Five Frozen Centuries

Chapter 245: Hurry up and be stunned

The legendary vulture suddenly appeared here, and was pinched by Wei Huo's neck, which surprised all the vultures present.

This legendary vulture still doesn't understand what happened, where am I? Confused about what happened.

Its appearance is very real, it looks like a person who fell asleep was suddenly picked up by a big man pinching his neck, anyone would be stunned.

But this legendary vulture is legendary anyway, it immediately understood the situation, and planned to spread its wings and fly into the sky.

This legendary vulture is in human shape, but its head is already a vulture head, and its wings have not yet turned into human arms. Only its two feet and its body are human-shaped. Skull necklace, this is enough to show how brutal this legendary vulture is.

It saw clearly that Wei Huo had arrested him, and was a little surprised: "Human? How did you do it?"

Wei Huo didn't speak. Countless black auras emerged from his arms. This was the aura of silence. These auras suddenly turned into lifelike swimming fish. Every scale on each fish was enough to distinguish the real one from the real one. It was the breath of death. As soon as these little fish flicked their tails, they rushed towards the legendary vulture.

The legendary vulture turned pale with fright, and immediately used the power of the domain, but unfortunately, the domain was useless at all, and countless lifelike black swimming fish got into the body of the legendary vulture.

The next moment, the Legendary Vulture disintegrated on the spot under the eyes of everyone. His body and soul were disintegrated into streaks of black breath. Its body seemed to be hit by the force of annihilating matter, and it disappeared at an astonishing speed.

Its soul was constantly devoured by the black fish, and half of it disappeared in the blink of an eye. The legendary vulture panicked. It didn't believe that Wei Huo was a legend of the human race. What's more, the legend was too strong. Who? Why did you pretend to be a human to raid Mount Emei?"

Wei Huo didn't say a word, he was too lazy to say anything, his appearance was tantamount to death, this legendary vulture had no other way to go except death.

As soon as Wei Huo let go of his hand, the legendary vulture thought it had a chance, and immediately spread its wings and prepared to fly into the sky, but the countless swimming fish suddenly turned into strips of black breath, and these breaths instantly wrapped the legendary vulture like rice dumplings. Five or six seconds later, the legendary vulture completely disappeared.

Countless breaths of death returned to Wei Huo's body, and only a golden soul gem was left in the place that had been wrapped in black breath before.

"Old Ancestor!" The vultures in Mount Emei cried out in great sorrow. They couldn't believe that the legendary ancestor who protected them had disappeared just like that.

However, the facts were before them, and they couldn't help but not believe it. After seeing Wei Huo's methods, they were all frightened and fearful. An epic vulture shouted: "Why are you still standing there? Run away!"

Wei Lin has already led the team to kill at this time. Her domain is a non-attribute domain, because her domain was not obtained through hard work by herself. She is a legend since she was born, but I am afraid that she can only stop being a legend in this life.

In comparison, her older sister Wei Sha may have a brighter future.

Shouts came and went on Mount Emei, and every vulture was fleeing frantically. Several captured humans survived, and those who were not unconscious among them were very lucky to see this battle.

Zhou Song was impatient, he had already killed them, and when he saw a few ordinary people in a daze, he immediately shouted: "What are you doing hiding? Be dazed! No, it's the other way around!"

Zhou Song was a little embarrassed, but quickly covered it up. He shouted: "Hurry up and hide, when the war is over, Mount Emei will be our human territory!"

Hearing what Zhou Song said, this group of ordinary people reacted and quickly found a place to hide. At the same time, they were also puzzled, which tribe's legend helped us humans? And it was so powerful that it killed the legend of the vulture tribe in seconds?

Wei Huo did not continue to participate in this battle. He revisited his old place and came to the inheritance cave. The skills on the stone wall of the cave were all erased, but the inheritance Yumen left for the players still exists. It seems that it is the jade gate. The reason for the protection of the door closing rule is that the vulture legend cannot be destroyed.

However, it is said that this is a jade gate, but it is actually a tablet computer that can be opened. Players have to play a small game to obtain the inherited skills.

Now that Wei Huo has the ability to turn humans into players, he can naturally let the humans who become players get the inheritance directly.

This is also the reason why Wei Huo took Mount Emei as his first base.

When Wei Huo returned to Mount Emei, the war was over. The vultures that had not yet escaped from Mount Emei were all wiped out.

Wei Huo found the captured humans. These humans were old and young, male and female. Under Wei Huo's observation, they all lowered their heads and their bodies trembled slightly, because they knew that this seemingly An ordinary young man easily killed a legendary existence in seconds.

"No." Wei Huo said.

Zhou Song was a little unclear, he asked, "Why not?"

Wei Huo said: "They are not qualified to be players, and even telling them the truth may make them collapse."

Zhou Song understood what Wei Huo meant. People with weak wills cannot bear the collapse of their worldview. Sometimes letting them know the truth will make them collapse instead.

With a wave of his hand, Wei Huo had already unlocked the thinking locks in the minds of this group of people. He said: "You can let them stay here to carry out infrastructure construction, and you can also teach them the exercises of body exercises, or tell them the truth, Zhou Song , you handle it."

Wei Huo doesn't want to care about these things. He has no interest in them. In the Paradise, he once defeated the demon army, unified the solar system, and had the highest power, but in fact, it didn't make much sense.

Money, power, and influence all end with death. As Zhou Song said, the president is the most powerful person in the world, right? But he is not a human being, and he is not mortal, so what is the difference between him and me?

Zhou Song glanced at the trembling ordinary people, then at Mount Emei, and said, "Leave it to me!"

Wei Huo handed a few cards to Zhou Song, and Wei Huo said: "This is a flying creature card. It will help you travel. Go to the nearest city to recruit the required talents and look for human beings who are qualified to become players."

Zhou Song suddenly grinned: "Brother Huo, is this about to start the construction union to dominate the world? I still remember the two of us running an Internet cafe all night and guarding a BOSS that collects magic symbols all night. Do you remember that game?"

Wei Huo smiled. Of course he remembered that "The Eighteen Parts of Tianlong" was all the rage. He and Zhou Song had stayed up all night for it, spent money on it, killed people, and were massacred by high-level accounts, but they Never joined that union, has been a lone player.

Zhou Song sighed: "I think of the time back then, but unfortunately, I can't go back."

Wei Huo's heart is still calm. Perhaps, there is nothing in this world that can disturb his peaceful heart.

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