Chapter 71 Devil’s Home Field?? Heaven-defying performance! Dort fans are silenced!!

The closer the two teams tend to have a deeper feud.

Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen.

These two cities, just 30 kilometers apart, create the hottest derby in German history!

The derby battle between Schalke 04 and Dortmund, also known as the ~ German derby battle!

The feud between Schalke 04 and Dortmund dates back to the fifties.

Although Schalke 04 has always been known as the Miners’ team, Dortmund is also a descendant of the Miners.

However, later, the Dortmund people took advantage of the advantages of a trade center and developed rapidly.

But in the eyes of the Gelsenkirchens, Dortmund is undoubtedly a frivolous trader, like an impurity in coal!

This atmosphere of confrontation was also brought to the pitch.

The two teams have had a lot of grudges in the previous decade.

For example, in the 06/07 season, Dorthalt personally killed Schalke’s hopes of reaching the top of the 04 league.

This is the last nine years of Schalke 04 and the most recent time for the league championship! To win a derby is to win a championship!

Preventing a sworn enemy from reaching the top is as important to Dortmund as he is to himself.

After the season, Dortmund fans even rented a jet.

Over the city of Gelsenkirchen, the banner “Don’t want to win the championship for the rest of your life” was raised!

With Klopp’s arrival at Dortmund in the 08/09 season, the derby smoke in the Ruhr area has also become stronger.

After witnessing the Ruhr derby, Klopp told the media

There is never a need to mobilize players before the Ruhr derby, all players will go above and beyond in this game!

Even the use of goals, red and yellow cards, clashes, confrontations and other hot words to describe the Ruhr derby pales in comparison.

In the city of Gelsenkirchen there is even such an unwritten rule, in the construction of the city, it is better not to add yellow!

Even a yellow building will be considered by fans of Schalke 04 as a provocation to the city, this team!

What does the Ruhr derby mean? The German press has given a very specific answer

It means that two weeks before the start of the game, you will never read anything else from the media in Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen.

Because it’s now Ruhrderby time!

It means you can lose 5 games in a row, you can lose the championship, just win the derby!

All the fans will be satisfied and no one will blame you in any way.

He means that Bayern can win a hundred titles, as long as the champions are not Dortmund and not Schalke 04!

He means Bayern can take any of their players, as long as it goes not to Dortmund or Schalke 04!

November 1st.

Six o’clock in the afternoon.

Dortmund face Schalke 04 at Westphalia.

Under the tutelage of the tactical fox’s Favre, Dortmund’s record this season is also very good.

Dortmund have only drawn Hertha Berlin in the previous round in the previous eight games and are currently second in the league.

That is, if Dortmund win this match, they can step on Schalke 04 to the top.

This is absolutely intolerable for Schalke fans, and of course this is what Dortmund fans want to happen.

“Ball—Heil—Hurra! Borussi cheers for football! Dortmund! ”

“Vor.keinem.Gegner.wir.verzagen! ~ Never lose courage and confidence in front of any opponent! ”


Inside the tunnel, Schalke 04 players listened to the deafening Dortmund anthem outside.

Can’t help but smack my tongue at the hot atmosphere of this game.

When the players from both sides came out, the singing suddenly increased, and the entire Westphalia stadium shook.

In the South Stand, a full 25,000 Dort fans seemed to form a yellow wave.

Worthy of the battle of the derby!

Lin Chen stood on the court, feeling the shouts of Dort fans, of course, there were also some blue figures.

This kind of devil’s home field also makes Schalke 04’s players a little uncomfortable.

After the players on both sides have stood.

Sports Channel 5, Shen Jian and Tao Jun introduced the starting list of both sides to the fans, and the Schalke 04 single arrow is still Lin Chen.

In midfield are Makwut, McKennie and Embolo.

The back line is divided into two levels, with Calijuri, Zelda, Rudy and Ochipka in front.

Behind the goal, Sarif, Nardò and Nastasic guarded the goal, and the goalkeeper was captain Ferman.

Dortmund’s game, in addition to Schmelzer’s injury, is also the main player.

Up front is Goetze at the front, followed by Sancho, Reus and Bruen.

Witsel and Delaney play at the back, while Ashraf, Akanji, Diallo and Piszczek are at the back.

“In the face of Dortmund, Tedesko did not underestimate the enemy.”

“In order to block the opponent’s attack, he did not hesitate to deploy a whole seven players on his own back line.”

“And in the front court, Tedesco still pinned all his hopes on Lin Chen.”

Amid the hustle and bustle of the Westphalia stadium, the referee blew the whistle for the start of the game.

This German national derby has also officially begun.

From the very beginning, Dortmund launched a rush attack on Schalke 04.

