Firepower is king

Chapter 68 Strict Access Control

The employer has already been contacted, and he is just waiting for Gaoguang to recruit people before he can start working. Now he has met the minimum requirements for a three-person team and is ready to work.

In fact, we should first get Mike and Grant to practice together. The three of them have no tacit understanding at all, so it does feel a bit dangerous to carry out highly dangerous security work like this.

However, at seven thousand dollars a day, waiting one more day would mean losing seven thousand dollars. Gao Guang couldn't bear it, so he took Mike and Grant to spend a day getting to know each other, and early the next morning, he directly took them to work.

"Mike, have you taken your medicine? Well, now I'm watching you take your medicine."

Gao Guang watched Mike swallow a handful of pills and felt a little relieved. Then he turned to Grant in the back seat and said, "Grant, you are not allowed to speak when you see your employer later. You are not allowed to say a word."

Grant raised his eyebrows and stared at Gao Guang, who was about to spray him. Gao Guang immediately said: "You will be deducted 100 for one sentence. If you start trouble, I will fire you immediately!"

Fire almost burst out of his eyes, but after taking a few deep breaths, Grant finally forced his head to the side, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Gao Guang was still a little uneasy. Mike was the unstable bomb, and Grant, he was definitely the fuse. With a few words, he would definitely blow Mike up.

Carrying a bomb and a fuse to work is tiring.

Set off in the car and head straight to Beverly Hills.

"You're just going to drive this car to Beverly Hills?"

Grant held it in for a long time. He was angry and planned not to say a word, but after thinking about it, Gao Guang said that he was not allowed to say a word after meeting his employer, so now, he can still say it if he wants to.

So Grant must be sarcastic.

"Do you know what Beverly Hills is? If you go to the flat area south of Sunset Boulevard, it's fine, but the place you want to go to is the luxury area north of Sunset Boulevard. Believe it or not, you can't even drive in. ?”

Gao Guang knew that he also believed Grant's words were reasonable.

The city of Los Angeles is very large, but it is also very scattered. To put it simply, it is a piece of land. Beverly Hills is part of the greater Los Angeles area, but it is only the most expensive and best part.

Beverly Hills is known as the most expensive community in the world. It is located at the foot of Beaver Mountain and is home to too many rich and famous people.

A Sunset Boulevard divides Beverly Hills into north and south parts. To the south of Sunset Boulevard is the flat area, where most of the residents of Beverly Hills live, while to the north of Sunset Boulevard is the mountain area, where the real luxury homes are. Only the real rich and celebrities live here.

Beverly Hills is more like a city than a residential area, so Beverly Hills has the most luxurious shops and hotels in Los Angeles, so Beverly Hills is actually also a very important travel destination in Los Angeles, with many tourists coming. Sightseeing and shopping.

However, the shopping malls and shopping streets in Beverly Hills are concentrated in the flat areas. In other words, the mountainous luxury areas north of Sunset Boulevard are not easily accessible to ordinary tourists.

Attention, the North District of Beverly Hills does not allow tourists to enter easily, but there is no legal provision prohibiting tourists from entering. So how can we let tourists harass those mansions, and how can we stop homeless people from invading the mansion area? The answer is to pick up cars. A police car patrols continuously, and there are regulations prohibiting the parking of outside vehicles.

Gao Guang knew this, but he was confident because he had called in advance, and Grant would not be allowed to listen when he called.

Grant was still chattering, and he said sarcastically: "Forget it if you drive a cheap car to Beverly Hills, but you also let a black man drive, haha, I have already thought about what will happen later, and it goes on and on. We got out of the car and were checked again and again, and we opened the trunk and checked until the police found our guns..."

Gao Guang couldn't help it anymore and whispered: "Your worries are unnecessary. Shut up now. Stop talking. If you say anything again, your money will be deducted!"

"I haven't met my employer yet!"

"I am the boss, and I am the one who pays you! Now I have added a new rule, you are not allowed to speak!"

Grant raised his middle finger and refused to put it down.

Mike's breathing started to become heavy, and Gao Guang said sharply: "Mike! Drive your car! If you feel you can't control it, take medicine!"

Grant finally shut up, and Mike finally calmed down after breathing heavily for a while.

It was the power of money that made Grant shut up and let Mike take control of his hands, but Gao Guang couldn't help but start to worry about what he would do if he couldn't get the money today.

Gao Guang thought about it for a long time, and then he decided that if the employer looked down on them and really couldn't get the money, then let Mike and Grant fight to the death in Beverly Hills while he concentrated on watching the show.

With such determination, it won’t be so painful.

We finally arrived in Beverly Hills and turned onto the road to the luxury area. There were no roadblocks and no security guards stopped the vehicles for inspection. However, as Grant said, Mike drove less than three hundred meters and they were stopped by a flashing car. The police car with lights on shouted to pull over.

