nervous, but looking forward to the first time. Meeting with Smith the next day.

The emotions are complex and difficult to describe in words.

Gao Guang finally fell asleep at four or five o'clock in the morning, but at eight o'clock, he was woken up by the alarm clock. Then, he got up to wash up, put on what he thought was the most appropriate formal attire, and then, in anticipation and anxiety, for Without wrinkling his clothes, he just sat upright, waiting for someone to call him.

After waiting until half past twelve, someone finally called Gao Guang. Then, Gao Guang held the gun holster on his waist and walked out of the company door.

There was a car parked at the door, a Rolls-Royce Phantom, parked closest to the main entrance. Next to the door of the boss's seat stood a driver in professional clothes and white gloves. He was very classy. Said: "Is it Mr. Gao?"

Gao Guang knew someone was coming to pick him up, but he didn't expect it to be picked up like this, so after his brain shut down briefly, he finally woke up and said, "It's me."

The driver opened the door and said politely: "Please."

Gao Guang was in a daze. When he forced himself to calm down, his head still hit the driver's hand blocking the door frame. If it weren't for the driver's hand, his head would have hit the door frame.

"Uh, thank you."

"You're welcome, it's my pleasure."

The driver smiled and gently closed the door. Waiting for the electric suction door to close automatically, the driver quickly walked around the front of the car and got into the driver's seat.

After getting in the car, the driver drove directly to the airport without saying a word.

The holster hurt his waist and was uncomfortable, so Gao Guang moved the holster back, and then he began to look at a luxury car that he had never been in before in his life. No, it was a luxury car that he had never imagined.

Gao Guang felt that even his clothes were not worthy of this luxury car, which really made him feel a little ashamed of himself.

The car drove for about half an hour and arrived at Los Angeles International Airport.

When the private jet terminal stopped, the car stopped directly in front of two people, a woman in a skirt and a man in a suit. Then the woman in the skirt opened the car door and said with a smile: "Mr. Gao , please get off the car, do you have any personal luggage?"

Gao Guang started to feel embarrassed. He took one foot out of the car door and said in a hurry: "I don't have any luggage."

The woman is in her forties and she is very beautiful, but it is obvious that she is not entertaining people with female sex. Mr. Smith's arrangement is not that vulgar.

Without introducing herself, the woman bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Gao, it is an honor to serve you. The private plane to pick you up is ready to take off. Please come with me."

Gao Guang had been thinking about how to get on the plane with a gun, but now he understood.

There is only one reason for coming to Los Angeles International Airport. This airport is the closest to Gaoguang. Although this airport is not a private airport, it does have a private jet terminal. It is a private jet that he wants to fly. No, to be precise, as long as Mr. Smith Thinking, he could take the door cannon on the plane.

Gao Guang walked into the private jet terminal without any stop or even a pause. He walked through the VIP channel and boarded a Bombardier business jet directly.

He didn't know what model the plane was, but Gao Guang knew it was a plane he could never afford, and the plane had obviously been modified. There were only four seats in the cabin, two obviously better luxury seats and two ordinary ones. some luxurious seats.

The woman led Gao Guang onto the plane. Then, the woman asked Gao Guang to sit in one of the most luxurious seats. When she leaned over to fasten his seat belt, she said in a very gentle and calm tone: "Mr. Gao, I am responsible. I will serve you on this trip. If you need anything during the flight, you can call me."

Gao Guang was a little flattered, and he was a little nervous, so his body was a little stiff, which could be clearly seen when he nodded.

Mary immediately smiled and said, "Can we take off?"

"Okay, let's take off."

Mary walked to the cockpit of the plane, whispered a few words, and then the plane immediately began to taxi. There was almost no waiting, and the plane took off directly into the sky.

Gao Guang asked for nothing, and he didn't even adjust the seat to make it more comfortable.

After the plane stabilized, Mary made footsteps from behind instead of quietly coming to Gao Guang's side.

Highlights make me feel like I can make footsteps in a plane with thick carpets. This is indeed a skill.

"Mr. Gao, would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, cold drink, or wine? It's lunch time now. We can make burgers and sandwiches, as well as pasta and steak on the plane. Do you need something to eat?" "

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said: "Uh, I want Coke, ice, something to eat...give me a hamburger."

"OK, just a second."

When the plane took off, Mary first brought Gao Guang a can of Coke, opened it, and placed it on the tray. There was also a glass on the tray, and a straw was placed next to the glass.

Mary poured the Coke into the glass, opened the paper straw, and put it into the cup. She used the packaging to separate the straw from the straw. She also folded the straw into a flower shape, and then highlighted the table on the cabin wall. Open it, and finally put the Coke on the table.

After watching Gao Guang pick up the cup and take a sip, and then put the cup down again, Mary immediately asked thoughtfully: "Do you need some ice?"

"Uh, no, thank you."

Mary smiled immediately and said, "I'll prepare your lunch."

This was really an extremely personal flight, but Gao Guang felt very uncomfortable because he just felt so flattered.

The burger was delivered quickly. It was just a simple meal, but the burger tasted really good, really good. It was completely different from the last airplane meal Gao Guang had.

Then, Mary adjusted the seat for Gao Guang, and when Gao Guang felt the need to call Mary but was embarrassed to do so, Mary would definitely appear in time, but when he didn't need Mary's service, Mary seemed to be able to become invisible.

Kung Fu is in the details, and the devil is in the details. Gao Guang wanted to know how much Mary, who did her job as a waiter to the extreme, could earn in a month, but he was really embarrassed to ask, but he felt that Mary must earn a lot.

The plane landed in Houston, this time at a private airport, and this time, a Rolls-Royce Phantom parked directly at the airport.

The plane taxis until it stops. When you get off the plane, you walk out of the plane door and only need to walk a few meters to get on the plane.

Then the car left the airport and drove onto the highway. It drove around all the way and was stuck in traffic for a while in downtown Houston. When it finally stopped at the front door of a mansion, the time was exactly 4:55.

The mansion is definitely a mansion. Looking through the railings, walls and gates, you can see a huge fountain. There are lawns on both sides of the fountain. After stopping for a moment at the door, when the gate opens to both sides and the car drives in, the highlight I saw the white door of the mansion open, and a man wearing a T-shirt and shorts stood at the door.

The car stopped, and a strong man in a suit stepped forward and opened the door. When the highlight came down from the door, the strong man in a T-shirt and shorts opened his arms and said with a smile: "Hello, mad dog, oh no , maybe I should call you Gaoguang?"

The moment he saw Mr. Smith, Gao Guang understood.

For a young man with a dream of getting rich, a fledgling rookie, after experiencing the luxurious treatment along the way, now he should understand how successful Mr. Smith is.

Smith didn't need to say anything. On the way he brought Gao Guang here, he let Gao Guang know about his wealth and power. Now Smith went out to greet Gao Guang in person, showing how much he valued Gao Guang.

What's the point of Mr. Smith's behavior? This is called being humble, this is called seeking talents, this is called being approachable, this is called courtesy and virtuous corporal.

Who can withstand this?

Not many young people can stand up to Mr. Smith's style, and Gao Guang can't stand it either. But fortunately, he has ancient oriental wisdom. After a series of idioms flashed through his mind, he also I can finally understand Mr. Smith’s routine.

But even though he understood clearly, he still couldn't bear it. There was only one word in Gao Guang's mind right now, that is, a scholar will die for his confidant.

Not everyone can be a boss, there is a reason for success.

The boss is the boss, awesome.

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