"Take me with you next time, just like you brought back the father and daughter."

He didn't mind that the fire-proof girl's body would collapse like porcelain from time to time, with a crack appearing and spitting out flames. He placed the cup containing the potion on the table, and Ashes sat next to the fire-proof girl and patted her head.

The fireproof girl squinted her eyes, showed a comfortable expression, and arched into Ashes' arms.

"Next time, be sure to read the documents quickly, finish processing them early and go to bed early."

A lazy response sounded, and the casual look made Ashes couldn't help but raise a slender eyebrow. In the past, Ashes would naturally be very happy with the fireproof girl's intimate attitude, because it was relevant to her. progress.

But Hui Ji couldn't be happy with this perfunctory attitude now. She came here to protect the fire prevention girl. It didn't mean that the fire prevention girl didn't have her by her side every time she went out to face danger.

She glanced at the fire girl and whispered.

"My fireproof girl, you don't want everyone to know what you said in front of my coffin."

The sound was very soft, but it was like thunder on the ground, directly blowing up the fireproof girl. Ashes' threat worked.

"I know, I know, I will find a way."

The fire-proof girl was a little frozen, and she was quite distressed. She might have to ask her friends to help plug the loophole in the chat group. If Ashes really let out what she said, she would have no choice but to carry the fire sacrifice site and move to other worlds. Went to live.

By the way, how should I unlock the dependent module in the group?



Ashes smiled with satisfaction.

Chapter 62: What to do if there are rebels all around? (4k)

With the fire girl making a reassurance.

Ashes decided to let Fireproof Girl go.

"Let's start with today's thoughts."

When she raised her head and saw the piles of reports, the fire prevention girl's head hurt even more, so she simply closed her eyes and waited for Ashes to read.

"Then I'll study the military first."

Ashes hugged the fireproof girl and leaned on her lap. She picked up the file with one hand and rubbed the fireproof girl's head with the other as she read.

"The Knights of Lothric have recaptured the Punishment Forest and are establishing a stronghold there. Richard has recruited the arakkoa from the Living Sacrifice Road to serve as scouts to collect intelligence and hope to register the arakkoa officially."


Fireproof Girl's subordinates are not afraid of these aliens joining, and are willing to give them official status.

Since the church took over the management, it has begun to instill the concept of tolerance into people from all over the world seeking asylum. Even giants who are regarded as slaves can be treated equally by the Fire Guard Girl.

As long as you're willing to put in the effort to rekindle your first fire, you're welcome to the team of Fireproof Girls.

Lothric should be like this. As a dragon-hunting country, it can even accommodate dragons, let alone other races. However, after problems with the inheritance of flames, it gradually changed. It became closed and exclusive, and gradually began to quarrel with other people under its command. Lost contact.

It's already the end of the world, and all these racial discriminations have no effect other than making everyone who survives unhappy. The fireproof girl hates this the most, so it's better to unite all the forces that can be united.

What, someone isn't going to comply? I'm sorry, but the fire prevention girl will not be used to this group of people. You cannot enjoy the miracles of the church, the residences built, and the protection of the army.

I wish him a good night in the poisonous insect and stench-filled Dishan Forest.

Hope everyone is okay.

"What follows are the results of the military during this time."

Ashes turned a page and continued reading.

“As you said, only the Bishops of Youshu are left in the Church of Youshu. Eldridge has left the Church of Youshu and is currently missing. According to various information collections, he should have been involved in Irushil’s coup. "

"All the war knights scattered in Lothric have been arrested. The members of the church have released their beast transformation. Combining the military arrangements of Irushil provided by them, the military has secretly advanced to the surrounding Cold Valley barrier and blocked it. The eyes and ears of Sullivan."

"Where's Rondo?"

"We have arrested many pilgrims. After investigation, we found that they all have the ability to create hidden caves. Now they are all under control."

Why is it that everyone around us, except Fran Fortress, is full of rebels?

From the words in Richard's report, the Fireproof Girl could tell that there was no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the Lothric army that had been restored and backed up by undead settlements and high walls.


Most of the current army is made up of undead. This is a well-trained army that has been strictly selected in peacetime. It will not tire, is not afraid of death, and requires almost no supplies.

Moreover, the army has the new miracle created by the Fireproof Girl, and there is no need to worry about the loss of humanity after death.

The burning of the first fire can seal the ring of darkness. Once the ring is closed, the human nature will not be lost. The fireproof girl used this principle to create a miracle and named it [Fire Emblem].

