Fox of France

Chapter 508, Gunner

The three of them discussed it carefully together, and everyone felt that assassination is indeed a very interesting method with a very good prognosis. Of course, for the two goals proposed by Minister Lucien, the other two people felt that the first goal should be easy to achieve. The espionage and counterintelligence of the United States in this era is almost completely blank.

American counterintelligence—if there is one—is all in the hands of local police. How can the police manage counterintelligence work? (Fouche: What are you talking about? However, as long as American policemen can quickly draw their guns, their brains will be a circle smaller than a walnut. Even, as long as they have a cerebellum, that’s enough.) The local policemen in the United States simply don’t have such abilities .

On the other hand, the Ministry of Truth can completely instigate some real southern idiots to do this kind of thing without any trace, and put the hat on those southern idiots without any technical difficulty. But the second goal is to put the hat on the head of the Ministry of Public Security from Napoleon. This is very difficult, but it is worth studying carefully.

"Why don't we take all the files of similar operations carried out by the Ministry of Public Security over the years and study them to see what are the characteristics of their execution methods, and then we can imitate their skills." Victor said.

"It's unnecessary." Villefort shook his head and replied, "We have been studying and learning about their characteristics of action, and we have been digesting and absorbing their successful experiences. Of course, they have also been learning from us. , so, after so many years, there is no difference between our style and theirs in this type of operation. So, Victor, we can't pour dirty water on their heads in terms of the style of crime. "

"So how about using a new technique that no one has used before?" Victor asked again.

"Well, if there is any difference between our style of doing things like this and theirs, it's not completely indifferent. The main and most obvious difference is that if something new in this kind of thing comes up As for the technical means, 80% of them were done by us. Because our relationship with the Academy of Sciences is much closer than theirs." Villefort replied.

"That is to say, if the guys from the Ministry of Public Security want to frame us, it is easier than us to frame them?" Lucien asked.

"Theoretically, yes," replied Villefort, "but technically, they rarely surpass us."

"And once there is such a place, Fouche is more willing to show it to Napoleon, so that he can see that although his Ministry of Public Security research has limited funds, it is quite efficient." Villefort replied, " At least he used to be like this. Because the problem between us and them, in the final analysis, is still a budget problem. Besides, there is no real conclusive evidence for such a thing anyway, so under such circumstances, It is not a wise choice to go to an elder brother and frame his younger brother like this."

Lucien didn't make a sound. Of course, what Villefort said was reasonable. Fouché would not do such a thing, but this fact made him even more depressed. The resources in his hands far exceed Fouche, Napoleon is his elder brother, but he still cannot suppress Fouche, and even in many cases, his elder brother, whether it is Napoleon or Joseph, believes in Fouche's news and judgment more.

But even if you are not sure to achieve the second goal, it is always good to work hard. So, that plan was passed quickly.

By this time the war on the North American continent was over. The soldiers all returned to their hometowns, but after some returned to their hometowns, they found that life seemed to be wrong. For example, at this time, in a bar, the unlucky guy is drinking and complaining together.

"Hahahaha, you were kicked out because of this?" The tall Martin laughed until tears came out.

"Laugh, what's so funny? I don't believe it. When you said it was fragrant, suddenly someone, it was dark again at night, and suddenly a pair of hands touched your neck. What do you think you would be?" Reaction?" James, who was shorter, replied angrily.

"So you didn't even look at it, and just gave your wife a combination punch?"

"Hey!" James sighed, raised his glass, and took a sip of beer, "What about you? Don't laugh, what happened to you at home?"

"Ah, me? I'm fine, just when I was making out with my wife at night, I accidentally and habitually grabbed her hair, slapped her twice, and then..."

"Then you were kicked out? Hahaha..."

"No, it's just that my wife looks at me in the wrong way, full of fear. You know, sometimes when I open my mouth to say a word to her, she will tremble with fright, as if I am a beast. Not only her Seeing me like this, even, even when I was with the child, she looked at me with fear in her eyes.

Then I couldn't take it anymore and asked her what was going on. At first she refused to tell, but later, I must force her to tell, and she told the truth.

You know, those Yankees, they said in the newspapers that we are in Canada, like wild beasts, killing, raping, and doing all kinds of evil. They even say that we may have become addicted to crime and never become normal people again.

And then that night, I... damn it, I've been through wars, how many times I've narrowly escaped death. I thought with all my heart that when I came back, I would be regarded as a hero by everyone, but what happened? If I'm not careful, even my wife looks at me like she's looking at a criminal..."

"It's all about the Yankees!" James said. "They dragged us down in the war. They said things like that after the war. Well, I read the papers, and there was a man named Fafnir, and a Greed's bastard is still attacking us crazily, saying that we, like the British, are naturally good people."

To be honest, these words wronged Fafnir and Greed a bit. In fact, neither said anything about Southerners being inherently bad. They just mean that all human beings are originally from God and have a noble nature, and the southerners are no exception. But just like the human ancestors Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil and became tainted with sin, Americans, especially some people in the southern United States, were tainted with too much British culture and were too much influenced by the British. bad influence. Coupled with the influence of the battlefield environment, the influence of these evil cultures is revealed, making people who could have been good husbands and fathers become devils on the battlefield. They are victims on the one hand and perpetrators on the other. Their mental damage may not be cured for a lifetime, and they may no longer be able to live like normal people for a lifetime.

