Fox of France

Chapter 262 , Investigation

Neither the king nor the cabinet is at ease if the Ministry of the Navy is only allowed to examine and correct itself. After all, the Admiralty is not specialized in this, and judging from the infiltration of the Admiralty, expecting them to find out by themselves is worse than expecting Napoleon to suddenly get stomach cancer.

The reason why the British felt that the Admiralty had been infiltrated very seriously was because it was so difficult for the spy to steal these technical materials.

First of all, although the mine technology is too simple to be worth mentioning in Joseph's view, there is no problem at all with blueprints produced in one day and samples produced in a month. But in the eyes of other people in that era, it was really a high-tech thing. There are a lot of blueprints and documents related to this thing. It is not so easy for spies to steal all these things.

In this era, there are no spy cameras and microfilm, so stealing information is definitely not about opening the file bag, pulling out the information, and clicking. The spy either took out the paper and pen and copied a copy next to it (this era, even the typewriter hadn’t been invented yet.) or had to rely on an amazing memory to memorize all these things, and then go back, Recite it by memory. However, even if this spy has the ability of photographic memory, it will take a lot of time to read these contents.

Such a thing cannot be done by one person, it must be the result of a group of people working together. so……

"Minister William is really too optimistic. He actually said that 'there is a French spy in the Admiralty'. Judging from the circumstances of this case, how could there be only one spy in the Admiralty? Prime Minister, if you tell me that If there is no problem, then I'm sure there must be a bunch of spies in there!" Deputy Commissioner Isengard Stanton of the London Metropolitan Police stood up and said to Prime Minister Addington who was sitting in front of him.

Prime Minister Addington nodded and said: "Mr. Stanton, please sit down. You know, the seriousness of this case. His Majesty the King has already known about this matter. His Majesty is very angry and the consequences are serious. We must now put that One or all of the spies are dug out. Besides, we, I, and many cabinet ministers, we all think that the police department is not really suitable for dealing with spies and military secrets. We The country needs a dedicated agency to deal with these kinds of things."

Deputy Director Stanton's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

"This institution, hung under the Army's brand name, is called the Sixth Investigation Section to deceive people. But it is directly responsible to the House of Representatives and the Prime Minister, and it has huge power. The power of high officials to conduct undisclosed investigations, as well as very high administrative ranks, salaries and pensions. You know, such an institution needs someone who really understands, not the gang who know nothing but bureaucratic talk Yes, people who don't understand anything will take up the position of... to take up the position of executive management, yes, just the position of executive management, and the main position will be taken by someone related to the royal family, but he will not be in charge of specific things. You See what I mean? If you do well on this survey, I personally, and some of my friends, would be inclined to fill this position with you. Do you see what I mean?"

Deputy Director Stanton certainly understood what this meant. The power of this new agency is so important, and the power is so great, of course, it is not the job of an old detective like him who was promoted entirely by his personal ability and who was born in a commoner. In fact, being able to become a deputy in such an organization is already a blessing in heaven. What's more, he is still the deputy of "Executive Management". Above him, there is only one full-time job who actually only takes money and doesn't care about other things. It's really...

Of course, Stanton understood that this was not the most important thing the prime minister had to say. The most important thing the Prime Minister said was that "I personally, and some of my friends, would prefer that you fill this position", not that "the motherland" or any other similar words need "your services".

The most superficial meaning of this sentence seems to be that he has other competitors, so he must work harder on this matter; but this sentence actually has a deeper meaning, that is: "You have to stand on our side. Here."

Although the Admiralty leak scandal did not appear in any newspapers—in order to protect their spies, the French naturally would not take the initiative to mention this matter (in fact, the French never thought that there would be espionage cases and leak scandals in it), As for several newspapers in the UK, the tabloids have no way to get such news at all, and the newspapers with background also understand that it seems that it is not the time to expose this matter. Everyone just waited with their eyes wide open.

But this kind of thing, complete secrecy is almost impossible. Especially in the era when the confidentiality system of this system has not yet been formed. This is even more true for those big names with status. Whether it is the Tory Party or the Whig Party, the big men basically know about it.