Goetze drove the ball straight to Reus in midfield, while Brune and Jadon Sancho rushed forward at the same time.

The three arrows fired in unison, which forced Schalke 04 to quickly enter the game.

Royce then kicked straight to Sancho, who was cutting forward, and Calijuri quickly followed, keeping an eye on Sancho.

Calijuri’s close watchful guard left Sancho no room to continue to push forward, so he turned the ball to the feet of Bruon on the left.

This long pass was steadily picked up by Bruen, and the Hornets fans also gave a round of applause.

I have to say that Schalke 04’s backline is indeed very solid.

After Bruun saw that there were three defenders in front of him, there was no way to move on.

You can only keep the ball at your feet first and wait for the players to step forward.

On the sidelines, Borussia Dortmund coach Favre also signaled the players to press forward.

Witsel and Delaney saw the instructions press straight to the center circle.

After Royce’s patient dispatch in midfield, Goetze finally saw the right moment and got in between Rudy and Sarif.

Reus also spotted Goetze’s forward insertion, and with a kick over the top, it directly penetrated the back line of Schalke 04.

A brief exclamation erupted at Westphalia.

But Nardò did not give Goetze more chances and directly broke Goetze before he could get the ball.

Borussia Dortmund’s attack also ended in vain.

Ashraf then picked up the ball directly and quickly kicked a corner kick into the box, the two players mixed, but no one touched the ball, and finally the attacking Fellman took the ball out of the air.

Hornets fans regretted that the ball didn’t work, but didn’t wait for the crowd to react.

After Fairman took the ball, he ran directly past the crowd to the edge of the big penalty area and fired a powerful throw.

“Dortmund failed to attack, Fellman got the ball!”

“Fairman ran quickly to the edge of the box and threw the ball with a big hand!”

“This is a counterattack from Schalke 04!”

Favre’s spirit immediately tightened, and he quickly called for the players to return to defense.

And Fairman’s goal is Lin Chen!

At this time, Dortmund’s back line, except for the two central defenders of Akanji and Diallo, only Witsel was left near the center circle.

Although there was only one person in Witsel, his position was obviously closer to the ball than Lin Chen.

Just when the Hornet’s jersey thought the ball posed no threat.

Lin Chen suddenly picked up speed and began to run towards the ball drop point from a few meters behind Witsel.

Just for a moment, Lin Chen was in the same position as Witsel.

The Westphalia Stadium instantly erupted in an exclamation, and the Hornets fans suddenly felt bad.

Witsel was also a little shocked when he saw Lin Chen’s speed so fast

But Witsel did not give up this fight, and immediately spread his arms, wanting to push Lin Chen out of the travel route.

But Lin Chen’s physical fitness is what Witsel can promote, directly carrying Witsel and stabbing the ball before it landed.

The ball suddenly began to roll forward again, and Lin Chen struggled to break free from Witsel’s close defense.

Directly started and threw off Witsel.


“Witsel couldn’t compete for the ball this time!”

At this time, only two central defenders, Akanji and Diallo, were left in front of Lin Chen.

Seeing that Witsel had not succeeded in defense, Akanji rushed forward directly, wanting to sabotage this attack before Lin Chen.

“Akanji’s tackle!”

“It’s Lin Chen again!”

“Lin Chen poked the ball again before Akanji tackled!”

“The speed is amazing!”

Diallo, the only remaining one on Dortmund’s backline, did not dare to attack rashly again, and could only try to squeeze Lin Chen near the sideline with his body.

“One hit one!”

“Lin Chen will also choose with the choice?!”

“Lin Chen once again jumped the ball out vigorously! The bottom line is ahead! ”

“Can Lin Chen get the ball before the bottom line?!”

Lin Chen faced Diallo’s defense, without the slightest hesitation, and directly poked the ball out vigorously!

“It’s the latecomer again, Lin Chen is about to surpass Diallo.”

“This is all about relying on speed to completely break down Dortmund’s defenses!”

In the top left corner of the Borussia Dortmund penalty area, the two ran side by side, both trying to get the ball before the other side.

At this time, Bolkie, the goalkeeper of Dortmund, also rushed out to face the goalkeeper who was closer to the ball.

In the big penalty area, Lin Chen can only let go and fight hard to kick the ball in the confrontation of Diallo.


“Isn’t this kick too forced?”

“Lin Chen kicked the ball!”

I saw the ball rushing to the goal, and Burki quickly pounced to make a save but still failed to touch the ball.

“The ball went in!”

“Schalke 04’s first attack, scored!”

“This is completely Lin Chen’s own personal performance!”

After shooting, Lin Chen saw the ball straight into the goal, and directly opened his arms to continue jogging at the sideline.