It was handed over to the core staff of the church to perform with the help of a bonfire, which is now one of the official entry procedures for the Knights of Lothric. After accepting the miracle, he swore that he would fight for the Fireproof Girl forever.

Only warriors who charge into battle without fear of life or death can receive the honor, which directly leads to the selection criteria for Lothric knights being much higher than before.

Although the numerical advantage they once had is gone, the surviving members of the Lothric Knights are all warriors who are as strong as ten. The Silver Knights did not listen to Sullivan, so completing the task of sealing off Irushil is not a simple matter. .

Saliwan, who was immersed in the supreme power, was busy hanging all kinds of exquisite decorations on his silk and satin. I am afraid that I still don’t know what force cut off the wings he sent out.

"It seems that the plan to enter the French Fortress and the Deep Church can be advanced. In just one week, the situation of the surrounding forces has been understood. Richard is very reliable."

The fireproof girl sighed, Richard is also a very good military leader, he is strong-willed, has good moral character, is quick-thinking and not pedantic, and has excellent abilities.

In a short period of time, he rebuilt the army and implemented a blockade against Sullivan, who wanted to get involved in the Lothric civil war. It seems that his ability to climb all the way to the flag-bearing Lothric knight was not entirely due to his father, the knight chief.

"I am the leader of the exploration team."

Hui Jin checked to see if there was anything missing in the report, and said without moving his eyes.

"Fortunately, the pain is gone."


Ashes nodded helpfully, grabbed the fireproof girl's hand, stamped the document, and then picked up the next one.

"Because the exploration of the geological environment has also progressed to the outside of Lenglie Valley, the exploration team is blocked by the barrier and cannot carry out further actions. Please apply to return."

"Get them back and start planning a route underground."

"With all due respect, with today's population conditions, I think digging tunnels to attack Irushil is a waste of time."

Ashes calculated the distance. Even if he started digging from the mountain on the side of Lenglie Valley, it would still take a lot of time even if the fire prevention girl was there to guard the time acceleration. He thought that he might not be able to dig through until the abyss fell. .

"Who said I had to use people to dig it out?"

The fire girl tapped the armrest of her seat.

"Could it be the machine that breaks when touched?"

Hui Jin felt that the machine called the tunnel boring machine that the fireproof girl brought from another world was even more unreliable. It looked big and strong, but it broke when touched, and several bricks were broken.

"I have provided the materials we produce here for the other party to make. I believe that the finished product will be ready soon. This is all for the consideration of my two elders."

The fireproof girl sighed, you killed her all the way when she didn't want to learn how to control the ashes, but the reality is not a game, the opponent is not a silly boss waiting for her to come and kill, but a living person who can think.

They will react based on the information they collect. Just block Salivan's eyes and ears right now. The unknown is the scariest thing.

"There was a coup in Irushil, and the Dark Moon Pope Salivan seized power. This is the information we already know."

"According to the information I know, the reason is that the acting leader of the Dark Moon Knights, Youershika, was imprisoned by Pope Sullivan and forced the Shadow Sun to surrender. Otherwise, the Silver Knights in the Royal City would have suppressed this rebellion long ago. "

After taking a sip of the secret medicine and clearing her head, she continued to explain.

"In order to ensure the stability of the royal city, Saliwan will not kill the royal family easily. The dark moon still hanging high in Irushil is enough to prove that their power still exists."

"Those are my aunt and uncle. I have to rescue them first, otherwise I will have to deal with these rebels later."

If the fireproof girl planned to seize the throne and become the king in the future, it would be best if these two people died directly.

Because then the Silver Knight's allegiance, apart from Gwen Aviya, who has long since disappeared, is only the fireproof girl and her mother Felianor.

And since the Silver Knight had no hostages, he no longer had any scruples. There was no need for the Fire Guard Girl to mobilize the army, and he would naturally take the initiative to kill Saliwan.

When the time comes, the Fireproof Woman will once again take the banner of unifying Lothric's sphere of influence, and as a direct line of the Sun God Clan, take advantage of the opportunity to regain Irushil. It goes without saying who the Silver Knight will be loyal to at that time.

This world really depends on bloodline. Gods with Gwen bloodline are prestigious and represent legitimacy. Don’t you see, the group of black knights under the Fireproof Woman originally established a cooperative relationship with Osroais, but they are right. On the other hand, the eldest prince was even closer.

When I first met them at the Fire Sacrifice, I knew that the fire-prevention girl was from the Sun Royal Family, so I came to take care of her unconditionally.

As long as the fireproof girl is ruthless and only needs to kill two people, she can easily obtain a complete and powerful army.

