Chapter 244 Never thought that Shuai would be used on a chef!!

In winter, night usually falls early.

By five o’clock in the afternoon, it was already getting dark.

A layer of night slowly hangs over the sky, slowly engulfing the winter afterglow.

At the same time, in the front square of the Hengmen Film and Television Base.

The entire scene of the finale banquet was arranged to look like a rural flowing water table.

The front banquet area is full of tables, chairs and benches.

Behind it are propped up stoves, water tanks, soup buckets and pots and bowls.

In fact, the news that the “Gambler” crew was going to hold a finale banquet spread in the Hengmen Film and Television Base early in the morning.

This is not because of how big ~ famous this crew is.

It is completely the mastermind of this finale banquet – the master is Yang Zhe!

Since this young handsome chef came to the Hengmen Film and Television Base, his peak cooking skills have made the entire C area chicken dogs restless.

Especially since his kitchen was still in the upwind position.

As soon as the cooking is cooked, all the crews in the entire district can smell it.

Every day they are hungry and drooling in this wonderful delicacy, but they can’t eat it, it’s almost fatal.

Of course, there are other crews who have contacted Yang Zhe in private.

He said that he was willing to buy him a dish at double the price to solve his hunger.

But each time he refused on the grounds that the crew’s funds needed to be paid.

Especially when the folding sky crew turned on, the rich roasted aroma was not to mention in the film and television city, and even ten miles and eight villages could smell it.

That evening, in the hotel where the star was staying.

Countless people picked up the hotel’s room service phone and ordered themselves a large table full of late-night snacks.

But no matter how they ate, they could not satisfy their stirring appetite.

So this time, as soon as I heard that Yang Zhe was going to take charge of the banquet in the front square, half of the people in the entire film and television city came.

In the midst of the crowd, all the glowing eyes converged in one place.

In this position, Yang Zhe took off his thick down jacket, tied his apron, and began to wash his hands.

His figure was already tall and thin, and he looked very bookish from the side

Especially the side face is angular, sharp when it should be sharp, soft when it should be soft, and there is no dead angle at all.

Seeing this scene, the girls who were watching immediately began to talk about it.

“Chef Yang is really handsome, those news are really good, much more than our male manager.”

“You say he looks so handsome, why would he be a cook? It’s good to be a star! ”

“If he is a star, the entertainment industry is just one more top little fresh meat, but he chooses to be a chef, just…”

“Just how?”

“There is another great chef, you haven’t smelled it, his dishes are simply fragrant!”

“Handsome and good at cooking, he is simply the perfect husband.”

“Oh, you really dream.”

“What’s wrong? How can the old lady say that she is also a model, is she not qualified? ”

“You see Reba, Zhao Rusi, Boss Yang, Zhang Tianxian and Zifeng circling around him every day, you know that there must be no chance.”

“This is also true, Chef Yang is really good at attracting bees and butterflies.”

“Alas, if Chef Yang is an investor in our crew, I will wash up and throw myself into his bed tonight.”

“Then you don’t have a chance.”


“You take a bath too slowly, not as fast as me.”


While speaking, Yang Zhe picked up the wok and began to boil oil.

Then pour in the lamb chops, and then pour in the flower carving wine to remove the freshness.

Then set up the steamer, put the marinated mushrooms in the pot, add the dried shiitake mushrooms soaked in advance, and steam in the upper drawer.

After finishing it, Yang Zhe picked up another black pot, boiled the oil and poured in the shrimp that had been removed from the shrimp and shrimp line, and stir-fried it violently.

As he flipped, the movement of the tossing spoon continued to accelerate, and the soaring flames almost rushed into the pot, igniting a raging fire.

The steamer also emitted steaming white smoke, prompting a burst of chicken with a thick taste of shiitake mushrooms.

Three gas stoves continuously release high temperatures, forcing out the flavor of the ingredients as hard as possible

The rich and mellow flavors are entangled with each other, constantly surging in this dark night

Yang Zhe, on the other hand, was expressionless, even a little cold, and the spatula in his hand kept moving, moving back and forth.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but hold their breath, and their eyes were full of color.

In their opinion, cooking is actually a very troublesome thing, but how can it become so easy in the hands of others?

The three pots were played in his hands, and the most terrifying thing was that the stir-frying speed was so intense, but no half of the ingredients splashed out of the pot…

As if by magic, ingredients, soups, and solid liquids are tuned to serve.

“So handsome, I never thought I would use the word handsome on a chef.”

“If you tie it up and lock him up in the kitchen and let him cook every day, oh my God, life is just perfect.”

“I just thought that the pot was going to turn over, how did he operate it, and it was back in his hand?”

“If this cooking skill is used to make a movie, the audience will definitely scold!”


“It’s obviously a special effect, does Chef Yang think we’re Muggles and secretly using magic?”

In the midst of the discussion, the people in the square began to gather more and more.

The group of people who came earlier had long known about Yang Zhe’s existence, and they had even been hungry for more than two months by his cooking.

But the people who came later were completely attracted by the taste.

“My grass, what is so fragrant?”

“Isn’t that hanging a banner, the killing banquet of the “Gambler” crew is here.”

“Where is this chef, the craftsmanship is terrible, right?!”

“You didn’t even know Yang Zhe when filming in the film and television city, the aroma of roasted suckling pig last time floated ten miles, you can’t smell it?”

“He made that roasted suckling pig last time? I’m grass, this guy is a bastard, so hungry that I haven’t slept all night! ”

“I just peeked at the ingredients and noticed that there were big elbows.”


“You don’t want to sleep tonight.”

A few people got together and drooled while talking about it.

The fragrance in the air was like a pair of small hands tickling their appetite, and everyone smelled and smelled, and suddenly felt that they were a little cheap.

Yes, the taste is indeed delicious, but isn’t it more uncomfortable if you can’t eat it later?


Reluctant to leave, it seems too fragrant!

At the same time, five uniformed security guards came out of the security department opposite.

While shouting not to gather, they hurried over, trying to drive away the onlookers.

But the look of drool at that step is really not the slightest convincing.

In the end, the five security guards and the surrounding watchmen huddled together, and also became part of the onlookers for a long time…

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