Firepower is king

Chapter 7 Kung Fu Fan

Los Angeles is only 200 kilometers away from San Diego. We set off in the morning and entered the city of Los Angeles around noon.

But the captain left with Joey and Rubber. No, it was Frank, Joey and Rubber who left. They were going to arrange the bison's funeral. After all, it was really not very nice to have a body in the car driving around Los Angeles. suitable.

As for helping Gao Guang prepare for joining the company, Frank left it to John, because John volunteered to take charge of Gao Guang, a newcomer.

John's face is very round, which is why he got the nickname Bottle Cap, and John's round face looks very happy and always smiles, which makes Gao Guang even more convinced that John is a good person.

Gao Guang had a good impression of John. Of course, how could he not have a good impression of a person who was willing to take the initiative to help him?

Now Gao Guang and John were eager to fill their stomachs. John chose a fast food restaurant, but after getting the fast food and just sitting down, John couldn't wait to start his speech.

"I saved you, you know? I was the one who shot the kidnapper's head last night. Otherwise, you would have been the one whose head was shot, so you owe me a favor."

John took a bite of the burger in his hand, and then he continued: "I not only saved you, but also took care of you. Frankly speaking, I hate being other people's nanny, but do you know why I took the initiative to take this job? ?”


John said with a serious face: "Because I know you know Kung Fu. I saw it last night and I saw it very clearly. You must know Kung Fu, right?"

Gao Guang was very hungry, so he couldn't just talk. After biting the burger in his hand, he nodded and said vaguely: "I do know kung fu, but it may not be the same as you think. I practice It’s a routine.”

John's eyes shone a little, and he said seriously: "What is a routine?"

"It's just... Kung Fu of a performance nature. It's not very practical. It's just for performance. I don't know if you understand this."

Gao Guang chose to tell the truth, because if he pretended to be superior, not only would he be easily exposed, but it would also easily lead to unpredictable consequences.

It was just the idea of ​​highlights that confused John.

"What is performance Kung Fu?"

"It just can't really be used for fighting, it just looks good."

John frowned, and then he said seriously: "I am a fan of Jack Cheng, very fanatical. Of course, I also like Bruce Lee very much. They are two different styles. I have hoped to be able to do it since I was very young. I learned Chinese Kung Fu, but I was born in a small place where there are no Chinese martial arts schools. In fact, it is difficult to even see Chinese people."

Shrugging, John pointed at Gao Guang with bright eyes and said, "But it's different now. I saved you, you owe me a favor, and I have to take care of you, so you should teach me how to do it."

Gao Guang was stunned for a while, and then he said in shock: "You want to learn Kung Fu from me?"

"Yes, I want to learn."

Gao Guang said hesitantly: "Are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Gao Guang sighed and said: "Okay, I can teach you, but let me declare in advance that I practice Changquan routines, stick skills, and sword skills. These are all individual events in martial arts competitions."

John said seriously: "Sounds good, so do you think if I practice again at this age, I still have a chance to become a master?"

"Master? What do you understand by master?"

John put down the burger in his hand, clenched his fists, and said seriously: "Of course I can fight. I don't expect to become a super master, but at least I can fight three with one!"

"Uh, when you say three, do you mean the level of ordinary people?"

John's face wrinkled, and then he said very dissatisfied: "Ordinary people? If I am beating ordinary people, why should I learn kung fu from you? I served in the Marine Corps for five years, and now I can easily fight three Ordinary people, I mean defeating at least three people of the same level as me is enough, is there any problem?”

There is a problem, and it is a big problem.

Gao Guang was pretty sure he couldn't beat John, because he knew it just by looking at John's size.

First of all, John is very strong. Although his face is very round and big, and his neck is relatively thick, he is not fat at all, and his body is still strong. With such a figure, you can tell that he has good resistance to blows.

As for Gao Guang, he is 1.82 meters tall, but weighs only 65 kilograms. He is about as thin as a bean sprout. This figure does make it easy for him to move around and do somersaults, but if he doesn't have a guy in his hand, John He probably wouldn't be able to hit him if he stood up.

So Gao Guang thought about it and decided to tell the truth frankly to avoid being regarded as a liar by John in the future.

"Uh, well... kung fu movies are also movies, and the movies are all fake, which means that it's useless no matter how hard you practice. If you want to learn real kung fu, you have to find a real kung fu master."

Gao Guang was very candid, but before he could finish speaking, John's eyes began to shine.

"You must be a real master, you must be!"

Gao Guang was stunned. He really didn't know where he showed his masterful demeanor.

John said very seriously: "I must have been to a martial arts gym to learn kung fu. The masters in every martial arts gym told me that he is the best, a master, and the descendant of a certain Chinese boxing technique. But as long as I If you ask to try, you will find that they can't last more than one round before falling. Man, I have defeated eleven martial arts instructors, but you are different, you are very humble."

Gao Guang was stunned again, and extremely stunned, and then he couldn't help but said: "Do you still believe that kung fu is... real?"

"Of course! Of course kung fu is real. Are you testing me? You must be testing me!"

What a test, now Gao Guang himself doesn’t believe in the so-called ancient martial arts, nor does he believe that martial arts can be used in actual combat, so he said with extreme confusion: "Can you tell me, why are you so confident in kung fu?"

John breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said seriously: "Six years ago, when I just became a mercenary... No, I just became a PMC. I saw a black boxing match in the Green Zone of Baghdad. A Chinese man just He knocked down his opponent with one move. The Chinese guy was very thin, about the same size as you, and much shorter than you. The guy he knocked down was at least twice as heavy as him. It was like a featherweight boxer defeating him. A heavyweight boxer, just one shot."

"He used grappling or Sanda, but it was definitely not Kung Fu. I don't want to admit it, but I have to tell the truth."

"No, he used Bajiquan, yes, that's what he said."

Gao Guang opened his mouth slightly and looked at John in astonishment, and John continued: "Why I say this is because he immediately participated in the next boxing match, a no-rules and no-limits cage fight, with five people entering. , the last one standing won $100,000. It was a big boxing match. You know there are no entertainment projects in the Green Zone, so there were a lot of people participating and a lot of people placing bets. Of course, the prize money was also very generous."

Gao Guang swallowed and said, "Then what?"

"Then he knocked down four, and you can certainly imagine, but I was, I was..."

John stretched out his hand and made a motion of exploding his head, and said with a pious face: "My head felt like it exploded because I found that my childhood dream came true in front of my eyes."

Gao Guang now felt that his brain was about to explode, because he didn't believe that Kung Fu was so effective, but looking at John, it didn't seem like he was bragging, so he began to feel that this matter was starting to become psychedelic.

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