This, to be honest, is not completely unreasonable. In fact, if you want to be deceptive, you must not be completely unreasonable when you speak. From this point of view, Comrade Chuan Jianguo really destroyed Beacon Country's propaganda (deception) efforts for many years by himself, and he is worthy of the banner in his heart.

But those guys in the south will not do reading comprehension as seriously as a small-town tester. Therefore, the words of Fafnir and Grede were simply interpreted by them as saying that southerners, like British people, are not inherently good people.

"Those two bloody Yankees," Martin cursed, putting down his glass.

"I heard that the club is open again, why don't we go to relax." James said.

"Well, there's nowhere else to go."

The club the two of them were referring to was a nearby shooting club. Before the war broke out, a group of young people often practiced guns together and exchanged hunting skills from hunting turkeys to Indian scalps. After the war started, the members of the club, except for a few who were too old, basically joined the war. Clubs naturally stopped, and now, at least in North America, the war is over. It is normal for the club to reopen.

The two gave the money, got up and left the bar, got on the horse, and headed towards the shooting club.

The club was set up on the edge of the forest outside the small town for the convenience of opening a fight. The two rode horses through the small town, and after walking for a while, they heard crackling gunshots in the distance.

"Looks like it's really open."

Thinking this way, the two urged the horses to trot, and after a while, the "Yorkson Shooting Club" appeared in front of their eyes.

The club has a two-story house with a bar upstairs and a warehouse downstairs. When the two of them got to the gate of the club and got off their horses, a black slave who worked here came over and took the horses away.

The two of them were very familiar with this place, so they went directly to the shooting range.

The shooting range is an open space under the small building. About one hundred meters further forward is a mound of more than thirty meters high. Putting the shooting range here, facing the mound, can effectively prevent the bullets from flying to other places. Before the war started, young people in the town often gathered here. While drinking in the bar on the second floor, everyone looked down at the guys shooting targets below, and sometimes bet on the outcome of the guys in the game below.

But there are far fewer people today than before the war. After all, fighting is not hunting, and the British are not Indians, so they are not so easy to bully. So there were a lot fewer young people frolicking here. However, the gunfire on the shooting range was still very dense.

The two of them bypassed the small building and came to the shooting range.

They immediately found that there were not many people on the shooting range, and almost all the people who had returned from the battlefield alive were here. It's just that no one is betting there with beer, and the target seems to be different from the normal one. Instead of the normal chest target with circles of rings, it has been replaced by two uglified portraits. .

At this time, a gunman had just finished firing his bullets and put away his rifle. He happened to see them coming, so he greeted them, "Martin, James, are you here too?"

"Come here and see if you can meet some old friends," James said. "Who's on the target?"

"Who else could it be? Those two damn Yankees!" replied the other man who was taking aim without looking up.

"What's the use of you doing this? Do you believe in Indian witchcraft? Do you really think that you can kill those two guys by hanging a painting there?" Martin suddenly said such a sentence.

As soon as these words came out, several target shooters stopped. The surroundings became quiet for a while, only the wind blowing the portraits pasted on the targets made rustling noises.

After a while, someone said unwillingly: "What can we do? Those two guys are both Americans and they all have freedom of speech. After all, they are not Indians who are not protected by the law."

Hearing these weak words, Martin laughed out loud.

"Do you know? When North America was still a British colony, the Boston Tea Party and Lexington's rebellion were also against the law. If everything is really in accordance with the law, does the United States still exist?"

"Martin, the laws at that time were evil laws made by the British, but now our laws are made by us Americans ourselves. We cannot violate the laws made by ourselves."

"Who says we violated our own laws? Our laws do not allow this kind of blatant treason. If it were true, these two guys would have been arrested and sentenced. It's just that the Yankees It’s just that the court around here refuses to defend the country!” Before Martin could answer, another person interjected.

Then everyone joined in, arguing whether these two guys had constituted treason. But like most arguments. In the debate, everyone does not really want to get a correct judgment, but to ask for something that conforms to their own emotional identity. So most people feel that these two guys should have been shot for treason long ago. Some people even said even more extreme: "Isn't lynching a fine tradition of our great America? How can there be so much shit about abiding by the law. Don't be cowardly, just do it! Besides, go to the north and kill these two guys with one shot , and then come back to Georgia, isn’t it all right? Can those Yankees go to Georgia to arrest people?”

Indeed, in this era, there is really no such thing as arresting people across states. The United States does not have a national police system in this era, and the police are all states. There's no way the police in Massachusetts would come to Georgia and arrest people. Of course, in theory, the police in Massachusetts can request the Massachusetts court to issue an arrest warrant on the premise that the suspect is locked, and then let Massachusetts transfer the arrest warrant to Georgia , so that the police in Georgia could cooperate with them. However, Georgia does not have the obligation to cooperate, especially if the governor cooperates with this request, it will definitely offend voters, so this request for assistance in investigations will be thrown directly into the wastebasket most of the time of.

"However, it will cost a lot of money to travel to the north. If I hadn't no money, I would have shot them to death." Martin finally said.

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