Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 912: Just pure contempt!

Helen was still afraid of Ye Feng's argument, and she even thought about how to fight back, but unexpectedly, he didn't even refute, and directly admitted the draw.

This made her a little helpless.

On the other hand, Hong Jiajun's face became even more ugly.

He knew very well in his heart that he lost this round, and he lost completely.

But Ye Feng graciously admitted the draw in the end, which made him more uncomfortable than directly announcing that he lost.

This is like a duel between two martial arts masters. He didn't even touch the hem of his clothes, but the opponent's sword had already pierced his throat, but finally announced "we have a draw".

This is simply a humiliation for Chi Guoguo!

Seeing this scene, Cheng Fei'er wanted to laugh for some reason.

People who have obviously suffered a loss, but show an attitude of indifference. But the person who obviously took advantage of it gritted his teeth in hatred.

This is really a strange thing!

And those seniors in the gambling world admired Ye Feng's generosity even more.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really rare for young people to have such a mind."

"Yeah, anyway, I ask myself, it is very difficult for me to do this step."

"I remember you said just now that this young man shaking the dice with a red wine glass is humiliating his opponent and is a shameful act."

"Huh? Did I say that? Did you hear me wrong?"

"No, we all heard it."

"Uh... What I'm talking about is that it is a shameful behavior for people without strength to do so. It's a different matter for people with strength to do so."

"Hehe, double-standard dog!"

Suddenly, everyone's evaluation of Ye Feng took a 180-degree turn.

A person with good gambling skills and a broad mind is hard to dislike.

Ye Feng didn't think about winning anyone's favor, he just simply... contempt!

Because he felt that even if this game was a draw, he was sure to win the remaining two games.

"What's the second round?"

He put down the wine glass and looked up at Hong Jiajun.

Hong Jiajun stared at him coldly, "We're going to compare our memory in this round, and memorizing cards is a basic skill for a trickster. We put ten decks of poker in random order, and each person has a minute to memorize them. Then write out the sequence of cards silently. , whoever writes the most silently will win."

When everyone heard his comparison, they felt that it was fresh, and they all looked forward to it.

Ye Feng naturally had no objection.

Yuan Shiying at the side immediately fetched ten packs of unopened playing cards, and after taking them out, he shuffled them in a daze.

Then put it on the table and wipe it lightly, and all ten decks of playing cards were laid out on the gaming table.

The people watching the excitement over there couldn't sit still anymore, and gathered around the gambling table one after another.

Cheng Fei'er and Helen also stared at the sequence of the cards, wanting to follow suit.

Yuan Shiying held the timer and announced to the two, "One minute, the timer starts."

As he pressed his finger, the timer's time began to jump rapidly.

Hong Jiajun immediately stared at the playing cards and memorized them, not daring to blink.

On the other hand, Ye Feng just glanced casually, then turned his eyes back to the red wine glass, as if the red wine was more attractive than poker.

The seniors in the gambling world frowned when they saw how he underestimated the enemy.

Although their impression of him has changed a lot because of his amazing dice skills just now, but you can't be so careless.

There are as many as 540 cards in these ten decks of playing cards. They don't believe that Ye Feng can memorize the order of all the cards with a glance.

There was only one reason for that, and that was that he knew he couldn't remember a few, so he just gave up.

But this is also understandable, after all, there are specializations in the art industry.

No matter how clever a cheater is, he still has a skill that he is best at.

Maybe he put all his energy into the practice of dice before, and didn't put much effort into poker.

Everyone shook their heads one after another. It seems that there is no need to compete in this round. Everyone here has been flattened and ridiculed. Is there any need to continue the competition?

After thinking about it, the game still has to go on.

A minute passed quickly, and Yuan Shiying immediately found a piece of red cloth and covered all the playing cards.

At the same time, some subordinates sent them pen and paper for dictation.

Hong Jiajun immediately closed his eyes and recalled the sequence of cards he had memorized.

After a while, he immediately picked up the pen and began to write silently.

He wrote very fast, within a moment, he filled a sheet of paper, and then began to write the second page.

In order to save time, he simply replaced the suits with simple symbols.

Hearts up represent hearts, hearts down represent spades, diamonds represent diamonds, and three dots represent clubs.

But Ye Feng picked up the pen unhurriedly and began to write on the paper, but what he wrote were all the words "Heart 3" and "Diamond 8", and his speed was obviously not as good as that of Hong Jiajun.

Seeing this scene, the seniors in the gambling world even shook their heads and sighed.

Judging from the speed at which the two wrote silently, it was already a judgment call.

After all, writing this kind of thing silently, the longer you delay it, the more you will forget.

With Ye Feng's dictation speed, I'm afraid I can't write much, and I have forgotten all the rest.

What's more, he didn't look at the sequence of the cards just now, so he couldn't write much.

Although they admired Ye Feng's accomplishments in dice, they were not optimistic about his performance in this game.

And Cheng Fei'er and Helen also found a pen and paper each, and began to write silently.

Relatively speaking, Helen was a bit worse. After writing more than 20 suits, she started to scratch her head.

After all, Cheng Feier was an excellent member of the security team, and had also undergone memory training. She wrote seventy or eighty words before she began to think hard.

After about two or three minutes, Hong Jiajun's dictation began to slow down, and he scratched his head from time to time, as if he was still thinking hard.

On the other hand, Ye Feng's side is another scene.

He has maintained an unhurried pace, and his expression is neither sad nor happy. If his hands hadn't been moving all the time, everyone would have thought he was asleep.

After writing like this for more than ten minutes, I stopped writing.

During this period, I never had the constipated expression that other people had when they were thinking hard.

A calm start, a calm end.

It wasn't until the two of them finished writing that a senior in the gambling world stepped forward.

"Since both of you have finished writing silently, let's start verification now."

The emotions of the people present immediately became high, and they couldn't wait to see the result.

Responsible for verification are three seniors in the gambling world.

The three carried out a division of labor, and one of them was responsible for announcing the correct sequence of cards. The other two were responsible for verifying the answers of Ye Feng and Hong Jiajun.

"The first card, 6 of hearts."

The old man who was in charge of announcing the order of the cards was named Wu Qingxiong. It was said that he had won the title of "Gambling King" in the Gambling King Contest for two consecutive years, but he didn't come in the third year because of something.

Otherwise, he might have won the title of "Triple Crown" back then.

He has a high prestige among these people, so he is responsible for announcing the order of the cards.

The senior who was in charge of verifying Ye Feng's answer was named Lu Zhengming, while Chen Nanxing was in charge of verifying Hong Jiajun's answer.

The two made an "OK" gesture at the same time, indicating that Ye Feng and Ye Feng's first answer was correct, and at the same time put a "√" mark under the answer.

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