Then turned and jumped up, landing on the ground with a standard Cristiano Ronaldo celebratory move.

The Schalke players who arrived quickly surrounded Lin Chen in the center and celebrated the blitz goal!


Even if a goal is scored, Hornets fans will never tolerate Schalke’s players celebrating so much at home.

The Westphalia stadium was instantly filled with boos, which at one point overwhelmed the cheers of the celebrating mine fans.

Even the Bumblebee fans close to Lin Chen and others smashed mineral water bottles at Schalke’s players.

“What an incredible goal!”

“Even in the home of a devil like Westphalia, Lin Chen has not been affected in the slightest!”

“Open the goal account again!”

“The competition has just begun, and we are looking forward to Lin Chen’s next competition!”

Sports 5, Shen Jian couldn’t help but say in an excited tone.

Chinese fans were also full of praise for Lin Chen’s performance.

“In such a shocking away game, Lin Chen was able to withstand the pressure and score a blitz!”

“The psychological quality is really top-notch, and it can maintain a very high level of competition in this environment!”

“Big heart player! Lin Chen is simply the hero of Schalke 04! ”

After a short celebration, the game began again.

Swiss coach Favre frowned, signaling his players to step up their attack and crush Schalke to death in half-time.

Dortmund’s players also quickly emerged from the loss of conceding goals.

Just a ball!

On your own home turf, can you still let the mine win this game?! Soon, Dortmund’s offensive swept in again.

The cooperation of Goetze and Reuss made Schalke’s defense more and more difficult…

Lin Chen saw that the team was so difficult to defend, and he also frequently withdrew from the front court to get the ball.

Thanks to Lin Chen’s full physical strength, in the arena, Lin Chen is running all the time.

So much so that Tedesco on the sidelines was a little worried about whether Lin Chen was too excited

After all, in the previous game, Lin Chen was cruising on the opponent’s back line, waiting for an opportunity.

I have never seen Lin Chen run like today!

After Lin Chen withdrew to get the ball, Dortmund’s two central defenders could not be pulled forward by Lin Chen.

The effect of Lin Chen’s participation in defense was also gradually displayed.

Dortmund managed to make a mistake in a McKennie pass.

Perhaps the purpose of this pass was somewhat unclear, and Rudy did not start receiving the ball in the first place.

Reuss, who had been waiting for a long time, started up in an instant and wanted to get this goal.

The Schalke player was immediately shocked into a cold sweat.


“McKennie made a mistake in passing!”

Just when everyone thought that Reus would definitely get the ball, Lin Chen suddenly rushed out from behind Reus and passed the ball back to McKennie.

Then Lin Chen directly turned around and ran back.

McKennie, who had just made a fatal mistake, quickly understood Lin Chen’s intentions and directly hit Dortmund’s right wing with a long pass.

At this time, Akanji and Diallo were still in the middle circle, and after seeing the ball, Diallo hurried back to chase the ball.

“Another counterattack!”

“McKennie and Lin Chen’s cooperation has become more and more tacit!”

Lin Chen, who was moving at full speed, steadily took the ball before it landed, and then stormed along the right side!

At this time, Makwute and Embolo also quickly cut forward.

“Three to two!”

“Lin Chen, how will this ball be chosen!”

As the commentary says, Dortmund’s two centre-backs were caught in a difficult choice at once.

Whether to defend Lin Chen or defend Makwut and Embolo, who are cutting forward.

But Lin Chen did not give them time to react, Lin Chen came to the edge of the big penalty area and looked at the approaching central defenders and attacking goalkeepers.

Directly kick the inside instep from a distance.

I saw that the ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell into the net “World Wave!” ”

“Lin Chen scored another goal! Completed the goal! ”

On the sidelines, Tedesco, who saw Lin Chen score again, jumped up directly excitedly.

Before this game, Tedesco was under a lot of pressure, even more nervous than the last time he played Bayern.

After all, this is the Ruhr derby, and if they fail to win, the mine fans will not let themselves go so easily.

After seeing Lin Chen score two goals in just half time, Tedesco finally put his hanging heart down.

This game has Lin Chen! Steady!

Amid the boos, Dortmund’s backcourt players looked a little bitter.

Because now they don’t know who the fans of the Hornets really booed who, in the face of Lin Chen’s charge, Lin Chen scored two goals in less than half time!

This is simply a shame for Dortmund! Not to mention that this is the battle of the derby.

This time, the mine fans had enough energy and finally made their own faint voice amid the boos of the Bumblebee fans.

For a moment, the stadium was filled with sounds.

Dortmund’s captain Reuss stood crossed near the centre circle, looking at the Schalke players who were celebrating.

The emotions in my heart are extremely complicated…

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