Fox of France

Chapter 207 , Lightning Lightning

Just when Napoleon launched an attack on the Prussian army, Joseph, who had returned to Paris, went to the Ministry of War first, and returned the post of commander of the Army of the North to Carnot. And had a long talk with Kano, then left Paris, took a carriage and rushed to the south.

When the news came that Joseph was shot and injured, a group of researchers headed by Lavoisier left Paris and rushed to the south. This incident was once used to fuel the false news that Joseph was injured. Many people believed that this was a sign that Paris was about to fall and the "military-industrial complex" moved first.

Although at the time "Science und Pravda" pretended to be trying to refute the rumors, saying that the transfer of these people was a normal "need for work", but almost no one believed it at the time. Even the reporters and editors of "Scientific Pravda" did not believe it. Even in the editorial department of "Scientific Pravda", a large number of reporters and editors asked for leave.

But at a time when everyone, even within Scientology Pravda itself, thought they were lying, the reports in Scientology Pravda were actually telling the truth—and those technicians, including Lavoisier, went to In the south of France, it is really a normal "work need".

Many years later, the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas quoted a confidante of Lucien Bonaparte, the imperial inspector, in one of his novels: Once, she was with Lucien, and Lucien When some of my other girlfriends were drinking together, I once mentioned such a question: "Tell me, what are the best liars in this world like?"

Then those Yingying and Yanyan naturally laughed together, and then described "the biggest liar in the world who never said a word of truth" according to Lucien's model.

Finally, Lucien laughed and replied: "You women, how do you know what a real and clever liar looks like? What you are talking about is just a small liar, not a big liar. A real big liar is not a liar at all. No need to tell lies. He only tells the truth, but when he needs you to believe, you will believe; if he doesn't need you to believe, he will immediately become a Cassandra ( Princess Troy, the priestess of the god Apollo. Because she rejected the courtship of the god Apollo, she was cursed by Apollo: she has the ability to predict the future, but no one will ever believe her prophecy when she speaks out.). Even the more he emphasizes that this is true, the more you will believe that he is a fake. And when the truth is revealed, you will still feel that he is really honest and reliable."

So everyone laughed at Lucien together, saying that he made up nonsense. Only young Miss Margaret said something like this: "My God, isn't that about Scientology Pravda?"

"Always tell the truth, and cleverly use the truth to deceive people." It is said to be one of the most important principles of "Scientific Pravda".

Lavoisier and the others went to the south because a major project that was supposed to be stared at by Joseph is now at the most critical time. This project is the Pauline Hydropower Station, one of the core parts of the "Zeus Plan".

The Polina Hydropower Station is a hydropower station built on a tributary of the Rhone River. This is an unknown tributary that originates on the west side of the Alps on the border between France and Italy, flows westward into the Rhone River, and then flows into the Mediterranean Sea. This small river—more precisely, a small stream—has a limited flow, a large drop, and most of the areas it flows through are forests and valleys. It is neither navigable nor irrigated, so the locals don’t even bother to give her a name.

But this creek is very suitable for Joseph's needs, with a large drop and not far from the road. So he chose this place as the location of the first hydropower station. A year earlier, engineers and workers had closed the creek in a valley. A barrage was built to block a small artificial lake with beautiful scenery in the valley. At that time, Joseph took his family to visit here, and named his artificial lake after his sister Paulina.

Now, after a year of construction, the world's first hydroelectric generating unit has finally been assembled. And a matching gun factory was also built in a small flat basin not far away. Now it's time for trial production of power generation. So now it's up to Joseph to rush to preside over this landmark feat.

In fact, before Joseph rushed there, Lavoisier, who presided over the work here, had already carried out dozens of "trial runs", and during this process, he solved several unexpected technical loopholes. Even, the supporting gun factories have already produced a lot of "trial products". After all, according to the original plan, the power station should have started generating electricity long ago, but Joseph has been stuck in Verdun. You can't let the whole experiment process stop and wait for him alone, can you? You know, doing this is a waste of money!

