Chapter 0540 – Taking a taxi across the city, you have to eat this night snack!!!

Closed wooden doors.

Dark courtyard.

Bai Lu shivered in the cold night breeze.

“Chef Yang, I didn’t book a hotel, where should I go now?”

“You first find a random shop in Anmen to stay for one night, and then come to Hengmen tomorrow.”

When Bai Lu heard this, she immediately refused: “How can this work, if I come back tomorrow, then won’t I eat less?” ”

“But it’s too late now, and the high-speed rail buses to Hengmen are gone.”

“It’s okay, I can take a taxi!”

“My grass, more than a hundred kilometers, you are so arrogant?”

“I’m rich! I’m super rich! ”

In the earpiece, Bai Lu’s vibrating voice came.

Hearing this, Yang Zhe couldn’t help but laugh twice.

“Okay, then you come, I can get you a supper.”

“I know you’re the best, so I’ll go over now, and you wait for me.” After a brief beep, the phone was hung up. ”

Yang Zhe rubbed the corners of his somewhat sore forehead, and sighed a little helplessly. It’s really a wave of unevenness, and the front foot has just finished two tables of prop dishes.

The little nizi of the hind foot Bailu went to Xihong Village and ran empty, and wanted to take a taxi to find him.

I originally wanted to get a good night’s sleep, but now it seems that it is difficult.

Not generally difficult.

But people have come all the way to find themselves, and they should also make her something delicious.

So, Yang Zhe took off his bathrobe, then casually found a clean clothes to change into, and went downstairs.

If you go to the back kitchen at this time, it is not only too late, but also far away.

It seems that I can only ask the front desk of the hotel, can borrow their kitchen, and after getting off the elevator, Yang Zhe went straight to the front desk.

It was late at night, and the lobby of the hotel was deserted.

Behind the front desk, a young lady dressed as a waiter was holding her head and pretending to sleep, obviously sleepy.

Seeing this, Yang Zhe first coughed a few times, and then spoke.

“Hello, can you borrow your back kitchen?” I want to cook a few dishes. ”

The little girl at the front desk was originally sleepy and couldn’t open her eyes, and when she saw that someone was looking for her, she reluctantly sat up and looked at the people.

At this look, she found that the person in front of her was Yang Zhe.

“Cooking Smoke” has recently been rumored on the Internet, and she has also seen some related clips.

Originally, Yang Zhe was already handsome enough on the screen, but he didn’t expect that he was more handsome than on TV.

“Do you want to cook in our back kitchen?”

“Well, yes, I’ll make two side dishes and leave.”

“Okay, then please come with me.”

Soon, she took Yang Zhe to the back kitchen of the hotel.

The spacious house is arranged in an orderly manner.

Each area is interconnected and looks very clean and tidy.

Not only that, but there is also a faint smell of disinfectant water wafting in the air.

It is obviously cleaned frequently and great care is taken to keep the environment tidy.

“Mr. Yang, this is the back kitchen of our hotel, are you satisfied with it?”

“Well, yes, thank you, bothering you so late.”

“No trouble, no trouble, if you need anything, feel free to come back to us.”


After a short conversation, Yang Zhe walked into the back kitchen of the Hengmen Hotel. As soon as he entered, he found that it was full of fresh ingredients.

Looking at the color, it is obviously just entered today.

And the minimum quality is excellent.

This made Yang Zhe very satisfied.

Because considering that Bai Lu has to maintain body management, and the supper can’t be too heavy.

After thinking for a while, Yang Zhe decided to make the clear soup silver fungus in Lu cuisine, and the hibiscus shrimp in Cantonese cuisine.

Once you’ve decided what to do, you’re going to start making it.

Opening the freezer, Yang Zhe took out some cold and fresh chicken and prawns from it. At the same time, he took out some silver fungus and soaked it in water in advance.

For the first course, he will make delicious hibiscus shrimp.

Taking all kinds of knives on the side, Yang Zhe got up and down, removed the head and tail of the prawn, and peeled the shell and picked the line.

Soon, the empty plate in front of him was filled with clean shrimp

Then, the knife flower flipped, and he sliced each shrimp into four evenly sized slices.

Seeing that it was almost over, Yang Zhe chopped the chicken into delicate chicken paste at a very fast speed.

Then flip the wrist and add it to his special sauce.

Next, the most important step comes.

Boiling oil, Yang Zhe added several spoonfuls of white raw lard to it.

When the heat is higher, the lard changes shape and becomes a clear oil

After putting the palm of his hand on the oil surface and feeling the temperature, Yang Zhe put the shrimp slices into it.

One second, two seconds… Ten seconds…

Soon, the shrimp slices become rosy and elastic under the action of high temperatures.

Seeing that the shrimp slices were ripe, Yang Zhe put it into the freshly prepared chicken pulp.

One by one, the shrimp slices are evenly bathed around the body.

Immediately afterwards, with a backhand, he put the shrimp slices that had just been pasted with chicken milk into the pot again.

As the oil temperature rises, the shape of the shrimp slices begins to change slightly. The originally jerky chicken pulp became smooth and soon arrived at the right heat.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Yang Zhe fished it out and put it aside.

Leaving some base oil in the pot, Yang Zhe took the auxiliary ingredients prepared on one side and poured them into the pot.

Seeing that the shrimp slices became oily and shiny, he poured the trick on the side into it

Add the finely minced Jinhua ham and the finely minced green raw rape.

Soon, a delightful slice of smiling shrimp came out of the pot.

Seeing that the hibiscus shrimp slices were finished, Yang Zhe began to make the second dish, clear soup silver fungus.

The first step in making this dish is to need a good pot of soup.

Yang Zhe rummaged through and took out an old hen, a pig stick bone, and a little ham and scallops.

Then he simply cleaned the ingredients and poured them into the pot.

After the heat is boiling, turn to low heat and simmer delicately.

Over time, the soup in the pan becomes bright and buttery.

After opening the lid of the pot and looking at it, Yang Zhe scooped out some soup and put it into the crockpot.

The stock is constantly boiling in the pot under the action of the flame.

Among them, visible to the naked eye, there are many fine impurities.

Yang Zhe took out the chicken breast paste that had just been left and added it little by little in three times.

Due to the addition of minced meat, the impurities in the soup have adhesion.

Then they all gathered towards the meat.

After repeated three times, the originally thick yellow soup was as golden and crystal as tea soup.

This is the most important step in making clear soup fungus – hanging soup.

Next, it’s time to deal with the silver fungus.

The soaked silver fungus is cut off the yellow heart and changed into fine pieces.

Blanch in a pot, rinse and serve.

Then, add the broth to a boil in another pot.

Add side dishes such as silver fungus, celery, fungus, carrots, etc.

After a simple seasoning, a clear and attractive clear soup silver fungus is baked in the river…

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