Grant let out a weird laugh of unknown meaning, in a cadence, but he didn't speak, so Gao Guang couldn't deduct his money.

Gao Guang whispered: "Put down the window, I will talk, you two shut up."

The policeman knocked on the car window and said politely: "Lower the window."

After seeing clearly that the driver was a strong black man, the policeman who stepped forward to talk calmly took a step back, put his hand on the handle of his gun, and said in a polite but unacceptable tone: "Sir, you are speeding. Handle the driver." Put it on the steering wheel so I can see your hands, you two, put your hands above your head and don't make any movements."

Gao Guang raised his hands on his head, and then he said to the police: "Sir, I am the boss of King Defense Company, and these two are my employees. We are responsible for the security work of Mr. Renato Salvini. Mr. Salvini’s security director, Sam Gravici, should have greeted you. I have a certificate issued by Sam in my pocket, can I show it to you?”

The policeman looked down at the highlight, hesitated for a moment, stepped back and held the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and said: "The security personnel hired by Mr. Salvini have arrived. Does anyone know the situation?"

After a while, the policeman said to Gao Guang: "Show me your documents, slow down."

Gao Guang slowly reached out, took out a piece of paper from his inner pocket, and slowly handed the paper from the window to the hand of a policeman standing outside the passenger window.

The policeman opened it and took a look at it, then said: "It is a cooperation agreement, signed by Sam Gravich and Otto Schmidt. Who is Otto Schmidt?"

Gao Guang said with a natural look: "I'm Otto, I'll show you my driver's license."

The policeman said with a shocked face: "Are you Otto Schmidt? Show me your driver's license!"

Gao Guang slowly took out his wallet, opened it, and showed his driver's license.

The policeman looked at the driver's license with a strange expression, then at Gao Guang's face, then at the driver's license, and then at Gao Guang. Then he finally closed his wallet and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, you can leave."

Gao Guang took back his wallet and cooperation documents, and then they started to leave. However, after Mike started the car, the police car behind him followed him, but it did not flash its lights or sound the alarm. It was like they were walking together. Escort them, and of course monitor them.

Mike finally said angrily: "This is racial discrimination. I was not speeding at all."

Gao Guang said weakly: "Okay, as long as you can go in, you won't be stopped in the future."

Mike continued: "I could have lived here if I entered the NFL. Also, the security here is already very good. The police are patrolling 24 hours a day like private security. So we still need to be hired." Work as a security guard?”

Grant couldn't bear it any longer. He felt a pinch in his neck and wanted to speak, but he forced himself to hold back the moment he opened his mouth and just let out a contemptuous laugh.

"If you keep laughing and deducting money, the worst you can do is resign, and I won't be angry with you if I find someone else!"

Gao Guang felt a little dizzy, so he would rather fail the mission than suffer Grant's torture.

Grant's laughter stopped abruptly.

The car drove in front of a very large mansion, and Mike said nervously: "The navigation is here, do we really want to go in?"

The door of the mansion is lined with trees and the road is not very wide, but it can accommodate two cars passing side by side. Then, about a hundred meters away from the door of the mansion, there is an ice cream truck and a car parked.

The senior official pointed to the railing gate and said: "Drive to the door and don't worry about the rest."

At this time, Grant suddenly said: "If you want to deduct money from me, you have to say that it's the FBI's car. It's the FBI's communication monitoring car. I want to know why the FBI's car is here and who we want to protect!"

Mike said anxiously: "FBI? Where is the FBI? Should we run?"

While talking, the car stopped at the gate of the mansion, and Grant continued angrily: "Idiot, the ice cream truck is the FBI logo. They like to disguise the people who monitor communications as ice cream trucks. Now the FBI is not secretly monitoring, they are revealing their identities. They're spying on their employer, aren't you curious why the FBI is doing this?"

Mike breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I don't care what he does, just give me money."

At this time, the door of the mansion opened, and two people in suits appeared behind the door. Then one of them took a look at the people in the car, and then waved to them to get out of the car.

"Shut up, everyone, this will ruin your business."

With a low warning, Gao Guang got out of the car, and then he said to the strong man in front of him: "I am from the King's Defense, Sam asked me to come."

The strong man who opened the door was wearing a suit and had headphones on his ears. He looked at Gao Guang with a serious expression, and then said softly: "Boss, the people from the King's Defense are here."

Gao Guang couldn't help but glance into the mansion. He could see at least four people in the open, and they had already raised their guns and aimed at him.

In Beverly Hills, security couldn't be better. The police patrolled 24 hours a day. Outside the door was the FBI's open surveillance. Behind the door were armed guards standing ready. Based on what he saw, Gao Guang knew that the money was not that easy to make. .

Sorry, I took too many sleeping pills last night and got up late today...

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