However, presiding over the commissioning of the world's first power station for power generation is a feat that opened up an era and is destined to be recorded in history. Call the official power generation!

Therefore, after more than half a month of power generation for the first time and ten days of continuous power generation, the "Polina Hydropower Station" finally ushered in the day of "official power generation".

One day before the official power generation ceremony, the "Bolina Hydropower Station" ended its last long "trial power generation", and then spent a whole day carefully overhauling it from head to toe, repairing all damaged , or maybe replace the damaged wearing parts with new ones, and then wait for Joseph to arrive.

Since this hydropower station is called "Polina Hydropower Station", the Saintess of Toulon must naturally participate. And since Polina can come out to play, then the other younger siblings will naturally come out to play, so many younger siblings, big and small, are here, so the mother will naturally come too. So the Bonaparte family, except Napoleon who was still fighting, and Lucien who was still in Paris, all came here.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the "official commissioning and power generation ceremony" officially began. On the rostrum that had been set up, Joseph first delivered a speech. He first thanked the workers of the "Military-Industrial Complex" for their hard work, then spoke highly of the great significance of this work, and then...

Finally, it was half past eleven, and Joseph's speech ended on time as planned. According to the plan, Paulina will close the switch, and then the whole generator set will start running, and then everyone can eat.

Polina pushed the electric switch up, and then the electric water pump next to it didn't work.

This is normal, because the switch that Polina pushed was just a symbol, and even for safety reasons, the switch was not connected to any line at all, and the wires at both ends of the switch were actually grounded. That is to say, no matter whether the switch that Polina pushes is closed or not, there will not be any current on it.

However, it is unreasonable for the electric water pump to not move. Because the power plant was actually running before Polina closed that fake switch, and when Polina closed that switch, someone else should have pushed a real switch, and the electric water pump would have turned on stand up.

But maybe it was because Joseph's speech was too lengthy, and the sunny day made it a good time to doze off, so the staff member who was in charge of pushing the real switch actually sat there and fell asleep.

Polina knew that if she pushed the electric switch up, the water pumps on both sides would spray water, and a water gate would be sprayed on both sides of the rostrum. However, after the switch was pushed up, there was no response at all. Polina didn't know that what she pushed was just a fake switch, and Joseph felt that he didn't need to tell her such details.

As a result, Polina was stunned here, and it took her a while to react, and she hesitated to open the switch again, wanting to do it all over again. However, just as she opened the electric switch again, the man who was dozing over there just realized it, and quickly pushed the real electric switch up, and then the water sprayed out.

"It turns out that the electric switch has to be pushed up and then pulled out to work. This seems to be different from what Joseph told me." Polina was stunned.

Electric water pumps are of course very useful for irrigation and agriculture, but the greater role of electricity is in industrial production. In the gun factory not far away, the motor-driven drilling rig began to rotate, and the first batch of "official production" 12-pound gun barrels were being drilled here.

In addition to electric drilling, there are other electric equipment such as electric forging hammers. The use of these devices has greatly increased the production efficiency of this gun factory. After full use of electricity, according to calculations, the production capacity of this factory is expected to increase by five to ten times.

This is just the beginning, and the scope of application of electricity is not limited to the military industry. Almost all production of enterprises can benefit from it, whether it is heavy industry or light industry. As Joseph said in his lengthy speech, the realization of Zeus's plan will completely change this era.

On the day when the "Polina Hydropower Station" began to generate electricity officially, Napoleon launched an attack on the Anglo-Prussian allied forces in Hanover, and defeated the Anglo-Prussian allied forces again at the cost of 2,000 casualties. Marshal von Mollendorf, the commander of the coalition forces, was killed on the spot by the shrapnel fired by a cannon during the battle. The 100,000 British-Prussian coalition forces were defeated, causing countless casualties. The French army successfully occupied Hanover.

After a brief stop in Hanover, Napoleon continued his march and reached Berlin ten days later. At this time, because Prussia had no troops to mobilize at all, King Frederick William III left envoys to continue to seek peace with Napoleon, while retreating in the direction of Bolumbert.

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