Everyone knows the seriousness of this matter, but they also know that this is a rare and good opportunity to attack their opponents. It only needs to use some technical means to implicate some annoying guys in the investigation, and he can be defeated in the political arena.

Everyone hoped to seize this opportunity to involve some nasty guys who didn't deal with them; everyone also raised their vigilance to avoid being shamelessly slandered and framed by some insidious and bad things.

Prime Minister Addington took advantage of the opportunity of being Prime Minister to establish such an institution. The main purpose of course is to cut off the black hands of French spies extending to Britain's state secrets; It is also a good thing to clean up the scum of the slag.

Therefore, Deputy Minister Stanton understands that the "excellent performance" mentioned by Mr. Prime Minister does not only mean that he can quickly catch "spy" - this is just a basic requirement, which is far from "excellent". And to achieve "excellent" achievements, he must be able to smoothly involve some people who the prime minister needs to be able to involve.

Doing such a thing is of course very risky. Those people are not harmless little white rabbits, they have their own strength, and they will not sit still. If the prime minister is unlucky in the struggle, then he will be unlucky too.

But as the saying goes, "wealth and wealth are sought in danger", give it a go, and the two-wheeled carriage will become four-wheeled. It's worth the risk.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I understand. I am willing to serve you. Once there is any progress, I will report to you immediately." Deputy Director Stanton, who had just sat down, immediately stood up again.

"what do you need?"

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I need your authorization to immediately take away all the personnel of the 'Mine Research Team' and related service personnel to assist in the investigation. I also need a slightly remote place for the investigation of relevant personnel. Thorough investigation..."

Stanton's various requirements were basically met, so he told the Prime Minister that without further delay, he must act immediately to avoid being preempted by others.

"Very well, since this is the case, I won't keep you. If you need anything else, you can ask my secretary Hilbert. If you need any help, you can tell him. If even he can't make up his mind , and you think it is very important, then twenty-four hours a day, any time, you can come to me. Now, go to work. "

"Yes, Prime Minister!" Deputy Director Stanton saluted Prime Minister Addington, then turned and left.

According to Deputy Director Stanton, this case is actually not difficult to solve. First of all, the number of people who have access to relevant information is quite limited. This greatly narrowed the scope of the investigation, and then investigated their actions one by one during this period to see if they had independent time to commit crimes and who they usually had contact with. If the work is done meticulously, there is no need to worry about not being able to find out the problem.

As for achieving the "excellent" achievement, it depends on the skill of the interrogation. Although the targets he has to deal with this time are all decent people with status, some methods may not be easy to use. However, Deputy Director Stanton felt that as long as the language was skillful when asking questions, the prisoner could say what he needed to say. Of course, if you really meet a guy who is ignorant and unwilling to be "decent", Stanton is not without a way to make him "decent" and feel the pain without leaving a trace.

Minister Stanton left the prime minister's office, and the prime minister's secretary Hilbert greeted him.

"Mr. Hilbert, we need to act now. Can you come with me?" Stanton said.

"Okay," said Hilbert, "where are we going now?"

"Let's hurry up and control all the personnel related to the 'Mine Research Team'." Stanton said, "Don't let others take the lead."

Facts have proved that Stanton's decision is very timely. Just before they got under control of all the personnel of the "Mine Research Team", they sealed up all the relevant materials, loaded them into a carriage, and took them to a manor outside London that the Prime Minister had just set aside for the new agency. Hours later, another team also came to the "Mine Research Team", but they were in vain.

This team is the "people" that Stanton was worried about might take the lead. They are the same newly established Royal Anti-Intelligence Investigation Team directly under the King and the House of Lords.

"Unfortunately, I came a step late." The police officer who led the team said.

"Sir, what do we do now?" asked one of the detectives.

"Go and look for them, see if you can find them, and see where they have taken them." The police officer leading the team said, "Others immediately control their families. Be quick, we must not Get behind them again!"

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