But the fireproof girl's thoughts and moral character will not allow herself to do this. She said that she will create a world of love and hope, and she will lead by example and work hard.

"Then go to the next one."

"In the Immortal Settlement, a senior church official suddenly lost his immortal curse while preaching, and the excrement was discharged on the spot. This greatly promoted the work enthusiasm of the residents of Lothric, but seriously affected the image of the church. At my strong request, I applied to suspend this person's Promotional work, moving to a behind-the-scenes position.”

"... Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, Karim was born and wears a crow mask every day. Now his name has been changed."


The fire-prevention woman agreed that although the sky needed a fire-passing ceremony to light up again, with the addition of the king's soul, the life under the blessing of the first fire would gradually recover, but she didn't expect that someone would directly change back when the fire-passing ceremony was carried out.

Although he has immediately lost the right to show his face in Lothric, in the future when people see him, they will recount the miracles of believers in the Sun Cult who escaped in public.

But this is also a good thing. At least it shows that the church is fine. Following the footsteps of the fire-proof girl, you can definitely get rid of the immortal curse.

"In addition, due to the appearance of some civilians who have lost the curse of immortality in both the high wall and the settlement, and because most areas are in a state of reconstruction, various excreta have seriously affected the appearance of the city."

"In order to deal with various health and food problems caused by the general population that may continue to grow in the future, the church has proposed whether to put the construction of toilets and compost sites in the undead settlement on the agenda."

"Let Hawkwood lead the team to build one."

Although Hawkwood spent a long time eating and drinking at the fire sacrifice site, he was a ruthless man who could climb out of Lothric's famous cesspool: Farlan Fortress.

The fire prevention woman highly affirmed his ability and believed that building toilets and composting sites was the place where he could best utilize his strengths.

"You just don't like him, right?"

Absolutely wanting to take revenge on Hawkwood, who had committed a long-term act of free prostitution at the sacrificial site, Ashes gave the fireproof girl a blank look.

But Hawkwood does fit in.

Since his life has been filled with work, he moves bricks in the morning and studies at night. He has no time to think about all the messy things, and he no longer radiates negative energy every day. Besides, he is in good health and efficient, and the church has also rated him very well. He is a good young man.

Ashes issued instructions to the church far away in the Undead Settlement through the terminal. Under the order of the fire prevention woman, the church organized a good team of people. Poor Hawkwood had just moved bricks with his coworkers at the construction site for a short time when he was ordered to lead The restroom repair team is here.

"By the way, let the military also make plans. We need to minimize the impact of possible retreat on the military's combat effectiveness in the future."

The Fireproof Girl signaled Ashes to inform Richard, who was in charge of managing the army, to make a plan to quickly restore combat effectiveness. Perhaps this would be the key to victory in future confrontations with the rebel army.

She also had an idea, using the bonfire as the coordinate point and the Fire Emblem as the signal source, to monitor the physical condition of the Lothric knights at any time. After receiving fatal injuries, she could use the Fire Emblem to autonomously activate the miracle of farewell and homecoming to protect Keep the wounded alive and teleport back to the bonfire.

That way, the church's medical staff would not have to bear the heavy following of the army, and would only have to guard the campfire and wait for the wounded to be transported over.


Ashes responded.

Just like that, under the candlelight, Ashes held the document and recited it, the Fireproof Girl gave instructions, Ashes raised questions about the unreasonable parts, and the Fireproof Girl made modifications.

Time passed quickly, and as the candlelight dimmed, indicating that the rest period was coming, these accumulated government affairs were also dealt with.

"Finally done."

Climbing up from the embrace of Ashes, the fire-proof girl stretched herself greatly, and then she thought about lying on the table, her thoughts drifting to the distance again.

Nowadays, the first fire is fading and time is chaotic. The timetable established by candlelight is only a temporary solution. The sky that is always bright is too monotonous after a long time.

After the fire transmission is over, the fire-proof woman will have to establish a new cycle of light and darkness in Lothric.

Ashes took the opportunity to stand up, sorted out the documents on the table and classified them one by one, then put them in the safe, smoothed the table mat that was messed up by the fire prevention girl, and said: "There is one more piece of information that needs to be conveyed verbally. The church knights serving Osroais were found near the Cathedral of the Underworld, but in order to avoid conflict, Richard did not choose to negotiate with them."


The fire prevention girl responded dully.

"In addition, Elton told me that he has summoned all the black knights who are outside. If possible, please allow them to go to the fire sacrifice site to meet... the fire prevention woman?"

The room became inexplicably dark.


Ashes called out tentatively again.


No response.

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